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Smirnov Bratva 04 - Dismissed

Page 6

by T. L Smith

  “I can feel you staring.”

  I roll my eyes as he opens his while turning back around. “I need to shower,” I say, standing.

  Anton grips my ankle as I go to move. “I’m coming.”

  I shake my head. “No, you aren’t.”

  I shake my leg until I’m free and walk off to find the bathroom and lock the door. Quickly I jump into the shower and wash away the stickiness.

  When I’m finished I open the door with just a towel wrapped around me, and he’s standing there, still very naked and smelling of sex, and… me.

  “Why do you have a scar?”

  I shake my head and try to push through, but he stops me by blocking my way, then pulling the towel down so my scar is visible to him and he strokes it with his fingers.

  “I want to know why?” he asks, then looks up at me, those green eyes pinning me. Holding me still.

  “I have to get home, Raven’s on dayshift,” I say to him, still held in his trance. “You said one last time, this was your one last time.” My words seem to break his spell because he steps back, letting me through to get dressed. “Can you take me back home?” I ask, pulling my jeans on.

  Anton nods while reaching for his own clothes and getting dressed. He doesn’t speak, which is very unlike Anton, as we walk to his car. Then as he drives me home, he doesn’t utter another word.

  When we stop at my apartment I turn to him, expecting him to say something, but he looks forward lost in his own head. I know it’s the last time I plan to see him, so I lean over and kiss his cheek before I climb out. I notice his surprise, but he keeps quiet and doesn’t get a chance to speak as I get out and run to my own set of stairs. Opening and shutting the door, my back falls against it as I catch my breath.

  Anton was unexpected.

  I don’t want what he has to offer.

  Or so I thought.

  Chapter 9


  I fucked a beauty queen, and I’m still hung up on her. That’s as much as I have taken away from the last few days of being lost in my own fucking head. A beauty queen who purrs. But a deal was a deal. Three fucks was all I asked for, so three was all I got. It was my own fault for putting that restriction on myself. What I should have said was we can fuck forever until each of us can’t walk. But instead, I stuck to what I thought was right. What I still think is right.

  I don’t understand what she is to me.

  To me, she has a pussy that I can’t seem to stop thinking about. This has never happened to me before. Fuck, my cock is hard just thinking about it.

  “Stop playing with yourself and get out of the fucking bathroom,” Viktor yells while banging on the door. After washing my hands and stepping out, I push his chest making him take a step back. He grunts at me then walks off to the main room where the PlayStation is set up.

  Kazier is sitting in the room on his cell, which he’s always on. He looks up when I enter, placing his cell into his pocket. “Who’s Jamie?” he asks me.

  “Am I meant to know the answer to that?” I ask, sitting back down in front of the television, taking the PlayStation remote and resuming the game. Viktor joins me, bringing in a bottle of vodka with him.

  “He’s been following your girl around, and now you.”

  “She isn’t my girl,” I answer, looking at the television as I play the stupid game.

  “Okay, the woman you fuck and are obsessing over. Yeah, her. He’s a cop by the way.” Instantly, I pause the game. “And he’s sniffing around here because he just pulled up in the squad car out front.”

  The doorbell rings. Kazier stays where he is, seated on the couch, watching me with arms folded over his chest. “This needs to be sorted. Heat around us is not something I want nor need, Anton,” Kazier says, scolding me as if I’m an errant child.

  The doorbell rings again. Both men look at me as I get up to answer it.

  Viktor talks, “You sure that’s smart? Sending him out there to handle this shit.”

  Kazier shakes his head. “No, you go with him.”

  Viktor stands and walks up behind me as the doorbell rings again. Pulling it open, a man dressed in a blue, long-sleeved button-up shirt and black slacks stands in front of me with a gun on his belt, plus a badge. His sunglasses cover his eyes, but he pulls them free when he sees me.

  “Anton Smirnov?” he asks.

  Viktor is standing behind the door, shielded from the police officer’s view.

  A nod of my head confirms his question, and he looks me up and down then places his hand to his waist.

  “A call has come in about harassment. I’m here… just as a friendly warning, for you to stay away from Samara Hanson. Do you understand?”

  I’m pretty sure my eyes are about to pop out of my head.

  Viktor is behind the door attempting to contain his laughter.

  “Who placed this call?”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss that information, just be careful in the future.” He places his sunglasses back on his face.


  He turns and walks off. Upon reaching his car, his hand is on the door, and he’s looking back at me.

  “Don’t come back.”

  Jamie’s hand touches his gun as he stares, then he gets in his car and drives away.

  Closing the door, Viktor raises his eyebrows.

  “What the fuck was that?” Kazier asks while coming in from behind us.

  I don’t know, because I haven’t seen her in days, and I haven’t contacted her. So I know that cop was bullshitting.

  “Fucked if I know.”

  “Sort it out, Anton. Sort it the fuck out,” he says, walking away and into the kitchen where Mama will be cooking. Sometimes I think he’s only here for the cooking.

  “How do you manage to always fuck everything up?” Viktor asks, shaking his head.

  “You’re fucking with me, right? You were the one that let your wife be sold!”

  He steps forward, not happy with my chosen words. “I didn’t know any better.” Then he walks away. He’s right, our number one loyalty is to Kazier and our family. No one, not even a lover, is meant to stand in our way, and they haven’t for many years. The wives knew back then. They knew that support was not being involved in anything that was run by us. Now, though, now we live in a world that’s entirely different, and women want roles that once only a man had. I say give it to them, I’d rather be told what to do by a woman in sexy leather pants threatening to spank me if I do wrong, than a man.

  Fuck, maybe that’s only in my fantasies.

  “And you think you know better now?” I laugh at him as Mama calls us in for dinner, which Kazier is already eating.

  “I do, and I can tell you want to see her again which confuses you,” Viktor says then walks around the table to sit opposite to me. “Have you lost your cock and grown a pussy I didn’t know about?”

  Mama shakes her head but doesn’t say a word. Kazier just looks between us—he’s used to us bickering.

  “Just go and see her. Maybe make an arrangement that doesn’t involve you thinking with your damn cock.”

  My lip twitches. “Umm… that’s all I need to think with.”

  “Well, obviously you ain’t thinking clearly since you haven’t fucked another woman since her. So maybe you should play it nice and make a sensible arrangement, where you can fuck her more often,” Viktor says in an attempt to help me understand.

  “Fuck-me buddies… like Kazier and Elina were?” I ask, nodding my head. “That I can do.”

  “That he can do,” Viktor mimics.

  “Sort the cop shit out first. I told you I don’t want the extra heat.”

  “Officer Pussy… got it.” I give them both a salute.

  Two heads are shaking at me now, instead of one.


  She isn’t there, her sister is though. It’s late, and I thought she may have been working, but her roster was clear last week when I checked, now it mustn’t be.

; “She’ll be home soon.” Raven offers for me to come in, and I do so because I want to see where she lives, where she lays every night. It’s small, I figured it was when I first saw it, but holy fuck it’s tiny. Looking around while standing in the same spot, I see the whole apartment and only one bedroom.

  “Where does she sleep?” I ask.

  Raven points to the one bedroom.

  “Where do you sleep?”

  She points to the same room.

  “Both of you?” I walk into it and see two single beds in there, and I know which one is hers straight away. It’s the messier one. Raven seems very well put together, whereas Sam is all over the place.

  “Sam doesn’t want anything bigger, not while I’m studying,” she explains.

  “A doctor, right?” She nods her head. “And what about Sam. What does she want?”

  Raven shuts the front door and walks to the one and only small counter and leans down on it.

  “She doesn’t say. I ask, but she says that it’s always what’s best for me. I sometimes feel like I stole her early years.” I can hear the anguish in her voice. I know both parents are dead because I carried out some background checks, so I don’t bother asking her about that. Sam has looked after Raven for most of her life, and that obviously hasn’t stopped.

  “I plan to pay her back, somehow,” she finishes, lost in thought now.

  Nodding my head, I look around at the photographs which are of both of them and no one else.

  “She likes you, you know?”

  Turning back to her, I smirk. “Oh, I like her, too.” Adding her pussy to the sentence didn’t seem like the smartest thing to do right then.

  “Oh, yes, she tells me about you…” she pauses then continues, “… about the playboy that you are.”

  I can’t help but smile.

  “That’s why she doesn’t want to see you again.”

  Those words kill my smile in an instant.

  The front door opens with Sam walking in. She goes to speak but stops when she looks up. She has a face full of make-up still on. “What are you doing here?” she asks, looking around then back to Raven. “Why did you let him in?”

  Raven shrugs, grabs the keys then kisses her sister’s cheek, and she heads for the door, shutting it after she walks out.

  Sam drops her bag to the floor then stands there with her hand on her hip. “Why are you here, Anton? You asked for one more time, it was given. What do you want?”

  I scratch my beard that I’ve let overgrow. “I just can’t stay away.”

  “Well, try harder.” She snaps her fingers at me. “And stop roaming me the way you do with your eyes. I’m dressed.”

  “But I know what’s underneath,” I say mischievously.

  “God, really? Is this why you’re here? Did I seriously sleep with another crazy?” Sam’s starting to look seriously annoyed now, and it’s making me hard.

  “Actually, I’m here to talk about a police officer.”

  She freezes exactly where she is, her eyes not blinking as she watches me. “Jamie?” she asks, to which I nod. She places her keys on the counter, staring down at them and not looking up at me.

  “Do we need to discuss Jamie, Sam?” I ask, stepping closer.

  Mistake number two. Number one was coming here.

  She shakes her head.

  “No, no, I will handle it.”

  “Ex-boyfriend?” I ask her, and she coughs covering her mouth.

  “You could say that.”

  I nod my head. “Get him to stay away from us. He doesn’t want to end up on the street where he finds his victims,” I tell her while walking to the door.

  “Is that what you would do? Is that what you do?” she asks.

  “I’m the devil that you fuck, not have relationships with, Sam,” I say, walking out.

  I hear her voice. “What a fucking devil you are.”

  I smirk because she’s the same for me—wild and contagious.

  I can never get enough of her taste, or maybe it’s just her.

  Chapter 10


  To explain what I feel for Anton would be like explaining my love for cupcakes—I don’t need them, but I want them. That’s him, even when he annoys me, even when he’s being despicable, I still want him. Working out if it was just the sex or him as a man is the tricky part of the question I have no answer to. In some ways he drives me up the wall, but then there’s the others that make me swoon. Demanding kisses in public and the way he goes about it might be unconventional, but I’m guessing that’s who he is.

  Wiping my make-up off, Raven walks back in not too long after he left, but she also has someone with her—the little blonde, Freya—and she smiles when she sees me. Freya’s dressed nicely, not night-club nicely, just jeans and a shirt with a cardigan. She waves at me as Raven looks at me.

  “So Raven here said you and Anton aren’t a thing anymore?” she asks.

  I want to say rude and weird, but it’s not exactly something you should say to someone when they first step inside your house.

  “Is this relevant to you? How?”

  Freya shrugs her shoulders with a smirk. “We’re having a girls’ night. We drink a lot of vodka and play stupid games. You want to come?”

  Raven nods her head. “I’m going, you must come.” She claps her hands together. Denying her has never been my strong suit.

  “The boys?” I ask her.

  “Not allowed. They never come. Well, it’s only a new thing now that I can stand Elina, but yeah, they’re not allowed.”

  “Elina?” I ask her.

  She flicks her hair over her shoulder. “The supermodel.” She rolls her eyes. “Joking. Please don’t hate her. I don’t… anymore. Well, sometimes, maybe.”

  She sounds very indecisive.

  “Do we have to dress up?”

  Raven shakes her head, but it’s Freya who answers.

  “Nope, it’s just at my house. The boys go out or will be at Kazier’s.”

  “Your leader?” I ask, not really understanding what those men do.


  Freya laughs turning toward the door and walking to it. “You could say that. Come on, cars are ready and waiting.”

  Raven throws me her black cardigan that was hooked on the back of the door then follows her. I place it on and pick up my cell, locking the door and doing the same. No matter how nice they seem, leaving my sister with someone who I don’t fully trust is still not something I’m comfortable with, even if Raven is an adult.

  We drive out of town and into the suburbs. Freya makes conversation with my sister, and they seem to be getting along very well. I forgot Freya and Death drove her home that night I went home with Anton, and they appear to have forged some sort of friendship since then. We come to a stop out front of a house that’s the cutest thing I’ve seen for a while. It has a wraparound porch, and the white and dark colors that it’s painted in give the house its charm.

  “He had it built for me,” Freya says, getting out. “It’s small, but it’s what I want.” She walks through the door which is being held open by the supermodel, Elina, who doesn’t have on any shoes.

  “Girls,” Elina greets us. Pollie is seated with the baby next to her asleep, and another lady sits near her as well.

  “Pollie you’ve already met, and that’s Angelina, who…” She looks to me then back to Freya, not finishing her sentence.

  “So what do you want to play? We have so many board games, are there any you particularly like to play?”

  “Sam’s a killer at Monopoly,” Raven says, smiling and sitting down. She’s always so comfortable and relaxed around others.

  Raven would have been a better fit for Anton, I shake my head dismissing that thought.

  Who thinks like that anyway?

  “Oh… so is Angelina. She was a wealthy lady by the end of our last game,” Pollie says, chuckling.

  “Drinks?” Freya asks, and Raven nods, answering for us.

/>   “Vodka and cranberry please.” Then Raven gets up to help.

  “So how do you know Freya and the girls?” Angelina asks me smiling, as she sets up the Monopoly board.

  “She was at the club, we met her there,” Elina interjects before I can say anything.

  “Awesome. I met Raven once before, I work at the hospital as well. Smart cookie she is.”

  “Thank you, she is,” I say very proudly. As a matter of fact, she’s brilliant. At the age of three she was reciting the alphabet, how to count, plus how to add and subtract simple arithmetic.

  Freya and Raven walk back out holding glasses of alcohol, passing them to each of us. I take a glass that I don’t intend to drink. Raven notices as I place it beside me and she sips hers.

  “Okay, so truth or dare first. I’m bored while we drink,” Elina says, drinking her drink then pouring straight vodka into her now empty glass.

  “She isn’t Russian, but she sure as shit can drink like one,” Freya says, laughing.

  “Truth,” Pollie speaks first.

  “Is Death the best fuck you’ve ever had? And don’t lie.”

  We all turn to look at her because we’re all interested in her answer. That man holds something to him, an appeal that we all just don’t understand.

  Pollie bites her lip. “No man could compare. Ever,” she adds with her cheeks reddening.

  “I’m so planning to ask you more now, but it’s your turn,” Elina says.

  “Truth or dare,” Pollie asks Elina.


  “I dare you to get up on this table, and give the girls a strip tease.”

  Elina doesn’t hesitate, knocking the Monopoly board that Angelina was setting up, and starts stripping while Freya places on some music from her phone. Elina shakes her ass dropping it down then back up, and Freya holds up her cell phone laughing.

  “I’m sending this to Kazier.” Freya laughs next to me, when I see her snapchatting. She gets completely down to her G-string, and she almost puts me to shame with the way she moves. Almost. Then her eyes go to Freya, who she saw videoing.


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