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Pretty Little Thing (Romance on the Go)

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “Wait.” Landon pulled back and stared down at her.

  Fiona breathed heavily and prayed he didn’t stop. “Wait?” Did he really just say that? How can he just stop like that? He moved off of her and disappeared behind his bedroom door. Fiona could do nothing but stare in shock. There she lay, on the verge of coming, and Landon just stopped, just like that. It seemed like forever before Landon returned.

  Fiona saw the tell-tale glint of silver from the small square foil packet he held. Her heart rate increased. Was she really about to do this? Have sex with a virtual stranger? She had only known him for a few hours.

  He stopped in front of her and watched her intently. “If this isn’t what you want tell me now.” The way he said it, with a voice so deep and dominating it curled her toes, Fiona knew there was no way she would say no.

  She swallowed and nodded. “This is what I want.” Whether it’s a mistake or not, I am focusing on the here and now. A hungry look came into Landon’s expression and Fiona felt her whole body heat. Movements so slow they were agonizing, he pulled down his boxers. She dipped her gaze to his fully erect cock and knew her eyes must have widened.

  Holy mother of God. Of course his shaft would be incredibly thick and long. Every other part of him was gorgeous so it was only fitting that he would be hung like a horse. She must have stared at him for several long minutes, because when he cleared his throat she felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. When she looked into his face she saw the strained expression he wore.

  “If you keep looking at me like that I’ll be forced to ravish you like a wild animal.”

  Oh. That didn’t sound bad at all. He slipped the condom on and then covered her body again. With expert hands he removed the shirt she wore. The chilled air skated across her exposed skin and she felt goose bumps prickle along her flesh. His chest was smooth and firm, and when her breasts pressed against him she moaned in pleasure.

  She was so caught up in kissing him that she didn’t realize his hand had moved between their bodies. He started rubbing her clit through the material of her panties until she was writhing beneath him. Things escalated to a fever pitch, and before she knew it, Landon had her panties shoved to the side and had the tip of his cock poised at the entrance of her pussy. He broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.

  He hadn’t even bothered removing her panties, and in one swift move he thrust all those rock hard inches into her body. She let out a soft whimper as his pelvis touched hers. He didn’t move for several moments, and she knew it was because he wanted her to become accustomed to his size. She felt stretched to the limit, and so very full. The wind continued to howl outside and the sound of rain pelting the windows and door seemed to echo throughout the room. Fiona should have been terrified lying beneath him. There was, after all, a maniac that had chased her down somewhere out there, but for the life of her she couldn’t feel that fear. All she felt was his heavy, warm body on top of hers, and his cock nestled deep inside of her.

  “Your cunt is so tight and warm.” He whispered the words against her ear and she shivered.

  The words were vulgar, but it didn’t offend her, it turned her on. He started to slowly pull out of her, and right before he was completely free from her body he pushed back inside. Landon did this over and over again, bringing her closer to ecstasy. As his pace picked up, Fiona found herself holding on to his biceps. Perspiration started to dot her body, and the sound of their mingled panting filled the room. Without missing a beat, Landon dipped his head and took her nipple into his mouth. The feel of the hot wetness had her thrusting her chest into his face. He rewarded her with a gentle bite on her sensitive tissue. He sucked and sucked until she felt all the blood rush to the surface.

  In and out. Faster and Harder.

  The way he swiveled his hips into her had her crying out as her orgasm started to peak. It was the combination of his cock tunneling in and out of her, of his mouth latched on to her nipple, and of her panties rubbing against her clit that had her climax breaking free and washing through her. Her whole body tingled, and still he didn’t stop his relentless movements. She could hear their skin, wet from her own pussy juices, slapping together and creating an erotic cacophony of sound. Oh, it was heavenly and wicked. She didn’t want it to end.

  Landon tensed above and broke the latch he had on her turgid peak with a resounding pop. He kept his eyes closed as every muscle in his body grew taut. Another orgasm peaked inside of her, but before it ended he pulled out of her and flipped her onto her belly. He kept her panties shoved to the side and was buried inside of her again within a matter of seconds. He started thrusting madly.

  “Look at this ass.” He slapped one cheek and she gasped in delight. “It’s fucking perfect, Fiona.” He slapped it again and again and she tried to spread her legs wider. She wanted him as deep inside of her as he could possibly get. She moaned and he grunted.

  With one hand he gripped one cheek while he held her panties with the other. The fabric dug into her skin, but the pleasure and pain from the offending fabric only heightened the sexual encounter. She looked over her shoulder and stared at him as another orgasm started to rise inside of her. He pumped into her once, twice, and on the third thrust he stilled.

  It was then, as both of their orgasms receded that he finally opened his eyes. Fiona’s breathed stalled and the same fear she felt in the words as she was being chased rose back to the surface.

  Oh God.

  Chapter Six

  Fiona tried desperately to scramble out from beneath him. The glow in Landon’s eyes was unnatural. It reminded her of the beast that had chased her through the woods, the man that had turned into a wolf right before her eyes.

  “No, no, no, no.” Those had been the only words she could mutter as she disentangled her limbs from his. He didn’t try to stop her at first, but when her body hit the floor and she started scrambling forward he moved toward her then.

  “Fiona, please, let me explain.”

  He held his hands up in defense, but Fiona wasn’t going to fall for it. She had just slept with this man, the same one that had chased her through the woods, intent on taking her life. He quickly pulled his boxers on and took a step toward her. She needed to get out of here. She had just walked into the lion’s den.

  “What was this, some kind of sick game for you?” She moved closer to the front door. “Why not just kill me out in the woods instead of—” She couldn’t even finish her sentence. Sick dread knotted her stomach as he stood there watching her. His eyes still glowed an eerie yellow, and the longer he stared at her, watching her like some hungry animal, the more she feared she wouldn’t get out of there alive.

  “It isn’t like that. Please, just listen to me.”

  She was already shaking her head. No, she couldn’t do this, couldn’t risk letting him fill her head with his sweet promises. He was an animal, one that had planned all of this. “That’s why you believed me so readily.” She whispered her words as realization dawned on her. He had said he had seen it himself, and now she knew why. He had seen it himself because he was the one that could shift into a wolf.

  Fiona stood and backed closer to the front door. She was so close to it she could feel the draft from the impending storm outside. Debris continued to slam against the cabin as the weather grew angrier. That was why he was so sure no one would attack them in his home. Hell, he was the fucking predator.

  The cold brass handle met her overheated flesh. She gripped it tightly. She wore no shoes, and only a thin tee-shirt, his damn tee-shirt. She wanted to rip the thing from her body but there was no time for that. She turned the handle and the sound seemed magnified in the room.

  “Don’t, Fiona.” He took a step toward her and held his hand out.

  She didn’t wait another moment. Fiona tore the door open and was immediately assaulted by rain and wind. The water droplets felt like rocks against her flesh, but she didn’t care about the pain. She ran off the porch and headed into the woods. Everything he
said played back in her mind. It had all been a trap, but she couldn’t understand why he had gone to all the trouble of tending to her wounds and feeding her if he just planned on killing her. She shook her head and cleared her irrational thoughts. It didn’t matter in the long run because she knew who and what he was.

  It didn’t take long for her feet to start aching from the rocks and sticks on the ground. She had been up this mountain countless times, and now that she knew where she was it was only a matter of time before she made it to town. She just prayed he didn’t catch her before then.

  Air sawed in and out of her as she pushed herself to the limit. Her lungs burned and every muscle in her body strained as she ran as hard and fast as she could. As water fell from the sky in hard, fat drops, Fiona had to constantly wipe her eyes to clear her vision.

  “Fiona, stop. Don’t run.”

  Landon’s voice seemed to come from everywhere. She pumped her legs and arms harder, hoping to eat up as much ground as she could. She couldn’t sense him behind her, and every time she looked over her shoulder she saw nothing but darkness and shadows. She tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground, hard. A cry of pain escaped her lips as her arm landed on a large, jagged boulder. She cradled her arm and got up. Every second was precious if she hoped to live. Just as she started to run again a force as strong as a tidal wave slammed into the side of her and she flew against a tree. The air was knocked out of her and she tasted blood. Dizziness assaulted her as she tried to regain her footing.

  Deep and malicious laughter surrounded her and her breath froze. He had found her.

  Fiona tried to see him, and although he was standing right in front of her, the veil of rain made it almost impossible. He stood there, and for a moment confusion spiked inside of her. He wore clothes. She found this odd since Landon had only slipped on a pair of boxers before she had bolted out the door.

  “The rain is like a giant eraser. It washes away everything.” It didn’t sound like Landon. This voice was evil, pure and simple. Although she didn’t see him smoking a cigar, the cloying scent of its smoke clung to him like a second skin.

  “He would have found you already if not for the fact the water has washed away your scent.” He laughed again and took a step closer.

  Fiona wanted to run again, but her back ached something fierce and she still felt dizzy from slamming into the tree. He crouched before her and she tried to press herself as far against the trunk of the tree as she could.

  “You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question, but a sick comment that was filled with devious intent. He lifted his hand and captured a lock of her hair. It was soaking wet and hung over his finger lifelessly. He brought the lock to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Mmm. I bet every part of you smells just as delicious.”

  With him being so close Fiona could see the same yellow glow in his eyes as she had with Landon. Her flight or fight instinct worked overtime, but she knew that there was no way she could escape, not with his monstrously large body blocking her way. Just then, a roar rent through the air. Her heart palpated as the beast in front of her grinned sardonically.

  “He’s here.”

  Fiona watched in rapt horror as Landon charged forward. His eyes glowed in the darkness. For one small moment there wasn’t anything else in the world. She had been so wrong about him. He wasn’t the one who was intent on killing her; no, he was trying to save her.

  The two men circled each other as rain drenched them. Landon’s hair was plastered to his forehead and water droplets fell over his nude torso, as if they knew how frightened they should be and were seeking escape.

  She should have tried to run right then, but whatever she had done to her back made any movement unbearable. Even if she could have moved she didn’t know if she would have been able to tear her gaze from Landon. He looked like a warrior facing off the very devil himself.

  “You are quite clever in eluding me.” Landon spoke calmly and evenly.

  He knew this monster?

  “You think I don’t know how to survive? I haven’t lived this long to be taken down by a rookie hunter.” He laughed and swiped his hand out, aiming for Landon’s face. “I was just biding my time, waiting for the right moment to finish you off.”

  Landon was quick on his feet, despite the fact Fiona knew the rain must be making it hard for him to see. As if everything started to slow around her, the air became charged with something she couldn’t quite name. Right before her both men started to change into the very creature she had run from earlier. Their already massive bodies morphed into wolves, but they weren’t normal looking wolves. They were large and frightening, with more power underneath their fur than anything she could imagine.

  They started doing battle right in front of her. When one would attack the other would countermove. Back and forth they dueled, until Fiona couldn’t tell who was who. The darkness and rain made it impossible to decipher which was Landon.

  One of the wolves opened its jaw wide and she saw rows of razor sharp teeth. He lunged at the other wolf and took hold of his neck. A high roar pierced the night. Claws swiped out until blood so dark it looked like ink covered both of them. Finally, one of the wolves threw its whole body against the other and tore into its side. The creature lay on its side, a small whimper escaping it as it stared at her. The other wolf turned toward her, its eyes still glowing as it stalked forward. Was this Landon or the beast that was intent on killing her?

  When it was a few inches from her it growled loudly. No, this was definitely not Landon, especially not when it opened its large jaw and snapped at her. She screamed and kicked at it, but it did no good. She was trapped and Landon wouldn’t be able to help her.

  “Just fucking do it, you son of a bitch.” She was crying and screaming at it. If this was how she was supposed to go, then so be it. She felt a rock by her hand and picked it up. She swung it at its head with all the force she could muster and smiled coolly when the wolf whimpered as the rock slammed against its skull. The sound of something crunching gave her a sick kind of pleasure. If he was going to kill her then she would go down fighting. He would have to work for it.

  His ears laid back and he growled so loud her ears rang. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something to take her away. Before she felt the pain of death, she heard the snap of something breaking. The image of the twigs beneath her feet cracking in half reminded her of the sound, but this was ten times more intense. She opened her eyes and saw Landon, in human form, standing behind the beast with his hands around the other wolf’s neck. The animal’s head was at an awkward angle and his now dim eyes stared at her lifelessly. He dropped the creature to the ground and stared down at her. She could see a large wound on the side of his neck and torso. Blood continuously dripped down his body as the rain tried to wash it away.

  He held his hand out to her. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. A silent understanding passed between them. She tried to stand, but when he noticed how much pain she was in he bent down and scooped her into his arms. He didn’t grimace from his own likely pain, just carried her swiftly back toward his cabin. She turned and looked back at the man, creature, whatever he was, that had almost taken her life. He was no longer a wolf, but just a broken man lying on the forest ground. In just that short of time his life had been taken from him.

  Landon had a lot of explaining to do so Fiona could understand what had just happened, but she knew they had all the time they needed. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Maybe when this was all over she would wake up and realize this was just a dream.

  Chapter Seven

  Fiona wrapped the blanket around her tighter as she listened to Landon’s unbelievable story. Not only was he a shape-shifting wolf, but he was also a bounty hunter that had been assigned to track down and destroy Jonas, the killer that had stalked her. Apparently they had been searching for this killer for years, but always he had eluded them. That was when Landon had been brou
ght in to find him and take him down. Too many people were dying and their kind knew that if they planned on stopping Jonas they would need to bring in someone who had been trained to take down killers like him.

  “So you’ve been living up here for the sole purpose of finding Jonas and killing him?” She had dressed his wounds and he now sat beside her on the couch sharing her blanket.

  “Yeah. I’ve been up here a little over a year trying to hunt him down. He’s old, and therefore very experienced in not getting caught. I was close to catching him, even found out where he was staying, which was remarkably close to me. It wasn’t a coincidence that he was right under my nose, though. Jonas likes to play games.”

  Not only had Fiona just found out that werewolves actually existed, but that they also have contracted bounty hunters to track down serial killer werewolves.

  “I really don’t know what to say.” And she didn’t. This whole night seemed like something out of a book, or a horror movie. It was a lot to get her mind wrapped around.

  The storm had since passed and the sun was starting to peak over the mountain. They had spent hours talking, yet Fiona still felt like there was so much more to know. As the sun shone through the living room window and covered everything in a golden glow, she looked over at Landon. His hair was messy from the storm and he was still shirtless. The bandages on his side and neck covered his wounds, but blood still managed to seep through.

  “You really should get those checked out.” She looked into his eyes. “Aren’t werewolves supposed to have, like, instant healing powers or something?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “There is so much I could tell you that would blow your mind.”


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