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Prisoner (Dragon Shifter Book 5)

Page 10

by Naomi Sparks

  The boy reaches into a pouch at his belt and pulls out a rolled up scroll. He holds it out, his hand shaking, as Galen steps forward and takes it from him. He hands it to Katia, then turns to look at the boy again, frowning. "And what about Faith? And the other Fae he's taken hostage?"

  At the mention of his mate's name, I notice Jerrick perking up. He narrows his eyes at the boy, hoping for some word of her.

  "I uhh... He did not say." The terror in the boy's eyes deepens as he struggles. I'm surprised he's managed to keep from falling over. His eyes flicker over to Jerrick, like he senses the man's piqued interest like he's waiting for Jerrick to lash out at him.

  For some reason, I reach out to him, mentally. My mind touches his, and I find it soft and malleable. He's still young and weak enough for me to influence, and I try to calm him. I'm not sure why, since I don't even know his name, but something calls out to help protect him, to ease his fears. Lex and the others are angry, but I know they won't harm him unless he attacks them.

  They may not be pleased with his message, but they will save their anger for Amasis and the Council, not a poor messenger boy who hasn't even reached maturity. After having gone through both compounds with them, seeing the way they fight, I know how they think. None of them are doing this because they enjoy it. They gain no pleasure from attacking their own kind.

  Finally, Galen lets out a sigh and nods. He understands as well as I do that this boy knows nothing. He's expendable, someone Amasis was able to send to them without fear of losing him. Even if the Fire Riders snap and kill him on the spot, he won't be much of a loss. Nor will they be able to torture him for information. Not that they can get much out of him, since Amasis has Faith.

  "We'll be there," Lex says, not even bothering to look at the map yet. No doubt he's eager to make the trade, to get rid of me and get his mate back. It may not be an ideal situation, but he's not going to pass up the chance at getting her back. And the longer Hannah is in Amasis's possession, the higher the chances are of him harming her.

  "May... may I go?" the boy asks. His body is still trembling.

  Galen reaches into his pocket, then tosses something to the boy. The boy looks up in surprise, his body seeming to move on his own. He may be young, but he catches the small object easily. One day, when he's older, he'll probably make a good warrior. Assuming Father doesn't get him killed first.

  The boy's eyes go wide as he stares at the small nugget of gold in his hands. He looked up at Galen who nods, and I find myself smiling. He knows just how weakened the boy must be after his journey. Shifting is tiring even for an experienced dragon. For a youngling like him, it would zap most of his strength.

  I watch as he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as his fingers wrap around the gold. Still connected to him, I can feel his body relax as the strength fills him once again. The gold isn't much, not enough to completely revitalize him, but enough to give him a bit of his strength back at least. Enough that he'll be able to shift and return to Father without collapsing on the way.

  "Thank you," the boy says quietly, once he's absorbed all the power the gold offered. Then, he closes his eyes again and breathes in deeply. I can feel his mind changing, his consciousness slipping deeper as his dragon returns to the surface. It's slow, and he has to focus, has to coax it out, as his body begins to change. He's slow, and everyone stays where they are, watching until he's fully transformed. Then, he pushes off the ground, his wings seeming to struggle as he carries himself up into the air and away from the camp.

  No one moves until he's flown completely out of sight. Then, they wait just a bit longer, making sure no one else is heading this way. Once they're sure no one else is coming, everyone gathers in the center of the camp as Katia unrolls the scroll to reveal a map with a location in the middle of the desert marked with a red X.

  Everyone begins talking all at once, discussing their options. Since Father has chosen the location and has their mates, they're at a slight disadvantage. He will most likely already know the area, know all the hiding spots around it. For all they know, he's already waiting there with his army, ready to overpower them the moment they're in sight.

  But it's not like they have much choice. Not if they want to get their mates and possibly the Fae back.

  Again, Galen takes charge, going over their options. Lex defers to him, clearly still too emotional to take charge again. From what I heard from Father, Galen is just as skilled as Lex when it comes to battle. He's smart and strong, a formidable warrior in his own right. His mate, the Fae woman, seems to be just as adept at battle strategy as he is.

  They eventually settle on meeting Amasis before the scheduled time in the hopes of being able to secure a few key positions to watch the field, just in case it turns out to be an ambush. I'm not sure how much it'll help, but I keep my mouth shut. No one asks me for my input, and since I don't have much of use to add, I figure it's better if I just keep quiet.

  I'm just a pawn in all of this. To be passed between the Fire Riders and Father. That realization hits me like a lead weight. It doesn't matter what I want, doesn't matter what I do. I don't truly have any say in anything that's going on. At the end of the day, I'll most likely be back with Father. I'll have to leave Bren behind, the one thing I've ever had any say over. Being with him has been the one choice I've made for myself.

  And now I'll lose that, too.

  "Are you okay?" Bren asks, once everyone disperses to get ready for the meeting.

  I nod and try to smile at him. Earlier, when I'd reached out to touch the young dragon's mind, I'd been able to feel his emotions clearly. I'm not sure if it's just because of how young he was or if it's because my powers are already starting to grow and enhance now that I'm not as weak as I was before. To test it out, I let my mind open and reach for Bren's.

  For the first time, I'm able to touch it. I can't control or influence it, he's still much too powerful for that, but I can feel it. I can feel his sadness and uncertainty. He doesn't like what's coming up any more than I do, I realize. I step forward, and he wraps his arms around me, allowing me to rest my head against his chest.

  Neither of us give any thought to the people all around us. It doesn't matter anymore. No matter what we do, soon we'll be split apart. I'll be back with Amasis, and he'll be here, with the Fire Riders. The only other option we have is to run away, to leave everything behind, but it's not one either of us can take. He won't abandon his friends. And I won't deprive Lex of his one shot at getting his mate back. Because, even if I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I can't deny that leading them to Nevada first probably helped spark this entire situation. I need to do what I can to make that right.

  "It'll all be over soon," Bren whispers.

  I nod, taking a deep breath and trying to steel myself. I can do this, I tell myself. I've been with Amasis for a while already. I've spent so much of my life without Bren by my side and him without me. Somehow, both of us will get through this.

  It doesn't take long before everyone is ready to move out. No one is eager to leave the Fae behind this time, but they all know they'll just be putting them at risk by bringing them along with us. So instead, Lex has the Fae warriors stay behind to guard the camp as best they can, asking them to trust the Fire Riders to do everything they can for their people.

  Katia seems torn between wanting to stay behind with her sister, her people, but in the end, she decides to go along with us. I can see the fire burning in her eyes, making me think she too would make a good dragon. If she and Galen decide to have a child of their own, no doubt it will be one hell of a warrior.

  I don't know why I'm suddenly thinking these thoughts, but I don't let it upset me. There's no sense in focusing on it. Instead, I focus on bracing myself for what's coming up.

  Instead of riding their bikes out to the rendezvous spot, the dragons decide to shift and go in their dragon forms. It'll be faster, Lex says, and if they want to get there before Amasis and set up some kind of defenses for themse
lves, they'll need every moment.

  A couple of the Fae insist on coming as back up, and Galen relents. Having a few of them stationed in the distance can't hurt, I figure. They may not be particularly strong, but they can always act as lookouts. I'm sure Galen has figured that out already.

  I expected Bren to have me ride him to the meeting, but they allow me to shift and join them in the flight. My dragon is eager, and within minutes, we're all in the sky. Galen's mate rides on his back, plus two Fae warriors carried by Faris and Ezra.

  It doesn't take long at all to get to the location, and I find myself not wanting to land. My dragon enjoys the freedom of the air beneath my wings. The area seems empty, as far as I can tell, and the others must think the same, since they all head down a near a few large rocks a distance away. When I land, my dragon fights against me, not wanting to be drawn back in just yet. It's been too long since my dragon has been able to soar, and it's reluctant for this to end. I can't blame it either, but I promise it soon, we'll be up in the skies again. Eventually, it relents, after everyone else has shifted back.

  Faris and Ezra stay behind with the two warriors. They're both sporting bows I see, and I wonder what good an arrow will do against a dragon. Then I remember the injuries I'd taken during the last assault and figure they must use their magic on them to enhance their power. Having a few of them might help the Fire Riders' chances.

  Lex and Galen lead Bren, Jerrick, Katia, and I toward the meeting place. Bren reaches out, placing a hand on my shoulder, and that slight contact is enough to calm my nerves. I shouldn't be nervous about this since after it's all over, I should be back with Father.

  We don't have to wait long until a cloud of dust starts billowing up in the distance. I squint and notice a Jeep heading straight toward us. Considering we're in the middle of nowhere, I have no doubt it's Father or whoever he sent in his stead. Part of me doesn't think Father will go through the effort of coming himself. But when the Jeep finally pulls up, Father does indeed step out of it.

  Everyone goes still as he approaches, with two of his guards and Lex's mate. Father grins as he approaches, looking like he's out for an afternoon stroll. No doubt this is just a minor inconvenience for him. He doesn't have many people with him, but I'm sure others are nearby, just as Galen kept our backup close at hand.

  Father looks over at me and nods, but he doesn't smile or show any actual emotion. If anything, he just looks bored. He has Hannah's arm gripped tightly as he practically drags her over toward us. His men stay just behind him, watching us. He stops a dozen feet or so away from us. Close enough to talk, but not quite in striking distance.

  I can feel Lex's anger radiating off him. I want to try touching his mind, want to try helping him stay calm, but I know it'll just be useless. He will have his mind closed to me, and even if I am able to soothe him, I doubt he'll appreciate it. So I stay quiet, staring forward, hoping he's not about to blow this because his emotions got out of hand.

  "Well then," Father says, sounding every bit as bored as he looks. "Let's get this done with. Send Saphira over."

  Lex growls at him, and my heart skips a beat. "You can have her back when I have Hannah in my arms."

  Amasis rolls his eyes, then lets out a sigh. He glances over at the woman, then back to Lex, hesitating for a moment. Then, he finally shoves her forward, Hannah stumbles over to Lex who wraps his arms around her. "Have you figured out a way to keep her alive during her pregnancy yet?"

  "Don't worry about her," Lex says with a growl, and Amasis just shrugs. Lex pulls Hannah behind him, blocking her from their view. Katia steps up next to Hannah while Galen and Jerrick flank Lex. They all move smoothly together like they're anticipating each other's thoughts. "Now, you'll release Faith and the Fae you've kidnapped. Then, you'll leave and never bother us again."

  I expect Amasis to be angry at Lex's demand. Instead, he starts laughing. His voice echoes across the empty desert, seeming to go on for miles. "And what makes you think I'll do any of that?"

  The moment Amasis finishes speaking, Lex lashes out. But he doesn't attack Amasis. Instead, he grabs me by the throat, lifting me into the air. I scrape at his hands, but his grip is too strong, and I can't break free.

  My dragon roars up inside me, pushing its way to the surface. I let go of it, letting it come out, beginning to shift. But before I can so much as change my hands into claws, Lex shakes me, knocking the breath from my lungs and forcing me to lose focus. My dragon continues to struggle inside me, but I can't bring it to the surface.

  Bren growls and lunges forward. I can feel his anger, his fright, as he moves toward Lex. But Lex glares at him, the look so intense it makes Bren falter. Then, Galen is there, holding him steady, keeping Bren from launching himself at Lex again.

  Then, Lex turns back to Amasis. "You will give me what I want, or I will snap your daughter's neck," he growls.

  Amasis lets out another sigh. When he speaks again, his voice doesn't show even a hint of emotion. "You are free to leave here, but the woman and the Fae will remain with me. They are too valuable to simply give up."

  "She's my mate," Jerrick says with a growl, stepping forward. His hands are balled into fists as he glares at Amasis. He looks like he's ready to launch himself at the man, regardless of the guys standing behind him or how many other men Father no doubt has standing by.

  Jerrick's statement actually seems to surprise Father, who blinks a couple times at he stares at Jerrick. Then, he smiles and opens his arms wide. "Then, why don't you come with us? Join my Clutch. Then you can be with your mate."

  Everyone goes still, Lex's grip slackening just a bit. Apparently, this is not something anyone had expected. Then, Jerrick gives a bitter laugh. "I would rather be dead. Now return my mate to me."

  Amasis lets out a sigh and shakes his head. He doesn't seem to care about any of this in the least. "As I said, she's too valuable. If you won't join me, then you'll have to forget about her."

  Lex tightens his grip around my throat. I gag as I try to breathe. I scratch at his hands, but it doesn't make much difference; I don't have the strength to overpower him. Father doesn't say anything. He just seems to stand there, watching the two of us, that same bored expression on his face, even as I pray that he'll just give them what they want.

  After a moment, Father lets out a sigh. "Do what you must," he says. Then, he turns and walks away. They all head back to the Jeep. There's no sign of Faith or anyone else, as far as I can tell, and Father won't give them what they want.

  The bastard....

  Tears sting at the corners of my eyes, but I blink them away, refusing to let them fall.

  Once they've reached the vehicles, Father pauses and looks over his shoulder, shouting. "Either kill her and be done with it or let her go so we can leave."

  I look up into Lex's eyes, pleading with him. He's not a coldblooded killer. I know that. Maybe if Amasis had harmed his mate he might do this, but Hannah is perfectly safe, standing only a few feet behind him.

  Finally, Lex lets out a sigh. His grip loosens, and he sets me back down on the ground.

  I suck in gasps of air, my heart still racing. For a long moment, I hadn't been sure what Lex would choose to do. A glance over at Jerrick shows him barely containing his rage, looking like he wants to attack Amasis. But he knows if he does that, he'll lose any chance he has at every finding Faith.

  Once I can breathe normally again, I stand up straight, looking Lex in the eye. I can tell he's not happy about having to do that to me but neither does he regret it. He's only doing what he thinks needs to be done in order to rescue his people. And after how I've seen him interacting with the Fae, I know they're his people now too.

  I look over at Bren, who's still being held tight by Galen. He wants to rush over to me, but Galen still refuses to let him go. Taking a deep breath, I reach for him mind again, feeling the wave of emotions as we connect.

  "It's okay," I tell him using our link, fighting to keep my face neutral as I look a
t him. "I'll find Faith and the others, I promise. And, somehow, I'll get word to you where they're being held, okay?"

  Bren goes slack, and the struggle seems to leave his body. Then, he nods once, letting me know he heard and understood everything I'd just said. I can see in his eyes that he wants to rush over and wrap his arms around me, but he knows he can't. Not unless he wants to alert Amasis what went on between the two of us.

  "I love you," he tells me through our link.

  I spare him the smallest smile as I turn toward Amasis's Jeep. "I love you, too," I tell him back, feeling my heart skip a beat.

  Then, I set my jaw and head over to where they're waiting, determined.



  I glare up at the tent as if it's the reason I'm in such a foul mood. Ever since we'd watched Amasis drive off with Saphira, I've replayed the encounter over and over in my head, trying to think of some way it could've gone better. No matter how many times I can't see anything I could've done differently. Not without turning the encounter into bloodshed.

  With Lex, Galen, Jerrick, and Katia all right there, we might've been able to take out Amasis before his backup arrived, but there was no guarantee. Plus, it would've put Hannah at risk, being so close to the fray. I'm also not so sure how Saphira would've reacted to that. He is her father, after all, and even though she promised to give me the location of Faith and the captured Fae, I didn't see her going against her father.

  Saphira is amazing, and I have no doubts about the way I feel, but I'm not positive about how she feels about me. She hadn't been as antagonistic with all of us, and lately, she'd been downright helpful. I wanted to believe she was coming around to our side, but I can't be sure.

  I can't be sure of much, it seems.

  "Bren! Can you hear me?" The voice rings out in my mind, and I sit bolt upright, looking around for the source. Then, I feel silly, knowing full well that Saphira isn't here physically. Somehow, she's contacting me telepathically.


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