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Page 7

by Catherine Lievens

  Simon bristled, because they were talking about him as if he wasn’t even in the room with them, but he was too curious to protest. He kept his mouth shut, because he wanted to know why Malik thought he and Quinn were alike. He himself shared Quinn’s opinion that they weren’t anything alike.

  “He is. His family and yours are so similar you could swap them around and not even notice.”

  Simon froze. That was the last thing he’d thought he’d hear from Malik. He’d expected him to say he and Quinn looked a bit alike, which honestly was true. Simon was frailer, thinner, but he and Quinn were about the same height. Simon might be a tad shorter, but they both had blond hair and clear eyes, although Quinn’s were blue rather than green.

  “What do you mean?” Quinn asked in a flat voice.

  “Simon, can I tell him about your parents and your brother?”

  Simon shrugged. He’d rather not talk or even think about his family if he could avoid it, but everyone in the pack knew how they were with him. It wasn’t a secret by any means, and he didn’t see a problem with telling Quinn, except maybe for the fact that it might give him even more ammunition against Simon. “Sure.”

  Malik smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer. Simon went willingly, still holding onto his coffee. He’d need more of it if they were really going to do this, but he was fine for now.

  “Simon’s parents think he looks like a girl. They’ve been taunting him since he was young, telling him to man up and to do things that would make him look more like a man.”

  “They probably wouldn’t have if he didn’t wear make-up,” Quinn pointed out, and Simon couldn’t blame him.

  He knew it was true, but really, his parents would just find another reason why he wasn’t good enough, even if he started wearing jeans and flannel shirts, even if he took up smoking and smacking girls’ asses when they passed by him.

  “He wears make-up to bug them.”

  Quinn looked at Simon, and Simon thought he looked less annoyed with him. “You do?” he asked.

  Simon shrugged. “Kind of. I like wearing make-up, but I don’t usually wear much of it. When I know I’m going to see my parents, though, I wear more, and I wear different clothes.”

  “Just to annoy them?”

  “Yeah. I know they’re not going to like me, no matter what I do, so why not be myself?”

  “You just said you weren’t being yourself with them.”

  Simon grinned. “Let’s say I’m myself with a twist.”

  “He found another way to cope with it,” Malik said. “You went the being-an-asshole way, he decided to ramp up his personality, but really, you’re more alike than you seem to think.”

  Simon didn’t know what to say to that. There was obviously more to Quinn than he’d thought, but he still wasn’t sure he liked the guy. He was going to give him a chance, though, for Malik’s sake.

  From the way Quinn was looking at him, Simon thought the man was thinking something similar. He pushed away from Malik and walked closer to Quinn, holding his hand out. He wasn’t sure Quinn would take it, and he bit on his lower lip as Quinn looked at it like it might try to attack him.

  Quinn got up and faced Simon. Simon took a step backward, but Quinn took his hand and shook it lightly. “I think you and I are going to be fine,” he said. “But I’d really like to meet your parents.”

  Simon let the breath he’d been holding out and shook back. “I’m not sure it’d be a good idea. They’d probably think you look girly too.” And God only knew what would happen if they said something like that to Quinn. He’d probably tear them apart, and while they might be assholes, they were still Simon’s parents. He loved them.

  Quinn grinned, and it didn’t reassure Simon in the least. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  * * * *

  Simon went to dress, leaving Quincy and Malik alone in the kitchen. Malik didn’t say anything. He knew Quincy was still thinking about what Malik had said, what Simon had revealed about his parents.

  When Quincy talked, it wasn’t about that, though. “So you’re mated.”


  “You didn’t lose time.”

  “Why should I have? Simon and I are mates.”

  “Right. You do know that most people would have waited at least a bit. Well, most sane people, and we both know you’re not all there in the head.”

  “Oh, stop with the compliments, please. You’re going to make me blush.”

  Quincy scowled, but it softened soon enough. “I hope you’ll be happy with him.”

  “Me too.”

  “And I’m sorry I said what I said the other day.”

  “You should tell Simon that, not me.”

  “I know, and I will. I’m going to hate it, but I’ll do it. I didn’t mean to make him feel like he wasn’t good enough.”

  “I know.” And Malik did. Quincy’s family was very much like Simon’s. He hadn’t lied about that. Malik had met them a few times, and apart from one of Quincy’s sisters, they all were assholes. They thought Quincy was too small to be an alpha, let alone a council member. It didn’t matter that Quincy was probably stronger than all of them put together, both physically and mentally. They always saw him like the scrawny little kid Malik knew he’d once been.

  “What are you going to do about his parents?” Quincy asked.


  “Really? I can threaten them, then.”

  “No. I’ll meet them, and I’ll defend Simon if they say anything in front of me, but unless Simon tells me to do something, that’ll be all I’ll do about them. Simon might be my mate, but his family is still his business.”

  “So noble.”

  “Not noble. I just don’t want to do the wrong thing. The last thing I want is to hurt Simon.”

  “He’s already getting hurt.”

  “And I won’t make it worse.”

  No matter how much Malik wanted it, he wouldn’t do anything. He wanted to talk to Simon’s parents, to tell them to fuck off and leave him the hell alone, but he wouldn’t. There had to be a good reason why Simon kept seeing them even if they were assholes to him. Simon hadn’t told Malik anything, so Malik could only guess what that reason was. Those people were Simon’s parents, no matter what they’d done to him. Quincy still saw his, although that situation was different since he was their alpha now.

  He could have kicked them out of the pack, especially because they still tried to intervene in every single decision he made, but he hadn’t. No matter how harsh they’d been with him, both in the past and in the present, he wasn’t kicking them out, and Malik knew it was because deep inside, he still wanted to please them, finally to get a nice word from them. Malik knew it wasn’t going happen, and he thought Quincy knew that too. It didn’t matter, though. He was still trying, no matter how much he might say or try to convince himself he wasn’t.

  Quincy finally nodded. “Fine. It really isn’t my business.”

  “It kind of is,” Simon said from behind Quincy. He walked into the kitchen and went straight to Malik’s side. “You’re my mate’s best friend. You want him to be happy, and I’m pretty sure he won’t be if I’m not.”

  Malik used their bond to communicate just how happy he was, no matter what Simon thought. Simon blushed, and Malik kissed his cheek.

  “I know my parents are assholes,” Simon told Quincy. “And I know I’ll never please them, which is why I go overboard. If they’re going to hate me, then I’d rather give them a good reason. Makes things easier.”

  Quincy stared at Simon for a few moments, then he got up. He put his mug into the sink. “Well, are you ready? Kameron’s waiting.”

  Simon rolled his eyes, but Malik could feel things weren’t as tense between his mate and his best friend. He was glad, because he didn’t think he’d have been able to renounce to either of them. He loved Quincy, probably was one of the few who really cared about him,
but Simon was his mate, and that trumped everything else.

  Malik knew Simon wouldn’t have asked him to kick Quincy to the curb, but Malik would have if Quincy had continued being an asshole to Simon.

  They walked through the woods, headed toward Kameron’s house. Malik couldn’t wait for the whole Tom mess to be over. He wanted to spend time with Simon, more time than just a single day. The day before had been great, and Malik had enjoyed getting to know two of Simon’s friends, but what he really wanted was some honeymoon time, with just him and Simon. He knew it wouldn’t happen until Tom was gone and the menace of his council resolved.

  Malik wasn’t stupid enough to kid himself that Tom would negotiate with him and Quincy, though. He’d never met the man, but it was obvious he hated Kameron, and from what Malik knew, he wouldn’t let go until one of them was utterly defeated, probably even dead.

  Malik also needed to call home. He’d avoided it the day before, but he knew Lesedi, his beta, wouldn’t let him avoid her for much longer. She might have been in charge for now—and for a long while if Malik had anything to do with it—but she was still only Malik’s beta. She wouldn’t make big decisions without Malik’s input, and she wouldn’t let too much time pass without giving Malik an update.

  Malik would have to find a way to tell Lesedi he was moving to the States permanently. She’d probably bitch about it, but she’d be a great alpha, and they both knew it.

  Simon entered Kameron’s house without knocking. It was something Malik still wasn’t used to, but then his own school didn’t live together. They did live in an apartment complex, but they each had their own home. No one would even think of entering Malik’s apartment the way Simon had just walked into Kameron’s house.

  Simon went straight to Kameron’s office, and Malik and Quincy followed him. There Simon knocked, and Kameron told him to enter right away. The alpha smiled when he saw them, and he got up, hugging Simon close and whispering into his ear.

  Quincy glanced at Malik, but Malik wasn’t jealous. He didn’t care who Simon hugged, or who he shared his bed with. He knew Simon wouldn’t betray him, especially not with Kameron. He could feel Simon was happy, and that he loved Kameron, but in a brotherly kind of way.

  They sat, Simon perched on Malik’s lap and blushing like crazy. Kameron laughed at the sight. “I really need to put more chairs in here. You’re not the first couple who had to use each other’s lap.”

  Malik smiled. “You might want to do that before Quincy meets his mate. I think he’d rather have his mate sit on the floor than on his lap.”

  Quincy crossed his arms on his chest. “I’m not that bad. I wouldn’t have him sit on the floor.”

  Malik arched a brow at him. “Oh? So you’ll let him sit on your lap?”

  Quincy nodded once, his jaw set. “I will.”

  “I’ll remember this conversation.”

  “I have no doubts you will.”

  Kameron cleared his throat. “Shall we start talking about Tom?”

  “Right,” Malik said. “How do we contact him?”

  “We know where he is, and we have his phone number.”

  “We need to go there,” Quincy said. “No pussyfooting around. A phone call won’t solve anything.”

  “It’s dangerous, though,” Kameron answered. “He’ll probably try to capture you, if not worse.”

  Quincy cracked his knuckles. “Let him try.”

  Malik sighed. Lesedi was going to kill him if she ever found out about this, and from Simon’s glare, he would help her.

  * * * *

  Simon watched the car Malik and Quinn were in disappear from his sight.

  He wanted to hit something. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. He wanted to hit someone. Quinn, to be precise. Simon didn’t know why the guy thought he could convince Tom, because everyone involved knew it was going to be a disaster, and Malik was going to be right in the middle of it. If Simon lost his mate from Quinn’s stupidity, then God help him, but he’d kill Quinn, even if he’d probably end up dead too.

  He leaned against the porch railing and kept his focus on the road that stretched in front of the house. He knew Malik and Quinn wouldn’t be back for hours, but he didn’t feel like moving just yet.

  “Who killed your cat?”

  Simon turned to look at Corbin just as Kir hit Corbin none too gently on the back of the head and said, “You can’t ask things like that to people.”

  Corbin rubbed the spot Kir had hit. “Why not? I was trying to find out if he was fine.”

  “You can do that, but not by asking if his cat died.”

  “How do I ask it, then? He does look like his cat died.”

  Simon cleared his throat. “I don’t have a cat.”

  Corbin straightened. “Who died, then?” He ducked just in time to avoid Kir’s next smack. “Sorry. What’s wrong with you, Simon?”

  Simon wasn’t sure that way of asking was better, but it was pretty good for Corbin. “My mate just left to try to convince Tom to stop being an asshole.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “Why did he go, then?”

  “Because his best friend convinced him to.”

  “Who’s his best friend? I could kill him for you.”

  Simon rolled his eyes. “No, but thanks for asking. I don’t think Malik would be happy if you killed Quinn, nor would the rest of the council, since he’s a council member.”

  Corbin stared at Simon for a few moments, then he asked, “Can I kill anyone for you? You look like you need to be cheered up.”

  “And you think killing someone for me would achieve that?”

  Corbin shrugged. “It does for me.”

  Somehow, Simon wasn’t surprised. He knew he probably should be afraid, but he knew Corbin wouldn’t hurt him. Jago had told him not to, and if there was someone Corbin listened to, it was Jago.

  “He’s not really socially trained yet,” Kir said.

  Simon nodded. “He’s making progress, though.”

  “Yeah, but he still has that bad habit of proposing to kill people.”

  “I could kill your parents, or your brother,” Corbin said. “I don’t like him. He’s an asshole.”

  Simon snorted. “That’s an understatement. I grew up with him, so believe me, you have no idea of just how much of an asshole he can be.”

  Corbin’s face lit up. “So I can kill him?”

  “No.” Corbin’s enthusiasm deflated, so Simon added, “But I’ll let you know if I ever need that kind of help from you, okay?”

  Corbin nodded once, then he disappeared inside the house without looking back. Simon wasn’t offended. He knew Corbin. He was actually one of the few people Corbin now felt moderately comfortable with, and Simon knew trusting people who weren’t his mate or his alpha was a huge step forward for Corbin.

  “He really went to talk to Tom?” Kir asked.

  Simon looked at the big guy. Kir was a bit of a mystery. He’d been rescued by Craig, along with other exotic shifters. Some had left and gone back to their homes, but Kir had stayed in Gillham ever since he’d arrived. No one knew about his past, or his family. He didn’t talk about that. He was a nice guy, and Simon loved the fact that even though in his human form he was six foot four and built like a brick house, in his animal form, he was a small fennec fox.

  “Yeah. That’s why Kameron asked him and Quinn to come. He wants to try talking to Tom and find a solution that won’t involve dead people.”

  Kir leaned against the railing, and Simon mirrored his position. “I’ve never met Tom, but from what I know about him, he’s not going to say yes to that,” Kir said.

  “I know. I understand why Kameron is doing this, though. I just wish it wasn’t my mate who had to go.”

  “He’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so. We just met. I’d like to have more than a few days with him.”


  Silence fell. It was a bit awkward, because Simon didn’t know Kir. He didn’t think anyone did. He thought about it, but he couldn’t remember seeing Kir with anyone, except when he was patrolling the pack’s territory. The most friendly Simon had ever seen him had been with Corbin earlier.

  “So...” he said. “Not that I don’t appreciate your company, but we’re not exactly friends.”

  Kir didn’t look at Simon, but he smiled. “I know.”


  “And talking with Corbin made me realize that I’ve been keeping away from people a little too much.”

  “Is he your only friend?”

  “I’m not sure Corbin can be considered anyone’s friend just yet.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  “Yeah, I guess he is.”

  “Why have you kept so much distance between yourself and the rest of the pack?”

  Kir didn’t answer right away. He kept his gaze on the horizon, and Simon stayed still. Kir obviously needed time to think about what he was going to say, and Simon was too curious to say anything to disturb him before he could.

  “I was betrayed by my skulk. That’s how I ended up in the lab. I wasn’t sure I could trust the people here.”

  “But now you do?”

  “Mostly. I wouldn’t trust everyone, but I observed you and others, and I think I can trust you.”

  “That’s... I don’t know what to say to that. I’m humbled.”

  Kir finally looked at Simon. “Don’t be. You’re a nice man, I know that. I’ve been looking at you, and at your friends. I know you love each other, and that you wouldn’t betray them for anything in the world.”

  That was true, and Simon didn’t know what to say. “Want to be my friend?” he finally blurted out.

  He looked at Kir, worrying his lower lip with his teeth. When Kir smiled, Simon relaxed.

  “I’d love that.”

  “Right. So, want to come watch a movie? I know I’ll stay right here and stare until Malik’s back if I don’t find anything else to do.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Simon headed to the living room. Corbin wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so he probably was in his room, with Jago, and there was no way Simon was knocking on their door to ask them if they wanted to watch the movie with him and Kir. He knew very well what they were up to, and he really didn’t want to interrupt them, especially because Corbin didn’t have a sense of privacy whatsoever. He’d opened his door completely naked more than once. Simon had learned the lesson by the second time.


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