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Page 8

by Cyndi Friberg

“So what’s the plan?” she whispered from lack of breath rather than fear of being overheard.

  “Keep moving. Make it back to the shuttle. Eventually.”

  She nodded. “I thought I was in fairly good shape, but this is killing me.”

  “Atmosphere.” He panted. “Less oxygen than we’re used to.”

  For another minute or so they worked at regaining their breaths. “Was he trying to buy me?” She was pretty sure that was what had happened.

  Rex looked very uncomfortable, but nodded. “I told him you weren’t for sale.”

  She laughed. “Well, thank you for that much at least.”

  His expression changed, intensified, but she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. “I would never allow anyone to hurt you. You know that, don’t you?”

  She knew he meant it, that he would do everything in his power to protect her, but bad guys never fought fair, and evil had a way of sneaking up on good intentions. Rather than start a fight she just sighed and finger-combed her hair out of her eyes.

  He straightened and stretched out his back. “Ready?”

  She blew out another ragged breath and nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

  Pausing in the doorway to ensure their path was clear, he ran. She followed, staying right on his back. The crowd grew thicker, forcing them to slow down. Were they nearing the dock or cutting through a popular area of the market?

  Barkers called out encouragements and offers, none of which Thea could understand. Children approached her, the bolder ones tugging on her pant leg or tapping her arm. Each held out trinkets and small novelties, but again she couldn’t understand their words. Damn this was frustrating.

  “Shit,” Rex snarled, then yanked her into an alley on their left.

  She hadn’t seen the angry customer or the two thugs, but Rex had seen something. He ran even faster than before, changing direction without warning and avoiding the larger walkways.

  Within minutes she was panting again and feeling very lightheaded. Damn it. If they didn’t make it back to the shuttle soon, she was going to pass out.

  Ignoring her burning lungs and the pricks of light flashing before her eyes, she pushed onward.

  A long, heavily muscled arm suddenly wrapped around her body, trapping her arms against her sides. Another hand covered her mouth before she could scream. It didn’t keep her from trying. She yelled and tried to jerk her head far enough to uncover her mouth. She kicked and twisted, but it did no good. She was easily dragged down one alley and then another. At one point she kicked off the wall and shoved her attacker backward. He just tightened his arm, crushing her ribs and restricting her breathing. Her vision grew dim and buzzing filled her ears, her heels dragging as she lost control of her limbs.

  They finally reached a small open space like a cul-de-sac lined with the back side of shops. Her attacker eased his hold enough to let her lungs fully expand. Gradually her head cleared, but she still felt weak.

  Thug One stepped into her line of vision, so it stood to reason that Thug Two was restraining her.

  “Mr. Lednt wants you alive,” Thug One whispered in Rodyte, his beady eyes gleaming in the dimness. “He didn’t say nothing about undamaged, so don’t test us.”

  His face was elongated, forehead slightly sloped. If he weren’t leering at her, she would have been fascinated by the unusual proportions of his features.

  “Do you think he’ll let us play with her once she’s broke in?” Thug Two slid his hand up, rubbing his arm against the bottom of her breasts. He’d spoken in Rodyte too, clearly wanting her to hear.

  “Doubtful.” Thug One ambled closer, his gaze sweeping her from head to toe. “If we hurry, we can try her out now. Lednt don’t even need to know.”

  His hateful words kicked her pulse up a notch and filled her with steely purpose. She would not go down without one hell of a fight. She’d gone through a munitions scanner before entering the market. That didn’t guarantee they were unarmed, but she’d take her chances. Yes they were big, huge even. But they were also slow.

  Encouraged by the thought, she plotted her course through the alley. Break free from Thug Two, jump on the crate, elbow Thug One in the face and run like hell. Easy-peasy.

  If she didn’t black out from lack of oxygen.

  She sucked in several deep breaths and focused on her destination, visualizing the course she was about to take. Thea Cline was not a victim. And that would never change!

  Surprise and speed were her only weapons, so she suddenly went limp in Thug Two’s arms. He made a strange grunting sound and turned her loose as he tried to steady her.

  She lunged forward and twisted, narrowly missing his grasping hands. Two running steps took her to the crate. She agilely leapt onto it and propelled herself toward Thug One, elbow positioned like a battering ram. She connected with his cheek, not his nose, but he shouted something as he stumbled back, arms flailing wildly.

  Jumping off the crate, she ran, ran full speed ahead without even glancing behind her. She turned right then left, but quickly realized she didn’t know where the hell she was going.

  A sweet-faced elderly female stood behind a table loaded with heavily decorated fabrics. Noticing Thea’s interest, she immediately picked one up and draped it across her bony chest. “Sen ritafa, mekatta? Estibih?”

  “Where are the ships?” She held out her arms and dipped from side to side.

  The old woman shook her head, obviously not understanding.


  Giving up, Thea ran toward the bigger shop that ran perpendicular to the tables. That was where they’d been when the thugs grabbed her. Had Rex waited around, looking for her, or had he run back to his shuttle. They’d established that as their destination. It made more since to go there than wander around the market. Now all she had to do was find the docking piers.

  She kept scanning the crowd, worried that her pursuers would find her and hoping to spot Rex.

  It was quieter by the shops. There was more space and fewer customers. Still no sign of Rex. She found the vacant shop and tried to retrace their steps, but the rows of stands seemed endless and they all looked the same.

  Frustration crept in, followed quickly by fear. She was truly alone with no money and no way to communicate with the vast majority of these people.

  Refusing to panic, she jogged along, not wanting to make herself an easy target. She just wasn’t sure which way to go.


  She whipped around and scanned the crowd, but didn’t see a familiar face. Was she hearing things? Stress could do that to a person.

  “Thea. Over here.”

  Following the urgent sound, she spotted Rex in between two shops, standing in the shadows, but waving like crazy.

  She ran to him, never so glad to see anyone in her life. Without thinking she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, but he remained tense, and unresponsive. She immediately let go and stepped back.

  “What’s wrong?” He looked angry, not worried. What the hell?

  “Where did you go? I told you to stay close.” He wasn’t yelling, but close.

  “Oh my god. You’re pissed at me?” She planted her fists on her hips, desperately needing to lash out at someone. She’d just escaped being raped because Rex pissed off a customer, and now he was pissed at her? “Those goons grabbed me and dragged me into an alley. If you’re supposed to protect me, where the hell were you?”

  He grasped her upper arm and pulled her deeper into the shadows. “I didn’t see what happened. You just vanished. I thought... I was concerned that you—”

  “Ran away?” she finished for him. After an initial flare of anger, she quickly calmed down. She couldn’t blame him for doubting her. She’d talked about nothing but escape since they left the Outcasts’ planet. “I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t make it back to Earth without considerable help. I didn’t leave you, Rex. I was dragged away.” She hadn’t meant it to sound so intimate, but in an instant the mood shifted, e
verything around her hushed and all she could see was him.

  Their gazes locked and awareness pulsed between them, making her hot and restless. She’d tried every trick in the book to keep herself from thinking about their interrupted pleasure the night before. She wasn’t ready for a lover, so it wasn’t fair to keep...

  He closed the distance between them with two long strides and her thoughts scattered. Her heart fluttered and her breasts felt heavy, her nipples tingling. He pushed one of his hands into her hair, splaying his fingers against the back of her head. “I’ve never been so frightened in my life,” he admitted in a harsh, raw whisper.

  A smile slowly parted her lips. “That’s why I came back to rescue you.” She’d hope the teasing would lighten his mood. Instead, his eyes narrowed and he slowly lowered his mouth to hers.

  Chapter Five

  Thea knew Rex was going to kiss her as soon as he touched her, but she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do about it. Each time she allowed him to kiss her or touch her intimately it gave him false hope. Unless she was willing to let him claim her she shouldn’t encourage him in any way.

  Was she willing to be claimed, to permanently bind herself to an alien? Even an alien as appealing as Rex? She hadn’t thought so until last night. But she’d lain awake long after Rex fell asleep, imagining what it would have been like if they hadn’t stopped when they did.

  He angled his head and teased the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue. “Relax, baby doll. Let me taste you.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Her whispered objection parted her lips long enough for his tongue to sweep inside and brush against hers. She gasped, but just as quickly as he invaded her mouth, he retreated. The teasing half-kiss left her tense and aching for more. He brushed his lips along her jawline, then down the side of her neck, his warm breath making her tingle.

  She stood stiff and unsure, but sensations erupted in the wake of his featherlight kisses. She felt strange, feverish and muddled. Adrenaline. She was still revved up from the danger they’d narrowly escaped. Her pulse accelerated with each breath she took and her nipples rasped against the inside of her uniform top. No, this was something far more dangerous than flight or fight. This was the pull supercharged by adrenaline. The embers they’d left smoldering last night had just erupted into flames. Slow, rolling heat spread through her body, igniting her senses, making her hungry and needful.

  His warm lips retraced the path up her neck, his tongue lightly stroking her skin as he went. When his lips settled over hers this time, she parted for him. She didn’t quite welcome the kiss, but definitely allowed the sensual invasion of his tongue. Her determination not to encourage him was easily eclipsed by the longing he elicited in her.

  He took his time, exploring her lips before venturing deeper into her mouth. She inhaled his scent, holding it inside her lungs like intoxicating smoke. Reality narrowed to Rex and her. It didn’t matter that they were surrounded by people, or that trash was scattered among the grass. She wanted him deep inside her, filling the empty ache as no one else could.

  She touched her tongue to his, inviting a deeper exploration. He didn’t hesitate. His head shifted, his mouth sealing over hers as their tongues began to swirl and slide. His taste filled her mouth, sending waves of heat cascading through her body. Her clit twitched and tingled. She tightened her inner muscles, driving the ache deeper into her body. All he was doing was kissing her and she was about ready to come.

  He buried his face in the curve of her neck, moaning. “Gods above, I need you.”

  His heated admission sent a thrill through her. She needed him too, but there was no way she was pulling down her pants in an alley. It would make her too vulnerable, too exposed. She licked her lips and a wicked image filled her mind. She wanted him inside her. Did it matter where he entered?

  Feminine power surged, the sudden rush making her dizzy. She sank to her knees, not caring if her uniform got dirty, or if half the star system gathered around to watch. Her potential mate was in need and she was desperate for a taste of him. One tug on the laces at the front of his pants loosened the garment enough for her to free his cock.

  “Thea?” He gasped, grabbing her wrist.

  She ignored him and guided his shaft to her eager mouth. Knowing that someone could stumble into the alley and see what they were doing made the act even more exciting. She had never done anything like this before, had never wanted someone so desperately she’d risk discovery.

  Another groan tore from his throat as she took him deep into her mouth. She kept him there, needing the fullness, imagining how he would feel buried deep in her core. Joined, completed, this was what she wanted, what she needed.

  Slowly drawing back, she swirled her tongue around the flared tip and his taste grew stronger, spreading through her mouth and radiating out to every molecule of her body. Clearly, he needed this as badly as she did. Maybe more.

  She rocked forward and back, taking him as deep as she could. He pushed his hands into her hair, but let her set the pace and determine the depth of each penetration. She sucked and licked, wanting all he had to give. She’d never felt this way before, had never been as desperate for the pleasure of her partner as she was for her own.

  His hips began to rock, pushing him even deeper than he’d gone before. It was raw and nasty, and she loved it! He shook, his fingers tightening in her hair. “I’m going to come,” he warned and tried to pull out.

  She lunged forward, taking him as deep as possible. He cried out sharply, shuddering violently as he came in hot jets down her throat.

  Her inner muscles pulsed. It wasn’t an actual orgasm, but something damn close. She swallowed and swallowed, needing all of him. Then she slowly licked his entire length before releasing him from her mouth.

  “Stars above, woman.” He pulled her to her feet and kissed her, undeterred by his taste in her mouth. “Where did that come from?” He righted his clothing, then pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Do you really have to ask?” She pressed her face against his neck, too embarrassed to look at him. She still ached, but a bit of the urgency had mellowed. “Your kiss is a drug. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  “Your turn,” he whispered in her ear, his voice rough with sensual promise.

  She shook her head. “No way. I’d have to get naked and—”

  He spun her around so fast she put her hands out to keep from pitching forward. Then he pulled her shirt free from her pants and used the loose material to hide what his hands were doing. He parted the seam in the front of her pants and eased one of his long-fingered hands between her thighs.

  “Oh God,” she groaned, her head falling back onto his shoulder.

  With the first brush of his fingers against her folds, her body came alive. She shook, barely able to stand as he touched her.

  “You’re so wet. Did you like sucking my cock?”

  She tensed. She’d never been one for dirty talk. It generally jarred her out of the mood. But somehow hearing the question in Rex’s deep, sexy voice made it titillating rather than rude. “You know I did.”

  He found her clit and gently circled the swollen nub. She was so turned on it only took two rotations to make her arousal crest. She grabbed his arm, crying out softly as pleasure pulsed through her abdomen. Thank God. She tried to pull his hand away from her sex, but he only pushed deeper, driving two fingers up into her core.

  “Way too easy.” He nipped her earlobe as his fingers began to slide in and out. “Ride my hand, and do it again.”

  “I’m fine,” she objected, her surroundings starting to come back into focus. They were in the middle of a public square, surrounded by people. Anyone could turn down this alley at any time! “We need to get moving.”

  His free hand flew to her throat. His fingers gripped her, but didn’t apply pressure. Even so, the move was shockingly aggressive. “Ride my hand.” His tone left no room for argument.

  Annoyed at first, she hesitated. His fin
gers pushed deeper, the heel of his hand pressing hard against her clit. Sensations pulsed up through her core and she moaned, instinctively rotating her hips. His fingers slid nearly out, then thrust deep again. She rocked, accenting his movements with her own. It was so naughty. No one could actually see what he was doing even if they did step into the alley, but it would be obvious from their positions that he was touching her.

  “Faster.” He accented the command with an especially deep thrust and her inner muscles rippled around him. She arched her back and rose to the balls of her feet, feeling wild and rebellious. Despite her troublemaker persona, she never did things like this. She’d been a dutiful suburban mom and devoted wife, always playing by the rules. It felt amazing to misbehave.

  She leaned back against his broad chest, trusting him to hold her up and to keep reality at bay. His fingers foreshadowed the motion they both craved while his other hand created a steady collar around her throat. He didn’t squeeze, just reminded her that he was in control. She rode his hand, greedily filling herself with his fingers. She reveled in the pleasure yet wished she’d been bold enough to take off her pants so they could both have what they really wanted.

  “Close your eyes, baby doll. Imagine that’s my cock filling you, claiming you.”

  He put dark, almost menacing emphasis on the word and Thea came again. This time the spasms passed through her core and radiated out to other parts of her body. Her nipples tingled and her toes curled as wave after wave of scalding pleasure pulsed deep inside her. He slowed the motion of his hand, but left his fingers deep until the last spasm passed.

  “Now we can leave,” he whispered into her ear.

  He pulled his hand free and she spun around. “You don’t need to sound so smug about it.”

  Slowly licking her juices off his fingers, he just grinned.

  “You’re being a real jerk.” She angrily tucked in her shirt and refastened her pants, using her annoyance to drive off more disquieting possibilities. “We shouldn’t have done this.” She released a heavy sigh as she tried to smooth down her hair.


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