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The Hot Lawyer (A Romance Love Story) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #4)

Page 68

by Alexa Davis

  "This is an interesting way of thinking about it," she said sipping from her glass again.

  Just then, Farook entered the tent bearing plates up and down his arm. "My friends," he called. "Your lunch is served!" He proceeded to set down several different plates full of grilled tomatoes, peppers, onions, and zucchini squash. These were followed by a plate of kefta meatballs and another plate full of juicy lamb chops. His assistant brought out more tea, pita, and a bowl of yogurt tahini to put on the pita before loading it up with vegetables and meat.

  I watched as Emily listened to Farook's instructions and then created a pita that caused her to close her eyes and moan a little when she bit into it.

  "Oh my, this is delicious," she said with her mouth full of food. We laughed and then dug in and ate until we both thought we couldn't move. We talked about our dreams for travel and things we had longed to do as we devoured Farook's handiwork.

  Halfway through lunch, Emily's phone rang. When she checked it, the smile left her face as she said, "I have to answer this one." She stepped away from the table, but I could hear her saying, "Lunch with a friend. No, we're going to go shopping afterwards. I haven't seen her in a while. Yes, we might get dinner. What time will you be home? Fine. See you then."

  When she returned to the table, her smile was pinched and she laughed a little too loudly to try and recapture our carefree conversation. I wanted to ask, but I already knew, so I let it go. The phone call gave me an idea, though, and once we'd finished lunch and thanked Farook for his generous hospitality, I loaded her back into the car and gave the driver directions to our next stop.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine


  The call from Tommy had put a damper on my mood, not only because he was already drunk, but also because he was angry and combative about my every move. I knew that I would have to keep Austin under wraps if I was going to preserve the peace. Part of me felt guilty for lying to Tommy, but part of me knew that he was sleeping with other women, so I felt indignant about deserving my own happiness. Besides, we weren't doing anything, I told myself, even though I knew I was lying.

  Lunch with Austin had whet my appetite for more time with him. I just liked being around him. The conversation flowed easily and I didn't feel like I was on edge, waiting for the next accusation or angry insult to be hurled my way. With Austin, I felt like someone who was valued and respected. Plus there was the fact that every time he touched me my pulse began to race and I felt my breath coming in shallow gasps. He made my blood flow faster and my body practically sing. I wanted him, but I wasn't about to open that Pandora's Box today. Instead, I settled for the comfort of his company and the incredible meals and sightseeing tour.

  Now, we were back in the car headed for parts unknown and he was holding me against him like a precious package. I sighed as I closed my eyes and leaned against his shoulder. Austin was so solid and strong, and I loved the feel of his arms around me.

  "Where are we headed?" I murmured with my eyes closed.

  "Well, if we're supposed to be shopping, then I guess it's to the mall," he said playfully as he kissed the top of my head. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.


  "You said that you were with a friend and that you were going shopping, so I thought I'd help you keep your cover," he smiled. For an instant, I was angry with him for listening into my conversation, but as soon as I felt the anger I knew it was more shame than rage. I leaned back against him and sighed as I let myself be cared for.

  When we reached The Forum Shops, Austin helped me out of the car and said, "We can go anywhere buy anything. Anything at all."

  "Um, then how will I explain that?" I asked. "It's not like I'm made of money and can afford all that stuff."

  "We'll buy a few things at less expensive stores and transfer the more expensive things over to those bags," Austin quickly suggested.

  "I'm not sure I like your ability to come up with a cover story so quickly, Mr. Marks," I said with a raised eyebrow. "It does not bode well."

  "I see your point," he said seriously before bursting into laughter. "I'm just trying to be helpful here!"

  "I see that," I said as I joined in his laughter. "Well, we'll see what we find, won't we? It's entirely possible that we'll come out empty handed."

  "Oh, no, that's not at all possible," he said shaking his head.

  For the next several hours, we wandered the shops looking at shoes, clothes, lingerie, and jewelry. I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things that were available and by Austin's constant reminder that anything and everything was mine for the taking. I finally settled on a new bra and matching panties from La Perla in a gossamer fabric that was so light I wondered if it would hold up to actual wear. The sales lady assured me that all of the lingerie was entirely wearable, but she warned that I should never ever put it in the washing machine. I assured her I would not, and she nodded approvingly as she rang it up and then carefully wrapped the purchase in tissue paper before storing it in a beautiful bag. We then stopped in at Gucci where Austin had me try on a number of new dresses they'd just received.

  I settled on the triangle print silk dress in a beautiful shade of steel blue and red with a deep v-neck and partially sewn pleats down the front. It was an exquisite dress that looked like it had been made just for me. Austin let out a low whistle when I stepped out of the dressing room, and I knew that it was the right one.

  "Now, how about a pair of sexy shoes?" Austin asked as we left the Gucci store and wandered back into the mall. "Maybe Jimmy Choo?"

  "Austin, I don't mean to be rude, but how does a guy from Brooklyn know so much about women's fashion?" I asked as we walked down the long corridor toward the Jimmy Choo store.

  "Why, I..." Austin looked down at me and then burst out laughing. "I don't really know, to tell you the truth! I think it must be osmosis or something. Admittedly, the women I've hung out with have been clothes horses, so I guess I've picked up a thing or two from them?"

  "I was just curious," I said with a mock skeptical look, which sent him into another fit of laughter and made me lose my faux seriousness and join him.

  I found the perfect pair of suede and patent leather heels that had a square heel and were not too impossibly high. They tied up around my ankles and made my legs look ten times longer than they actually were. Austin smiled as he nodded to the sales woman that she should wrap them up.

  "Well, that takes care of things doesn't it?" I asked as we exited the store.

  "Oh not hardly," Austin said as he looked over toward Tiffany and Company and then walked over to its display window. "See anything you like here?"

  "Austin, really?" I said now not pretending to be exasperated. "I don't think there's anything here I'd like."

  "Alright," he shrugged as he moved away from the window and walked into the store. "Maybe then there's something inside you'd like."

  "Austin, I don't think so," I said as I started getting nervous. I wasn't sure where he was headed with this shopping trip and I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

  He emerged from the shop after a few minutes carrying a small blue bag. He walked toward me as I shook my head.

  "No, no, no," I said.

  "No what?" he replied with a surprised look. Then he looked down and held up the bag and said, "Oh this? It's a gift for my mother. She's going to be celebrating her seventieth birthday next week and I wanted to get her something she's been hinting at."

  I burst into laughter as I punched him in the shoulder. "You're a bad, bad man!"

  "Who me?" he said with an innocent look on his face.

  I stood on my tiptoes and pulled him down so I could quickly kiss his lips as I said, "Yes, you. Bad man!"

  He kissed me back and laughed.


  Once we'd finished shopping, Austin had the driver take us back the Marks Hotel and arranged for a room for me to get ready in. He'd called down to the salon and scheduled one of the stylists to come up after I'd bathed, and as
he arranged for all of these things I looked at him with a smile. For a man as rich as he was, it didn't seem like the money was his motivation. Instead, it seemed like money was his means of being able to make others happy, and I felt fortunate that he was choosing to shower me with such happiness.

  "Now, you take your time and enjoy the amenities," he was saying as he looked down at his phone. "I need to take care of some business, and then I'll meet you back here at 6:30. Our reservation is for 7:00."

  "Where are we going for dinner?" I asked.

  "It's a surprise," he grinned. "I don't want to give it away."

  I smiled and quickly kissed him as the car pulled up to the entrance of the hotel. The driver opened the door and helped me out before opening the trunk and gathering my packages. He handed them off to the bellman as I walked into the lobby and was greeted by the hotel manager.

  "Ms. Warner, welcome to the Marks Hotel. I am Mr. Dalton, the hotel manager," he smiled as he held out his arm and ushered me into the elevator. "We have a lovely room for you on the top floor where I think you will find everything you need. The stylist will be up to take care of any grooming you require in an hour."

  "Thank you so much, Mr. Dalton," I smiled. "I do appreciate the attention and consideration."

  "It is our pleasure, Ms. Warner," he smiled as the elevator reached the top floor and he guided me down the hall to the room I would be using. I gasped when I walked through the door. It wasn't so much a hotel room as it was a hotel apartment. We walked directly into the living room where the floor to ceiling windows wrapped around and provided a panoramic view of the Las Vegas strip. The sun was beginning to set and it cast a warm purplish glow on the all white furniture that filled the room. I wanted to sink down into the sofa and put my feet up while I watched it disappear, but Mr. Dalton was intent on showing me the features of the suite, so I followed him down the short hallway into the bedroom. The bellman was busy placing my packages on the bed and arranging them so that I could easily access the goods inside of them.

  "Now, there is a large bath this way, Ms. Warner," Mr. Dalton explained. "If you would like, I can send up a maid to run the bath and prepare your clothing."

  "That won't be necessary, Mr. Dalton," I smiled. "But thank you so much for offering."

  "Very good, ma'am," he said bowing a bit. "If there is nothing else, then I will leave you to your preparations."

  "Thank you, Mr. Dalton," I said as I held out my hand. "You are terribly kind."

  "It is my pleasure," he said taking my hand. "Enjoy your stay, Ms. Warner, and do let us know if you need anything at all."

  I nodded and walked to the door with him. Once he and the bellman were gone, I ran into the living room and threw myself down on the plush couch. The micro suede felt cool and soft as I lay on my back and watched the sun slowly sinking down below the horizon. I thought about how radically different this view was from the view at my little house. I wanted to call someone and share this with them. My mother wouldn't understand, and Trish was on a flight somewhere over the Atlantic right now. The only other person I could think of was Austin, but he was occupied with business and besides, telling him about how amazing this suite was seemed silly.

  I sighed as I got up and walked to the bathroom where I turned on the taps and ran myself a hot bath. I added some of the oils that sat in large bottles on the edge of the tub before stripping off my clothing and sliding down into the warm water. I soaked for a long time as I thought about how much my life had changed in the past few months. I knew that I was falling for Austin, but I also knew that it wouldn't be smart to get involved with him until I wrapped things up with Tommy. I didn't want Austin to be my savior; that I could do myself.

  I didn't know how long I was in the tub, but the water cooled and I pulled myself out and wrapped up in a big fluffy towel as I awaited the arrival of someone from the salon. While I'd been in the bath, room service had delivered wine and cheese and when I emerged from the steamy bathroom, I saw that they had set up a lovely little snack on the coffee table. I laughed as I sat down and sipped the chardonnay and nibbled a piece of Gouda.

  "Who lives like this?" I said to the empty room. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it and found the stylist.

  "Ms. Warner, I'm Donna, from the salon," she said. "I'm here to do your hair and makeup."

  "Wonderful, please come in," I said as I stepped aside and ushered her into the room.

  Donna asked to see the dress I would be wearing and then went to work getting me ready. She was not very talkative, but she was pleasant and put all of her energy into ensuring that I would look my absolute best. When I saw myself in the mirror after she'd finished, I gasped. I didn't look that much different, just like an improved version of myself. My hair was loose around my shoulders and looked shinier than I'd ever seen it before. My makeup highlighted my eyes and lips, making me look fresh and lovely.

  "Oh Donna, you're a magician!" I cried as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  "It's easy when I have a great canvas to work with." She smiled as she gathered up her tools and prepared to return to the salon.

  "Thank you so much," I said wondering if I should tip her, but not knowing how much.

  "No tips," she said as if she'd read my mind. "Mr. Marks pays us well above the average rate, so we don't accept tips here."

  "I see." I nodded. "Well, then please accept my undying gratitude."

  "That I can do," she said and smiled as she headed out the door.

  I walked back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror again marveling at Donna's handiwork. Austin was going to be surprised.

  Chapter Sixty


  I had been waiting in the hotel lobby for twenty minutes when Emily emerged from the elevator and walked across the lobby. My breath caught in my throat as I watched her. She looked like royalty dressed in the Gucci dress with her hair done loose and flowing. The makeup artist had only put a hint of cosmetics on her and she looked fresh and beautiful. I shook my head and laughed.

  "You clean up well, Ms. Warner!"

  "Why thank you very much, Mr. Marks," she laughed with me. "It's all your doing."

  "No, I only offered the tools," I said as I bent down and kissed her cheek. "You're the canvas upon which those tools look so stunning."

  She smiled as she took my hand and I said, "Shall we?"

  We headed out to the car and the driver whisked us off to dinner. I'd made reservations at Aureole, one of the most exclusive restaurants in Las Vegas. I wanted Emily to see the beautiful side of the city, even if it was only for one night. And if I was honest, I also wanted to impress her.

  "Where are we going for dinner?" she asked as she slipped her hand into mine and smiled up at me.

  "I thought that we'd have drinks at the Foundation Room at the House of Blues and then eat dinner at Aureole," I said smiling back at her. "What do you think?"

  "Oh, Austin!" she gasped. "This is crazy, you know. Helicopter rides, luxury shopping trips, people doing my hair and makeup, it's all too much."

  "No, it's not even the beginning of enough," I said quietly.

  "Austin," she began in a tone that warned me I was dangerously close to tipping the balance and that it wasn't going to be in my favor if I pushed.

  "Look, there are no strings attached," I said in a light voice. "I just wanted to take you away from your worries for a day and let you relax and enjoy things."

  She nodded as she turned and looked out the window at the Vegas strip rushing by. I wanted so badly to gather her up in my arms and tell her everything would be all right, but I knew that doing that would drive her away. So, I talked about the history of the casino my father had built as a means of lightening the mood.

  Emily soon relaxed and we spent several hours enjoying drinks and a delicious dinner. We dined on prosciutto wrapped asparagus spears, tender greens lightly coated in balsamic vinegar and topped with plump fresh tomatoes and mozzarella, and
blue cheese-crusted filet mignon cooked to perfection. The sommelier had picked wines that were the perfect complement to each dish the executive chef had prepared as a special menu and poured them as Emily and I ate our way through the menu. We talked about books we'd read and the things we still wanted to read and as the meal wound down, I began to feel sad that I'd have to let her go again.

  "I'll drop you off at home," I said as we climbed back into the car, both groaning because we were so full.

  "No, it's fine, just take me to the hotel and I'll call a cab," she said with a worried look. "It's not a good idea, Austin."

  "Emily, don't be foolish," I said. "Let me just drop you off at home, please?"

  "Well, then take me back to the hotel so I can change out of my Cinderella clothes," she said. "I can't walk in the house looking like this." I nodded and told the driver where to go. It didn't take her long to change out of her finery and back into her every day clothes. She still looked beautiful.

  "I'll have those things delivered to you in the morning," I said once we were back in the car.

  She looked at me for a moment and then nodded and gave the driver her address. She didn't say a word on the drive, just slipped her hand into mine and looked out the window. When we reached her block, she told the driver to stop a few doors down.

  "Thank you for the most wonderful day I've ever had," she said as she looked up at me with shining eyes. "I loved every minute of it."

  "Emily," I said and then hesitated. Looking at her I knew what I wanted to say, but I was afraid of how she might react.


  "Emily, I'm so glad you had fun today, I did, too," I said and then barreling ahead I added. "I want to have fun like that all the time. With you. I want you in my life. For good. If you need money to pay off the gambling debts, I'll give it to you or if you need a place to stay, I'll arrange it. I want to help you in any way I can. I think I'm in love you, Emily."


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