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A Bachelor Falls

Page 17

by Karen Toller Whittenburg

“You’re wonderful, Ross Kilgannon.” She breathed out the words in tightly held excitement. “Isn’t he, Ellie? Isn’t he absolutely the most wonderful man you’ve ever met?”

  Ross looked at Ellie expectantly and she shrugged. “He has his moments. He writes some pretty great song lyrics, too.”

  For the first time, Tori looked at Ross with genuine interest. “You never told me that, Ross.”

  He shrugged. “The moment never seemed right.”

  “Well, don’t think I’ll forget you when I’m a star. Because I won’t. I’ll send you free tickets to my concerts and everything.” She giggled with the sheer thrill of her imagination. “So, I’m off,” she said and giggled some more. “Wish me luck!” Tori turned for the door, her flounces bouncing around her. “Oh. You will tell my folks, won’t you, Ross? Tell them I’ll call them from Nashville. Tell them I’m going to be a star!”

  Then the door was opening and she was flouncing through and Reverend Minks was leaning in to check for problems. “Anything I can do?” he asked kindly.

  “Yes,” Ross gathered Ellie’s hands in his. “Tell everyone that there isn’t going to be a wedding. Not today. Tell them the gifts will be returned and that everything will work out just fine. Tell them the bride’s happy. Tell them the groom’s happy. And...”

  “Tell them the best man is very happy.” Ellie laid her head against his shoulder and smiled at Reverend Minks. “Be sure to tell them that, too.”

  Reverend Minks nodded, his round face beaming with a smile. “So the story ends like this, huh?”

  Ross summed up. “The wedding’s off. The bride is off to Nashville to become a singing star. The groom is off to...” He smiled at Ellie. “Ever been to Las Vegas?”

  “Never,” Ellie answered, smiling at him with all the love, all the memories, all the hope her heart could hold. “I’ve heard weddings there are something out of this world.”

  “The Bostians have relocated there.” Ross gave her a wink, then started for the door. “So, that’s the story, Reverend,” he said. “No wedding today. Just three complete happily ever afters.”

  “Bachelor Falls will never settle for that, Ross,” Ellie reminded him. “We’ll have to tell them every detail of how it all happened.”

  “We will,” he agreed. “At our wedding reception. Right after we get back from Vegas. Tell them that, too, will you, Reverend?”

  “Be happy to. Anything else?”

  Ellie laughed. “Tell everyone Ross has eloped with his best man.”

  Then Ross pulled her through the door and toward a future that sparkled as shiny and bright as Hot Rod’s new paint.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6073-3


  Copyright © 1998 by Karen Toller Whittenburg.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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