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Rise of the Ultra Fury (Universe in Flames Book 5)

Page 26

by Christian Kallias

  And, just like that, Chase’s tactical advantage disappeared, as did his hope of neutralizing Miseo’s ship.

  C H A P T E R


  Chase watched in horror as the super destroyer reversed the situation and regained the upper hand in the fight.

  His mind raced, but he had played his last ace. To make things worse, Miseo, who had probably had enough of Chase’s creative ways of inflicting damage on his brand new super destroyer, ordered the few remaining Zarlack destroyers to fly into their targets now, as they used to do when they were under Argos’ orders.

  Soon the last Zarlack destroyer sacrificed itself to take out more ships. And, for the next few minutes, the space around Earth was transformed into a giant fireworks session. The once large Earth Alliance fleet had been reduced to only a handful of ships still capable of firing upon the Fury destroyer, the shields of which had sufficiently recharged to now engage them one by one and claim a difficult but now seemingly unavoidable victory.

  When Chase’s friends rejoined him on the bridge they saw a look they had seldom seen on his face. The look of defeat.

  “What’s going on?” asked Sarah.

  “I don’t know how to win this battle anymore.”

  “Whatever it takes, Chase,” said Daniel. “We can’t let Earth fall.”

  Chase reconsidered Saroudis’ proposal to sacrifice whatever was left of the fleet to take out the Furies. Chase could probably teleport his friends away at the last minute, but he couldn’t be everywhere at once, and many would die, the commodore included.

  He ordered the fleet to exit the super destroyer’s firing range and recharge their shields. But he didn’t have much time to make his final choice.

  Then the Hope’s communication officer announced an incoming transmission from the Crimson Shadow.

  “On screen.”

  Miseo’s face filled the large holo-screen in the center of the bridge.

  “You’re defeated. There’s no use fighting anymore. It’s only a matter of time until I pick the remainder of your fleet off one by one.”

  The temperature on the Hope’s bridge felt as if it had dropped by twenty degrees.

  “Even if that is so, we’ll fight you to the end.”

  “And you’ll lose. You know that by now. But I have a proposal for you. A one-time offer which will expire in one minute. If Argos and you surrender yourselves to me now, I will leave orbit and spare the rest of your ships. The clock is ticking,” said Miseo as his image disappeared and was replaced by a Fury timer counting down.

  “What the hell is this?” asked Argos. “He can’t be trusted. He’ll destroy this world whether or not we comply.”

  “I never thought I’d ever say this, but I agree with Argos,” said Ryonna.

  “Chase, what are you going to do?” asked Sarah.

  He rose from the captain’s chair and looked around at his friends. Now was the time to make a decision. He’d either give himself up and save everyone still alive here and on Earth below, or they could keep fighting; but things didn’t look good. Most of the ships were running on fumes. There seemed to be no possible outcome that would see them victorious in their current state.

  “I don’t want you to give yourself up,” said Chris, with tears in his eyes.

  Chase felt an invisible hand squeeze his heart. While he had no problem with the idea of sacrificing himself for his friends and family, he didn’t know what that move would mean for the future. But he needed to trust that someone, perhaps his son, would take over and finish this war. He knew better than to think it all depended on him anymore.

  “I don’t think we have a choice here.”

  “This is bullshit!” yelled Argos. “You’re not the kind of person to just give up!”

  “Look around, Argos. The fleet is almost completely destroyed. We can’t hope to win this battle.”

  “Since when is that something you’re willing to accept?”

  “This isn’t a debate. Will you comply or will I have to drag your sorry ass on board Miseo’s ship myself?”

  Argos shot him a deadly look. “You’re making a mistake. But it’s your decision to make.”

  “Very well then,” said Chase when Miseo’s face filled the holo-screen a second later.

  “Have you decided?”

  Chase made fists.

  “We have, but if you don’t hold your promise, I guarantee we will tear your ship from the inside out.”

  “Of that I have no d—”

  The communication ended when something impacted with the Fury ship’s shields.

  * * *

  “Multiple hyperspace windows detected!” said the Hope’s tactical officer.

  It took everyone on the bridge by surprise, Chase included. “How many ships?”

  “Thirty-five including the one that exploded on the super destroyer.”

  “Friend or foe?”

  “I couldn’t tell you what they are. I’ve never seen ships like these. But they’re converging towards the Fury super destroyer, so I’d say friends.”

  Chase didn’t understand this new development. He looked at his friends.

  “Any of you recognize this design? Argos? Ever seen these before?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never seen such ships.”

  “Commander, what is the computer saying? Do we have anything in our database? Perhaps an older race?”

  “No direct match, Captain. But they seem to represent a mix of Alliance, Droxian and even Obsidian in terms of design and power signatures.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  * * *

  Thirty-four unknown destroyers simultaneously opened fire on the Crimson Shadow. Their added firepower quickly drained the Fury super destroyer’s shield. Then some of the ships accelerated to ramming speed. While they were much smaller than the Crimson Shadow, they still packed a punch and their sub-light engines were very powerful. After four of them exploded on the surface of the Fury’s shields, bringing them down in the process, the remaining thirty ships’ combined firepower started to punch multiple holes through the Crimson Shadow’s armor plating. Multiple explosions happened simultaneously. Large chunks of debris flew all over the place and many decks were soon exposed to space.

  The Crimson Shadow was taking a pounding of epic proportions from a race nobody had even heard about.

  “This is unbelievable,” was all Chase could say.

  Everyone else had their eyes locked onto the scene of destruction. It all felt surreal, like a dream.

  “Aphroditis,” said Chase. “She’ll be killed.”

  “Better her than us,” Argos replied.

  Chase dismissed his brother’s comment as his mind raced and he considered teleporting inside the Fury ship and getting Aphroditis out of there. But before Chase could act, the Fury ship jumped away.

  * * *

  “Captain, incoming transmission from the main unknown ship.”

  “On screen. Let’s see who just saved our collective asses,” said Chase.

  The screen filled with the image of a beautiful, blond human female. Her long hair looked like a golden waterfall. She stood in front of an image of the planet Earth, which couldn’t be what the inside of her ship looked like.

  When she spoke her voice was icy cold. “My name is Gaia, admiral and sole leader of the Independent Gaian Defense Force.”

  Gaia? What?

  “Gaia? I thought you were on board the flying training ship with Spiros! What is this?” asked Chase.

  “You must have me confused with someone else, Fury. About an hour ago we received a distress call from Earth informing us it was under attack. I have come to reclaim my world. The Earth Alliance has demonstrated their incompetence in protecting this planet for the last time.”

  This doesn’t make any sense. That can’t be Gaia!

  “Wait a minute? What are you talking about?”

  “You are no longer welcome in Earth space. You have less than one hour to
gather your survivors and leave this system or you’ll be fired upon and destroyed for your sins.”

  The transmission ended abruptly.

  Chase looked around. Everyone was as baffled as he was and still in shock. What should have been a moment of intense relief after a long struggle and painful victory quickly felt like a nightmare of epic proportions.

  “What the hell is going on?” said Chase out loud.


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  Dear Reader, in the novel there is a mention of super-suit armors that you may not be familiar with. These are first mentioned in the novella Ryonna's Wrath (Universe in Flames 1.5). Should you wish to know more about these high-tech armors, I invite you to check Ryonna's Wrath. You may enjoy reading it at any time during your progress through my series.

  Like with every one of my books, I’ll gladly offer you this book in exchange for a fair review. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested.

  More from this author

  The Universe in Flames saga (ongoing)

  SciFi Space Opera series with Fantasy & Mythology elements

  Book 1: Earth – Last Sanctuary (FREE)

  Book 2: Fury to the Stars

  Book 3: Destination Oblivion

  Book 4: The Beginning of the End

  Box set including books 1 to 3

  Every books in the saga except the first one (free) are exclusive Amazon, which means you can read them for FREE with Amazon Unlimited and Prime.

  Check out the first Novella in the Universe in Flames Saga.

  Available NOW on Amazon

  Exclusive title so you can read it for FREE with Unlimited & Prime

  “A gripping SciFi Action Thriller that doesn’t let go”

  Ryonna, the Droxian who helped Chase and Sarah procure quadrinium for their fight against Zarlack forces threatening Earth, continues her mission to rescue her abducted son, Ronan.

  While acquiring vital information to infiltrate Hellstar, the maximum security prison her son is being held in, she makes an unlikely alliance that raises shadows from her past. It quickly becomes clear that the reasons behind the bounty on her head run deeper than she could ever have imagined. The shocking implications will turn Ryonna's entire life upside down.

  While attempting to break Ronan out of Hellstar remains her top priority, she embarks on a series of highly dangerous trials in order to uncover the truth behind it all, putting her life, mission and even her sanity on the line at every turn.

  5 stars review: “Leaves no room for a breather, fun and guts wrenching at times. A fast-paced, thrilling and somewhat dark story, which offers more background on Ryonna, one of the coolest characters from Kallias’s series Universe in Flames.”-Miliana Chipaila


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