Defying Destiny

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Defying Destiny Page 27

by Olivia Downing

  brother. Or have you already forgotten

  about Cort?”

  Nash growled angrily, pausing to glare

  at the young man who had spoken.

  “No, I won’t watch what I say,” the

  young man countered. “If it’s a fight you

  want, then we’ll give it to you.” He

  looked around at other young males in the


  Nash did not back down even when

  they began to shed their clothes and take

  their Wolf forms. He lowered his head

  and growled menacingly, his nose

  rumpled, teeth barred, hackles raised.

  Maralee glanced around nervously as a

  dozen or so young males circled them,

  growling and snarling. She expected them

  to attack her, but they never even glanced

  her way. Horrified, she watched them

  lunge towards Nash. He threw off one of

  the Wolves only to be attacked by three


  “No!” Maralee cried.

  She flung herself into the middle of the

  melee, trying desperately to reach Nash.

  She had to protect him. She wasn’t sure

  what she could do, but she couldn’t stand

  by and watch. She managed to get a

  handful of his fur before a set of strong

  jaws clamped around her arm, gave her a

  vicious shake and tossed her aside. She

  struggled to her knees, ready to throw

  herself back into the foray when someone

  captured her by the shoulders from behind.

  “Stay out of this. They will injure him

  more severely if you try to interfere. Nash

  knew this was coming,” Rella said. “Let

  him fight. Allow him to keep his dignity.”

  Maralee glanced up at the woman

  holding her back. “His dignity? What good

  is his dignity if he loses his life?”

  Rella chuckled. Maralee bristled.

  “Silly girl,” the lovely wolf woman

  murmured. “He’s immortal and you are far

  from it. He may wish he was dead when

  this is all over, but he will not die, unless

  someone slips him some silver amid the


  Nash’s yelp of pain tore at Maralee’s

  heart. If Rella hadn’t been holding her by






  undoubtedly tried to help him in some


  “Mama! Make them stop!” Carsha

  cried. “They’re hurting him.”

  Rella released Maralee’s shoulders to

  draw Carsha near. “Go into the house,”

  she said to her daughter. “You shouldn’t

  watch this.”

  “Uncle Nash!”

  Nash’s blood littered the melting

  snow, but no matter how many times they

  knocked him down, he somehow managed

  to get back to his feet.

  “I think he means to win this thing,”

  Rella said, sounding surprised. “Just what

  is he trying to prove?”

  “I’ll leave,” Maralee whispered.

  “This is my fault. If I go then…”

  “You really don’t understand Wolves

  at all,” Rella said. “By all means, leave. It

  will make the risks he took and his fight

  for nothing.”

  “I can’t stand this!”

  The pack regrouped, rushing forward

  for another attack. This one was less

  intense. The pack was tiring and seemed

  less eager to fight. Nash wobbled as

  several Wolves careened into him, but he

  did not fall. Several Wolves were lying

  on their sides in the melting snow,

  breathing hard—alive but defeated.

  Nash paused, lifted his snout to the

  sky, and howled. The frenzied Wolves

  stopped in mid-motion to stare at him. He

  howled again. Maralee watched his

  attackers sit on their haunches in the snow

  and howl along with him.

  Rella chuckled, an appreciative smile

  on her lips. “He always was a smart one,”

  she murmured. “Come, Carsha. This fight

  is over.”

  The girl looked up at her mother,

  smiling. “I want to help Uncle Nash, too,”

  she said breathlessly, her amber eyes

  alight with hope.

  “Wait!” Maralee said. “What just


  “Have Nash explain things to you,”

  Rella said. “You can thank me for saving

  your life later.”

  Maralee realized the truth of her claim

  at once. “Why did you?” Maralee asked.

  “Don’t you hate me?”

  “Of course I hate you,” Rella agreed,

  “but I love Nash and you make him happy

  for some unknown reason. That’s all I

  want for him. That’s what Cort would

  have wanted.”

  Maralee was too stunned to respond.

  Rella loved Nash? Maralee watched the

  woman walk away. She disappeared into

  her cabin with Carsha and two handsome

  young boys with stark white hair. Others

  began to leave the area as well, venturing

  deeper into the forest to their own cabins.

  Maralee turned to look at Nash who was

  still howling with his chorus of attackers.

  He nodded towards his cabin. She skirted

  around the trees to his cabin and climbed

  up on the porch. He spoke to his people in

  his Wolf language for several moments

  before joining Maralee on the porch. One

  by one, the young male Wolves found their

  discarded clothing and disappeared into

  the trees. Nash watched them, breathing

  hard, but seeming surprisingly well.

  “Are you all right?” Maralee asked

  when they were alone.

  He glanced at her before rising to his

  feet and trotting over to his front door. He

  paused, nose on the doorknob and waited.

  Maralee rushed forward to open it for

  him. He went inside. She followed after

  him, surprised when he collapsed just

  inside the door.

  “Nash!” she cried, dropping down to

  her knees beside him and touching the fur

  of his face.

  He melted into his human form. “I’ll

  be fine,” he said, touching her hand, which

  was resting on his cheek. “I’m just utterly


  “And covered with wounds!” she said,

  noticing the deep puncture marks that

  peppered his body.

  “It’s not so bad. Not one of them lost

  their temper and did any permanent

  damage,” he said. “I’m just not as young

  as I used to be.”

  “You can’t be more than twenty-eight

  or twenty-nine,” she said with a smile.

  He stared at her for a long moment and

  then sighed. “I’m a hundred and twelve.”

  Her eyes widened and then she smiled

  at his obvious jest. “Don’t tease me,” she

  said. “At least go lay down on the rug.

  The floor is hard and cold. I’ll start a fire

  for you.”

  He smiled a thanks before reverting to

  his Wol
f form and climbing wearily to his

  feet. He curled up on the bearskin rug,

  watching her as she set her knapsack on

  the sofa and then moved to the fireplace.

  “I was scared to death that you’d be

  killed,” she said. She laid the kindling in

  the grate and started the fire. “How did








  When he didn’t answer her, she turned

  to look at him. He was already asleep.

  She smiled as her love for this man, Wolf,

  person warmed her blood. Her heart

  threatened to burst with happiness. At last,

  they could be together. There was nothing

  to come between them now. She believed

  this as she settled down on the rug beside

  him and stroked his soft fur tenderly.


  After only a few hours, Nash awoke from

  his nap eager to examine the book

  Maralee had stowed in her knapsack. He

  climbed to his feet and stretched his back

  —front paws extended forward, his back

  arched downward. He shook his head to

  clear the fog from his mind and padded

  through the house looking for Maralee.

  When he discovered she wasn’t in the

  house, he began to panic. He took his

  human form, knowing she wouldn’t

  understand him if he howled at her.

  “Maralee, where are you?” he called.


  He heard a commotion outside on the

  porch. His heart sank down into his belly.

  He moved to the front door and tore it

  open. His first impression of the scene

  sent a spear of ice down his spine, but

  then he realized Maralee was laughing as

  two small wolves tackled her and tumbled

  her across the ground. He sighed with


  “Oh, Uncle Nash,” Lord said from his

  seat on the front steps, “you’re awake


  Lark and Carsha barked excitedly as

  Maralee struggled to her feet and tried to

  catch them. It was a useless pursuit, but

  she seemed to be enjoying herself.

  “What are you pups up to?” Nash

  asked his eldest nephew.

  “Mama sent us over to check on you

  and they all started acting foolish in the

  yard,” Lord said, gazing out at his brother,

  sister and the human woman with


  “They seem to be having a good time,”

  Nash said with a smile.

  Lord shrugged. “They’ll be soaked,

  playing in melting snow.”

  Nash smiled. “I suppose,” he agreed.

  “I guess you think that you’re too old for

  such nonsense.”

  “Somebody has to take responsibility

  for this family now that Dad’s gone,” he

  said solemnly.

  Nash realized his young nephew was

  trying to fill the vacancy that had been

  offered to him. Nash wondered if Lord

  would have been out playing in the snow

  if he had accepted Rella’s proposition of

  marriage. Knowing Lord, probably not.

  Not unless he thought there wasn’t anyone


  “I guess I should go get dressed,”

  Nash said, smiling when Maralee caught

  Lark by the tail and the white Wolf

  jumped high into the air, drawing a gasp

  and appreciative applause from her. This

  inspired a series of leaps, jumps, and flips

  that left Nash breathless with fatigue just


  “What a show off,” Lord growled,

  watching his brother’s antics with disgust.

  “As if you could do better,” Nash

  challenged, hiding his knowing smile

  when Lord glanced up at him quickly.

  His eyes narrowed. “You just want me

  to get along with your mate,” Lord

  accused suspiciously. “Don’t get your

  hopes up. I know what she did to my


  “It’s up to you if you forgive her. I

  won’t require that you like her,” Nash

  said. “You should consider giving her a

  chance though. She’s changed.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Lord murmured,

  watching her lift an excited, wriggling

  Carsha into her arms.

  “Come inside when you get cold,”

  Nash told Lord and went into the house to

  find some clothes. He’d been mostly a

  Wolf for well over a week. He was

  looking forward to reclaiming the use of

  his thumbs for a while.

  After dressing, Nash worked on

  preparing a meal for himself, Maralee and

  their young guests. He made enough for

  Rella as well, hoping they could convince

  her to join them. He barely put his

  family’s steaks over the fire, but he

  broiled Maralee’s until it was done and

  even roasted several small potatoes for

  her. Just as he was about to call everyone

  in to dinner, the front door burst open and

  two sopping wet Wolves, a drenched

  young woman and an irritated, white-

  haired boy entered.

  “I told you, you’d be soaked,” Lord

  declared. “You’re getting mud and water

  all over the floor.”

  “It’s all right,” Maralee told him with

  a friendly smile. “I’ll clean it up.”

  Lord gave her a dark look before

  moving in front of the fire to warm

  himself. He continued to watch Maralee’s

  every move, his mistrust obvious.

  Maralee looked unsettled by the boy’s

  dislike and leeriness. Nash watched her

  consider her next move. She seemed to

  realize she shouldn’t try to push Lord just






  declared, turning her attention to Nash.

  “Did you cook?”

  He nodded and glanced at the two

  soaking wet Wolves making a spectacular

  mess of his floor. “Lark and Carsha, go

  home, put on some dry clothes, and bring

  your mother back over for dinner.”

  The pair of them barked an agreement

  and Maralee opened the door for them so

  they could make the quick trip home.

  “I think that I’d better change clothes

  as well,” she told Nash. She glanced at

  Lord, who was still sitting by the fire,

  pretending not to watch her warily. With a

  small sigh, she took her knapsack to the







  encouraging smile as she passed, but she

  was too preoccupied to notice.

  “So,” Lord said irritably. “Why do

  you like her so much anyway?”

  Nash was taken aback by his question.

  He’d never thought about why he had

  strong feelings for Maralee. He merely

  acknowledged them.

  “Well…” he murmured, slim dark

  eyebrows drawn together with perplexity.

  “She’s not as pretty as my mother,”

  Lord said, glancing at the floor and then at

  his uncle.

  “Your mother is a very beautiful

  woman,” Nash agreed uneasily.

  “Why did you choose this human

  woman and reject my mother?” Lord

  asked. “You made her cry.”

  Nash was confused. “I made who


  “My mother. I wasn’t asleep when you

  came back from fighting those wolves

  after Mom. I heard her give herself to you

  and you reject her. Then she started to

  cry,” Lord told him, amber eyes full of the

  pain of betrayal. “I won’t forgive you for

  making her cry.”

  “She wasn’t crying because I rejected

  her,” Nash said, “but I understand why

  you are angry with me.”

  “You don’t understand anything!” he

  said, climbing to his feet. “You don’t even

  care that your human killed my father. She

  came to our village only hours after you

  buried him. You brought her into your

  house and you expected me and Lark and

  Carsha to come and entertain a murderer.”

  Nash realized these words were too

  mature for a boy his age to string together

  on his own. He was likely repeating

  something he’d overheard. “You know I

  wouldn’t have asked you to join us if

  you’d been in any danger.”

  This did nothing to placate Lord. If

  anything, he seemed even more agitated.

  “Then you took Carsha to a human village.

  What would have happened to her if

  someone had found out what she really


  “I would have protected her.”

  “Would you have killed to protect

  her?” Lord challenged, eyes flashing


  “You know I would have.”

  “Even that woman?” he asked. “You

  didn’t kill her to protect Dad.” Tears

  flooded the boy’s eyes and he struggled

  valiantly to prevent them from falling.

  “I did not react quickly enough to save

  your dad,” Nash murmured, “but I was

  prepared to let her die if she raised her

  sword to any of my people again.”

  A startled gasp alerted Nash to

  Maralee’s presence. She stood in the

  hallway, riveted by their exchange,

  clutching a towel to clean up the water

  and mud on the floor. She was pale and

  wide-eyed now, as she looked at him


  “I don’t believe you,” Lord told him

  before tearing out of the house, leaving

  Nash and Maralee to stare at each other


  “Maralee?” he said after a moment


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