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Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1

Page 4

by Bianca D'Arc

  “Your nether lips are red and swollen,” he said with seeming satisfaction. “You’ll get used to me in time though, and be able to take more than the gentle joining we just shared.” He moved his gaze from its intent study of her folds upward to meet her eyes, and grinned in a purely male way. “I look forward to it.”

  He refocused on her pussy as he lifted her with one hand under her butt cheeks, opening her more to his gaze. He reached again into the kit with his free hand and came up with a tube of clear gel. Uncapping it, he inserted the applicator up into her without so much as a by-your-leave, making her squirm and start in surprise.

  “Not to worry,” he said softly, caressing her clit with his knuckles as he positioned the tube within her. “This will take away the sting and help knit the tissues. It’ll feel good, I promise.”

  So saying, he pressed down on the applicator and she was flooded with the cool gel that seemed to rocket straight to her womb as her senses ignited. He smiled in satisfaction as he rubbed harder on her clit, bringing her to a quick, hard climax. He patted her curls, removing the applicator and discarding it, before putting away his kit. He then settled beside her on her furs, dragging the thin thermal blanket over them and wrapping them in warmth as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Sleep now, sweetheart. We have a big day tomorrow, and I’ll want to taste you at least once more before dawn.”

  His words set a fire in her, but his arms snuggled her close, one hand cupping her breast, the other pillowing her head close to his heart. It was amazing that she felt so safe, so secure in his arms. She hadn’t slept with another being in the same bed since her big sister had been taken when she was just a little girl. She wasn’t sure she could sleep with someone in her bed, but after a few moments of basking in his warmth, she was unable to fight the lethargy she felt after the pleasurable releases he had given her.

  Chapter Three

  Jeri woke to incredible warmth all around her and a hot, wet mouth sucking at her breast. She gasped, remembering the outworlder who had taken her to bed the night before and all that had transpired.

  “Good morn, dama.” Micah smiled at her in the dim, predawn light. “Would you share your pleasure with me before we have to leave?”

  She was a little taken aback that he was asking formally after all that had gone before but she nodded, unable to deny the heat that was even now welling in her, waiting for the release she knew he could give her.

  He went back to licking her breast, moving slowly upward, placing wet, nibbling kisses over her chest and throat before he worked his way to her ear, then her lips, tasting her at every turn. He stroked her sensitive nipples, plucking them with skilled fingers. She felt her temperature rise even as he threw the thin thermal blanket off them and rose up, touching her body with knowing hands.

  “I have a fantasy I would like to share with you,” he whispered as he moved back, staring with obvious enjoyment down the length of her nude body.

  “What kind of fantasy?” she asked, barely able to string more than two words together as his hands raised all kinds of gooseflesh over her sensitized skin.

  He grinned. “Something easy for you. Something I’m certain you will like and something that will drive me wild.”

  “What?” she breathed out as he cupped her pussy, much recovered from the initial soreness she’d felt the night before.

  He leaned down to nip her nipple, moving back until the tight bud popped out of his mouth, gleaming wetly in the uncertain morning light.

  “I’d give anything for you to ride me.”

  Smiling, she realized this was something she could do, if she didn’t die of embarrassment first. She blushed as the thought of riding his muscled body excited her. She had to fight the urge to hide her eyes as she nodded and his whole expression lit up.

  “I think I can do that, if you’ll show me how.”

  He reversed their positions, eagerly lying flat on the bed of fur, positioning her legs to straddle him.

  “There’s one more thing, sweetheart.” He reached out to the small pile of things he’d transported from his ship and grasped a red velvet pouch, opening the strings with near reverence. He let the contents spill into his hands as he sat up, positioning her on his thighs, her breasts full and round in front of his face.

  The delicate gold chain that spilled into his hands surprised her. It was quite obviously old and finely wrought. It also glimmered with precious gems embedded in the intricate design. It was like no necklace she had ever seen, though she had seen little fine jewelry close up.

  “What is it?” she asked, almost breathless now as she watched him move. His gaze narrowed on her breasts.

  He leaned forward and licked, sucking one of her nipples to a sharp point. Moving slowly, he put one end of the chain over her distended bud, tightening a special loop as she watched.

  “The chain is a token of affection and commitment among my people. It also heightens pleasure.”

  She felt the added stimulus already, even as he leaned forward to tighten her other nipple with his mouth before sliding the other end of the chain over and securing it tight enough to make her groan in pleasure.

  “Will you wear my chain, sweet Jeri? I would have my people know you are mine when we get to the ship. This will tell them without need for words.”

  “If it pleases you, my lord.” She didn’t even have to think about it—not that she could think with the little zings of pleasure shooting from her nipples through her entire body.

  Her words were subdued as she thought of the implications of her agreement. She had just agreed to more of this pleasure, true, but also to some degree of commitment between them. And what really did she know of this man except what she’d glimpsed in the wash of his power the night before?

  He leaned forward to kiss her lips. “Call me Micah, sweetheart. I want to hear my name on your lips when you come.”

  “Yes, Micah.”

  She spoke softly as he lay back, his fingers playing with the nipple chain, sending a shiver through her as he moved his hand down her body to pull her forward, closer to his straining cock. But he didn’t rush. He let his skilled fingers tangle in her soft curls, moving to the folds of her pussy to massage the tight nubbin of her clit. He swept into the dewy moisture that increased as he prepared her to take him inside.

  “You are so wet for me,” he whispered, pushing his fingers in while meeting her gaze. She blushed, and the color flooded her cheeks and down her chest to her upright nipples. “So warm and ready. Do you want to please me, sweetheart?”

  She was trembling, her body swaying to the rhythm of his fingers. She thought she would go mad if he didn’t move faster.

  “Yes,” she cried, a small explosion hitting her as he rubbed her clit.

  He smiled. “Good, hot pussy. My pussy. Right, Jeri? You wear my chain and now you’ll ride my cock.”

  She nearly screamed as he replaced his wide fingers with his incredibly hard cock. He moved both hands to her hips, but she needed little encouragement to ride him the way he wanted. Truth be known, it excited her no end to be able to control their joining in this way, even though her body was well out of her own control, screaming toward the ecstasy she knew waited for them.

  She moved her hips faster, taking him deep then shallow, deep then shallow, her eyes held captive by his hot gaze as he watched her. His hands moved over her straining body, pausing to stroke her tight nipples or tug on the chain, making her gasp, then stroking down to urge her hips faster.

  She rode him at a gallop, as fast as her pounding heart, until her body screamed for release.

  “Please! Micah!” She didn’t know what she asked for, but he seemed to understand. His hand began a fast, teasing rhythm on her clit and she exploded even harder than she had the night before.

  He wasn’t far behind, pumping his hips off the ground in his urgency as he pulsed deep into her hot sheath. He groaned as he came, sliding his hands around her shoulders and dragging her down for
a lingering kiss as he began to come down from the heights, his cock still buried within her.

  They were basking in the afterglow when she spoke into the dim light of dawn.

  “Why do you want me to wear your chain? Is your crew so dangerous that you must mark me for my own protection?” Her tone was only half-joking.

  He scratched the stubble on his chin as he considered how to answer her.

  “My crew are like my family, sweetheart. They would never harm you. But the chain will tell them that you are under my personal protection.” He stroked the slope of her breast with one hand, teasing the sensitive tip where the chain was attached, warming her. “Our culture is free and easy with our pleasure and my crew may not realize that you have lived quite differently. This little symbol of my protection will let them know that no sexual invitations are to be issued or accepted without my approval. You’ve a strong Talent, sweetheart—” he paused to kiss her temple, “—one that could cause harm to you or others if your first joinings are not carefully monitored. It is one of my duties to witness first joinings among those with Talent and if you desire to join with any of my crew, I will bear witness to be certain that all parties remain unharmed by the act.”

  “Will you also participate?” she asked, somewhat scandalized, but also titillated, he could tell from the little squirming movements of her body.

  He tweaked her nose and nodded, grinning widely. “It’s a hard duty, but one I must perform, I fear.” She pushed at his arm playfully, but he relented from teasing her. “Yes, Jeri, I have witnessed and joined in many such first joinings since earning Mage rank. None of my crew are above Dominar rank, so they must be monitored when first joining with other Talented partners. Your Talent is so raw and so powerful it is excitingly unpredictable. I should be with you should you desire to experiment sexually with anyone else until you are better trained. I will also admit—” he seemed hesitant to proceed, but resigned, “—that I feel something with you that I’ve never felt before. I would rather keep you for myself than share you with anyone, even the trusted members of my crew. If you will have me, the chain I gave you can also symbolize our commitment to each other for as long as our time together lasts.”

  She seemed to consider his words carefully. “I’d like that, Micah. Right now I can’t imagine ever wanting another man to do to me what you’ve done.”

  He groaned at her stark admission. “You haven’t met my cousin Darak yet, the lady killer. Promise me you won’t let him charm you into his bed. At least not right away. You’re way too good for the likes of him.”

  His wrist comp chirped softly, and he glanced down with a rueful smile. “Speak of the devil.” He touched a button and spoke into the device. “What do you want, Dar?”

  “Is everything all right? I noticed you have a reflective field set up. I’m unable to read you.”

  “We’re okay, Dar.”

  “We?” The disembodied voice sounded curious. “Who’s we?”

  Micah chuckled low. “We is me and my—,” he stroked her cheek with affection, “—companion.” His gaze told her the word meant so much more. “Expect me in about four standards with a passenger.”

  “We’re taking one of the locals for a ride?” Darak was clearly curious now.

  “You could say that, but she’s not a local. She’s joining our crew.”

  “A woman then.” The voice on the other end of the communicator grew suspicious. “Are you sure about this, Micah?”

  “Sure as I’ve ever been about anything,” he agreed. “Look, I’m taking the field down shortly. You’ll see why. Now is there anything else to report?”

  The crispness of his tone must have gotten to the other man. “Nothing to report, Captain. We’ll await your return.”

  “Good then. Planetside out.” He touched a button on the comp and the communication was cut off. He looked at her and smiled. “The speculation is already starting on my ship. You’ve accepted my chain, but will you keep it? Will you keep me? At least for a while?”

  Smiling, she nodded and leaned upward to kiss his mouth. “I’d be honored.” She wanted to say more, but the whole situation was too new and too insecure. She had no idea if she was doing the right thing in trusting him, but she had to follow her instincts and her heart. They had never led her wrong before. She would follow now, and see where this strange, powerful, sexy man led.

  They dressed in the dawn light, working companionably together as she set aside the few personal possessions she wanted to take with her when she left. Her clothing wasn’t designed to accommodate the nipple chain, he saw as she struggled to find some way to do up her lacings while keeping it on. He smiled to himself as he watched, realizing with satisfaction that she really wanted to keep it on—to keep the mark of his possession about her. It touched a deep, possessive chord in his soul that he hadn’t known existed before meeting her.

  He took pity on her attempts to dress though, and went to her, pulling the edges of her top apart to stare for a moment at the lovely sight of her hard nipples, pinched by his chain. He smoothed his hands over them, weighing her heavy breasts in his palms for a moment before bending his head to suck each hardened tip in turn, relishing her gasps of building excitement.

  He stood back to look, pleased with the sight, but knowing he had to be a bit more practical for both their sakes.

  “You have no idea how it pleases me to see you wear my chain, but you don’t have to wear it so at all times.” Gently lowering the tension on first one, then the other breast, he pulled the loops clear and took the glittering chain in his hands. He was inflamed by the look of dismay that crossed her face before she hid her feelings. “Not to worry, sweetheart. I would not abuse your tender buds so, nor would I want to cause you any discomfort. But I would still see my chain on your person.”

  “How?” He knew she had examined the chain in some detail as she struggled with her clothing, but she had evidently failed to find the hidden mechanism that would allow her to wear it always. He moved forward to show her the catch hidden in one of the links, pleased by her look of wonder.

  “I would like to see this around the lovely column of your throat, sweetheart. The loops will dangle down, either between your shoulders or between your breasts. Either will signal to all who see this particular piece of adornment that you are claimed and chained. To me.” He couldn’t resist placing a kiss on her full lips as he thought how his chain would look about her throat. “Would you like that?”

  She nodded, dazed by his kiss in a way that heated his blood, but they had work to do and many tasks to accomplish before he could seal them both in his cabin aboard the Circe. He put the chain about her neck, smiling as she pulled her hair up and out of the way. Tenderly, he closed the hidden clasp into one of the links, forcing it tightly, but not uncomfortably, against the satin skin of her neck. He took a moment to arrange the dangling loops over her breasts, then helped her arrange her top, lacing it up over her nipples and rearranging the chain so that it showed clearly.

  He felt like his heart might burst out his chest, she was so sweet. He didn’t examine the tender feelings too closely, just accepting them for later perusal. All that mattered was that she was wearing his chain, practically shouting her submission to him and his claim on her luscious body.

  He was prouder than he’d ever felt, thinking about what his crew would make of her. She would stun them with her beauty and her amazing level of pure, raw Talent. But it was her wounded heart that had called to him in the moments of sharing the night before, and he felt an answering need within his own soul to heal her and bring light to the dark places in her soul.

  Thinking again of his crew, he moved to disengage the reflective field, not giving her any warning. He had a suspicion she’d feel it the moment it was shut off, though any Talent below Dominar level would probably not be able to tell. True, she had not been tested and ranked yet, but he felt sure that she was at least Dominar level or above, though she lacked any training whatsoever a
nd would have to be brought up to the mark before accepting any sort of official rank.

  Still, he was gratified to hear her gasp as the field went down, then the sudden surge that told him she’d put up her incredibly tight shields.

  “What did you do?” she turned on him, her face ashen.

  He stood from putting his belongings together into a pile, then stepped back and used his wristcomp to transport them away with a little wink of light.

  “I merely turned off the field.” His eyes were mischievous, but she looked really upset.

  “Without warning me first?”

  He moved toward her, apologetic now, though he was certain Darak had caught that amazing surge on his scanners right before she’d shielded so efficiently.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I knew you would feel it, so I didn’t think it an issue.”

  He didn’t tell her he wanted Darak to see what he’d found. He didn’t tell her that he needed that reading to help him begin to classify her incredible level of power. He didn’t tell her that he wanted his Executive Officer to know the kind of woman that was wearing his chain. His!

  No, he didn’t tell her any of that. He wanted her calm, and he also wanted her to realize that she could no longer stay on this psi-dead world. He’d effectively outed her, and she knew it. Further, he knew she knew and vice versa.

  She didn’t speak of it, but it was in her eyes. The short anger, replaced by resignation and then followed by the light of adventure he had hoped rested deep in her soul. When he saw that, he knew he had her. And by the goddess, he would keep her. As long as he possibly could.

  Darak jumped out of his chair when the field went down. The rush on his sensors was almost off the charts for a brief moment before it suddenly winked out as if it had never been.

  Someone was shielding null down there. Impossible! But it wasn’t his cousin Micah. No, Darak could see the telltales he knew well of Micah’s nearly flawless shielding, but still there was some indication of his presence. But this other entity—which had definitely not been Micah, though it was of a power level close if not above his powerful cousin’s—showed no telltales whatsoever.


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