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Page 5

by Hope Stone

  Nonetheless, she was in danger and I was torn as to how to handle it. On the one hand, I wasn’t our Dad, and I couldn’t exactly lay down the law like he would have. He’d have locked her in her room or something. I honestly didn’t know, but it would have been some parental way of handling it that wasn’t my style.

  I was her brother, and even though I was the one in charge and had basically raised her, we didn’t have that kind of relationship.

  On the other hand, the Las Balas were scary. I wasn’t scared of them, of course. But Lily should be scared, and she wasn’t. That was what scared me. If I pushed her away by being too controlling, it would only draw her in closer to the Las Balas.

  The story about Annie being kidnapped and killed had zero effect. Lily was still playing with fire, and it was just a matter of time before we all got burned. I had to find another way to get through to her—I just didn’t know what it was yet.

  Cracking the top off of a non-alcoholic beer, I went to sit down and watch the show. Part of me wished I could just command her to stop seeing Scorpion. But if there’s one thing true about a teenage girl, they don’t like being told what to do.

  Maybe it was time to take matters into my own hands.

  “Here. Put it in your hand. Like this.” She was facing away from me, and the cascade of blonde hair fell to the middle of her back like one of those smooth water fountains. She was standing so close to me that her ass was pressing up against my thighs, and I was sure she could feel my raging hard on. She had to know the effect she had on me.

  I took her hair in my hands as she suggested and looped the silky strands around my palm. Gently but firmly, I pulled her head back so it was pressing into my chest. Her entire body was pressed against me as I leaned down to smell her.

  “You’re not going to be able to make a ponytail if you have me pulled so close.” She was smiling and looking up at me, still facing forward.

  I wasn’t thinking about putting her hair in a ponytail. All I could think about was getting my cock inside of her. I knew it would be as soft and smooth as her hair.

  I growled in response, and I swear to god the woman pressed her ass into me even more. Dropping her hair, I snaked both hands around her front and grabbed her breasts. Her nipples were thick and pressed through the thin material of the t-shirt she was wearing. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra, and so I slid both hands under her shirt and made my way up to those perfect breasts.

  She leaned her head back into my chest and moaned in pleasure. Her legs spread open a bit and I took the cue. I slid my right hand down her belly, and inside the waistband of her jeans. If she was wearing panties, the fabric was so thin I couldn’t feel it.

  My cock was straining to get out of its confinement as my fingers explored her soft wetness. My index finger found its way to her sensitive clit and I began playing her body like an instrument. She was moaning and pressing into me, and it was just a matter of time before she asked me to do what I’d been waiting all night to do.

  “Can you open this for me? The lid is frozen shut.”

  My eyes flew open and I realized that I wasn’t with Paige. I was on my couch, thankfully covered with a blanket as Lily stood over me holding the ice cream container. The eleven o'clock news was on and I must have fallen asleep.


  As I took the ice cream from her, I was dazed and a little annoyed. If I couldn’t have Paige in real life, at least let me have her in my dreams...



  It had been about a week since my car had been towed and I was laying in bed trying to sleep, but my irritation and anger were growing by the minute.

  I know people like to have friends over on the weekends. I get that you want to have a party now and then. But this was ridiculous. My neighbors treated this apartment complex like it was some kind of nightclub on the weekends. Ubers and Lyfts pulling in and out at all hours of the night. People walking up and down the hall outside my apartment, laughing and talking in full voice—not even attempting to be quiet. Many nights this went on until 3am, and it had been happening every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night since I moved in.

  I’d tried calling the property management company and they never even called back. I called the cops who said they would “send someone out.” No one came. I would go and talk to them myself, but after what everyone had said about this neighborhood, frankly I was a little afraid to confront them.

  So instead, I lay here at 1:00 in the morning listening to some chick puke on the sidewalk below and her friend telling her that she needed food and they should go to Tiny’s. I didn’t have the energy to tell them that Tiny’s was closed. I’d closed it myself when I left work earlier.

  Angrily rolling over, I grabbed my phone to check Facebook or something until I could sleep. Before I got the chance, though, it rang. As soon as I saw the name and face on my caller ID, my heart froze. It was Bailey. Why the hell was she calling me at 1:00 am?

  “Bail? Is everything okay?” My heart was pounding in my ears. What if it were something with Mom or Dad?

  “Paiggggee.” I heard a lot of laughing and loud music. “Can you hear me?”

  Unless Mom or Dad were having a medical emergency at a nightclub, this wasn’t about them. “I can hear you. What’s going on?”

  “Paige?” The music was booming so loud we could barely hear each other.

  “Bailey. Yes. I’m here. Can you hear me?” I felt like that guy on the Verizon commercial.

  “The question is can YOU hear ME. I’m the one who called YOU? Member?”

  Good lord. She was drunk off her ass. “Bailey, where are you?”

  “I’m here. But the thing is, I need to go home, but I can’t go home because, I don’t know if you can tell this or not, but I had a couple of beers or two tonight and Mom would kill me if she knew. She’d say I was turning out just like you.” She then hiccuped and said, “No offense.”

  “Bailey. Where is ‘here’? Where are you?” I figured I should at least get a location in case the call got interrupted or something.

  “Paige?” She was slurring her words. “Can you hear me?”

  “Yes, Paige. I can hear you.” Talking to drunk people is the worst.

  “Not where Mom and Dad think I am, thasss for surreee. Am I right?”

  “Where does Mom think you are?”

  “She thinks I’m in my room.”

  Shit. This was not good. “Are you at a party?”

  “Yeah. Cameron’s parents are out of town and so I snuck out and got a ride from Aiden and Ryan.”

  I had no idea who these people were, but she was right. Mom and Dad would kill her if they knew she snuck out and went to a party with two guys and got drunk.

  “Are they bringing you back home?”

  “Thas the thing. They’re passed out in the pool house. Thas why I called you.”

  On the one hand, I was irritated that she thought I was some kind of Uber or something. I live 25 miles away and it was the middle of the night. On the other hand, she called me instead of letting some drunk friend drive her home. This was what every big sister hopes will happen.

  “You want a ride?”

  “If it’s okay. I mean, if you have a guy there or something…” She giggled as she said it.

  “Very funny.” I rubbed my eyes and yawned. It was going to be a long night. “Text me the address and I’ll be there in about 40 minutes.

  “Thanks Sis.”

  An hour later we were in my car. I’d had to go into some frat house down by Cal State Dominguez Hills and go inside to find her.

  It was like some kind of horrible gauntlet of drunk college boys. “Hey there. What’s your name?”

  “My name is ‘I’ll kick you in the balls if you don’t take that hand off my arm.’”

  “Geez. You don’t have to be like that.”

  The entire place smelled like cheap beer and weed. It reminded me of my college days, honestly. Empty pizza boxes all over
the place. Red Solo cups. The party seemed to be winding down, but there were still probably 25 people hanging around, drunk and laughing and being obnoxious kids.

  Finally, I found Bailey outside on a bench, looking like she was about to hurl. I was a combination of furious and relieved. This was no place for a sixteen-year-old girl. But the lectures could wait until tomorrow.

  We got her things and made it down the hill to my Honda. As I was buckling her up, I noticed that she reeked of alcohol. There was no way Mom and Dad wouldn’t notice. Hopefully the smell would dissipate before morning.

  “Where are we going?” Bailey was in the passenger seat of the car and I was just praying she didn’t puke in the ten minutes it would take to get her back home.

  “Home. Where did you think we were going? Taco Bell?”

  “I can’t go home like this!” Bailey said. “They’ll know I was drinking.”

  “Just sneak back in the way you snuck out.”

  “My room is on the second floor! I can’t climb that tree.” I knew from experience that she was right. It was much easier to sneak out of that house than to sneak back in. The house alarm would activate unless you left your window open a crack when Mom or Dad were setting it so it would bypass your room. Then, if you opened any other window or door, the alarm would sound.

  “So what are we supposed to do, Bailey?” I was annoyed. It was late. I was tired. I just wanted to go home.

  “Mom and Dad have tennis in the morning. Can I sleep at your place and then you bring me back while they’re gone?

  Nothing like an extra fifty-mile trip. “Sure, Bailey. You can sleep on my couch.”

  Remind me never to have kids…

  For a second, I forgot where I was. It was quiet and there were birds chirping and the gentle sound of an airplane flying overhead. The peace and calm reminded me of being home in Verde Hills. Until I heard a siren and remembered that I was in La Playa.

  La Playa. Such a nice-sounding name for a shitty place to live. To be honest, not every place in the town was bad. There were some really nice areas near the university and the country club. But the areas that were bad were SO bad.

  The memory of last night started to come back to me and I remembered that Bailey was here. We needed to get her back before Mom and Dad got back from tennis and then their weekly lunch with the Schweigers at the club. I would talk to her about making better choices on the way there.

  Rolling out of bed, I grabbed my robe and yelled through the door, “Bail? Are you up yet?”

  The apartment was silent, so she was probably still passed out. I opened my bedroom door and called her again. “Bailey. We need to get going if we’re going to get you back home before Mom and Dad.”

  No response. “Bailey?”

  She wasn’t here! The blanket that she’d used was on the floor and the bathroom door was open, which meant she wasn’t in there. That was all there was to this apartment. She was most definitely not here.

  Where the hell could she have gone?



  I needed to stop by the shop to change the oil on my bike. Sunday was the best day to work on it because Ortega’s Autos was closed and the regular guys were off riding or getting drunk or whatever the hell the other mechanics did on weekends.

  Pulling up the driveway, I was relieved that no one was here. I’d just be able to get in, get the work done, and get back home in time for Cops.

  I unlocked the thick padlock and dragged the heavy metal gate open. Ortega’s Autos did auto repair on all kinds of cars, but we specialized in American makes. This wasn’t the place to take your Porsche or Mercedes. It was where you went when your Chevy Cavalier needed a tune up and it was off warranty. Oh sure, we got the occasional T-bird or Camaro, but for the most part, this wasn’t the place to bring your muscle car or your high-end auto. Padre wanted to fly under the radar, and so Ortega’s was the kind of nondescript auto shop you’d see on street corners in every town.

  My nose was hit with nostalgia as I walked in. The combination of motor oil, tire rubber, and electronic equipment reminded me of when I first started working here. I didn’t know a thing about cars, let alone bikes. This was the only job I’d ever had and I worked my way up from being an assistant mechanic to being the shop supervisor. The only one I answered to was Padre.

  Twenty minutes later, I was finishing up my oil change when I heard Padre’s bike rumble up. I would be glad to talk to him, since we hadn’t really seen each other in awhile. He’d been acting so weird I figured maybe we could clear the air.

  “Ryder,” he said, as he came through the side door. “I’m glad you’re here. We need to talk.”

  I’d wanted to talk, too, but there was something in his tone that told me this wasn’t going to be a social conversation.

  “Sure, I’ll be right in.” I wiped my hands off on a shop towel and put away the tools and then went over to the small office located at the back of the shop floor.

  The door was closed so I knocked on the frosted window.

  “Yeah,” he said through the door.

  I opened the door and went in. Figuring we were alone, I left the door open as I came inside.

  “Close the door, Ryder.”

  Okay…not really sure why he wanted it closed, but I complied and then sat down on the bare metal folding chair opposite his desk.

  The office looked like every shop owner’s office. A metal file cabinet was stuffed in the corner, with auto supplies in boxes everywhere. Our license was in a cheap frame and hanging crookedly on the wall. Padre’s desk was littered with invoices, bills, about a million pens, and a couple of half-drunk cups of coffee.

  His tanned face had deepset lines and his brown eyes were starting to sink back in his face from age. He had salt-and-pepper hair that was thick and unruly, and broad, calloused hands from a lifetime of manual labor. He was frowning and rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on, or am I going to have to ask?” He looked at me with those black eyes and there was no warmth or compassion coming from them at all.

  I had no idea what he was talking about or why he was upset, but it was pretty clear he was. “I don’t know what you mean, Padre.”

  “You don’t?” he reached for a half empty bottle of water on his desk. “You don’t have any idea why I would call you in here?” He took a swig and then licked his lips. “That’s how you’re going to play it?”

  I wasn’t “playing” anything, and if any other person on the planet talked to me like this I would already be up in his face. But this was Padre. “What’s wrong, Padre?”

  “What’s WRONG, Ryder is that you obviously thought I don’t know what’s going on around here and that you could get away with shit.”

  I shook my head, as I was at a total loss. “What are you talking about?”

  “The parts? The missing parts that you’re stealing from me. That’s what I’m talking about.”

  I frowned and said, “Whoa! Padre! I’m not stealing anything. There are parts missing?” I was totally confused. I hadn’t noticed anything missing at all. I had zero knowledge of any of this. “What’s missing?”

  Padre shook his head as if he didn’t believe me. “I’m not going to tell you what I know because then you’ll know what you got away with and what you didn’t. I just wanted to warn you that I know what you’re fucking doing and if it happens again you are going to be goddamn sorry. You remember what happened to Stryker.”

  Stryker was a patch who’d been taking cash under the table for work he did for us and when Padre found out, he beat him so badly that the guy ended up in a wheelchair.

  “Look, Padre. You know I wouldn’t steal from you. You know me. If there are parts missing, let me—”

  “I don’t know shit, Ryder. You can’t trust anyone a hundred percent. No one. The only reason I’m talkin’ to you about this instead of kicking your ass first is because of our history. But that’s done and now I’m
warning you. Any more parts go missing around here and it’s on you.”

  He glared at me with watery eyes and a stone-set jaw. The conversation was apparently over.

  The chair scraped the floor as I stood up. “I’ll find out who did it, Padre.” Without another word, I left his office and shut the door behind me.

  To say I was upset would be an understatement. I truly couldn’t believe that Padre would accuse me of stealing from him. After everything that had happened between us! I thought of him like a father, and I thought he considered me a son.

  As soon as I left the shop, I headed straight to the gym. I needed to get my head clear from all the shit going on. First, the trouble with Lily and Scorpion. Then, there was Paige and how I found myself thinking about her all the time. And now, this.

  I always kept workout stuff in my bike bag and so I didn’t need to stop. The one female member of Outlaw Souls, Swole, was the manager of a gym just down the street from the Blue Dog. She gave me and the rest of the guys free memberships, although these days I was pretty much the only one who took advantage of it.

  “Hey Ryder,” she said as I walked in the gym. “Wasn’t expecting you today.”

  Swole was our Sergeant at Arms. She was in charge of security for the Outlaw Souls and she did a great job. She got the nickname “Swole” when she became a member because of her muscular physique. I didn’t think she used steroids, but I couldn’t be sure. Her biceps were bigger than mine, and when she was in a fight, she was like a ferocious dog that wouldn’t stop until her opponent was unconscious and bleeding. You did not want to fuck with Swole.

  I didn’t want to talk, so I just nodded hello and headed to the locker room to change. My life might be spiraling out of control, but there were a few things I was still in charge of, and one of them was my body. I was going to run fast, lift hard, and force my body to remember who was boss. No more sexy dreams about Paige. No more feeling helpless with Lily or feeling betrayed by Padre. Just me, sweating until I couldn’t think anymore.


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