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Bad for Business

Page 10

by Ace Gray

  I twisted so I could study his face. I tried not to think of his chiseled jaw, kissing down to his collar, or unbuttoning his gray suit, but I couldn’t help myself. He swept over every inch of my face in return. He had to see my cheeks flush. I had to push away. Now.

  My body missed him instantly but I forced myself back to the chair I’d sat in earlier. He watched me closely before he righted his chair and returned to the contract and financials. We sat in silence again until he called Julien.

  “See if you can get Thomas from legal up here now.” Nick was brisk, but I recognized excitement in his voice. “Are these accurate financials?” He returned his attention to me.

  “Of course.” A deep scowl furrowed my brow. “Are you insinuating that I would bring illegitimate or incorrect information in here? Or perhaps that I can’t project properly?” All it took was one sentence from Nick for my temper to well in my chest and fire to grow thick in my voice.

  “That’s not what I meant, Kate, and you know it.” One of his eyebrows shot up as he looked over the top of my printouts. “As it turns out, Ally didn’t have complete access to your financials. I can’t believe how healthy Vesper actually is.”

  He had the audacity to smirk. My ears went red and my teeth clenched down on the inside of my cheek. I took a deep breath, ready to shout, when he started laughing.

  “My offer would have been a joke.”

  He’s laughing at himself?

  I swallowed the swear words lodged in my throat. I probably looked like I was choking on something sour.

  “I’m incredibly impressed.” His lips curled up into a wicked smile. “It makes me hard.”

  Both fuck you and yes, please came to mind. Mercifully, the knock on the door was perfectly timed and cut any answer short. Nick barked and Julien entered with a gentleman in tow.

  “Thomas, thank you for coming up. Julien, please pour a scotch two fingers with a single rock for Ms. Elliott, a manhattan for myself, and whatever Thomas would like. Thomas, please start reviewing these contracts. We’ll discuss as soon as you can read through.”

  Thomas sat down and overwhelming gratitude swept over me at having someone else in the room. It was significantly easier to stay professional when there were distractions. I was handed my drink first and swirled the amber liquid in my glass as Thomas reviewed the papers I’d brought. I could feel Bryant watching me. I shifted under his gaze, feeling both familiar heat course through my veins and the overwhelming desire to reach across the desk and slap him.

  Despite my inner turmoil, I sat silent, chewing the inside of my cheek between slugs of scotch. Every time Bryant’s eyes fell on me, I had to sip or shift. After one particularly heated look, and an even deeper pull of scotch, I rose to look out the windows on the far side of the office.

  My gaze fell over to the bar where I’d sat when the entire plan for Nick’s purchase of Vesper unraveled. Now I was willingly handing over a small portion of my company, albeit heavily contracted. Laura would laugh. And roll her eyes.

  Typical Kate.

  I tried not to notice when Nick rose from his chair to follow me.

  “Is everything okay?” He kept his voice low as he came up to me but I flinched anyway. He reached his hand toward the small of my back but I sidestepped to avoid his touch.

  “Everything’s fine, Bryant.” I forced a smile.

  “You don’t have to do this.” His redundancy was trying my already shaky patience.

  “I know damn well I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.”


  “Not now.” I shot him a look. “This is business. Pure and simple.”

  “And it looks to be very good business, Mr. Bryant,” Thomas piped in. “This is hands down one of the most handsome acquisitions I’ve seen come across your desk. I’d suggest outlining a bit more of the partnership details as they pertain to you. Perhaps detailing things you’re willing to share with Vesper, the benchmarks they’re expected to hit, and you’ll need to decide how the partnership will affect your new fitness acquisition. Other than that you should be good to go legally.”

  “Vesper will have access to everything considered proprietary. Ms. Elliott laid out perfectly reasonable benchmarks in her projections, and if she’ll agree, we will figure Vesper’s purchase of Nectar Clothing into the percentage pricing.” Nick kept his eyes fixed on me as he listed his terms to Thomas.

  “As your legal counsel, sir, I suggest maintaining some ownership of Nectar.”

  Bryant turned and gave Thomas an icy glare. Thomas swallowed hard when Nick’s gaze fell on him. “I can easily make those revisions,” he stammered.

  “Do it,” Nick barked as his eyes lit up. His intense look swept back toward me. I made a point to focus on Thomas.

  “Of course, sir.” Thomas grabbed the contracts and shuffled toward the door. “Shall I come right back with a letter of intent?”

  Bryant and I answered simultaneously. Him with a, “No,” me with a, “Yes.”

  Thomas looked between us. Nick’s gaze hadn’t moved from my face. There was a hint of blue swirling in his eyes. That blue said he’d lock the door behind Thomas and pin my naked ass to the desk if he had his way. My body said yes—no, screamed yes—but my mind was hung up on this morning. I deserved an explanation and a real apology. A good sexing in his office was not the type of apology I had in mind.

  “Fine,” Nick growled as he turned back toward his desk. Thomas scampered out, pulling the door closed behind him.

  “Are you punishing me?” Nick stood behind his desk with a cocktail in hand, the picture of power and sex.

  “No. I thought I was selling you a portion of a company that you’ve wanted for some time.” I kept my tone even.

  “You barely look at me, you won’t let me touch you, and you came in here without so much as a word.”

  “I’m not overly fond of you on a personal level right now. Regardless of those feelings, I want you as a partner in Vesper.”

  He looked as if he was going to interrupt me, but I held my hand up to stop him. “I built Vesper with my own two hands and it has occupied my every thought for the past nine years. I refuse to tangle up the most important decision I will ever make in regards to my company with emotion.”

  We stared intently at each other. I was daring him to speak. His eyes kept shifting from me to the floor as if he was trying to find words. I rolled my eyes and turned away again, moving further away to wait for Thomas. Distance was good. Our familiar crackle was filling the room and it was getting harder to focus on anything but the way it sent shivers up my spine.

  Thomas knocked shortly after with a formal letter of intent. I found it totally generic but perfect considering the circumstances. It had a small non-disclosure agreement; an outline of the contract basics and terms we’d both be held to during final negotiations. I signed quickly then waited as Bryant eyed me rather than his hand while his signature rolled onto paper next to mine. The second he lifted his pen I snatched my copy and my annotated documents hoping to dart out of the room.

  “Thank you, Thomas. We both look forward to your revisions.” Bryant was blatantly dismissing him.

  The lawyer paused in front of me long enough to make me stutter step. Bryant shot out from behind the desk and grabbed my arm, keeping me back as Thomas left, letting the door latch behind him. Nick’s fingers dug further in as the air went thick enough to suffocate me.

  Apparently, we hadn’t even begun the real dance.

  “Business concluded to your satisfaction?” Nick purred in my ear.

  The thickness of the air doubled and it took everything I had to speak.

  “Think that should do it for today.” I tried to yank my arm away from him.

  “Why are you pissed at me?” He leaned in so he was fully pressed against me. He’d said he was hard and now his erection pressed
against my ass.

  “You really don’t know?”

  “I couldn’t stay last night and I’m sorry. You think it means I didn’t want to?”

  “Since I’ve known you, you’ve always been able to clear your schedule. Then, when I need you, you’ve got nothing for me. I believe your exact words were, ‘Jaime will take care of anything you need.’ ”

  His hand dropped from my side when he caught the venom in my voice. I lunged for the door. I had the handle before his hands gripped my arms again.

  “I’m sorry, and I’m here now,” he murmured against my ear. “I didn’t know you needed me so badly.”

  “I begged on the phone, Bryant. And I don’t beg.”

  “I know. I’m trying…”

  I wanted to throw my hands up at his tired words. His hold got tighter.

  “Am I just supposed to forgive you because you’re trying? You don’t have to explain where you were at five in the morning because you’re trying? You don’t have to tell me what you’re hiding because you’re trying? Should I just come over tonight and pretend I’m not upset?”

  “I was thinking your place. I was going to call after this meeting.”

  “Why didn’t you call earlier?”

  “It’s been a busy day.”

  “Whatever,” I spat out, struggling against his grip again.

  “I’m going to spank you if you keep this up,” he purred.

  “Not if I don’t let you in.”

  I yanked my hand particularly hard and it flew free of his. I reached for the door handle again and was mid-turn when he grasped my wrist. He yanked it away, kicked the door shut with his toe, and locked it. In one swift movement, he took my bag, dropped it on the ground, and pressed me against the wall. Hard. My chest and cheek were up against the wood paneling and his body lay firmly against my backside. He unceremoniously lifted my dress and started circling my cheek with his palm. I squirmed while he rubbed. And swore like a sailor.

  “Don’t ever threaten to lock me out.”

  “Fuck you,” I growled. “Let me go.”

  He let his hand fly and it snapped, thwack, across my ass. It had me biting my lip to keep from screaming out. I could have kept fighting. Hell, I could have said no and he would have listened, but my body reveled in the singe of his swat.

  “I’ve been dying to see you and I’m so turned on by this afternoon I can barely take it.”

  He spanked me again, his breath growing heavy. He circled briefly before he landed two more swats. They were hard, stinging slaps. I couldn’t hold it in anymore and cried out. He continued to spank me up against the wall as I writhed and moaned repeatedly against the dark woodgrain.

  I lost count, and even though I didn’t want to, I came harshly for him. I was humiliated but utterly satisfied. He didn’t even let me finish trembling before he turned and kissed me equally as harsh. My sore, naked backside crashed into the wood paneling with the rest of my body, and I yelped as his teeth pulled at my lips. He kissed every inch over and over until my lips were raw and swollen.

  Finally, he pulled away from me, leaving me gasping and whimpering. My fingers flexed on the wood behind me, searching for purchase. I arched away trying to stand on my wobbly legs. I stumbled and grazed my ass against the wall. My second yelp in as many minutes was answered with his soft chuckle. Heat rushed between my thighs all over again.


  He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his forehead down to mine. I wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for days, nor would I be satisfied until I had him. I wiggled my dress down, still warring between furious and replete. My palms went to his chest and instinctively pushed. Nick didn’t budge. We stood for a few minutes before he broke the silence.

  “I can’t believe this afternoon,” he whispered. “The only thing that could make it better is if I were buried deep inside you.” He stroked my arms through the sheer fabric of my dress. “But I have something planned for this evening.”

  “I don’t really care.” My voice clung to some of my irritation from earlier.

  “Sweets, I’d already planned to make amends. And now I’d like to celebrate. I had an exceptional day at the office.” He smiled.

  “Seems you owe Victor a thank you.”

  I didn’t think before the words flew out of my mouth. A menacing sound ripped through Nick’s chest, but my irritation kept me from trying to calm him. Instead, I rolled my eyes and pushed away from his vibrating body, gingerly moving to the couch. I winced when I sat down.

  After a few moments, and a heavy silence, a scotch came over the back of the couch and tapped against my shoulder. I took the glass, then a sip.

  I guess I’m staying.

  “I have half a mind to choke the fucking life out of Victor.” Nick’s quiet, icy voice was always more terrifying than his reverberating boom. “I fucking hate him. To threaten you, threaten your life…” I jumped when he punched the cushion nearby. “I can’t believe you’re making this decision based on that psychopath.”

  “If you’re quite finished.” I arched my eyebrow while he steamed. “Today’s events were merely a catalyst to think outside the box. With this partnership I get everything I want.” I cocked my head when I emphasized the word. “Had I the ear of another mega-mogul, I would’ve played the two of you against each other. As it is, this is business 101. A classic white knight defense.”

  His eyes went wide at my words, filled with hunger. They always flashed when I talked business.

  “Now that this is settled, can we go? My ass hurts and if I’m not careful, you’ll add my head.” I slugged back the last of the amber liquid.

  I winced when I stood, then again when I bent to set the glass on the table. My bag was easy to reach; I scooped it up without even breaking stride toward the office door. This time Nick let me go, and even followed behind.

  When I slid across the leather backseat of an idling Bentley, I sucked in a breath loud enough that Terrence and Jaime turned. Bryant chuckled then gave Terrence an address I didn’t recognize.

  We pulled up to a private club I knew by reputation only. The building was elegant, classic New York. Built around the time of the Vanderbilt mansions on Fifth Avenue, the rules for entry into the club had changed as little as the facade. Somehow it didn’t surprise me that Nick could circumvent the cardinal one: no women.

  The lobby epitomized old money with dark woods, rich leathers, and simple, elegant Tiffany glass. The smell of cigars and cognac wafted down the grand staircase. Large portraits were spaced evenly down the walls of the marble clad hallway. They were all along the open upstairs walkway, too. One of the paintings had a startling resemblance to Nick, only with salt and pepper hair and a slightly less toned physique.

  The portrait had to be of his father and it made me pause. So many questions sprang to mind about all the topics we usually stayed far from. They were gaining a life of their own, yearning and desperate to get out when the frantic tones of a valet brought me back to the present. The way he tripped over his tongue and over his feet at the sight of my skirt was almost comical. He planted himself right smack in front of me, desperately offering to retrieve any club member or any item, as long as I didn’t proceed further. Nick didn’t even break stride; he just wrapped his arm around me and effortlessly pulled me around the valet and toward the stairs.

  Bryant’s fingers flexed into the small of my back as he led me up the grand staircase and into a large, library-like side room. I almost lost my footing when I took in the men sitting beneath the smoke cloud in the plush leather lounge. It was a who’s who of the New York elite, most of them powerful enough to intimidate even me.

  I tried to nonchalantly tug at the hemline of my dress, feeling my legs appeared far too long and my skirt far too short for current company. Bryant’s hand slipped lower, conveniently returning to the raw spot he’d put across m
y backside. He stilled my fidgeting but I thought long and hard about smacking him for how bad it stung.

  “Victor.” Bryant’s livid growl boomed over everyone, silencing my thoughts along with every conversation in the room. Victor visibly jumped.

  Nick left my side and stalked over to tower above the weasel and his acquaintances. I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at them. Instead, I took in the faces around us. Some were sparked with interest while others were colored with distaste, but every single one had turned in our direction. I was acutely aware of the slow smolder of cigar butts and the clinking of ice cubes in the room.

  “It seems you and I have something to discuss.” Nick shared no such awareness.

  In a movement almost too quick to see, he lunged over the side of Victor’s chair. I wasn’t the only one that flinched. Nick’s larger, taller frame was bent over Victor’s, their faces maybe an inch apart.

  “I don’t take kindly to you threatening my business partner.” The emphasis he put on the word made my skin goose bump. Victor’s mouth fell open and slight murmurs filtered through the room when Bryant said partner. “You’re a fucking filthy slime ball. You pick up scraps from everyone in this room, relying on intimidation to get what you want instead of any original thought or skill.”

  “No one else seems to agree, Bryant.”

  Victor puffed on his cigar, trying to keep the edge of trepidation out of his voice. He squirmed as his eyes darted around for support. His colleagues had all, conveniently, found somewhere else to look.

  “Look around at how many friends you really have in this room, Victor. Think how many of them will really be willing to stick around if I blackball you.” Victor’s facade dropped; he couldn’t keep the fear from creeping in. Nick stood, giving him room to scramble.

  “You wouldn’t,” Victor stammered. “Besides, I didn’t do anything.” He rose, trying to appear composed, maybe even trying to equal Nick.


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