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Page 5

by Chandra Ryan

  She sat tantalizingly close to him. Mere inches separated them. And he was just about to turn away from her when she leaned in to close the distance. She kissed him tentatively but she tasted spicy and hot, like cinnamon and coffee, and his hard-earned resistance melted in that moment. He wrapped his arms around her so he could pull her to him. She seemed to have the same idea as she left her chair to straddle him on his without breaking the kiss.

  She rocked against him as she wound her arms around his neck and her spicy scent enveloped him. She smelled good enough to eat. His fingers ran down her back until he could grasp her firm ass. She moaned as she rubbed herself against his erection. He was so hard that he knew she had to feel it even through the clothes they both wore.

  When she pulled back, he let her break the kiss. But relief filled him when he saw she’d only wanted space to remove her shirt. She didn’t wear a bra under the soft material so as soon as she had it above her head her breasts bounced into view. She had one of the most amazing figures he’d ever seen. She didn’t have the lean, muscular physique shared by so many of the female soldiers he worked alongside. Hers was softer, more voluptuous—and all woman. He barely gave her enough time to throw the garment to the floor before he started exploring.

  Her breasts were large but firm in his hand and her nipples a shade of pale pink that fascinated him. It was the loveliest color he’d ever seen. He wrapped one arm under her ass and lifted her off his lap. He missed her weight rubbing against his cock, but the move brought her breasts to the perfect height for his mouth. He brushed his lips across the tip of one of her nipples and she rewarded him with a throaty moan. “Do you like that?”

  She arched her back to present him with more of her breast in answer.

  “What about this?” He took the nipple into his mouth and sucked gently on it as he moved so he could caress the other breast with his hand. She writhed in his embrace and her nails dug gently into his shoulders.

  “Please.” Her voice was filled with hunger.

  He pulled away from her breast to look up at her but continued to tease the breast in his hand. He rolled the nipple between his fingers before lightly tugging on it. “Please what? What do you want me to do, Lisa?”

  She whimpered as she pressed her hips against his abdomen. “Touch me.”

  She kept her weight on her knees as he unsnapped her pants then slowly lowered her zipper. The rasp of the metal on metal made him even harder. “Here?” He paused as he placed his palm on her stomach, his fingers a breath away from the hair that surrounded her sex. He was surprised to realize that there were no panties under her fatigues. He wondered how often she went commando. It was an intriguing thought that would need further exploration in the future.

  “Yes.” She rocked again to push his hand farther into her pants. “Please.”

  He slid his fingers to her crease and then parted her pussy’s lips to find the warm moisture there. She was already wet enough that he slid through her sex without any resistance.

  “Yes.” She rocked harder against his hand as she moaned the single word. She looked up with desire-clouded eyes and he couldn’t breathe for a second. She made a striking image as she straddled his lap, half naked, fucking his hand. It didn’t get hotter than that.

  He slid a finger into her channel and nearly came at feeling how tight her muscles were. “I want to be inside you so bad it hurts.” He added a second finger to stretch her.

  She threw her head back and closed her eyes as he continued to fuck her with his fingers. “Oh yes.”

  “Lisa.” She opened her eyes and looked up at him but didn’t stop the flexing of her hips. “Do you want me inside you, sweetheart?” If she said no, it just might kill him but it would be a valiant death. At least it would be in his mind.

  “Please.” She said the word between panted breaths. Her hands found the snap to his fatigues a second later, reassuring Dixie that she did indeed know what she was agreeing to. “Need you.”

  He would never leave a woman in a state of need. He pulled his fingers out of her and, unable to resist the urge, licked her essence off them. Her addictive flavor burst across his tongue and filled his mouth, making him crave more. He needed to make her come on his tongue. But as her hand found its way down the waistband of his pants and then under his boxers, he had a change of heart. Taking her with him, he stood up and then sat her down on the desktop. With a quick tug and a wiggle of her hips, he stripped her of her pants. He wanted to be inside her warmth so badly that he hurt with it, but he still had to stop for a second to admire her naked form sprawled out in front of him in invitation. When she ran one of her fingers over her clit, though, he couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to be inside her when she came.

  He dug a condom out of his pocket before pushing the fatigues down to his ankles. They could do completely naked later. He planned on doing all kinds of things later. For right now, he just needed to be inside her. It only took him a second to tear open the foil package and roll the barrier over his cock but it felt like forever. The torture was worth it when he finally slipped into her, though.

  Warmth wrapped around him and he couldn’t help but pause so he could enjoy the feel of her. “Damn. You feel amazing.”

  “You too.” She wiggled her hips. “When you move you feel even better, though,” she teased.

  He pulled almost all the way out of her before pushing back into her depths. “You mean like that?”

  She moaned and tightened the inner muscles of her sex around him. “Yeah, just like that.”

  He thrust into her faster and harder this time. Her body was so inviting that the sensation almost overwhelmed him. Already his muscles were tense and begging for release. Three days of craving her had left him on edge. But he wanted to make sure she enjoyed this as much as he did. He slid his hand between them so he could stroke her clit as he repeatedly thrust into her. He couldn’t last long but she didn’t appear to be far behind him. In a matter of minutes, she called out his name as her body shook in release. Just watching her come brought him to the edge and that was before he felt the muscles of her sex contract around him—milking his cock. His climax slammed into him with harsh demand. His balls tightened and a tingling swept down his spine as he rode out the intense release until contentment settled over him. “That was amazing.”

  She smiled lazily up at him as she gently placed a hand over his heart. “Phenomenal.”

  He could stare down at that face for an eternity. Unfortunately, as he heard the door to the command central open, he realized he didn’t have that kind of time. “Shit.” He used his body to shield hers as much as possible.

  “God, Dixie. If you’re going to get laid in here, the least you could do is lock the door. Or put a belt on the knob or something.” Ben’s tone was teasing as his footsteps entered the room. “I mean, I shouldn’t have to see your bare ass this early in the morning.”

  When he’d heard the door open, he hadn’t thought things could possibly get worse. He realized now how wrong he’d been.

  “Shit.” This time it was Lisa who muttered the word.

  “Lisa?” Ben’s voice had lost its jovial tone. “Seriously? You screwed Lisa? In the control room? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”

  Dixie didn’t have to look behind him to know Ben had stormed out of the room. The slamming of the door told him that.

  “Well, that was certainly awkward.” She laughed but the sound had a bitter ring to it. “I’m sure I’m one of Ben’s favorite people now.”

  Dixie didn’t like the way her face had drained of color. He preferred her with the rosy glow she’d had just before Ben had walked in on them. “It’s okay. I’ll fix it.” He pulled out of her and disposed of the condom before he tugged his boxers and pants back up. She sat up but then sank her head into her hands. This was not the start he wanted or had envisioned to their relationship. And that’s what he planned this to be—the start to something. “Lisa?” He squatted down in front of the desk
and he put his palm under her chin so he could guide her to look at him. “I’ll fix this.”

  “He’s Nate’s father.” The words were rushed like some tortured confession.

  He was certain his smile held some sorrow, but he did his best to hide the emotion. He couldn’t believe how badly he’d screwed this whole thing up. They should’ve had this talk before they’d had sex. He’d just gotten so carried away that he’d forgotten about all the complications surrounding them. “I did the math that first night,” he said with a shrug. “I know it’s important for you to be on good terms with him. He’s my closest friend. This is important to me too. When I say, ‘I’ll fix this,’ they aren’t hollow words.”

  She took a deep breath but then ventured a sad smile of her own. “Thank you.”

  “I do need to know something before I go find him, though.” Wanting to touch her, he tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear.


  “What is it that you want here? I’m not going to lie. I like you. A lot. Have since the beginning.” He sighed as he ran his fingers through his short hair. “Probably since I got your file. You’re smart, kind and tough as hell.”

  “I don’t know if I’d go so far as tough. I’ve been abducted twice already.”

  “Tough isn’t the same thing as strong. You’ve been through a lot in the last two years but you haven’t let it break you or leave you jaded. That’s tough.” He paused to give her a second to absorb his words. “I’d love nothing more than to spend time with you and see where this goes. This wasn’t a fling or an affair to me. But if you want me to step out of the way so you and Ben can have a chance at being a family, I’d understand.” He’d understand but it would hurt like hell.

  “Wow.” She took a deep breath. “That was…blunt.”

  “Not much time for games out here. Best to know what you want and to go after it.”

  “I’ve liked you since the first night, too, Dixie. How could I not? You were like some action movie hero charging in and saving me and my son.”

  His heart raced as he waited for the inevitable “but”. He felt sick at the thought of losing her. Images of the inevitability of her with Ben tore at his gut but he refused to show any of it on his face.

  “And I won’t lie. I still have feelings for Ben. He was my first love and he gave me Nate. I’ll always feel something for him. But he’s my past.” She reached out to him, her fingers gliding over his cheek. “And I think he’s happiest there. I want a future.”

  Did that mean what he hoped it meant? “So what are you saying?”

  Her cheeks turned the most delightful shade of pink as she looked away from him. “I’d be interested in seeing where this goes.”

  His whole body relaxed as he took his first easy breath since the conversation had begun. “Good.” He rocked up on his heels so he could kiss her lightly. “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go fix things with Ben.”

  She looked down at her body as if just remembering she sat naked in front of him and the soft-pink blush across her checks turned bright red. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t ask for a clarification. He actually didn’t really care what she’d thanked him for. He was so happy they’d worked things out he didn’t feel like pressing the matter. “I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as he left her behind, though, his good mood started to fade. She’d chosen him, but Dixie couldn’t help but imagine how he’d feel if she’d picked Ben over him. The ache that bloomed in the pit of his stomach made him feel sick, but it couldn’t compare to what Ben must be feeling right now. She thought Ben still hated her and only tolerated her so they could work together, but Dixie suspected there was more to it than that. He bet Ben still had feelings for her. Who wouldn’t? The woman was amazing. And if Dixie hurt at the mere thought of losing her, he didn’t want to know the pain his friend was going through right now.

  It didn’t take long to find Ben. He always went to the same place when he wanted privacy—the computer server room. There was something about the hum of the machines. The sound seemed to comfort Ben. When Dixie found him there, Ben was sitting at the maintenance station, drowning his sorrows in a bottle of alcohol. “Mind if I join you?” Dixie asked as he sat down next to him.

  “Doesn’t appear as if I can stop you from doing whatever, or whoever, you fucking want. Might as well grab a chair and be my guest.”

  That was harsh but he deserved it. He grabbed the bottle and put it up to his lips before tipping it back. When the hot rush of alcohol filled his mouth he savored the burn for a moment before swallowing. He had to give Ben credit. He knew his booze. “She thinks you hate her.” He handed the bottle back to Ben so he could take a drink.

  “And what? You used that in your favor?” Ben took a deep drink before handing the bottle back.

  “No. Just thought you should know. You might want to clear the air with her.” He took another drink before giving the bottle back to Ben. “Unless you do still hate her.”

  “I don’t hate her. Haven’t since your late-night talk about integrity.” He laughed into the bottle as he tipped it back. “And you called me disrespectful.”

  Dixie let Ben take a drink before taking the bottle away. “I can only imagine the scene you walked in on and I’m trying to do my best to mend fences here, but don’t question my intentions with her. This isn’t just some quick fling to forget about the horrors of war.” Okay, so maybe throwing Ben’s relationship back in his face constituted a low blow. But he wanted to make sure Ben knew where he stood.

  “So I don’t get to be pissed off because I fucked up two years ago?”

  “You can be as pissed off as you want. But you did fuck up. And I like her. A lot.”

  “Well, I like her, too. I thought that if I gave her time to get to know me again she would forgive me for being such an asshole. Now, can I have my bottle back or are you going to steal that too?”

  “Here.” He handed the bottle back to Ben. “And I didn’t steal her.”

  Ben took a long drink that ended in a wince. “I know. And that only makes it suck that much more.”

  The alcohol combined with the post-sex hormones made Dixie feel warm and slightly fuzzy. Overall he liked the feeling. “I didn’t mean to have sex with her, not right then—not like that. But I’m not going to say I regret it.”

  Ben laughed. “I wouldn’t believe you if you said you did.”

  “Being around her makes me happy.” He took the bottle from Ben and took another drink. He was going to have to stop drinking soon. Already the room blurred around him and objects didn’t track when he moved his head.

  “Shit, man. You deserve to be happy.” Ben’s words sounded slurred.

  “So do you.” He meant it too. They’d been through a lot together. Saved each other’s asses more times than he could count.

  “No. I had her and threw her away.” He took another drink. “I was such a fucking idiot. I brought this on myself. I deserve it.”

  “Will we be okay?” It was probably too soon to ask. And they were both drunk at this point so he couldn’t really trust any answer Ben gave him. But he had to know. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  Ben pulled him into an embrace, his warm breath washing over Dixie’s neck. “It sucks, but I love you, man. I’m not going anywhere. We’ll figure out a way to make it work.”

  Dixie almost believed him. He turned to thank Ben but before he could say the words, he felt Ben’s lips on his. A bolt of shock swept through him and cleared his alcohol-fogged brain. He loved Ben, just not in that way. And he was fairly certain the alcohol could be blamed for the kiss. But as he thought through their current problem, it did raise a couple of interesting solutions he hadn’t thought of before. It wasn’t until he felt Ben’s hand stroke his upper thigh that Dixie realized he’d let the kiss continue. Yep. Very interesting indeed.

  Chapter Four

  Ben jumped back and took a startled breath just as his hand brushed against Dixie
’s cock. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”

  Dixie just sat back and quirked an eyebrow at Ben. “Really? You don’t have any idea?”

  “No,” he insisted. He hadn’t kissed a guy since that one disastrous day back in secondary school. Swore he never would again. “I shouldn’t have drunk so much of the whiskey.”

  “So we’re going to blame this on alcohol and move on?”

  Why was Dixie pushing him on this? Couldn’t the man see how uncomfortable the conversation made Ben? “Of course.” He rubbed his head in an attempt at easing the headache that thumped mercilessly there. “What else could it be?”

  “Before I take anyone into my squad, I do a background check on them.”

  Ben looked up at the man. Really? He understood the military doing checks, but the Coalition? They should be thankful for any warm body they could get. Especially when that warm body came with Ben’s skill set. “And?”

  “You’re from Ontesys.”

  A cold fear filled him as he guessed where the conversation was headed. “Yes I am.”

  “Was your family a duo or tri?”

  Lying to Dixie would be pointless. He most likely already knew the answer. He just wanted Ben to say it. “Tri.” He had two fathers and one mother. Their religion insisted it be that way. But just because a religion sanctioned it didn’t mean society as a whole did. The years of social hatred he’d endured because of his parents’ marital arrangement washed over him and made him sick. “I wasn’t coming on to you.”

  “Are you sure? It felt as if you were.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Anger and panic danced in the pit of his stomach as he stared at the bottle in front of him. The last thing he needed was Dixie thinking he agreed with his parents’ lifestyle. With his luck, that’d be enough to get him kicked out of the Coalition. Just like it’d been enough to get him kicked out of the fancy boarding school he’d been enrolled in.


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