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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

Page 22

by Allensworth, Audra

  Alden came up over the hill and Max ran right to Ceara jumping up and giving her a big kiss. Alden went straight to the cabin and brought out the bag of guns.“Okay folks mount up, we got some neighbors who may need our help.”

  Heath turned and looked at him,“They’re moving?”

  “Yep and right towards a little mobile home that if I remember right had a man, wife, and two small kids. I gave them a ride awhile back before the shit started when they were stranded on the road after their truck broke down.” He walked up to all of them.“Your choice, I ain’t going to force any to go that don’t want to.”

  Charlie stepped up and reached into the gun bag taking out an M-16 and loading a clip then grabbing two more,“I’m with you, boss.”

  Heath looked at Alden then reached down and grabbed a shotgun,“I’m probably better with this,I just have to point in the general direction and shoot right.”

  Alden grinned a little,“Yeah, just aim a little high.”

  Beth walked up to Alden and grabbed her Beretta out from behind her back,“Alden, I know this is not the time, nor the place to discuss personal business but before we go do what needs to be done, I got to say one thing.” Alden gave her a very calm but concerned look and the expression on his face was almost unreadable.“Alden, there is some things that we do need to talk about when this is done and I am sorry for doing something completely out of line without running it by you first. It was totally out of line and I don’t want any hard feeling between us.”

  Alden was checking his second forty- five and looked over at her,“Beth, you have to understand, I’m trying like hell to keep us all alive and safe. When we get back I’ll explain it. Just know this, I have dealt with factions of this government that Hollywood made movies about and in truth they weren’t that far off on their portrayal.”

  Beth nodded her head in agreeing with what Alden had said, then summed it up,“I just wanted to kind of set the record straight before we embark on another killing spree. We are a team and by God I alone cannot do this without all of you,we all work as a team.” Beth looked back at the shelter that they had all built together and then turned back to Alden,“So what do you need boss?”

  Colt stepped up grabbing aM-16, then put it back,“I better stick with my handgun with my shoulder.” He glanced over at Beth,“What he needs, I think, is our superb killing skills,only this time I am going to try not to get shot.”

  Ceara popped up as she grabbed the M-16 that Colt had just put back,“Well getting shot isn’t really a concern this time; just don’t get your ass bit.”

  Colt started to laugh but stopped short,“Alden, how many are there?”

  Alden was making sure everyone was taking this serious,“I would say close to thirty. Everyone make sure you have extra clips, I know Charlie took a couple, but didn’t see anyone else grab extra. You don’t want your ass hanging out in the wind with no way to cover it. We will cover each other, that is a given, but no one should expect the coverage to be there when needed.”

  Ceara reached in the bag grabbing extra clips,“After that, I kind of want to grab five or six clips.”

  Alden looked to the group,we take two vehicles the less the better. Colt’s Land Rover and I have this Humvee I left here; we’ll need the four wheel drive.

  Charlie watched as Alden walked away to a spot in the woods. No one had even noticed it as close as they were. He reached down and pulled some netting off the ground, revealing an old army Humvee complete with a very large machine gun on top. Alden went to the shed and carried two large, green, ammo cans back and proceeded to lock and load the Fifty Cal. Machine gun.

  Charlie walked up,”err Boss? Why the hell didn’t you bring this when you left?”

  Alden smiled,“Well, Charlie I needed to be able to haul equipment and supplies, not much storage room here. Plus this damn thing gets horrible gas mileage. I used it mostly for odd jobs around here and fun.”

  Colt joined them,“Fun? What did you do cut down small trees with that machine gun?”

  Alden climbed in and turned the key to make sure it started. The engine turned a few times then came to life. As Alden got out he looked at Colt,“Well yeah, how’d you know?”

  Tabitha looked around everywhere for her gun, and for the life of her she couldn’t remember where she had left it. Feeling totally confused and stupid, she walked over to Alden’s bag, she found a sweet looking SKS with a thirty round clip and to boot, ithad a nice scope mounted on top of it. Alden smiled that sheepish smile he does and said,“You better take damn good care of that one.”

  Tabitha looked over the gun and made sure it was locked and loaded.“I promise.”

  Looking down the barrel, she liked how it felt. However, when she noticed a glimmer coming off the end of it she lifted the gun back and saw that it had a bayonet attached to the end of it.“Fucking sweet”, she whispered. Tabitha knew that quick and quiet kills were the way to go with getting rid of the zombies and a quick jab to the brain with the bayonet would end all of the shit pretty damn quick.

  She then thought about getting a crossbow the next time they all went out and about to scavenge for supplies. To Tabitha that would be a kick ass weapon that would come in a hell of a loteasier and would be quieter and not take bullets.“Mental note, try to find a Cabela’sor a sporting goods outlet store in the near future,” she said out loud while she tucked the bayonet back underneath where it belonged so she wouldn’t break it off.

  Charlie had already climbed aboard the Humvee and Ceara was joining him. Heath looked as Alden spoke up looking at Ceara,“Uh huh you’re with the rover. Beth,” he shouted, you’re here with me.”

  Alden looked to Heath,“You go with them,” he paused then went on,“I know you know survival but you take orders from them on this trip. Tabitha, Ceara and Colt have both been through this, so pay attention. They know how I think, and they know to watch for my signals.”

  Alden walked to Colt,“You drive, let Tabitha sit shotgun with Ceara and Heath in the back.” He turned to Ceara,“unlock the hatch when you see Charlie wave, I don’t want you and Heath trapped.I want you out and ready.”

  Alden looked to Heath,“You watch that little redhead’s back, Iwould be real upset if she gets bit.” Alden turned and looked down both Tonto and Maximus were sitting and awaiting their orders.“Tonto, Tabitha.” Tonto turned and jumped into the Land Rover right behind Tabitha.

  Maximus started to follow and Alden snapped his fingers. Maximus turned and Alden pointed to the Humvee. Maximus looked to the Humvee then turned and looked at Ceara, she looked at Alden and then said,“Go on Maximus go with Alden.”

  Maximus turned and ran to the Humvee jumping into the seat next to Alden’s. Alden smiled at Ceara,“Honey sooner or later he needs to take orders from me too, but we can work on that later.”

  Alden jumped in the driver’s seat and soon the vehicles were heading down the back road of the mountain. Twenty minutes later they were pulling up to a gate that had barbed wire strung across it. Alden pulled to a stop,“Charlie, you and Beth keep an eye out, but don’t shoot unless you have to.”

  Getting out he grabbed a set of bolt cutters from under the seat and cut the chain lock. Alden waved the Rover around and then pulled the Humvee through and re-chained the gate. Pulling ahead, he drove slowly up the dirt road as the trailer came into view he started to honk the horn and slowed down.

  The kids were playing on swings next to the house and the woman was hanging laundry. Alden stopped as the man threw down an axe where he was cutting wood and grabbed a rifle.



  Alden walked towards the man, lowering his voice,“I did but I’m back for few days. These here are some of my kin folk mostly nieces and nephews, Oh and one tall drink of water we found walking down the road. We’re he
re to help. Get the misses and the kids inside and we’ll set up a defensive perimeter.”

  The two men shook hands. Then the man turned to his wife,“Carol Ann,get the young’uns inside.”

  Colt jumped out of the Rover walking to the man,“Name’s Colt” As Ceara, Heath and Tabitha joined him he ran the introductions,“We’ve all been through this a few times, so hopefully we will be able to help you out.”

  The man looked from Colt to Alden,“Friendly ain’t he?” The man turned back to Colt,“Names James, but they call me Biff, and to be downright honest with you; I done dealt with these things for the last few months and they ain’t got me or mine. So I‘ppreciatethe help, but don’t be acting like ya’ll are coming in here tasave me.”

  Colt looked over at the others wondering what he had said wrong, all he did was introduce everyone and offer help. Ceara stepped up smiling,“Hi Biff, We ain’t here to save none of you, actually we were just talking on the way here. Way we figure it, Alden thinks you may be able to teach us a thing or two.”

  Biff smiled at her,“That I might, little girl… That is if you pay attention.”

  Colt tried again,“Sir, I meant nothing by saying we were here to help.”

  Biff looked to Alden again,“Takes everything serious too, don’t he?”

  Alden smiled and gave a little nod. Biff slapped Colt on the shoulder,“I’m just messing with you boy! You guys come on up here and fill me in on where the things are coming from.” Colt rubbed his shoulder thanking God it was his good one.

  Beth stood quietly beside Charlie and listened to all of the talk that was being made. Coming from Kentucky, she knew of the southern twang but this was way south of twang. Either way, these guys seemed alright andseeing how Alden was with the man, that made him just fine by Beth. Reaching her hand out to Biff,“I’ll just make mine simple…names Beth Canter and mighty nice to meetchya.”

  All of the sudden, Beth’s Kentucky accent came out and that caused Colt to look at her as if he was asking,“What the hell?!?!” Biff shook her hand firmly and shook his head,“Likewise.” Beth stepped back and looked over to Charlie. Charlie had a nervous look, Tabitha saw the look Charlie had and she stepped on the other side of him, leaned over then whispered in his ear,“I bet he thinks you have a pretty mouth,boy……..I bet if you listen real close you can hear banjos playing off there in the distance.”

  Beth turned around and her eyes were as big as saucers and she didn’t realize that she caused this much of a commotion. Charlie’s voice was almost a whisper as he pointed toward the back of the house,“Alden some have gotten around us.”

  Charlie then started to back up real slow towards the Humvee as the others turned to look where he pointed. Tonto and Maximus were on target and slowly creeping towards the Wanderers.“Shit,” Alden whispered,“Biff those ain’t the ones I saw, those are coming from a different direction.”

  Chapter 13 – Only have today

  Heath had moved to his left and looked at Alden holding out his hand, he made motions letting him know that Heath counted fourteen. Biff was suddenly at Heaths side, but no longer holding a rifle he now had a compound bow with a quiver full of arrows. Charlie had climbed back behind the fifty Cal. And had it aimed right at them just waiting for Alden’s signal. Biff looked at Charlie, then quickly at Alden and shook his head no. Alden pulled his knife and whispered to the others,“Biff has a plan so it’s his farm, it’s his fight, and we follow his lead. If things start to go bad we got Chuck up there, and trust me, he pulls the trigger we all get down,got it.”

  Alden worked his way up to the side of the house. The others followed Alden’s lead. He turned to them,“Here is what I think will happen. Biff will start to shoot the Wanderers. They’ll turn towards him. That willbring them right by this corner of the house. As he shoots, Heath will have to watch his back. I’ll grab them as they come around and slam them against the wall then one of you needs to plant your knife in the head.” He looked around the corner and turned back,“If you have any doubts about being able to do this then you need to back off. I need people who can suck it up and get hardcore.”

  Everyone nodded, Ceara ran back to the Rover tossed her gun in the front seat leaving the door open for easy access if she needed it. She made her way beside Alden, talking in a hushed tone“Would you rather one of the guys bewith you to kill them?”

  Alden looked down at her,“If you can do this than fine, the rest will need to overpower the others. You better not get weak-kneed on me.”

  Ceara gave another nod,“I can do this, no worries.” The first wanderer came around the side of the house and Alden grabbed the man’s arm flinging him around slamming him up against the side of the old house. Ceara jumped back to avoid the man being slammed into her, she drove the knife into the eye of the man. For a minute he still fought but soon crumpled to the ground, Alden grabbed him up and threw him out of their path. He pressed himself back up against the wall waiting for the next one.

  Colt and Charlie had gone to the other edge of the house mimicking what Alden and Ceara were doing. No Wandererswere coming their way so Charlie looked around the edge,“HEY YOU DEADHEADS, COME TRY ME!!”

  Several turned to follow the sound, Colt held up his Ka-Bar looking at Charlie,“You may have got more of them coming this way than we wanted.”

  Tabitha slid up beside them,“You guys want some help?”

  Colt nodded thankfully,“More the merrier.”

  Two Wanderersrounded the house and Charlie swung one around and Colt killed it, Tabitha jabbed her knife up through a woman’s throat into her brain. She yanked the serrated knife back out pulling tendons and muscles with it. She flung the mess off,“Two down, twenty to go.”

  Heath and Beth had taken up positions a few feet back. Heath had an axe and he handed Beth a pick axe,“Drive the point into anything that’s still twitching.”

  The third one Alden tossed his way was doing just that. Ceara had driven the knife in the side of the neck and missed the brain completely. The wanderer hit the ground but his head was cut almost off. Two quick swipes with the axe took care of that. Beth had her own job. Tabitha along with Colt and Charlie were doing a good job of disabling the Wanderers but not so goodat killing them. To her it seemed almost every other one was still kicking as they hit the ground in front of her. After hitting one in the eye she looked at them,“You guys have got to do a little better, hit the brain damn it.”

  Just then one rolled in front of her and grabbed her ankle. Beth stumbled and fell back screaming,“ALLLLLDEEEENNNN.”

  Heath spun quickly and kicked at it as it was trying to pull and claw its way up Beth’s leg. He let loose and took the things arm off at the elbow just missing Beth’s ankle. He then dropped the axe right on the mouth and jerked it back quickly causing the beast’s tongue to fly out and land on Beth’s shirt. Beth screamed as she rolled and let it drop to the ground then kicked it away.

  Biff had taken out about seven of them and was still loading his bow as one had got too close. Trying to back step to get a shot, he suddenly saw it disappear as a flash of red fur took the man down as Maximus joined Tonto in ripping the man apart in seconds. The two dogs turned and circled around taking up positions on either side of Biff. The one they tore up was just a body and a severed head that was still snarling. Charlie heard one of the kids yell, he took a quick look around the corner and saw three Wanderersbanging on one of the windows. He knew the wife and kids were in that room,“We got to take them out, the old man is around front and can’t see them to take them out with the bow.”

  Colt yelled,“DUCK!” Charlie hit a knee just as Colt sliced the man’s throat then stabbed at his head. The head was mutilated by the time he stopped stabbing and the man dropped. Charlie felt the man hit his back but it rolled to the side dead,“Let’s go get those….”

  They all three heard the window shatter and a woman scream out for her husband. Charlie bolted around the corner taking out any Wanderers as fast as he could; he had Col
t and Tabitha right on his tail. Beth stayed by the corner to make sure none would be able to come that way to get to Alden, Heath or Ceara.

  Charlie was thanking God that the things weren’t very smart, yes they had broken the window but were not able to figure out how to get in the house. Charlie grabbed a hand axe from the wood pile as he neared the house. Waving his arms and screaming at them,“OVER HERE YOU SMELLYBASTARDS.”

  The Wanderers turned towards him as he flew himself into them slashing and hacking as he ran right through them. Tabitha and Colt came to a stop as they watched the viciousness of Charlie’s attack. They then ran forward and finished any of the ones that had not fallen victim to Charlie’s rampage. Hitting the side of the house Charlie looked into the window, “BOARD THIS SONOFABITCH UP!” He shouted then turned to go back.

  Colt and Tabitha had finished all the attackers, save one. A fat man who Charlie had severed the man’s arm and knocked him down as he came by. Fat man was having a hard time trying to get up with only one arm. As Charlie walked up to him, he drove the hand axe into the back of it’s head.


  Charlie flipped his hand axe smiling, “Saw that in a movie once.”


  Tabitha reached over and grabbed Colt, “You stay close; I think Chuck’s gone nuts.”

  Colt and Tabitha turned back to where Alden and Ceara were killing the Wanderers with deadly accuracy now. Almost like an assembly line. Heath was just standing there watching.

  Charlie turned and saw Biff walking back to the house wiping his brow as sweat was pouring off him. Alden pulled one more around the side of the house and drove his knee into its gut as it bent over Ceara drove her knife into the back of its head.


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