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Page 11

by Chandra Ryan

  This was the first time their little group had introduced itself to anyone as a tri. Everybody who served with them had probably figured it out. They were, after all, living together full-time. But no one had come out and asked.

  Michael gaped at him for a minute but then finally took Dixie’s hand in greeting. “Sorry, I’m usually more articulate. I’m a journalist after all.” The poor man had finally snapped. He’d slipped into complete babble. “Articulate and succinct. That’s what sells the stories.”

  Dixie cleared his throat and the noise seemed to make Michael aware of the fact he was still holding Dixie’s hand. “Oh! Sorry.” He dropped Dixie’s hand and then took a step back.

  “Really, Michael? One would think you’d never seen a tri relationship.” Ben’s voice held a note of rebuke in it but Michael deserved it. He should know better than most how to react to a tri.

  Michael turned bright red with the sting of the comment. “I’m sorry. Again. I seem to be off my game today.” He cleared his throat and then held out his hand to Lisa. “Can we start again, please?”

  Lisa had the grace and dignity to smile warmly and nod. “Of course.” She took his hand again and shook it briefly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” He then turned to Dixie and shook Dixie’s hand once again. “Thank you for having me in your home.”

  Dixie smiled broadly at Michael’s attempt to smooth over any ruffled feathers. “Any friend of Ben’s…” Dixie let the sentence die unfinished and the good-natured comment finally eased the tension of the moment.

  The light mood lasted through dinner and most of coffee. It wasn’t until Michael started asking his questions that everyone allowed the serious nature of their discovery to fill the small room. “So, Dr. Colt, Ben tells me that you were being held in a level-one security facility.”

  Lisa swallowed and then put her coffee cup down on the table before answering. “Call me Lisa, please. And yes. That’s where they found me.”

  “Why were they holding you?”

  “I’m not really sure. I had nothing to do with classified research so it’s not as if I was a threat to them.”

  “What project were you working on right before you were detained?”

  Lisa was silent for a moment before shaking her head. “There were several. Most had to do with gene replacement procedures. Nothing that should’ve landed me behind bars, though.”

  “Okay. Well, were there any projects you’d just finished? Think hard. Anything that required forms to be filed or that you told your superiors about?”

  She appeared to be thinking through her work for a couple of minutes and then she gasped. She looked at Ben and then Dixie before saying, “The cure. I’d just had my first successful operation and filed procedural paperwork detailing the steps the day before.”

  “What cure?” Michael asked.

  Dixie and Ben didn’t have to ask though. “The cure to the NB-7 dependency in super-soldiers.” Dixie’s voice was flat and his expression blank as he delivered the answer.

  “Yes. I’d discovered the nature of the flaw almost six months ago but it took months of research and testing to find a fix.”

  Michael sat his cup of coffee down on the table slowly before glancing at Ben and Dixie. “You can end the NB-7 dependency?”

  “Yes. Not only have I already successfully performed the operation on most of the super-soldiers here, I’ve also trained ten other Coalition surgeons on the procedure. The flaw should be corrected in the entire population within a six-month time period.”

  Michael’s face drained of color as he focused on Ben. “You told me that you will keep her hidden so well that no one would ever be able to find her,” he said directly to Ben.

  “Yes.” Ben’s heart raced with fear as Michael started putting the pieces together.

  “Squadrons of super-soldiers will be coming after her with one mission. And they won’t stop until they find her.”

  Lisa shook her head. “I’m one woman, an unimportant woman at that. So I found their flaw. Everybody knew it was there.”

  Michael turned his attention back to Lisa. “It wasn’t a flaw. It was a fail-safe. And you, my dear woman, are the most important person in the galaxy at this moment.”

  “You’re not making any sense.” Lisa stood up and took a step away from the table. “All I did was find a cure for a defect. It’s what I do. Or, what I did.”

  “You handed the keys of freedom to a group of slaves.” Michael stood as he spoke. “And once the modified soldiers still under the military’s command find out, they’re going to want it too. When the government refuses, there’s going to be an all-out coup. They won’t be able to keep their own super-soldiers. Which means they’re going to need soldiers able to beat the ones who are going to rise up against them.”

  “No.” She picked Nate up out of his seat and held him tightly to her. “You’re wrong. This isn’t my fault. They didn’t create those life forms because of me.”

  “No. Not because of you, sweetheart.” Dixie stood and then stepped behind her. “They would’ve done it eventually anyway. But your work probably pushed up their timeline.”

  Lisa gasped as she shook her head more emphatically. “You’re wrong. I researched the flaw for months. My superiors were kept abreast of my findings every step of the way. If what you’re saying is true, they would’ve said something. They would’ve stopped me.”

  “And tip their hand? They needed to know if there was a way to end the dependency. And if there was, how hard it would be. They were using your research to judge how much time they had to develop new soldiers.” It made so much sense that even Ben felt the eerie sureness of Dixie’s logic as the piece slid into place. “Fortunately for us, you were even quicker than they anticipated. Now that we know what they had in mind, we can stop them.” Dixie had started moving his hand in circles on her back, trying to calm her. Ben wanted to help in that endeavor as well, but the table was between them and he was afraid she would bolt if anyone made any sudden moves.

  “Fortunately for us, but not for the life forms. They’re living beings. They have consciousness—on some level. And they’re never even going to be able to leave those chambers. All because I had to find a cure.” She sank back into her seat but still clung tightly to Nate. “What have I done?”

  “The right thing,” Michael answered.

  Her lip was starting to quiver the way it always did right before she started to cry and Ben’s heart broke a little watching it. “You didn’t create them. The military did. But you could find their cure. You could fix them. Like you fixed us.”

  “I don’t even know if it’s possible, especially with the military breathing down my neck. I got into this mess for Nate. I won’t let him grow up without his mother.”

  “They’re not going to find you. Dixie and I won’t let that happen.” Ben leaned forward as he made the promise. “And it’s not as if you’d be taking anything away from the experiments by trying. Anything you give them would be an improvement to the life they’re living now.”

  She was quiet for a moment as if she was thinking it through. “You do have a point. And now that I’ve taught others how to do the procedure, I should be safer. Right?”

  “Have you kept any notes that contain the names of those you’ve trained?” Michael asked.

  “No. If they have the medical training to perform the operation successfully, I train them and then send them back to wherever they came from. No questions asked and no documents filed.”

  “Then, yes, there is a measure of safety there. As long as the military knows you’re no longer the only one with the knowledge.”

  She nodded. “I’m betting we can come up with a way to get the word out.”

  “If not,” Michael said with a smile, “I’m sure Ahnal Lee can come up with a way.”

  “So you’ll do it? You’ll help us?” Lisa’s eyes shone with happiness as she asked. Her feelings were always so appa
rent. It was one of the things Ben loved the most about her.

  “I’m not making any guarantees, but I might know someone who knows someone who knows Ahnal Lee. I’ll see what I can do.”

  Michael smiled as Lisa’s unfiltered joy filled the room. Ben’s plan had worked. At least, it had so far. Now he just had to make sure the rest of the pieces fell into place.

  “Thank you.” She handed Nate off to Dixie, who beamed at finally being allowed to do something in her presence, and then stood up and leaned over the table to hug Michael. “You’re a very brave man.”

  “Or a very stupid one,” Michael teased. “The jury is still out.”

  Lisa still wore a smile as she stepped away from him. “However it works out, I’m glad I had the chance to meet you.”

  “And I’m glad Ben had the chance to meet you.” The moment changed to serious with his words. “You’re good for him.” Michael glanced up at Dixie. “You both are.”

  Dixie nodded as he stood with Nate in his arms. “Thank you. I’d like to think we’re good for each other.”

  “Guess I owe Commander Wallace an apology for the evil thoughts I had about him that first night,” Ben said with a smile. “But really, how could I’ve known that keeping an eye on Lisa would be so much fun?”

  “I wouldn’t bring it up with him, though. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt you,” Dixie teased.

  “When the man’s right, he’s right.” Ben slapped Dixie across the back in good humor. And with that, Ben knew it was time for Michael to leave. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with us.”

  “No thanks needed. This is the story of a lifetime.” They followed him as he made his way to the door. After he opened it, he turned to them once more and said, “Keep me posted about the life forms and I’ll keep you posted on Ahnal Lee. Hopefully we’ll be able to pull this off.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  There was an armed guard posted at their door to see Michael off the base so Ben wouldn’t have to. Ben guessed it was Dixie’s doing. And, as the door closed, shielding them from the outside world for a little longer, Ben couldn’t be more thankful for the gesture.

  “I’m going to go start cleaning up.” Lisa took a step toward the kitchen but Ben grabbed her arm, stopping her.

  “Why don’t you go put Nate to bed? He looked pretty sleepy. Dixie and I can clean up the kitchen.”

  Dixie gave him a questioning look but kept his silence.

  And Dixie didn’t seem to be the only one to question the idea. “Are you sure?” Lisa asked. “It’s a pretty big mess in there.”

  “I’m sure. You cooked a great meal for us. We’ll clean up the mess. Won’t we, buddy?” He elbowed Dixie to try to get him to agree.

  “Sure. Go put Nate to bed. Ben and I have this.”

  She took Nate from Dixie’s arms and smiled. “Thanks. You two are the best.”

  As she walked away from them Ben smiled. Her evening was only going to get better.

  “Want to tell me what you’ve got up your sleeve?” Dixie asked as they walked to the kitchen.

  “She’s had a hard day. I thought it’d be nice for us to pick up the slack a little.”

  They loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and wiped off the countertops. “I’m all for giving the woman a hand whenever possible. But something tells me there’s more to this than giving Lisa a break.”

  Ben’s stomach churned as he thought through the words he had to say. “How do you feel about Lisa?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “It’s obvious that you get hard anytime she’s around.” He tried to elbow Dixie again but Dixie danced out of the way.

  “Stop that. It hurts.”

  “Big baby. Fine, what I need to know is, do you just want to fuck her or is there more?”

  “Seriously? You have to ask?”

  “Yes. I need you to actually say it.” If his plan was going to work, he and Dixie needed to be a united front.

  “Okay. But I need to hear you say it first. How do you feel about her?”

  He ground his teeth together and took a deep breath but then answered. “I love her.”

  “And how do you feel about me?”

  Damn. He should’ve seen this one coming. “Really?”

  “If this conversation is going where I think it’s going, we’re going to need to lay all our cards on the table.”

  That they needed to have the conversation didn’t mean Ben had to enjoy being put on the spot though. “You’ve been a role model since I joined the Coalition. I respect you highly.” But that wasn’t enough. He’d have to tell him everything. “And you’re family. You, Lisa and Nate, you’re all I have. It feels right. We belong together.”

  “Is that feeling strong enough to share her with me?” Dixie sat down at the table. “On a more permanent basis?”

  “I’m an Ontesysian. This is normal for me—or, at least, more normal. The real question is, how would you feel about sharing her with me on a more permanent basis?”

  “I wouldn’t have started something I didn’t plan on following through with.”

  “Good. So tell me, how do you feel about her?”

  “I love her.”

  “And me?”

  “You’re my family. We’re a family.”

  “So we’re on the same page. Now we just have to get her there with us.” Ben smiled as the tension faded from him. With Dixie on his side, they could do this. They could win the elusive Dr. Colt.

  Chapter Eight

  Lisa put Nate in his crib and then sat down in a nearby chair to sing him to sleep. She’d started the routine with his birth and she refused to give it up now just because the universe had decided to shake her life up a bit. This time, this quiet ten minutes of the day, was one of her favorites. She didn’t get to spend enough time with her son during the day. But this time belonged to them.

  The song had been one that her mother had sung to her and, most likely, one her grandmother had sung to her mom. Its melody soothing and its words comforting, it made her feel connected to the universe and it made her remember the safety of being in her mother’s arms. She wished she could go back to that time.

  With the end of the song, however, she realized the pointless nature of the wish. Her childhood had been over for a long time. She was an adult and needed to think like one. First, Ben had been correct. She had nothing to lose by trying to help those poor souls in the chambers. Yes, she’d been studying them over the last week. But it embarrassed her to admit that she’d been studying what had been done to them instead of how to help them. As soon as she went back to work in the morning she’d change things. She’d find a cure for them just as she’d found a cure for the super-soldiers. She would fix this—somehow.

  Nate had drifted off to sleep. The quiet stillness of the room told her that. And he tended to be a sound sleeper so he would most likely be out for the night. That meant it was time for her to go find her men. She smiled at the thought. She really liked thinking of them as her men.

  She walked through the front room and the kitchen before she heard the sound of them talking in the bathroom. It looked as if it was sponge bath time. Her smile grew as she walked faster. The only thing better than seeing her lovely men naked was watching them react as she traced every inch of their bodies with a damp, soft cloth. Of course, some inches she liked watching even more than others.

  She giggled as she entered the bathroom but then stopped and stared at the scene in front of her in confusion. Both men were completely dressed. One of them should be naked and waiting patiently for her. It was how their routine went. “Okay, who am I starting with this evening?” She winked brazenly at them to give the comment the proper double entendre feel.

  When her men smiled back at her, the hair on her arms stood on end. They were up to something. And, judging by the predatory gleam in their eyes, it involved her. She looked forward to whatever they had in mind, but she still wished she’d had a little warning. Having two love
rs sometimes required a moment or two of mental preparation. “Whatcha planning?”

  Ben held out his hand to her. Which meant she wouldn’t be getting any answers from him. Either she trusted them and just went with it or she left the room. There really wasn’t any question as to how she planned to respond. Without even missing a beat, she took his hand.

  “You’re going to enjoy it. I promise.” He winked at her as he started unbuttoning her shirt. Dixie moved behind her and then slipped the blouse over her shoulders and let it slide to the floor as soon as Ben had it undone. After her blouse settled around her feet, Dixie kissed her shoulder. “I love that you never wear a bra.” His breath warmed and tickled her shoulder as he spoke.

  She wished she had satin and lace to wear under her clothes—lingerie to drive the men crazy. But, circumstances being what they were, she’d decided going without a bra was better than wearing the utilitarian ones the Coalition had to offer. “Don’t really need one in the lab. Not when my lab jacket is on, at least.”

  Dixie’s teeth scraped against her earlobe, making her skin break out in goose bumps. “I find it unbelievable sexy that these luscious breasts are free all day.”

  She wanted to laugh at the image but as she leaned back on Dixie, Ben took a step closer to her and caged her body between the men. “You do?” She could barely get the question out. Having them both so close to her, their heat enveloping her, she had a hard time concentrating. She grabbed Dixie’s thigh just to give herself something solid to anchor herself to. And boy was it solid.

  “I do.” The stubble on Dixie’s chin rubbed against her throat as he talked. “Every time I imagine you at work, I picture these perfect nipples showing through your clothes.” As if understanding him, her nipples hardened and began to ache to be caressed. He ran his hands down her sides, though. The calloused tips of his fingers added just enough friction to make the touch sensual instead of it tickling her. She closed her eyes to savor the feel of his touch, but he stopped at the waistband of her slacks.

  She moaned in disappointment and wiggled her hips. As her ass brushed against his cock, she felt how hard he was under his cargo pants. She tried to move her hand so she could unbutton them, but he stopped her. “Not this time. Tonight you’re getting the sponge bath.”


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