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Rise of the Ultra Fury (Universe in Flames Book 5)

Page 6

by Christian Kallias

Argos was coming down from his high little by little. The snake venom’s psychedelic effects were fading away. For a moment he was tempted to go one more round. He felt at peace when he was under the influence, away from his inner demons. But soon his Zarlack destroyer would arrive to pick him up. But where was he to go now? He felt helpless thinking that he had to start over. All these battles, all the plotting, the energy spent, and for what? He was no nearer achieving the goals he had set for himself now than when he had wiped his brother’s memory.

  I can’t believe I was so blind.

  But his thirst for power was still there. Except now it was tainted with the many recent failures that had taken most of it away, through listening to his basic instincts. But why had they told him to spare Chase? If only he had destroyed the Iron Fire when ordered by Arakan, things would be so different now.

  Would they? Something nagged him. That particular Fury was mad. He didn’t care to share his power. Had Argos been manipulated his entire life? Had he just been Arakan’s pawn all along?

  This train of thought quickly brought anger back to the surface and he wanted nothing more than to smash something or kill someone. But he was alone, and destroying a piece of furniture wouldn’t bring the satisfaction he was looking for. For the first time in a very long while, Argos felt lost, and utterly alone.

  Then a sphere of golden energy materialized in front of him and morphed into a humanoid.

  Argos didn’t wait to see what would happen next. He immediately created a fireball in each hand and threw them at Ares, but they passed through him. They continued on their path and impacted with some controls on the wall. Sparks shot from the damaged equipment.

  “Your attacks won’t work on me, not in this form.”

  “What do you want, Olympian?”

  “I need your help.”

  Argos laughed out loud. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Last I checked we’re not fighting on the same side.”

  “Yet when I invaded your body on Droxia I felt that I didn’t need to convince you much to spare Chase’s life.”

  “That was you?”

  Ares nodded.

  “So my brother survived? Why didn’t he come himself?”

  “He’s still alive, but barely. He’s in cryostasis at the moment. I need your help to bring him back.”

  “Why do you think I give a shit?”

  “You can drop your tough guy act. I felt the conflict in you when I was inside your mind.”

  “Nonsense, there is no conflict. I’m afraid you’ve traveled all this way for nothing.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Believe what you want, old man, I have better things to do.”

  “I must say I’m surprised you’re not on your way back to Erevos. But then again, that would probably be your last trip there, right?”

  Argos growled.

  “That’s right. You failed your mission, and since it was not the first time, I’m thinking your boss wouldn’t be happy with you. So what’s the plan, Argos? Do you intend to hide from your fellow Furies now?”

  “Stay out of my head!”

  “I haven’t been in your head since you impaled Chase, but I feel the hatred you harbor towards Arakan. What are you going to do about it?”

  “None of your business.”

  “I think it is. I need a Fury to save Chase, and you’re going to help me.”

  “You’re in no position to dictate terms. There’s nothing you can do to me in that form.”

  “You’d be surprised. But I’m hoping you’d rather do this one favor for me.”

  “You’re not listening, old man. I will not help you.”

  “Alright, then you’ll have to explain my presence to anyone you come in contact with, because I’m not leaving your side until you agree to help me.”

  Argos swore. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Try me.”

  “Why do you need my help?”

  “There’s a Titan with your name on it blocking my way to one of my colleagues. He has the means to heal Chase.”

  “Wouldn’t it be simpler if I healed him myself?”

  “He’s too far gone for that. He needs a specific Olympian elixir.”

  Argos thought about it. On the one hand, he had no intention of just helping his enemies from the kindness of his heart; but he had to admit he didn’t like the idea of Chase dying. There was no turning back. He knew in his heart that he couldn’t let his brother die, not if there was something he could do about it.

  “The last Titan was no picnic, and as much as it pains me to admit it, without Chase and his friends we would have failed. What makes you think this will be any different?”

  “This Titan has a temper, but he’s beatable without any tricks. At least from what I’ve been told.”

  “What do I get in return? Besides not having to suffer your presence.”

  “Name your price.”

  “A future favor. One day I will come to you with a request, and when that day comes, you’ll have to accept, no questions asked.”

  Ares looked at Argos for a long time.

  “Very well. Should we go now?”

  “We have to wait for my ship.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. Take my hand.”

  Argos raised an eyebrow.

  “We don’t have all day.”

  The moment Argos made contact with Ares’ energy-based hand, they were teleported away.

  * * *

  Keera entered the cockpit of the ship they had commandeered on Droxia.

  “Any news?”

  “Yes, I’ve managed to access the sensor logs from this facility, and shortly after sending the signal, I found something. Your brother-in-law left us a message buried deep inside the Droxian military internal network.”

  “What does the message say?”

  “Not much. It’s a set of coordinates, off world.”

  “So he did escape?”

  “I think so. There was an attached video file, but it will only open with the right identification.”

  Keera plugged a data crystal into the Droxian transport’s computer. It required facial identification; the console scanned both passengers and bleeped.

  “Facial scan accepted,” said the mellow, synthesized onboard computer voice.

  The main holo-screen turned on and Jonas’ face appeared.

  “Ryonna, if you’re seeing this it means I had to leave the planet. I’ve embedded a set of coordinates inside the network that will allow you to track me down. I know you’re busy helping the Earth Alliance nowadays, but I think what I’ve discovered can help you. Please rendezvous with me as soon as you can. We have much to discuss. I may have found a way to even the odds on the battlefield with the Zarlack and perhaps even the Furies. Unfortunately, the data I was accessing was highly sensitive and I’ve been detected. I think I may be in danger, so it’s crucial you find me quickly. If they find me before you do, I’ll leave clues to where I go next. Please hurry.”

  Ryonna looked at the screen long after the message had ended.

  “Keera, is this transport capable of jumping us to the coordinates?”

  “No, but even if it was, shouldn’t we ask the help of the Earth Alliance?”

  “They left the planet more than a day ago. That gives us a head start I don’t want to lose. If Jonas is right and he has found a way to level the playing field with the Furies, we must act now.”

  “What about Ronan?”

  “He already rejoined the crew of the Manticora.”

  “How does that make you feel? I know you’d rather keep an eye on him.”

  “I would, but my son is a Droxian warrior. He handled himself incredibly bravely when the planet was under attack. I trust that he will prevail on his own if he gets into trouble.”

  Keera was clearly surprised by Ryonna’s confidence. “That doesn’t sound like you. Are you sure you’re okay, Ryonna?”

  “Right now I don’t have time to think about all of thi
s. My world is in ruins; most of my people have been killed. If Jonas has a way to exact revenge on those who did this to us, this may be the most important mission of my life.”

  “Alright, then we need to get a better ship. Any ideas?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Get us to RavenShire spaceport, maximum speed.”

  “What will we find there?”

  Ryonna frowned. She looked pensive and emotional. “If it hasn’t been destroyed . . . a piece of my past.”

  * * *

  Chase and Fillio arrived at the edge of a deep chasm. Everything around them shone red, as if they were inside an invisible furnace. It wasn’t hot, though. In fact, it felt very cold at the edge of the underworld. Chase looked down at the pit. It led nowhere. It was void. The marching souls simply walked off the cliff and disappeared into nothingness, one after the other, relentlessly and without end.

  “We’re here,” said Fillio.

  Chase nodded.

  “I have to go now. Time to say goodbye.”


  “Chase, you have all the answers, you always did. It’s time for you to stop seeing your imposed destiny as a burden.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. Perhaps this was my role in all of this.”

  “Still, I’m sorry for failing to bring you back.”

  “You didn’t fail. I simply made my own choice. You go and make yours now. Retake control of your own destiny, like you were always meant to.”

  “Thank you, Fillio. I’ll miss you.”

  She smiled. “So will I, wherever it is I’m going now. Thank you for your friendship, Chase.”

  “What do I do now, though? I don’t know how to get out of this place, or if I’m even supposed to.”

  “Of course you’re supposed to. This . . .” She pointed down to the chasm, “is my path. Yours is the other way. Go back and eventually you’ll find your way out.”

  Chase looked at the long, interminable line of people walking towards this place. Perhaps it was that simple. At the other end of this line should be some sort of exit. When his gaze returned to Fillio he saw tears in her eyes but she was smiling. He wanted to talk with her more. He didn’t want this to be the end of their friendship, but he knew it was time.

  She took her last step and disappeared into the void.

  At that moment Chase felt something in him. Something strong, something primal, something pure . . . A tear fell from his eye as he looked at the chasm for just a moment. Then he levitated upward and turned the other way. Before he knew it he was flying faster than he ever had, heading away from the chasm, with renewed faith in himself.

  I’m out of here!

  C H A P T E R


  Daniel hadn’t left his quarters on board the Destiny for days. He hadn’t showered, hadn’t shaved. He seldom left his bed and spent most of his time looking at the dull ceiling in search of answers. The past few days had taken a serious toll on his morale. Not only had he lost Fillio, whom he loved dearly, but his best friend was in cryostasis and at death’s door.

  He wondered how they could win this war now. It had always been a long shot to begin with, but now it really seemed hopeless.

  When the doorbell rang, it took a minute for Daniel to get out of his own dark thoughts. The second ring and successive loud knocks on the door did the trick.

  “Who is it? Leave me alone!” he shouted, still not willing to get out of bed.

  “Commodore Saroudis. Please open the door, Commander.”

  “Hang on.”

  Daniel grunted as he got up from the bed. His legs had decided not to be very cooperative. Like most of his being, except his brain, they too had gone to sleep. The first few steps were painful, but he soon started getting some feeling back into them.

  When he finally opened the door of his quarters, he noticed Saroudis’ appraisal of his current state.

  “Daniel, are you alright?”

  “I don’t think so. But I’d rather be alone.”

  “I think you’ve been alone long enough. We need to talk.”

  “I’m not in a talking mood.”

  “Do I have to make this an order?”

  Daniel sighed and gestured the commodore inside.

  “What can I do for you, Commodore?”

  “We’ll soon reach Earth. I need my wing commander back.”

  “I think you’d better appoint someone else to the position. I’m not sure if I want to stay in the Earth Alliance anymore.”

  Saroudis’ eyes grew in size and then he looked around at the mess.

  “Look, I understand you didn’t take Fillio’s death very well. None of us did. But this is war. There are casualties. Surely she’s not the first close friend you’ve lost in battle.”

  “It’s the toughest one to swallow, though. We were just . . .”

  “You were what?”

  Daniel wondered if he should disclose how close he and Fillio had become. After all, the regulations on fraternizing were clear, even though Chase and Sarah clearly didn’t care much about them.

  “We had become close, very close.”

  “I understand your reluctance to volunteer this information, but you know I don’t care about that rule as much as Star Alliance command once did. Even if Earth personnel are also not supposed to fraternize, it’s only human to fall in love with a fellow member of one’s crew. I’m really sorry for your loss, Daniel. I was surprised not to see you at the ceremony.”

  “I . . . I wanted to be there. I just didn’t find the strength.”

  “That’s alright. But it seems to me you could use some counseling sessions or perhaps talk with a friend?”

  “The one friend I would have liked to talk to about this is nearly dead, Sir.”

  “Chase’s current status is a great worry to a lot of people, but I have faith that Ares will find a way to bring him back.”

  “I wish I was as confident as you in the matter, but the truth of the matter is, I have lost all hope. This war will soon be unidirectional, and there won’t be any place in the universe where one is safe.”

  “If we all thought this way, then yes, this war would be already lost. But we can’t just give up.”

  “Look, Commodore, I understand what you’re trying to do and I’m grateful for your good intentions, but the fact is, even if Chase recovers, what can he do next time that will be any different? He’s only one man. They have an entire planet of Furies to launch at him and us. The truth is we don’t stand a chance. In fact, we never did.”

  Saroudis’ expression grew darker.

  “I’m really sorry you feel that way, Daniel. I sympathize, but I think you’re wrong. As long as we’re still alive, there’s hope.”

  “If you don’t mind, Commodore, I’d like to be alone now. I’ll drop my resignation letter to you later today.”

  “I think this is premature, so I won’t accept it. For the time being, you should consider yourself on indeterminate leave.”

  “I don’t think I’ll come back to active duty, no matter how long it takes.”

  “Be that as it may, for the time being I’d rather you take the necessary time to grieve, Commander. Let’s revisit this issue later, much later. And in the meantime if you need someone to talk, you know where to find me.”

  Daniel nodded. “Very well. Thank you, Commodore.”

  Saroudis left the quarters and Daniel crashed back into bed.

  * * *

  Chase had been flying for a long time when he saw Sadeh in the distance. He landed in front of him.

  “Thank you, Sadeh, for letting me have one last talk with my friend.”

  The boy nodded.

  “Now I’ll be on my way, so if you’d be so kind as to show me how to get out of here.”

  “It’s not that simple. I’m afraid you can’t leave.”

  “What do you mean? I’m obviously not dead, otherwise I’d be another walking zombie like the rest of them. So if I’m not dead, I should be able to
leave the underworld. Shouldn’t I?”

  “Only if I allow it.”

  Chase didn’t like the sound of that. “What do you mean ‘allow it?’ Who are you?”

  The little boy morphed into a taller, older man, with glowing red tattoos on his arms and a daunting look.

  “What is this? Who are you?”

  The man laughed. His voice was deep. “I am Hades, and you are in my realm, forever.”

  Chase took a fighting stance.

  “Not a chance. I’m not staying here!”

  “Then you’ll have to go through me.”

  “Easily arranged.”

  “I’m glad to see you’ve recovered some of your feistiness. This will be an interesting fight.”

  “Not for you, I’m afraid.”

  “You’d think your last defeat would have taught you a smidge of humility.”

  “Look, Hades, I take it you’re an Olympian. And I have no beef with you, so I suggest you let me pass and tell me how to get out of this awful place.”

  “I’ll tell you what. If you defeat me, I’ll let you go.”

  Chase studied his opponent. His look was determined, and if he had any emotions at all, Chase couldn’t sense any. He readied himself for battle.

  “Give me all you’ve got. Let’s see what my brother Ares has done with you.”

  Chase didn’t answer but launched himself at Hades with all his might. He went for the face with a powerful right hook but hit nothing but air. A split second later he felt pain in his guts, where Hades had lodged his fist with surprising thrust.

  Chase took two steps back and had to struggle to stay on his feet. Blood dripped from his mouth onto the dark onyx ground, where it boiled and evaporated.

  Alright, this is not going to be an easy fight.

  When Chase looked up, Hades was no longer there.

  Chase flew upwards in an attempt to find his adversary, but all he saw was a shadow flying around him at impossible speed.

  How can he be so fast?

  Then he felt no less than twenty blows in quick succession all over his body and, before he knew it, Chase crashed back to the ground. The pain was overwhelming.

  He had fought Furies not long ago, and none of their blows compared with the pain he felt now.


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