Book Read Free

Shacking Up

Page 25

by Helena Hunting

  “No?” Bancroft runs his palms heavily down the outside of my thighs. “You don’t know?”

  I give my head another shake. “Why don’t you tell me?”

  The grin that curves the right side of his mouth makes me squeeze my legs together. It distracts Bancroft, drawing his gaze down—to the part of my body that will happily take his attention.

  He rubs his nose over my pelvis, the softest brush. His eyes lift to mine again. “I’m going to tongue fuck your pretty pussy until you come all over my face.” He pauses for a second. “Would you like that?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “So fucking polite.” He hooks a thumb behind the back of my leg and lifts it, resting it over his shoulder. And then he starts licking. There is nothing soft and sweet about the way Bancroft eats me. Each stroke is fast and aggressive, and—oh God—is he growling? Oh, yeah, that’s definitely a growl. If this is what foreplay is like with him, I can’t wait to get to the sex part.

  I grab onto his hair, because it seems like a good place to hold. Even with the way he has me spread open for him and pinned against the wall, I need a solid anchor. My dancer background gives me better balance than most, but it’s a lot to ask for me to stay upright like this while he tongue fucks an orgasm out of me, especially since my knees are already watery from the first one.

  They start to buckle, which isn’t much of a surprise with the way he’s hoovering my clit. I make a bunch of random noises with his name thrown in there on a groan. And then I’m coming. Again. It’s a knock-me-out, steal-my-soul kind of orgasm.

  When the white lights of heaven fade out and I can breathe and see again, I realize I’m on the floor, staring up at the hall light—which is blinding me.

  And Bancroft is still going. He’s a pussy-licking machine. It sends me into overdrive. I can’t stop the sensations from overriding every logical thought. Not that there were many left anyway. I think I’m in love with this man’s tongue. If he’s as talented with his cock as he is with this part of his body, I may actually start a new religion. The Church of Bane Cock.

  I laugh, slightly deliriously, and then gasp as the graze of teeth sends me tumbling over the edge with orgasm number three. I didn’t even know it was possible to have this many consecutively.

  My eyes roll up and my vision disappears into a haze of black and white and stars as I arch, pushing myself against his mouth. When I finally regain some muscle control I crack a lid and realize I’m in the middle of a doorway. Craning my neck, I discover I’m looking at the legs of Bancroft’s bed. There are a few items of clothing under it. One of them might be a pair of my underpants. Or some socks. His cleaner obviously doesn’t do the best job.

  The rough scrape of his stubble against my clit draws my attention back to Bancroft. His hair is a mess. Because my hands have been in it. His lips are swollen, because he’s been sucking on my clit. We’ve managed to make it from one end of the hall to the other, our end point rather convenient; it’s like a round of curling cunnilingus.

  His grin is full of dirty promises. “At least we made it to the bedroom.”

  He gets up on his hands and knees, slides one arm under my back and lifts me off the floor. In two fluid steps he crosses to the bed and tosses me on the mattress. I bounce once before he’s on top of me, settling between my thighs, which have parted for him like magic. His mouth is on mine again as he swivels his hips. Oh God. I can feel him right there, rubbing on me. This is going to be the best sex of my life. I can tell already. The presex orgasms are a fairly good indicator of that.

  He breaks the kiss, his lips moving down my neck, teeth nipping, tongue sweeping. “I can’t wait to fuck you,” he murmurs in my ear.

  “I should suck you first, don’t you think?” I suggest.

  He stops with the kissing and lifts his head so he can meet my gaze. My cheeks are probably pink.

  “Say that again.”

  I want to say no, but with the way he’s looking at me, it’s difficult not to follow through. “I should suck you.” I draw out the word suck, making it sound liquid.

  His grin is just as lascivious as my words. “With that pretty, naughty mouth?” He sweeps his thumb along my bottom lip before he slips it just inside.

  So of course I suck, because clearly that’s what he wants me to do. And it mimics what I’m about to do. I get to see his cock again. Up close and personal this time. I’m pretty damn excited about that.

  I give him a little bite.

  His expression goes dark. “I hope you’re not planning on doing that when it’s my cock in that sweet mouth.”

  I swirl my tongue around the tip of his thumb. “Pretty sure I’m going to have to unhinge my jaw to get my lips around that beast.”

  His grin is almost a smirk. “You don’t think you can handle it?”

  “Let’s bring it up here and see if it fits.”

  Bancroft pushes up on his arms, his smile deliciously dark. I raise a brow and lick my lips.

  He mutters something unintelligible and shoves his pants over his hips, kicking them off.

  I glance down at his body and notice he’s still wearing his socks. They’re black and pulled halfway up his shins. “You need to take those off first.”


  “Your socks. They need to go.”

  He gives me a look. “You’ve already had three orgasms and you’re worried about my socks?”

  He tries to straddle me, but I put a hand up to stop him. “I’m not putting your cock in my mouth until those socks come off. I’ll do it myself if it’s too difficult for you.”

  Before I have a chance to react he flips me over onto my stomach and gives my ass a slap. “I’ve been waiting for a reason to do that.”

  I cry out, but it’s not in pain, it’s surprise. And then I feel the sting of his teeth on the opposite cheek before I’m flipped over again. “And that, as well.”

  He straddles me so his knees are on either side of my chest. I chance a peek down, the socks have disappeared. I grin and then check Bancroft out. Now, I’ve never given a blow job like this, but I’m thinking if it works, it’ll be pretty damn hot.

  He’s hovering over me. His cock fisted in his hand. Sweet lord. This man makes me want to give the most amazing blow job of my life. Now here’s the problem: Bancroft is very well endowed. I’m kind of serious about having to unhinge my jaw. So this angle might actually be preferable because I don’t think it allows for deeper penetration. But I’m just guessing. Fingers crossed I’m right about this.

  He angles his erection down, so that the tip is close to my chin. Flecks of glitter decorate the head. Which isn’t a surprise. My glitter panties and bra leave a magical trail everywhere.

  He keeps pushing down until the tip of his cock hits my bottom lip, as if he’s knocking on the door to my mouth, looking to get in there. Then he rubs it across like it’s lip gloss. Or dick gloss, as it were. I smile, but manage to suppress a giggle.

  His expression is intense, his lips parting along with mine as he shifts his hips forward and the head slides inside. So far, so good.

  He groans when I press my tongue forward to circle the tip. “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve thought about this.”

  I hum my acknowledgment. I can’t actually form words with his cock in my mouth, and while this certainly is something I’ve thought about, too, I have my doubts it’s to the same degree as he did. I definitely fantasized about the pussy eating, and the sex we’re going to have as soon as I’m done sucking on his lollipop.

  I keep my eyes on his face as he bites his lip and pushes in a little further. “How much you think you can take?”

  That’s a great question. One I don’t have an answer to since I’ve never tried to get something this big in my mouth at one time. “Let’s find out,” I say around the head. It’s a little garbled, but he seems to understand.

  He eases in another inch and I run my hands up the outside of his incredibly muscular thighs. They’re li
ke tree trunks. I move around the back so I can grab his ass. His naked ass. It’s so firm. I lift my head as he pushes in farther still, another inch.

  He swears when I squeeze his ass and pull him even deeper. The hand that isn’t wrapped around his cock slides into my hair. He isn’t trying to get me to choke on him, instead he cups the back of my head, helping to hold it up, which is nice of him, since I’d be doing a lot of craning otherwise. I start with some suction, which gets another dirty curse out of him.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous with my cock in your mouth, you know that?”

  His praise makes me want to see exactly how deep I can take him. I open wider, take more until his thumb touches my lip and the head hits the back of my throat. I hold on to his hips and ease him back, then do it again, taking him deeper on the next wet, suctioned stroke. I do it maybe two or three more times before he let’s go of my hair.

  “That’s enough.” He wraps his hand around his cock and pulls out of my mouth, covering the head.

  For the first time ever, I actually want to keep going. “I was just getting started.” I might even be whining.

  He brushes my bottom lip with his thumb. “Another time I’d love to finish in that incredible mouth of yours.”

  He releases his cock and reaches down. Hooking his hands under my arms, he pulls me up so I’m not face-to-cock with him anymore. He’s still straddling my hips as he leans down and kisses me, tongue sweeping my mouth. I wiggle around, trying to get my legs out from between his without causing any potential damage to his delicious dick.

  Breaking the kiss, he sits back, running his fingertips over my breasts, circling my nipples before he drags them down my sides. We’re getting to the good part, not that all the other parts haven’t been good, but this is what I’ve been waiting for, fantasizing about even, since the first night he accidentally kissed me.

  He draws a circle around my navel, then travels a straight path down to the crest of my pelvis. If he would just get in between my legs it would make this a hell of a lot easier. Easing farther back on the bed, he smooths his hands along the outside of my thighs, until he reaches my knees. Hooking his fingers underneath them, he encourages me to bend them, then follows the contour of my calves until he reaches my ankles. “How flexible are you?”

  “Um, pretty flexible, why?”

  He raises my legs, keeping them pressed together as he rests the soles of my feet against his chest. “I’m just trying to decide what position I want to fuck you in.”

  Oh good Lord. This man and his mouth. These weeks of flirty banter and mostly civilized behavior seem to be evaporating in the face of orgasms and naked promise.

  “Do I have a say in how I’m positioned?” I mean for it to be all snark, but I fail, because it comes out all soft and breathy instead.

  “If you want one, sure.” Bancroft runs his hands over my shins. When he reaches my knees he reverses the movement, his wide palms wrapping around my ankles again. His gaze lifts to meet mine. “Open for me.”

  Despite it being an order and not a request, I’m still inclined to oblige him. I mean, he tongue fucked me across the floor. I’ve already come like my clit is the central location for fireworks on the Fourth of July. If he would like to put that magnificent cock of his to good use by pounding another orgasm out of my pretty little pussy I am all for it.

  Sometimes it’s good to play it coy. Show a little hesitation and uncertainty. I do neither of those things.

  I can literally hear Bancroft’s teeth grinding together as his gaze drops. I don’t know exactly what it is about my grooming habits or the composition of my particular vagina that makes the deep, thick groan come out of him, but whatever it is I’m so, so happy about it right now.

  I’m completely on display for him. Bare for him. Vulnerable. But it doesn’t create any of the self-consciousness I expect, because the expression on his face is pure, unfiltered desire.

  He curves forward, spreading my legs farther apart, hands still wrapped around my ankles. I’m not sure what his plan is until he licks me again, one long slow stroke of his tongue, a fast swirl and a long, hard suck on my clit.

  I cry out and arch, but he’s still holding my damn ankles, so I can’t get away from the intensity of his mouth. He keeps me spread, his mouth on me, getting me close again.

  Before I fall over the edge and into the blissful abyss he releases one of my ankles, but only one, and looks up from between my legs. Then he fists his cock. “I’m going to fuck you now, Ruby. Are you ready for that?”

  “Oh God. Yes. Please. That would be so amazing.” I would love it if I could be a little less eager about the whole thing, but he’s left me hanging, and all I can think about is how fantastic it’s going to feel when he’s filling me.

  His smirk tells me he knows exactly what’s going on in my head. Or maybe it’s my breathy tone and the way I’m attempting to lift my hips off the bed, even though he’s still holding my damn ankle.

  When he rubs the head of his cock over my clit I jerk and moan. Finally letting go of my ankle, he slips his arm under my knee, pulling it up as he stretches out on top of me.

  I can feel him, thick and hard against my pelvis. I try to readjust our position, but I’m not having much luck. “I thought you said you were going to fuck me now.” I’m a little snappy.

  He might be more smug than necessary. “I’m getting to that. This is an exercise in patience, Ruby.”

  “I’ve waited a lot of weeks for this.”

  “So you can wait a little longer.” He eases his hips back and the thick shaft slides over my clit, the head following. He reaches across to the nightstand, fumbling around for a second before he finds the condoms. He’s quick about tearing one free and rolling it on. And then he’s pushing inside and I’m moaning and he’s groaning.

  The first few strokes are slow as I adjust. But those are the only ones that fall into the slow and gentle category, because after that, Bancroft’s civility ceases to exist. He drills into me, hips slapping against mine, fast and hard. I come. And then come again as he growls dirty things in my ear. Telling me how amazing my pussy is. How it’s his now, and no one else can have it but him.

  I like it a lot.

  After he comes he collapses on top of me—not completely, he braces his weight on his straining, twitching forearms. I don’t think I’ve ever been so sated in my life.

  I’m so sweaty. I’m pretty sure there’s glitter all over Bancroft’s sheets. And Bancroft. I can’t actually find it in me to care or do anything about it. Not that there’s anything I can reasonably do anyway.

  One thing I’ve noticed with the glitter is that no matter how many times I wash things, it’s still hangs around after the fact, shiny reminders of my temporary job.

  “Does this mean you’re not angry anymore?” I ask when he tucks me into his side.

  “For now.”

  “You have plans to be angry with me later?”

  “I’m putting it on hold until morning.”

  “Same.” I snuggle into him, getting comfortable. We can deal with all the unsaid things later. Right now I’m going to bask. And then sleep. And then maybe more sex.

  Chapter 18: Bliss to Bad News


  Sex with Ruby is unlike the sex I’ve had in any other relationship. It’s not civilized, but it’s not savage either. Ruby is the ideal balance between sweetly docile and confidently naughty, and she knows exactly when one works and the other is necessary. She’s fucking perfect.

  The biggest problem we seem to have is that our schedules don’t match. She goes to bed an hour or two before I get up for my day. By the time I get home from work, she’s on her way out the door or already long gone.

  Two days after our initial argument, followed by the fuck of the century, I’m woken up twenty minutes before my alarm goes off to a blow job. This time I get to come in Ruby’s pretty, perfect mouth.

  Monday is one of Ruby’s days off. I go into work in the morning b
ut I schedule the afternoon to work from home. I don’t plan to do much actual work. I plan to do Ruby. Repeatedly. On any available surface.

  I arrive home just after two and find her in the kitchen, humming away, making coffee and microwave s’mores. Apparently it’s her favorite thing. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her up against me, nuzzling into her hair. “Is this your version of a healthy breakfast?”

  She turns around in my arms. “Healthy no. Breakfast yes. Want one?”

  “That’s not really what I’m hungry for.”

  “Oh no?”

  I shake my head and pick her up, depositing her on the counter. She’s wearing her bathrobe. It’s white with red flowers and made of some silky material. “I’m more interested in finding out what’s under here.” I pull the bow at her waist and watch as the sides part, revealing taut muscles and perky nipples. She’s naked and glorious. I fuck her on the counter. We spend the rest of the day in my bedroom enjoying each other.

  I know the second she crawls into bed with me. It doesn’t matter that it’s between two and four in the morning. It doesn’t matter that I have to get my ass up at five-thirty and work a twelve-hour day. All she has to do is press her body against mine and I’m instantly awake. We’ll fuck until my alarm goes off. I stopped bothering with condoms when the second box ran out on day four and she assured me she’s on the pill.

  Which also happened to be the day she decided to rehearse the dance to the song that broke me. While naked. We didn’t make it past the living room floor. I have bruises on my knees from that.

  We don’t address any of the important issues, such as how we’re going to deal with the fact that she’s still living here and we’re sleeping together. To be quite honest I don’t want to mess with this good thing we have now that we finally have it. Which is a problem. Because there are things we need to figure out. I don’t particularly want her to leave, but I also know that staying here indefinitely was never part of her plan. I don’t want to freak her out by inviting her to move in permanently, even though it’s something I’ve considered. It’s a little premature.


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