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Threshold Series (Book 1): Threshold

Page 10

by Luquer, David

  “I’ll get mom and we’ll be right out,” Helen said as she headed for the door.

  “Hurry. We need to get to my office and see if Shirley has heard any other reports.”

  Helen brought Bernice to the cruiser and together the four of them headed for the station.


  Rushing into the hallway, Doctor Blake glanced around in surprise. The place was in an absolute uproar. People were running up and down the hallway, yelling and screaming in terror. The facility seemed to be in a complete panic.

  “What’s going on out here?” he asked one of the technicians.

  “Crazy people are breaking in and attacking everyone!” the terrified young woman exclaimed before turning, continuing to run away from the scene.

  “What people are attacking?” Williams asked.

  “I don’t know,” Johnson said. “Let’s go check it out.”

  The three men walked out the door and headed down the hall toward the commotion. Injured employees were lying on the floor ahead of them, making Blake realize they may need all the doctors present on the scene.

  As they reached the victims, they noticed that they had all been bleeding, appearing to be near death or already dead. The three quickly began checking for a pulse on each one, shaking their heads as they found none.

  “They’re all dead, I think,” Williams said. “We need to find the attackers, but we better call that sheriff first. What was his name?”

  “Daniels,” Blake said. “I think he said his name was Daniels.”

  “He gave you his cell number, didn’t he?”

  Blake nodded. “Yes, he did.”

  “You call him while Ben and I look for the attackers.”

  Blake watched the other two running down the hall while digging out his cell phone. They didn’t get far before a group of slow-moving people came at them from down the hall, near the entrance of the building. They appeared to be sick. If Blake hadn’t known better, he would have said they were dead.

  “Who are you and how did you get in here?” Johnson demanded as he approached them.

  Instead of responding, they attacked him, biting him all over as he screamed in pain. He went to his knees, his assailants tearing his flesh with their teeth. His blood began covering the floor around him and soaking into his clothing.

  “Get down!” Blake heard a voice yell behind him.

  He looked to the other end of the hall to see James Douglas, one of the security guards, crouch with his gun aimed. He squeezed off a series of shots but they had no effect on the mob now devouring chunks Doctor Johnson’s remains.

  “It’s PEF07!” Blake shouted. “It’s out. Your bullets aren’t going to stop them!”

  “What do we do?” James hollered back.

  “We get the hell out of here!” Blake replied. “We need to get to town and warn the sheriff!”

  They were headed out the door when another mob swarmed out of a corridor, grabbing Williams and tearing into his flesh with teeth and fingers before Blake’s eyes. He screamed and thrashed but he could not break free.

  Julie Walsh and Joel Spence came around the corner and ran into Blake and James, nearly knocking them down.

  “What’s going on?” Julie screamed.

  “We need to get out of here,” Blake said. “I’ll explain on the way! Everybody, get to my car, We’re leaving!”

  “What about Doctor Williams?” Joel asked.

  “It’s too late for him,” Blake said over the screams and cries filling the hallways. “We need to worry about keeping ourselves alive. Follow me.”

  Joel bolted back toward Doctor Johnson’s office, nearly slipping in a puddle of blood on the floor before catching himself. He slid to a stop in front of the office door when Blake glanced back and saw him.

  “Joel, what the hell are you doing?” Blake yelled.

  “Go!” Joel shouted back. “I’ll catch up to you.”

  The three of them bolted for the door, Julie glancing back at Joel. On the way out, they passed Doctor Benson’s body, lying lifeless in front of an emergency exit. His flesh was bitten and torn, just like the rest of the bodies they had passed in the hallway. James bent down to pull the dead man out of the way but Benson’s body began to twitch. He jumped back as Benson started to convulse, then began to rise off the ground. James kicked Benson in the head, knocking the man over onto his back. They bolted through the emergency exit and ran as fast as they could for Blake’s car. Joel emerged only a moment after them, sliding into the back seat next to Julie just before Blake had the car into motion, tires screeching.

  “Did you forget your makeup or something back there?” Julie asked, clearly annoyed at his actions.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I needed my makeup. There were a lot more of those things pouring into the hallway when I left. We better get moving.”

  “What the hell was so important back there?” she asked.

  He held up Doctor Johnson’s journal. “I wanted to get these before the place was completely overrun.”

  Blake didn’t like the idea of Joel risking his life for the notebooks, but he could see the importance they might hold.

  “That may come in handy,” Blake said. “But not worth risking your life for.”

  “I disagree,” Joel said as he opened the cover, glancing at the writing. “This may hold the key to what we are up against. If it is PEF07, then I want the full formula in front of me to see if I can find a way to stop its spread.”

  “I doubt there is a way,” Blake said apologetically.

  “And if you risk your life like that for a stupid book again, I’ll kill you myself,” Julie added.

  “You may all thank me one day.”

  Blake pulled onto the main road and drove as fast as he dared toward the town, hoping he was wrong. Praying there was a way to stop it.

  * * * *

  Lorraine Bettis had been sitting at her desk, placing reports into folders for filing when she heard the screams in the hallway. They started down the hall but had begun getting louder and louder as more and more people began emitting the cries, coming closer and closer toward her door.

  She ran out of the office to see a horrifying scene of carnage taking place. The walls were splattered with blood by this time and pieces of what used to be NeurAx employees were strewn about the floor. Assailants were tearing at the employees with their teeth, biting them and chewing on the raw flesh.

  Overcome by the sight, she turned away, bent over and vomited. She stood and took a deep breath before vomiting again. When she’d finished emptying her stomach, she turned back to see the attackers heading toward her. It was then that she also realized she was the only employee still standing and in one piece.

  She bolted as fast as she could toward the door, sliding in a pool of blood and landing on her back. She waited a moment for her head to clear and her breath to return before pushing herself off the floor and running once again for the door.

  Once outside the building, she glanced around for any sign of others who had successfully escaped. She looked in time to see the tail lights of Doctor Blake’s car heading down the main road toward town. She bent over with her hands on her knees for a moment, catching her breath and deciding what to do next.

  Behind her, the horde of assailants began pouring out the doors of the facility, making their way into the open. Pulling herself together as best she could, she ran for the only route she could see that was still clear of danger. She hurried into the cover of the woods, staying in the trees as she made her way toward the town.

  * * * *

  Lenny and Margie were lying on his bed, a sheet covering them as they caught their breath. Margie was snuggled up close to him with her arm across his chest, her head against his shoulder.

  “Have you seen Jim Tucker lately?” he asked.

  “Not today, why do you ask?”

  “I just saw him on my way home and he was acting strange.”

  “He seemed fine yesterday when he was
in getting coffee,” she said, reaching over to the nightstand for her beer.

  “I asked if he was okay, but he didn’t answer me. He was in the alley down the street. Can I have a sip of that?”

  “It’s almost gone,” she said, handing him the bottle.

  He downed what was left and dropped the empty bottle on the floor. “He was walking really slow like he was drugged or something.”

  “Maybe he was just really tired,” she said.

  “It’s possible, but I think it was more than tired.”

  “Maybe you’re just looking for something that isn’t there.”

  “I doubt it. I’ve known him for a while and he always has his wits about him. He is always focused.”

  “What do you think it was?” she asked.

  “Beats me. I never saw him like that before.”

  “Sounds like maybe he was strung out on something he stole from the evidence locker.”

  “I doubt that,” he said. “Jim is far too straight and narrow for that.”

  “Go get another beer from the fridge,” she said, nudging him toward the edge of the bed.

  She stopped pushing him when a crash sounded from the other room. Lenny was sure it sounded like glass shattering but he couldn’t be positive.

  “What the hell was that?” he said, jumping out of the bed.

  “I don’t know,” she answered.

  “I think it came from the living room.”

  He pulled his jeans on and slowly started toward the door. His pulse pounded in his ears. Though he was trying to act brave in front of Margie, he was scared to death. He wasn’t a wimp but he knew he wasn’t the toughest person. He silently reprimanded himself for not having a baseball bat in the bedroom.

  “Don’t leave me here alone,” whispered. “What if they come in here while you’re out in the living room?”

  “Fine, come on. Just follow me, but stay close.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder as she got out of bed, slipped on a t-shirt and walked up beside him. He moved her behind him, attempting to keep her safe if anyone was out there. They crept together to the living room to see a pale Jim Tucker coming through the window, followed closely by Bill Thurmon. They weren’t speaking, just moaning as they clawed their way into the living room.

  “Jim, what the hell is going on?” Lenny shouted

  The two men kept coming, neither one answering. They were drooling as they shuffled toward Lenny and Margie. It was then that Lenny saw their eyes, dull and clouded. It was like looking at something out of a horror movie.

  “Len, I think they are both cracked out,” Margie said. “Maybe I was right about Jim getting stuff from the evidence locker.”

  “I don’t think so,” Lenny said. “Look at their eyes. I’ve never any drugs have that effect.”

  “I don’t like this! Let’s just get out of here!”

  They bolted out the front door and were on the street headed for the sheriff station before Jim and Bill could start following them. Lenny glanced over his shoulder, surprised to see how slowly the two men were following.


  Rita was sitting with Shirley when the cruiser pulled up in front of the building. Rob led the group inside when they’d exited the vehicle. As they entered, Rita slammed the door shut behind them.

  “What’s going on, Rob?” she asked.

  “I’m not entirely sure,” He answered. “But something really strange is happening. Reverend Brighton and I saw Jeremy Collins at the park today.”

  “So, John wasn’t crazy after all?” Shirley asked.

  “No, he was right. Where is John, anyway?

  “He went in the back and fell asleep after you left,” Shirley said, pointing to one of the holding cells in the back of the building. “I think he passed out from fright, the poor thing.”

  “Helen and Bernice saw Abigail in their yard, and it looks like she may have killed Richard,” Rob continued.

  Rita put her hand to her mouth. “Oh, my God!”

  “Jim was killed by Jeremy in the park. But his body wasn’t there when we stopped to check on the way here. I don’t have any answers to what’s happening but we should all stay together for now, at least until we can get some information.”

  “Maybe we should call someone at that place by the cemetery,” Brighton said.

  “You mean NeurAx?” Rob asked.

  “Well, who else would know why we are seeing dead people walking around? They are scientists, so maybe they have a theory.”

  A sudden knock silenced them all. Rob stared at the door a moment before walking over to open it. Lenny and Margie ran in, out of breath and looking like an army of thugs had been chasing them.

  “What’s going on here?” Rob demanded. “Shirley, get them each a shirt from out back, will you?”

  Margie was dressed in nothing more than a t-shirt and Lenny had no shirt at all but had at least taken the time to put jeans on. Both were barefoot, no sock or shoes at all. Shirley returned shortly with a uniform shirt and shoes for each. Margie’s shirt was a little big for her short frame, covering her nearly to her knees.

  “Sorry, Sheriff but we had to leave my place fast,” Lenny explained as he buttoned up the other shirt. “Deputy Jim and Bill Thurmon broke in through the window, so we just ran out as we were.”

  “Jim and Bill were at your place?” Rob asked,

  “Yes, Sheriff. I think they were following us when we came here. They may be outside now.”

  Rob walked over to the window and looked out at the street. Sure enough, Jim and Bill were walking slowly toward the station. He closed the curtain and walked back to the group.

  “What are they doing out there?” Margie asked.

  “Just walking,” Rob replied, pacing in front of them with his fingers on his chin.

  He knew they would all be looking to him for answers and leadership but this was unlike anything he had ever dealt with in his time in law enforcement. Who would ever expect to have to protect a town from dead people? H needed to find a way to locate someone with answers and the sooner the better.

  Taking one more look out the window, he realized it wouldn’t be very soon. “I think we should all stay put for the time being.”

  “I’ll make some coffee,” Rita said, starting for the back, Shirley following close behind her.

  “So, you missed me a little?” Helen said, glaring at Lenny. “Looks like Margie has been doing a good job of consoling you.”

  “Helen, we were just drinking beer and watching Television when this whole thing happened,” he said.

  “I’m sure everyone watches television without their clothes on.”

  “Just listen to me for a moment,” he said.

  “Why do you even owe her an explanation?” Margie asked, glaring at Helen as she slid her arm around Lenny’s waist.

  “You’ll have to continue this conversation later,” Rob said. “We need to deal with far more important things right now.”

  Just then they heard the screech of tires out front as a car came to an abrupt halt. They heard doors slam, footsteps running and a loud knock at the door. Rob opened the door again to see four people run inside.

  “Everyone seems to be coming in here tonight,” Rob said as he shut the door and locked it again.

  “I’m sorry, sheriff,” one of them said. “We really needed to come here to talk to you.”

  “Doctor Blake, right?” Rob asked, recognizing the man from NeurAx.

  “Yes, Sheriff,” Blake answered. “This is James Douglas. He is a security guard at NeurAx. These two are Julie Walsh and Joel Spence. They’re two of the veterinary technicians who work there, as well.”

  “What brings you here at this time of night?” Rob asked, motioning them to sit in any open chair they could find. “What did you need to talk about that was so important? We’ve had a bit of a fucked up night, already.”

  “We had a situation at NeurAx,” Blake began. “A lot of people were killed.”
  Rob spun around to face him. “What sort of incident?”

  “Well, to better give you an idea, I think I better start at the beginning,” Blake suggested.

  “I doubt any of us are going anywhere right away, anyhow.”

  “As you all know, at NeurAx we deal with nerve problems. The main thing we were working on was a serum that would cause damaged neurons to fire.”

  “What, exactly, is a neuron?” Margie asked.

  “A nerve cell,” Blake explained. “When a nerve cell becomes severed, it can be reattached, but it will not fire, it won’t function. There is no way to regenerate nerves. That’s one of the reasons why they haven’t found a cure for Alzheimer’s or found a way to heal a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. We were trying to find an answer to that. So, we developed a serum called PEF 01.”

  “PEF01?” Shirley asked.

  “PEF stands for Pathway Enhancement Formula, and the 01 stands for first generation. Every time we reformulate a serum, it reaches another generation. We were up to PEF07 when all of this happened. It was the seventh generation of a serum that was supposed to stay localized around the area of a nerve that had been severed and then reattached. Its purpose was to cause that nerve cell to fire again, resulting in full use of that pathway.”

  “How do you make a nerve cell fire?” Shirley asked.

  “By exceeding the threshold,” Blake explained. “The action potential threshold causes the neuron to fire, sending signals to the other neurons. We targeted the inactive nerve cells and forced them to exceed this threshold. Once the reaction started, they continued to fire on their own without the need for further forced stimulation.”

  “Whatever the hell that means,” Rita said.

  “So, what went wrong?” Rob asked, a feeling gnawing at him that the general outcome would eventually have something to do with what was taking place outside.

  “The serum results were what went wrong. PEF07 worked like a miracle. It caused neurons to fire in no time at all. It caused permanent results, not temporary results like PEF06 did. The outcome was amazing, but then the serum didn’t stay localized, it went systemic. Instead of staying in the tissues surrounding the nerve, it went into the bloodstream, and then throughout the entire organ system of the rats we tested it on. I imagine that it entered through the capillaries, and then into the entire bloodstream, but it might just be working through the nervous system. To be honest, we just don’t know. We decided to perform a necropsy on a couple of the rats, but after they were euthanized, they began to move on their own after a few minutes.”


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