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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

Page 42

by Allensworth, Audra

  The highway was clear most of the cars and trucks seemed to have been parked. This puzzled Alden a bit but he would take time to investigate it later. A few minutes later he spotted a sign pointing to Lake Sumner. Turning off the main highway they drove a few miles, and then Alden turned down a dirt road.

  Picking up the walkie Alden spoke,“Heads up cupcakes. I know the guy who lives down this road;we were in the army together. Do not get out of your vehicles till I say so.” A few minutes went by and a small double wide modular home suddenly appeared. Alden stopped a few yards out and got out of his truck. Tonto jumped out and ran to the house barking. He stopped short and sat then turned to Alden. As he got closer he knew why, he could smell the decaying body. Alden walked up the steps and found his friend lying face down dead from a gunshot wound to the head. Beside him laid a note that had been weathered…

  ‘To Alden or any of the others who know me.

  The sumbitchesgot in when I was taking a dump. I killed him but not before he bit me. I know I’m sick and I will not be one of them. Guns are in the safe you all know the combination. What’s mine is yours now…..’

  Alden opened the door and walked in. The house was hot and musty but there were no bodies left. He walked through the house and checked each room out. There were three bedrooms and one more family room added on to the back. A fireplace was in there. Alden turned and walked back outside.“Okay cupcakes come on up.”

  Ceara climbed out and got a firm grip on Maximus, it wasn’t that long ago that they had to give the dog a bath just because of a scene similar to this. She smiled at the memory, Maximus had found and partially ate a dead man in the cabins that Colt and Beth had stayed in before they joined up with everyone else. She and Charlie had unknowingly got the cabin with the decaying family in it. Maximus not only found them but rolled around in the remains.

  Ceara saw the smirk on Charlie’s face, she put her hand on her hip,“Do you want to have to deal with giving him a bath again?”

  Charlie leaned over giving her a kiss and grabbed the collar,“If I remember right that was where we had our first kiss, so no I don’t mind at all. Hell he may need one every day.” He walked Maximus over to the back of the van and retrieved the rope they had used in the town,he tied it to Max’s collar then to the bumper of the van. He dusted off his hands smiling at Ceara,“There, he will be fine till he get the body moved.”

  Alden stepped off the porch just as Colt and Beth walked up, Colt looked to the man then to the note in Alden’s hand.“What’s going on, was this your army buddy?”

  Alden nodded,“Yes, he stood a better chance of surviving than most but even he couldn’t do it alone. We are going to bury him before getting settled in, go get a couple shovels out of the back of my truck.”

  Colt looked to Beth then turned to go back to Alden’s truck, as he past Heath,he motioned for him to follow him. Heath joined him looking confused, Colt turned to him.“I guess that is Alden’s friend that offed himself, Alden picked up a note when we walked up but he didn’t say what it said.”

  Heath walked over to Alden,“I’m not going to ask now but if he served with you then he knew what he was doing. I don’t know what happened here but you got friends in this.” He patted Alden’s shoulder as he turned to go back to help Colt,“Just thought you needed to hear that.”

  Charlie went to help the men while Ceara, Beth and Tabitha headed to the house. The smell was old and stale; Ceara’s first thought was her grandmother’s house. She went around opening up windows. The living room was large and full of older furniture, not a piece wasn’t covered in dust. Ceara glanced to the floor, and then smiled to Tabitha,“I guess the dust can let us know if Wanderershave been in here.”

  Tabitha looked around,“Good point Red, I’ll check the rest of the house.” Tabitha headed down the hallway.

  Ceara began shaking off the dust where she could; the far wall caught her attention. It was covered in older pictures, it looked like he had been married and had a family. Ceara looked around nervously, wondering just where the family was. The pictures seemed to go in order, his daughter was grown with children of her own and the wife and son seemed to just disappear. Ceara figured there must have been a divorce. She turned back to the room and started cleaning again. Beth had filled the sink with soapy water and washing down the counters, Ceara grabbed a dry cup towel and headed back for the living room. The couch was made of a deep brown material with strips of a lighter brown. It had removable cushions so she grabbed the three back ones to take outside; the dust from them went everywhere making her cough. After a minute or two she was able to get them outside and beat most of the remaining dust from them.

  Alden had grabbed a pick axe from the truck as the other three men grabbed shovels. He walked away from the house finding a spot amid several large evergreen trees. Moving out a little so not to hit the roots he began to break up the ground. Colt and Heath jumped in soon and began digging the hard ground.

  Charlie looked for an opening that wasn’t there. He turned and walked to the porch, turning the dead man over. The eyes were open so he tried hard to close them to no avail. Alden walked up with a military mummy style sleeping bag he had found in a shed. Laying the bag out next to his friend, he unzipped it.

  “Charlie, help me get him in this thing so we can cover him up.”

  Charlie took the upper body lifting on the shoulders. Alden had the feet and the two lifted the body into the sleeping bag. Alden reached down and zipped the bag closed up to the head. Charlie was once again trying to get the eyes closed. Alden reached down and gently pulled Charlie’s hand back.

  “Leave it be son. We’ll do it the old west way.” Reaching into his pocket Alden pulled out a hand full of change. Finding two pennies he placed one over each eye then finished zipping the bag closed.

  The two men stood and Alden looked at Charlie,“Well at least he won’t get to where he’s going broke.”

  Charlie looked at Alden and smiled shaking his head,“You always look on the bright side don’t you?”

  Alden was reaching for a chaise lounge on the porch to use as a litter,“Yeah, Charlie that’s what we were taught.” They picked the bag up and placed it on the lounge then carried it out to where the grave was being dug.

  Heath and Colt had a good size grave dug and were still working hard at it. Alden and Charlie set the makeshift litter down and each one took a shovel. Another half hour of digging and Alden climbed out.

  “This will do nicely, Larry would like it here. The sun will warm him in the morning and the shade will keep him cool in the afternoon sun heat.” Alden walked over to his truck and retrieved some rope soon the men were slowing lowering the body into the grave. It took less time to cover the body up. The four men stood there looking down then Charlie and Heath put their hands on Alden’s shoulder.

  Charlie spoke softly,“Anything you want to say Al? Or do you want me to do it?” Alden’s face was long and his look was forlorn,“Charlie why don’t you say something? I’m sure that you learned a few things in that school that would be appropriate.”

  Charlie bowed his head and placed his hands in front of him. The other followed his lead.

  “Lord we give to the ground the body of this man Larry…” He stopped and looked at Alden who spoke more quietly than ever before,“Byler.” Charlie repeated it and went on,“Larry Byler. We ask that you take his soul into your house and bless him with all the riches he deserves.”

  Alden looked at Charlie,“Thank you; son that was nice.” He turned and started for the house alone as the others followed.

  The boys came in just as Ceara finished off the bathrooms,“Hey Alden, did you know how big this house was? There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and anden that looks like it got added on.”

  Alden nodded,“I was out here about five years ago so I knew what size it was, just didn’t expect Larry not to be using one of the rooms.”

  Beth came in drying her hands on one of the cup towels,“I was watch
ing from the kitchen window, you boys did very goodon the service.” She glanced over at Alden,“And we will respect this house as if the man were still here.”

  Alden walked to the start of the hall and looked back over his shoulder,“Depending on your beliefs, he is still here. I’m getting a shower, thenI’ll go work on the generator. You cupcakes go unload the supplies.”

  Tabitha’s jaw dropped as Alden disappeared,“Well that has got to be a first!”

  Charlie looked over,“What’s that?”

  “That Alden is pawning the work off on us.”

  As they all walked out Heath caught up to Tabitha,“I think Alden needed alone time. I don’t think he had many he ever really considered friends.”

  “I know Heath, but I kind of wanted to draw attention away from that in my own little way.” Tabitha grabbed an armful jogging back to the house,“DIBS ON THE MASTER BEDROOM!”

  Ceara cracked up then grabbed some of hers and Charlie’s things and went into the den, Charlie was right behind her and had a confused look. Ceara shrugged,“Well, with how old the others are I thought we should let them have the beds, we could make due in here, right?”

  Charlie gave a sigh,“Yeah, I guess you’re right, but maybe….” He walked over to the couch, looking at it, thensmiled at Ceara,“Sofa bed!”

  “AWESOME! See I knew there was a reason I love you!” Ceara had just set her stuff down when Charlie yanked her around making her squeal out.

  He wrapped his arms around her, “Damn right you love me, and don’t you forget it.”

  Ceara winked, “Not something I will ever forget.”

  Tabitha passed on her way back out, “Get a room!”

  Ceara ran out to get more of their stuff, “We did!” She laughed as Tabitha rolled her eyes.

  Once all the gear and food were unloaded, the girls had let the guys take showers since they had dug the grave. Now everyone was relaxing in the living room waiting for the hot water so the girls could shower. Colt’s stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear and Beth laughed, “I believe that is a cue for dinner.”

  Heath leaped up, “If you don’t mind I would like to cook today…. Was there still propane?”

  “Yep, about half a tank, I checked when I got the generator going.” Alden was kicked back in the recliner fully relaxed.

  Heath headed to the kitchen and blocked the entrance, “This area is off limits, I will be creating a masterpiece in here and it is a family secret.”

  Beth quickly chimed in, “Well since you haven’t really had the chance to cook yet I think that would be fine by me and well…… I am going to go get cleaned up in the meantime.”

  Beth turned and headed into the bathroom where she glanced at herself in the mirror. To her surprise she had lost some weight. In the beginning she only weighed around one hundred and twenty pounds but her face was so utterly thin. The length of her hair was almost to her shoulders now and the dirt under her nails was beginning to get on her nerves.

  As she began undressing, Beth tried to think of how nice was to be somewhere that she could call home but the thoughts of the past few days kept playing over in her head. However, when she was completely nude Beth leaned in, turned on the shower and before she knew it the steam was beginning to fill the room.

  Slowly she stepped in and began taking her long hot shower. Slowly the memories that she had before entering the shower were now being washed down the drain along with what felt like a month’s load of dirt, grit and grime. After about twenty minutes of bathing she turned off the faucet and reached over to where the towel was laying on a table.

  Wrapping it around her Beth then realized she had no clean clothes and she wasn’t about to put on those rags. Slowly she cracked the door a jar and heard everyone out in the front room talking. Beth quickly bolted out of the bathroom and made her way to the bedroom where she began digging through her bag. After finding a pair of black boy shorts and a pink CDC shirt that said in big bold letters TRAUMATIZED HANDLE WITH CARE. It was at the very bottom of her bag and thought that by wearing this it may give a little levity to the situation but if it didn’t it was the only one she had.

  Hearing everyone out there laughing now Beth quickly grabbed a pair of blue jeans put them on and then found a pair of fuzzy white socks, she made her way back out to the living room and saw Heath banging pots and pans around.

  Heath was looking around the cabinets to find all that he needed. He found the necessary spices then slipped out the back door to go to Alden’s truck for some meat. He walked back in and found Charlie putting things in the refrigerator.

  Heath grinned, “Do me a favor just keep them busy for about an hour or so. I want this to work.” Charlie placed to half gallon jugs of clean water in the icebox then turned to him, “What the hell are you making?”

  Heath’s eyebrow raised as a mischievous grin came on his face, “Poor man Chili. It will be a mixture of whatever I can find.”

  Charlie turned and chuckled as he walked out. Heath found a large pot and started with some of the dried beef. Placing it in the bottom of the pan he poured a can of tomato juice over it and set it the stove on low simmering. Searching some of the cabinets and drawers he found a jar of minced onion flakes and sprinkled it in the mixture. Adding two large cans of chili beans and two cans of Ro-tel he began to stir the mixture as it simmered. Adding some simple spices he placed the lid on it. Turning he looked out the kitchen window across the yard and noticed what looked like an untended garden. He leaned a little to get a better look and something hanging from the curtain rod kept hitting his eye. Stepping back he looked at the string that held a bunch of dried red peppers. Grabbing one he broke it in half then took the lid off the pot and crushed it up in it. Stirring it slowly, “That ought to add a little flavor.”

  Ceara waited a little bit for everyone to relax, and then looked over to Alden. “How did you know there was a generator before you even looked?”

  Alden lifted an eyebrow, “I’ve known Larry for over twenty years, hell it’s closer to thirty now; I don’t know if you remember anything about Y2K or not…”

  Ceara’s blank stare and confused head turn told Alden all he needed, “Y2K was a major scare in 1999 when no one knew just how the computers would handle rolling over to the year 2000. Everyone was stocking up on food, building shelters and buying generators. Well, back then Larry had a couple of small generators just because when you live out here with nothing but the snakes and the scorpions, you need one. He went out and bought a larger one that would keep him and his family comfortable until life got back to normal or he ran out of gas. I came out and helped him set it up.”

  Ceara glanced around the room, “Does that mean he stocked up on gas too?” Alden shook his head, “No, he just had the underground tank installed. He figured he would fill it if the time came.”

  Ceara sucked air through her teeth, “Do any of you know how to drive an eighteen wheeler?”

  Tabitha eyes narrowed, “I do……. What are you getting at Red?”

  Ceara didn’t manage to hide her surprise, “You can?” She shook herself, “I was just thinking that if we could find a tanker we could fill the underground tank and be set for a while.”

  Colt leaned forward, “How about for now we just handle the here and now and get all set up before we add more stuff. I say that if this is going to be home; let’s make it that… first.”

  Charlie nodded, “Colts right. We need to make things secure and comfortable here first. I say we relax and take the night off.”

  Alden stood and headed to the kitchen, as he got to the door he turned. “Cupcakes we’ve had a long hard journey. Tonight is your night off. We rest and relax, maybe build a small fire out back on in the patio fireplace and roast marshmallows if we can find any.” He turned and headed into the kitchen.

  Charlie looked at Ceara, “Did he say patio fireplace?” The two grinned and jumped up heading to the kitchen and out the back door.

  The back patio was a
southwestern work of art. The base of the patio was huge, twenty four feet by twenty four feet, laid out with 2ft by 2ft red stoned blocks. It was surrounded by a three foot wall made of fire adobe brick. A roof covered half of the patio with wooden poles decorated with southwest Indian trinkets and wind chimes hung lining the full length of the roof.

  There were two gates one on each side made of what looked like iron bars. At the far end was a large brick fireplace surrounded by a set of cedar chairs and a swing that was also made of cedar. Beside the fireplace was a rack of cut logs. About twenty feet out from the fireplace was a large log pole shed filled almost to the roof with cut and split wood.

  Charlie stood at the edge and whispered, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, will you look at that. That Larry fellow must have made cutting woods his hobby. I bet there’s enough there to heat us for the next three years.”

  Alden’s voice startled them. “Larry cut wood when he got nervous and from the looks of this he was real fucking nervous.”

  Alden walked out towards the wood pile leaving Charlie and Ceara behind.

  Sitting down beside Colt, Beth looked around the house and for the first time in quite a long time felt a feeling of being comfortable. Colt looked over and inquired, “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Beth took a deep breath and smiled, “This isn’t bad Colt. For the first time in a hell of a long time, just for the moment mind you and this is subject to change on a moments notice….”, she giggled then continued, “It is so nice just to have a roof over our heads. I mean I just took a shower and in a while, I will have a somewhat of a home cooked meal. Grant you it’s all we have right now but it’s a hell of a lot.” Beth positioned herself on the couch by putting one of her legs underneath of her and then rested her arm on the back of the couch.


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