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Page 8

by Chandra Ryan

  “Already?” She smiled as she rocked against his length.

  “What do you mean, already? We haven’t had sex in two years. I think I’ve waited long enough.”

  She had to stifle a laugh. “Are you complaining about my oral skills?”

  He smiled as he kissed her again. “Not at all. But sex is different. Nothing could compare to being inside you while you’re shaking and incoherent under me.” He ran his hand up her thigh. “Unless you’re too sore.”

  Her muscles did ache but they weren’t the reason for her pause. This was all so new to her and she was still trying to feel her way through it. In her mind, she’d committed to both men. For however long they were together, they were a tri. It felt odd to have sex with one of them while the other wasn’t there. Could that be considered cheating? Dixie had left the condoms for them so he must have recognized the possibility that she and Ben might have sex. Right? “Ben?”


  “Is this okay?”

  He brushed a kiss on her forehead. “I thought we already covered that.”

  She felt awkward bringing this up, but she’d told him they were going to talk through their issues and she’d meant it. “I mean, you’re okay with me being with Dixie and he’s okay with me being with you, even when the other one isn’t there?” Her face heated with a blush.

  He rolled her over so she was pinned under him on the bed. “There might be times where we’ll get a little jealous. But every relationship has its own issues. I think Dixie and I both want it bad enough to do what it takes to make it work.”

  She couldn’t help but believe his sincere declaration. “Thank you.” It put the last of her worries to rest.

  “But just as every relationship has problems, it also has rewards.” He nuzzled her neck.

  “And my reward with this relationship would be…?”

  He nibbled on her earlobe and the sensation made her heart race and her skin break out in goose bumps. “You’d have both Dixie and myself waiting on your every want and need.”

  She chuckled and wiggled against him. “That just might make the achy muscles worth it.”

  “You know.” He kissed her shoulder gently. “If something hurts, I’d be happy to kiss it and make it better.”

  “In that case, I hurt everywhere.”

  “I do love a challenge.”

  She put her hands above her head in a sign of surrender so he would be free to explore her body. He started with small kisses on her collarbone that led to a trail of kisses down the valley of her cleavage. When he finally made his way over to her breast, a shiver of desire snaked its way through her body. The sensation of his warm and inviting mouth on her breast made her want to rock against his body as he traced her nipple with the tip of his tongue before pulling the hardened bud into his mouth. But he lowered his hips, pinning hers to the mattress, so she couldn’t move. It would be considered torture if it didn’t feel so damn good.

  She arched her back and gasped at the pull. She couldn’t believe it was possible but her body was already humming with desire again. Would it always be like this? Would she always come to life under both of the men’s touches?

  “You are so beautiful.” As he blew a soft stream of air across her damp nipple, he took her other breast in his hand and began kneading it in his palm. She could no longer stand her passive pose so she brought her hands down and buried her fingers in his hair.

  “And you are a very talented lover.” She dropped her hands to his shoulders so she could run her fingertips over his smooth muscles. She wanted to touch him everywhere.

  “It looks as if you’re already feeling better.”

  She moaned as he ran his tongue over her nipple again. She did feel better. So much so that she’d actually forgotten she’d been achy a few minutes ago. He didn’t wait for an intelligible response from her, though. He’d already moved on. His stubble tickled as he left a series of kisses across her skin.

  “And you taste incredible.” His tongue swept over her navel. The soft caress and the vibrations of his words against her made her giggle. “Is that funny?”

  She couldn’t help but giggle again, especially when he rubbed one of his bristled cheeks against her abdomen. “It tickles.”

  He kissed her just below her bellybutton, this time with more pressure. And it didn’t tickle. Sexual tension coiled inside her. She knew his destination. And knowing made the craving almost painful. “Please.” The word broke around her rapid breathing. “This is torture.”

  He smiled but then dropped down between her thighs. “Let me see if I can do something to fix that.” His tongue swept across her clit in a seductive stroke.

  “Oh god.” Her nails dug into his scalp.

  She barely had time to catch her breath before his tongue caressed her clit for a second time. Her whole body tensed under the onslaught. She wanted him now. And his soft moan as he pushed his tongue into her channel only made her want him more desperately.

  “Please. I need you.”

  He looked up and smiled. “And you’ll have me. Just not this second.” He kissed her thigh and the light pressure made her break out in goose bumps. “Relax. Enjoy yourself. I know I am.” He smiled and winked at her.

  He slid a finger into her sex and started to pump it in and out of her in a slow rhythm as he ran his tongue over her clit. The friction was heavenly but she still needed more. When he slid the second finger into her, she wondered if he’d somehow read her mind. “God, yes.”

  She rocked against his fingers, searching for her release. Her movements probably appeared frantic at this point but she didn’t care. The world seemed to slow down around her as her muscles became painfully tight. And then, just when she began to worry that he planned on keeping her on the edge indefinitely he added a third finger and pleasure washed through her. She screamed his name as her body convulsed. He continued licking her and fucking her with his fingers until the waves of release gentled and her body became overly sensitive.

  He pulled his fingers out of her and then grabbed one of the condoms out of the drawer. She studied his every move intently as he tore it open and slid the barrier over his cock. He was so hard. Just staring at him made her body start to warm with new desire. He looked up and caught her watching him. Immediately her face warmed with a blush.

  “God, Lisa. You’ve got to stop looking at me like that or I’m not going to last.”

  She batted her eyelashes at him and put on her best expression of innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  An irritated growl was the only answer she got from him. He sprawled out on top of her and then positioned himself at her entrance. She lost track of everything else as her sex stretched to accommodate him as he slid into her, burying his hard cock in her so deep she could feel his balls brush against her skin. “Damn. You feel absolutely amazing.”

  She did indeed feel amazing. Probably not in the way he meant, however. With him deep inside her, she tingled all the way down to her toes. Now she just needed him to start moving. “I know a way to make it feel even better.” She rocked her hips, hoping he got the idea.

  He laughed as he started to rock his hips back. When he’d almost pulled all the way out of her, he slid back in. This time with more force. “Is that what you were talking about?”

  “Mmm…” She rocked her hips again. “More.”

  “I’d hate to disappoint the lady.” His thrusts became rhythmic and Lisa let her thighs fall slightly farther apart in order to accommodate him. With each brush of his body against hers, her hunger grew until she could no longer think about anything other than him. He filled her body, his scent clung to the air she breathed and he dominated her thoughts. Nothing existed outside them and this moment. Until, finally, the warm wave of climax swept through her, making her lightheaded. Her body shook and her thoughts froze in that moment but she didn’t care. She’d found the contentment she’d sought.

  Her body hadn’t even relaxed from its rel
ease when Ben thrust into her again and called out her name. His fingers gripped her hips hard enough that they’d probably leave bruises. Not that that bothered her. In truth, she found the idea kind of exciting.

  His muscles shook as he slid into her again. “That was…” He lowered himself to his elbows to kiss her gently. She couldn’t have said it better herself. And, unable to come up with words of her own, she tightened her arms around his shoulders so she could kiss him deeper. Their breathing might be harsh and choppy and a light sheen of sweat covered both of them, but this was one of the most beautiful moments of her life. She wanted to cling to it as tightly as she clung to him.

  The sound of the door opening behind them startled them both, but she continued kissing Ben for just a moment longer. The only person keyed to open that door was Dixie. And, if he wanted to watch, she didn’t have a problem with that.

  “Good. You guys made up.” Dixie’s deep voice rolled over her, giving her chills.

  Ben broke the kiss and smiled at Lisa. “We did.”

  “I’m glad. That way, when I tell you we have a situation, you won’t be upset with me for interrupting things.”

  Ben pulled out of her and then rolled over so he was lying on his side. “What happened?”

  “The military just left.”

  “They left? All of them?” The top sheet that covered her slid to her waist as she sat up, but being exposed didn’t bother Lisa. A new depth of acceptance swept through her as she regarded both of her lovers.

  “There aren’t any left on the monitors and the only heat signatures our scouts are picking up are the ones in the stasis chambers.”

  “But why would they leave?” Ben asked. “And why would they abandon the stasis chambers?”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out. I need you up and dressed, ASAP.”

  “Of course,” Lisa said as she got out of the bed.

  “Not you, Lisa,” he corrected. “The situation has too many unknowns to involve civilians.”

  She began getting dressed anyway. “I’m the only one with half a chance at figuring out what’s inside those chambers.”

  “We can send for you once we ensure the area is clear.” Dixie positioned himself between her and the door as if that was somehow going to stop her. She had logic on her side. She refused to allow his brawn to trump that.

  “You need to know why they evacuated the base and why they left the chambers behind. Ben might be able to find the answers to the first problem, but I’m the only one who’ll be able to answer the second one and you know it. You need me.”

  “It’s not safe.” He crossed his arms over his chest in protest.

  Now fully dressed, she walked over to him and then kissed him on the cheek. “You’ll keep me safe.”

  She saw his smile of pride despite his best attempt at wiping all trace of it off his face. “We will come get you as soon as we secure the area.”

  “Knowing my luck, that’ll be just as I sit down to play with Nate. I’m assuming you left him in the care of one of the babysitters. So why disrupt his day and then pull me away during our family time when I can just go take a peek now?” She walked around him and then leaned back against the door. The move forced him to turn in order to keep an eye on her. “There are no heat signatures. It’s safe. Besides, if they’re up to something—and I think we can safely assume they are—we need to know sooner rather than later.”

  Ben had disposed of the condom and was now completely dressed and had joined them by the door. He could’ve easily picked a side but he kept his silence. Which probably worked in her favor. Ben seemed to be the more cautious of the two men.

  Dixie let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his temple. “You’ll stay behind me at all times?”


  Lisa interrupted Ben’s impending argument. “At all times.”

  “And you’ll follow my orders without question?”

  “Hang on, guys—”

  She couldn’t let Ben ruin her chance, though, so she interrupted him again. “I promise.”

  “Okay.” Dixie’s reluctance was obvious but he’d conceded. That was all that mattered to Lisa.

  “I don’t get a vote in this?” The anger in Ben’s voice made Lisa feel a little guilty. Not enough that she’d yield to him, but enough that she squirmed under his blatant stare.

  Thankfully Dixie addressed the issue so she didn’t have to. “I don’t think I even got a vote on that one.” He looked over his shoulder at Ben as he spoke. “How long do you think we can keep her locked up here before she sneaks out on her own? To be honest, I’m surprised she hasn’t tried it already.”

  The heat of a blush burned her cheeks as she remembered how many times she’d plotted a late-night excursion to take a peek into one of those chambers. The only thing that kept her from actually attempting it was the knowledge she’d be caught and dragged back to the bunker before she could actually make it to the lab. She might be curious but she wasn’t stupid.

  Ben cursed under his breath. “He’s right, isn’t he?”

  “I’ve thought about it.” Lying would be a waste of time. The men read her expressions too easily for her to succeed. “But I haven’t actually done it.”

  “How many days were you giving us before you attempted it?” Dixie pressed.

  Her stomach pinched painfully. How could he know she’d given them an unspoken ultimatum? “The vitals on the chamber readouts were starting to decline. I had real reason to worry about the lives housed in them. I’m a doctor. I can’t just sit by and do nothing.”

  “What?” Ben’s voice held challenge and fear in it.

  “How many days?”

  “Two.” She looked to the side so she wouldn’t have to see Ben’s glare any longer. Still, she could feel it. “I’m not going to apologize. They need help.”

  Dixie leaned forward to trap her between him and the metal door. “I’m a soldier, not a doctor. I couldn’t care less about their vitals. Yours, however, are important to me.” The whispered words held a protectiveness that made the hairs on her arms stand on end. “You ever take off without me or Ben there to watch your back and I promise you that I will track you down, drag you back and tie you down. Am I clear?”

  She shivered with renewed desire at the mental image. Damn, she was in trouble here. “Crystal.”

  “Good.” Dixie opened the door behind her, making her stumble backward into the hallway. “Then let’s go satisfy this curiosity of yours before it drives us all to do things we regret.”

  Chapter Six

  Dixie cursed himself and Lisa as they put on body armor and then grabbed several guns from the weapon locker. He didn’t want her near danger. And anything she had to be wrapped in armor and packing heat to deal with could be defined as danger in his book.

  “Do you know how to fire that thing?” He nodded at the gun he’d just handed her.

  “In theory, yes. Have I ever done it? No.”

  That didn’t help him feel any better. “When this is done, Ben and I are taking turns with you at a firing range.”

  She giggled. “Is that a euphemism?”

  If the situation weren’t dire and if her safety weren’t on the line, he might have laughed at the joke. As it was, he found himself smiling. “Oh, sweetheart, I like the way you think. It’s not going to get you out of weapons training, but I bet we can work out a way to manage both.”

  Ben snorted as he did a check of his armor. “That’s what she said.”

  “You two are quite the comedians today, aren’t you?” If he’d known Ben had a sense of humor, he would’ve gotten the man laid years ago.

  Ben looked down as a blush reddened his cheeks. “Sorry, sir.”

  “Don’t be. It’s a nice change.” The easy camaraderie helped to put him at ease and made him think of family—only better. His family didn’t laugh. And they certainly didn’t make jokes that were heavy in sexual innuendo. They had a reputation to maintain, after all. He frowned at the
sudden memory before pushing it to the back of his mind. He had other things to deal with right now. “Make sure you’re on your game once we leave this bunker, though.” Dixie nodded as the rest of their group joined them. They were taking twelve of his best scouts with them to check out the base. Just because there were no heat signatures on the scanners didn’t mean there weren’t people out there. It might be expensive, but there was a way to hide body warmth. If anyone had the money to invest in that kind of tech, it was the government.

  He waited for the others to get ready and then led them to the ladder leading out. “Your primary mission is to protect the scientist. Am I clear?”

  “Yes sir.” Their answer echoed off the walls around them.

  “Anything happens to me, you’re to get her back here immediately and in one piece.” He nodded to Ben. “Mincer is my second-in-command. This goes sideways and he’s in charge.” He so rarely used Ben’s last name that it felt foreign to his tongue.

  “Yes sir.”

  “We’re going to approach the base from the south. Candlon and Johannas, you’re going to break off and do a sweep of the living quarters in the first quadrant. Kindsey and Mitchell, you’re on the second quadrant. Donner and Skorzy, you’re on the third. And Leeam and Abner, you’re on the fourth. The rest of you are going to stay with Mincer, the scientist and myself. We’re going to the lab.” He gave them a second to voice any objections they might have. When they remained silent, he continued, “We’ll be on radio silence unless there’s an attack. Once you’ve cleared your quadrant, you’ll meet us in the lab to report. As soon as everyone has reported and we’ve ascertained the situation in the lab, we’ll head back to the bunker. Are there any questions?”

  “Once the quadrants are secure, will we still be on silence?” Abner asked.

  “Yes. Even if they aren’t in the base, they still might be close enough to pick up chatter.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Anything else?” When no one asked any other questions, he put his hand on the ladder. “Then let’s get this done.”


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