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DARK FALL (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 7

by London Casey

  “We should wipe them right out,” Nate said.

  “I second that,” Blaine said.

  “We have to much happening,” Griffin said. “If we stretch too thin…”

  “I know what will happen,” Miller said softly. “We’ll deal with that tomorrow too.”

  Erik wasn’t satisfied with the answers at the table. Everyone started to shuffle their way from the room, exchanging the seriousness of life for a night of debauchery. Erik wasn’t having it at all.

  He remained seated, only Gaige and Miller left in the room.

  “Erik,” Gaige said.

  “I can’t wait much longer,” Erik said.

  “For what?” Miller asked.

  “The urges, man. I want to hurt someone bad. I want to kill.”

  “You did that today,” Gaige said.

  “I want more. I want the world to feel my pain.”

  “Christ,” Gaige said.

  “Gaige, go get a drink,” Miller said.

  Gaige walked around the table and slapped a hand to Erik’s shoulder. He squeezed and said, “We love you, Erik. If I could go back to that day, brother, I’d take the bomb. It should have been me. I’m VP. I should have my life in front of everyone else’s in this club.”

  Erik nodded.

  Gaige left the room.

  “I don’t want you to pull back on anything, Erik. But you can't be a loose canon. Your instincts last night with that little kid paid off. You did what you had to do today. What about tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know,” Erik said. “You seem to be putting everything off until tomorrow."

  Miller leaned against the table. He crossed his arms. “My best friend was killed execution style. We were tied up, three of us. We were too tough to admit defeat and would rather die than be made out to be assholes. My best friend tried a fucked up move and took a bullet between the eyes. We weren’t supposed to be shot. Just scared. I watched his brains scatter out of the back of his head. Dead.”

  “I’m sorry,” Erik said.

  “That’s his ashes in the middle of the table here. A reminder. Honor to him. But it was the other guy we were with. He couldn’t stand it. He couldn't take what had happened. Sure, it fucking hurt me. I went crazy for a little while myself. Drinking. Riding. Fucking. Killing. But the other guy couldn’t stop. It only stopped… when I stopped it.”

  Miller put a hand to Erik’s shoulder. Erik looked up at Miller and saw the fire in the President’s eyes.

  “It’s about the club,” Miller said. “Not just one person, but all of us. The brotherhood we share. The love we have. It's the only way this club works, Erik.”

  “You killed the other guy, didn’t you?”

  “He couldn’t control himself. We tried to push him to join the Lost Men out there in the deserts, but he kept coming back. He wanted everyone and everything destroyed. But you know what? It wouldn’t have changed a thing. Circumstances and events just happen. Is there a plan? I don’t fucking know. I don’t have time to sit and think of a plan.”

  “I understand, Miller,” Erik said.

  The message was loud and clear.

  Calm the fuck down or you’ll be dead.

  Then again, dead wasn’t such a bad thing, was it?

  “Get out there and enjoy your night,” Miller said.

  Erik knew his place, even if he was feeling rebellious. There was no defying Miller. He respected Miller with everything in his body. Hell, the biggest reason he hadn’t killed himself yet was Miller and what the MC stood for.

  When Erik stood up, he faced Miller. There were a few tense seconds before Miller opened his arms. Erik hugged him and then retreated to the clubhouse.

  It was alive.

  Gaige walked up to Erik and handed him beer.


  Erik wouldn't argue that.

  Blaine was playing darts with Jace, betting on two women who were more than willing for some fun. There was an open pool table and when Gaige nodded to it, Erik agreed. They set up and played their first game in silence.

  Erik’s mind thought about a hundred things at once. He thought about Kaity in his room, but he had no urge to go back there. Going into that room wouldn’t end well. Erik knew if he went in there and she was there, he’d end up inside her; which usually wouldn't be a problem. She was a woman. He was a guy. If they wanted to fuck each other, so be it. But he was glaringly aware that something else was there between them. Even if it was just because of the events of the day, it just made more sense to hang in the clubhouse and fuck around all night. In the morning, Erik could take Kaity to check on her car and then she’d be gone.

  After two games, Nate, Landon, and Blaine joined in. They started playing in teams, betting some cash and drinks. Erik and Landon were a lethal team together, cleaning up a couple hundred dollars and seven shots each.

  Finally, as the clock ticked beyond midnight, Landon put his pool stick on the table.

  “I’m out,” he said. “Got my own business to take care of.”

  “Women,” Blaine said.

  “I’m with Landon,” Gaige said.

  “You’re lucky your girl helped the club,” Blaine said to Landon. “Avery is a beauty, man. I’d take her…”

  Landon waved a hand and walked away. Nobody wanted to hear Blaine talk about the other guys’ old ladies. Somewhere in Blaine’s mind he envisioned a MC where everyone shared women.

  “Don’t say a word about Emily,” Gaige said. “I’ll slit your throat.”

  “You got it, boss,” Blaine said. He smiled like a smart ass, making it obvious his mind was picturing Emily naked.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Gaige said and laughed. “I’m going to have no choice one day but to kill you.”

  “For now, just enjoy your woman,” Nate said.

  Gaige slipped away.

  It was now Erik, Blaine, Nate, and Jace. They played with Erik and Jace on a team, against Blaine and Nate. It was Erik’s first loss of the night.

  The party raged on. A few guys stumbled away, falling to the floor or heading to the bathroom to throw up. Erik felt really good. The booze fumbled his mind and blocked all the suicidal thoughts, which was good. But it didn’t do a whole lot for the mess waiting outside the MC, and it didn’t completely chase away Kaity.

  He was full.

  He needed some release.

  Erik played one more game, lost again with Blaine as his teammate, and then quit the game.

  “I need to get some relief around here,” Erik said.

  He pushed from the pool table and stumbled to the back wall. He put his hands to it and hung his head. When he closed his eyes he saw Kaity’s sweet pussy. He swore he could still taste her on his lips. It made him throb. He was half hard just by thinking her name.

  Yeah, he needed to let one go. That would be the only way to make a decent decision.

  “Bro, what are you doing?” Blaine asked.

  Erik turned around. “Picking out a reliever.”

  “What? You have someone…”

  “No, I’ve got nobody,” Erik said. He put a hand to Blaine’s chest. “Remember that, man. Nobody.”

  “What about Kaity? She return the favor yet?”

  “No, I don’t want that shit.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No,” Erik said and pushed Blaine. “Get the fuck out of my way, man. You’ve been a pain in my dick all day. I only protected Kaity because I wanted to keep her safe from you.”

  “Me? What the fuck would I do to her?” Blaine scratched the side of his head. “Man, what’s wrong with your fucking head lately?”

  Erik laughed. “See my face? You know what it’s like?”

  “I’m sorry about that shit, but fuck, man, nobody is judging you.”

  “I don’t need this,” Erik said. He grabbed Blaine by his leather cut and walked him backward to the pool table they had just been playing on. “You want to fuck Kaity? Go for it. You want to stand there like a sick fuck an
d watch me eat her pussy, fuck you man. You go do it then. Go get it.”

  “Are you serious right now?” Blaine asked. “Drunk or not, I don’t take that shit lightly.”

  “I don’t care,” Erik said. “I shouldn’t have brought her here. I should have left her with Jack and Willy at that shit auto garage. I have enough bullshit to deal with.”

  Erik let Blaine go and backed up.

  Blaine put his hands up and licked his lips. “Careful how you talk, Erik.”

  “There’s no more talking, Blaine. Everything will be done tomorrow. Right now, I want my dick sucked. And not by Kaity. You go take her then, okay? Ruin her for everyone. I don’t care.”

  “Why don’t you take a walk?” Blaine asked. “Come outside with me and get some air.”

  Erik lifted his right hand and made a fist. “Bro, if you say you get it… that you get me… then you’ll get the fuck out of my face right now.”

  Blaine nodded.

  Erik stumbled back again and caught himself. He slithered with his back to the wall and found somewhere to sit. He crashed hard on an old leather couch and looked around. The clubhouse was pretty much thinned out. He spotted someone at the bar and let out a whistle. It drew the attention of more than one person, including a woman with pitch black hair, big eyes, and big tits. Erik forgot about his drink for a second and pointed to the woman. She hurried over to him and offered her hand. Erik took it and kissed it.

  “Get me a fucking beer,” Erik said. “Then you can get on your knees.”

  “Yes, sir,” the woman said and turned.

  Erik’s eyes were locked to her ass that hung out of her crazy short jean shorts. She was a fucking whore, a reliever wishing she'd be picked as an old lady so she could stop fucking and sucking every night, but that wasn’t his problem. He didn’t want an old lady.

  The woman got Erik a beer and strutted her way back to him. She wasn’t nearly as pretty as Kaity, but he needed this. He took two large gulps of his beer and then nodded down to his pants.

  “Get to work,” he said.

  Without a word, she dropped to her knees. She touched between Erik’s legs and grabbed at his zipper. She tried to be seductive. Erik wasn’t interested.

  “Come the fuck on,” he said.

  He unzipped his jeans for her. He reached into his pants and grabbed his own cock. He pulled it free and then she took over. She gripped his shaft tight and pulled. Erik put his head back and closed his eyes. Kaity came to mind just as the woman put her mouth around his dick. Her lips and warm mouth welcomed him.

  Erik let out a sigh and was fully hard.

  He couldn’t stand to sit there and get sucked off while thinking of Kaity, so he forced himself to open his eyes and watch the reliever do her job. She moved up and down nice and slow, her spit coating him. It felt damn good at first, but after only a minute, Erik wanted to just come in the woman’s mouth and be done with it.

  Erik put a hand to the back of her head and pushed. He thrust up, commanding more speed and depth.

  “Earn it,” Erik growled.

  He drank his beer and the woman sped up. Her black hair danced all around as she moved her mouth and hand on Erik’s long shaft.

  It wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough.

  It could have been ten minutes later, Erik didn’t know, but the urge to finish finally started to roll through his body. His beer was almost empty and he needed his cock to be the same.

  When he looked up, he saw that there were only three people left awake in the clubhouse. Two were behind the bar, cleaning up. The third… was Kaity.


  She just stood there in the hall to the bar.

  There was no hiding what was happening to Erik, not that he cared about hiding it. But Kaity just stood there, eyes wide. Her shirt tight. She had her jeans back on now, the rip and spot of blood still there from the bullet she took for Erik.

  Fuck it, Erik thought.

  He had given Kaity her due, right? He saved her. He brought her somewhere safe. He pleasured her.

  They were done.

  Only they weren’t.

  Kaity stared at Erik. Erik curled his lip and finished off his beer. He dropped the bottle next to him and he thrust up into the woman’s mouth. He was getting closer by the second… and Kaity still wasn't walking away. She looked shocked and frozen.

  What the fuck did she expect? Erik to come to her? Share a bed with her? Fuck her? Say something romantic?


  Erik’s blood boiled with rage. He put his hand to the back of the woman’s head again and pressed hard. He thrust up, feeling the woman’s mouth sliding tight on his cock. He took a deep breath and felt himself release. He told himself to close his eyes while he came, but he couldn’t.

  He stared at Kaity.

  His dick throbbed over and over, the reliever accepting all of him, swallowing it down.

  He could only see Kaity.

  She was beautiful. But she didn’t need to be wrapped up with some fucked up biker.

  Erik finally closed his eyes, wrapped his fingers around the reliever’s hair and pulled her off him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a smile on the reliever’s face as she wiped her mouth. He looked for Kaity, but she was gone.

  “I’m done,” he said. “Get the fuck out of here now.”

  The reliever stood and strutted away.

  Erik put his head back and closed his eyes again.

  This time, sleep took him away from everything.


  Kaity wasn’t sure what to think or do when she walked from the bedroom and down the hall. She just wanted to check on Erik and see what she should do next. Her heart raced - and hadn’t stopped racing since Erik began to touch her.

  Being alone felt like some kind of crutch. Kaity feared being alone because she feared her thoughts. If it wasn’t for the whiskey in her body, she would have probably found a way to leave already. But it was late and she was tired. Yet she was horny.

  That’s what brought her from the bedroom. She hoped to find Erik so they could finish what he started. Wild thoughts raced through Kaity's mind right up until she saw some woman on her knees before Erik, pleasuring him.

  Her mind went blank. Her body went numb. Her heart, however, continued to race.

  The woman’s back was arched in a perfect position over Erik. Her black hair bounced as she moved up and down. For a second Kaity felt her mouth water. She wanted to be the one to do that to Erik. Why hadn’t he chosen her for this?

  That’s when Erik looked at her. Their eyes met and Kaity wondered how much of a man Erik would be in that moment. Would he feel guilt? Would he toss the woman away?

  But why?

  She and Erik weren’t together. They knew nothing about each other. She had just wanted to get her damn car fixed. Not get on the back of a motorcycle, be in the middle of a shoot out, get nicked with a bullet, and then have a big, sexy biker tend to her wound… and her body.

  Kaity couldn’t look away though. Watching the woman moving. Up and down. Up and down. Erik drank the rest of his beer and dropped the bottle to the ground. He then pushed the back of the woman's head; his big hand commanding the woman’s mouth.

  It wasn’t jealousy that came next to Kaity… it was warmth. It was wetness. She was kind of turned on in that moment watching Erik. She wondered what he thought as he stared at her. Was he just teasing her? Or maybe it was a clear message to not get involved. To simply rest there for the night and get the hell out in the morning.

  Before Kaity could muster up any more thoughts or ideas, she watched Erik lift himself and grit his teeth. She could sense it. She could see it in his face.

  He was coming.

  The woman stopped moving and Kaity felt her mouth open. She was hungry for Erik. She wanted to kick the freaking woman aside and taste Erik. Her mouth had to be full by now, right? The warm release pumping again and again.

  Erik put his head back.

  That was all Kaity coul
d take. Her body was on fire. Her panties clung to her slit. Her heart was still racing. And her thoughts… they were a mess.

  Kaity rushed down the hall and crashed into a wall. She made fists and pounded on the wall a few times, trying to calm herself. She didn’t know whether to scream or cry or rush to the bedroom and rip her own pants and panties off and touch herself. Everything ached. Everything tingled.

  When Kaity walked down toward Erik’s room, she spotted a figure across from the door. One foot up. Thumbs in his pockets. A cigarette hanging from his mouth. The cherry glowed almost as much as his eyes did.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Blaine said.

  He took a drag and dropped the smoke to the floor and stepped on it.

  “What do you want?” Kaity asked.

  “What’d you see?”

  “Fuck off.”

  Kaity took another step and Blaine came forward, putting his arm out. He stopped Kaity, but only for a second. She opened the bedroom and went inside. She slammed the door and fell against it.

  “I’m right here,” Blaine said. “I’ll wait for you.”

  “There’s no waiting,” Kaity said. “Go away.”

  Kaity blinked and tears formed in her eyes. She didn’t want to be there. She didn’t want to be alone. She feared going to sleep because she feared the dreams she would have. Worse yet, she hated not having a car. No matter how bad the dreams were she could always get behind the wheel of the car and drive.

  But not now.

  She was trapped in this clubhouse and trapped in Erik's fucking bedroom.

  Blaine knocked on the door. “I’m not leaving.”

  “What do you want?”

  “To talk,” Blaine said. “I know what you saw.”

  “Oh yeah? Then tell me.”

  “You saw some woman sucking off Erik. Going crazy on his cock, right? Taking him deep, suckling his load down her throat.”

  Kaity slammed a fist against the door. “Stop.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. It’s the life, sweetheart. That’s her job out there. And Erik… he’s lost right now. He told me to come get you. That I could have you.”

  “What?” Kaity asked. She turned but didn’t open the door. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me,” Blaine said. “I wouldn’t lie, love. Well, okay, I would lie, cheat, steal, and kill for pussy. Especially yours. I’ve seen it, remember? I can’t stop thinking about it. Pink and tender. Wet. Your little lips curled open, that tight little hole begging…”


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