Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 51

by Allensworth, Audra

  Charlie, Colt and Heath had been feeding and grooming the horses when they heard Ceara’s cry. They grabbed their rifles and came out seeing a large yellow vehicle driving slowly towards the house.

  Alden walked out of the generator shed where he had been refueling it. Stopping he took off the cowboy hat he had come to wear lately and wiped his brow. He looked at the Hummer as it stopped just short of the fence.

  Walking towards it he watched as two men got out, one waving a white flag on an Indian spear that looked as old as time itself.

  The man holding the spear raised his hand, “We come in peace.”

  Alden looked at him then turned to the others, “LOWER YOUR WEAPONS.” Then turned to the men, “Well there’s not much peace to be had in this world we live in… but okay. What can I do for you?”

  The two men looked at each other one frowned while the other smiled a little. “We knew your friend. Sergeant Byler. He was a good friend of ours. He was a great warrior and always willing to lend a hand.”

  Alden had walked right up to them as the man spoke. “Yes, Larry was a good man.”

  The man holding the spear looked Alden over then spoke a native language to his partner who nodded.

  Alden held up his hand, “Now don’t take this personal, but if you two wish to talk then we will all speak English, or this conversation is over and you may leave the way you came… Alive”

  Both men looked at Alden hard then the one holding the spear spoke. “I am Running Buffalo, this is Stray Eagle. I apologize for speaking our native tongue. I simply told my brother that he was right. You are Alden, the man we saw in the pictures Larry showed us. We’ve been watching you for some time now.”

  Alden broke in, “Yes I know, from that ridge and then from that one over there.” He pointed to two spots out to the east and the south.

  Stray Eagle smiled, “Damn and I thought Larry was good.”

  Alden watched as the two chuckled. Then Running Buffalo spoke, “We have had our troubles with others who have come out west to escape the illness that has plagued the land. They come with smiles that are as false as their words. They only wished to take and do harm to anyone they contacted. They did not last long. We are not as trusting as our forefathers were back in the day, as they say.”

  Alden looked at them his jaw was set hard, “Well I don’t think we have bothered any of your people and we are simply planning on staying to ourselves.”

  Running Buffalo looked to the ground then back to Alden’s eyes. “That is why we are here. What we have seen is a small tribe who is simply doing what they can day by day to live. Your people are like ours. You only wish to live a life of peace, no matter how hard it may be.”

  Alden nodded. “Yes that’s all we want. We came here because I figured there would be less problems with the Wanderers, and the humans who had forgotten what it was like to be civil.”

  Stray Eagle reached his hand out and Alden paused then shook it. Stray Eagle grinned, “We also have a generator and a ten meter Ham radio. We use to communicate with some of the others near here. I will give you the frequency number so that you may listen in.”

  Alden smiled, “Charlie’s gonna love you.”

  Ceara had dropped the jeans and joined the guys listening to the men talk, she leaned over to Heath, “They seem ok… kind of picturing them on horseback not in a hummer.”

  Heath grinned, “I’m not so sure they don’t have horses wherever they are staying.”

  Colt was the only one that looked tense, “Why should we trust them? Don’t you guys think it’s funny that we are here over a month and just after we get plenty of supplies they show up?”

  When the others gave him the look of irritation, he tried to explain better, “Look at it this way, they say they knew Larry but they haven’t been here before now… why?”

  Charlie shook his head, “Colt if these guys wanted this place they wouldn’t have helped us last week. They could have watched us die… but they didn’t. That says something, and Alden is ok with them, so that says more.”

  Heath slapped a hand on Colt’s shoulder, “And who’s to say they don’t need supplies and hoping for a little help themselves. I say we hear them out.” Heath walked off to join Alden, Ceara and Charlie joined him.

  Colt called out, “I’m going to let Beth and Tabitha know what’s going on.”

  As the others walked up, Alden turned to them then back to the new guests, “Running Buffalo, Stray Eagle, this here is Cupcake one, two and six.”

  He laughed as he spoke then went on, “Ceara, Charlie, Heath, these are our neighbors they just stopped by to say hello.” All of them reached out shaking hands with each other.

  Alden grinned, “Why don’t you all come up to the house where we can sit and talk a little and get out of this heat.”

  They were all soon seated on the patio at the picnic table. Tonto and Maximus had come from under a shade tree and walked up to the new men. Tonto stopped first looking to Alden who nodded at him, “It’s okay boy.”

  Tonto walked up to Running Buffalo who looked to Alden, “It’s okay just reach down slow.” As he did Tonto sat and raised his paw in a handshake gesture. When Running Buffalo had finished Tonto moved on to Stray eagle who also met him. Greetings being done Tonto returned to Alden’s side and sat down.

  Maximus sat next to Ceara and simply stared at the new men. Alden spoke softly, “Don’t mind him he’s in training. Maximus, there, is really a one person dog, he came as a package deal with Ceara there.”

  Colt made his way over to the girls, while occasionally looking over his shoulder seeing the others talk. He had listened to what the guys had said but just didn’t feel that trustworthy yet.

  Beth noticed from out of the corner of her eye when Colt got within distance, “What’s going on?” She too had noticed the hummer. Tabitha came around the corner of one of the pallets and quickly had her knife in her hand.

  Colt looked at Tabitha while keeping his concerned look on his face, “Tabitha, Alden has this so please, I am asking you to put your weapon away. Don’t put it down, just put it away.”

  Tabitha did as she was asked then spoke softly, “Friends of Alden’s?”

  Colt nodded then continued speaking low, just so that the ladies could hear him, “Friend of Larry’s which I guess means friends of Alden’s, but the jury is still out on that one. Anyway, those two guys are Native Americans, you remember the ones that helped us out a couple of weeks back? Well they’re just now making their presence known. I am not as trusting. It just bothers me is all.”

  Beth looked over and saw them all speaking, then looked back to Colt, “I understand where you’re coming from, but honey you got to remember when you first ran into me. Remember you and the Rover? Those men must have known we were here and if they had intended on hurting us or taking what we have, I am pretty sure they would have tried it while we were sleeping.”

  Tabitha nodded, but she too felt uncomfortable, “Well I trust Alden and whatever he wants to do I am behind…. that is until someone hurts him or any of you guys, then it’s every person for themselves.”

  Beth smiled, and then looked to Colt, “See? There ya go.”

  Colt chuckled slightly then got serious, “I just don’t want anything to happen to anyone of us and I don’t feel comfortable with people coming out of the woodwork. We don’t know who they are or if they are trying to make a move or do something that could put our safe zone in danger.”

  Tabitha slowly walked past Colt making her way over to the group. “Well I am not afraid of them. I’m going over and see how things are going.”

  When Tabitha was out of earshot Beth leaned up to Colt, “Honey, I understand your fear. I get that, but try to look at it this way… if these guys did know Larry, and are now just showing themselves; maybe they were just checking us out to see if we were the kind of people that Larry would have approved of. I mean let’s face it Colt, with the world the way it is now, they didn’t know if we were
just survivors, they didn’t know if we were ok, and they didn’t know if we knew Larry. Of course they were going to be leary.”

  Colt leaned down and placed a small kiss on her forehead, “I just don’t want to lose what we got going on here and certainly not you…”

  Beth put her arms around Colt and gave him a comforting hug, then backed away, “Come on, let’s go make nice-nice with the neighbors…..”

  Colt pursed his lips together, “Don’t want to.”

  Beth reached over and swatted his backside, “No, we have to do the right thing here sweetie, now come on.”

  Colt laughed and followed Beth out, once all introductions were done, they all waited for Alden to take the lead.

  Alden looked to Ceara, “Would you mind getting everyone some tea?”

  Ceara got up pouting a little because she was worried she would miss something. Charlie jumped up, “I’ll help you.”

  They both went in as Alden leaned forward in his chair, “Now we will all sit back and relax, enjoy some small talk or you guys can let us know what brought you out of hiding?”

  Running Buffalo looked at Stray Eagle then back to Alden, “We did come to greet you but there are other reasons… We will discuss once we know each other better.”

  Colt spoke up, looking in between both men, “I think we know enough, what do you want?”

  Alden held up his hand his voice was hard and cold, “That isn’t how it’s done Colt. The Indian traditions must be adhered too.”

  Colt looked angry, “Well I’m not an Indian, so I’m not up to speed on the traditions.”

  Stray Eagle’ brow furrowed, “That is obvious, or you would not have insulted us by acting like our traditions and beliefs are not worth your time.” He turned back to Alden, “I trust all of your people are not as arrogant as that one?”

  Alden glared at Colt then looked back to Stray Eagle, “No, and we won’t have anymore interruptions from him either! Now if you would continue with your story.”

  Running Buffalo took up when he saw Stray Eagle wasn’t quite ready to speak again. “We have always stayed to our own, only going to large towns when there was a need for medicine. We were taught to hunt, fish, and survive off the land.” Running Buffalo got a faraway look, “We were young and made fun of the elders for wanting us to learn the old ways. We would talk about all the modern things and how we shouldn’t embrace them as our own ways.”

  “The elders wanted no part of it; they told us it would make us lazy and lost.”

  Ceara and Charlie returned with the tea, Charlie handed out the glasses as Ceara filled them. Both men thanked her, then waited for everyone to sit down again before continuing.

  “They were right. If not for the elders, we would have died, just like all the rest. It was their teachings that kept us alive. They made us learn how to hunt with a bow made from our own hands, and how to track. They taught us how to move without being seen.” He looked to Alden and smiled, “Unseen by most that is…”

  Beth took a sip of her tea and looked over at Colt who looked embarrassed now more than mad. Gently she put her hand on his shoulder and he grinned to her out of one corner of his mouth as if to say that he was sorry.

  Beth looked over to Stray Eagle, she spoke up as she along with Colt took their seats, “I would like to apologize for some of us being a little crass. It’s just that the ways of the city from where we come from….. is so different and I for one could get use to this way of life. I originally came from Kentucky and if it wasn’t for needing to take care of my family, I too, would have probably never have left home. As a matter of fact I was just commenting to our little family here today that I really don’t miss that life style at all.”

  Taking one more sip Beth then continued, “We have had to put to rest many of our loved ones who unfortunately became infected.”

  Beth reached over a squeezed Colt’s hand, looked up at him then looked back to Stray Eagle, “We have all had to do many things that will haunt us for the rest of our lives, but we mean you and your people no harm.”

  Tabitha sat quietly observing the situation while drinking her tea. Beth made a lot of interesting points and the edginess that she had earlier was now beginning to subside. When Beth had finished Tabitha put her glass on the table, smiled and calmly spoke, “Although it’s nice to meet good people like you, you have to understand us not trusting too quick. I never had any real family until I met these people and to be frank with ya all I would protect them with my life.”

  Stray Eagle looked to Tabitha, “As would we, but I don’t believe in either case we will need to. We come to offer friendship, we don’t intend to disrupt your lives, nor will we allow you to disrupt ours. We have come to let you know where is safe to hunt, and where there is danger.”

  He looked toward the barn, “You have already found horses, but if you are willing to trade, we have chickens and cows. We saw the trailer you drove back yesterday….”

  Chapter 27 – Welcome Wagon

  Alden walked the new friends over to the trailers. Pulling open the door he smiled “so…. What are we talking here? Say two eight roll packs of toilet paper for one cow? I mean think about it gentlemen, meats readily available in the way of snake, but you can’t substitute this stuff.”

  Running Buffalo smiled, “Yes Sir that stuff is like the new gold in today’s world.”

  Stray Eagle laughed, “Yes well meat can be duplicated, but not milk or fresh eggs.”

  Alden climbed in the trailer and offered his hand to Stray Eagle first, “You found my weakness friend. I would kill a thousand Wanderers for a cold glass of fresh milk rather than that powdered crap we’ve been drinking.”

  As Running Buffalo climbed in he looked at Alden and placed his hand on his shoulder, “My poor brother, not even a white man as yourself should be made to endure that kind of torture. I am sure we can all come to a fair agreement on this.”

  Charlie and Ceara joined Heath at the back of the truck, Ceara leaned on the back end drinking her tea. Once Alden was through talking Ceara looked to the two strangers, “So where do you guys stay?”

  Charlie quickly leaned over, “Don’t ask if they are in tee-pees!” he said in a whisper.

  Ceara rolled her eyes, “I wasn’t going to!” She looked back to the men, “Well?”

  Running Buffalo picked up a couple of things, setting them right back down, “We are west a few miles.”

  Ceara narrowed her eyes, “Well why don’t we all go over there and we can bring the cows back with us?”

  Running Buffalo looked from each person settling on Alden, “Outsiders are not welcome, we will bring the agreed on trade here.”

  Ceara spoke right up, “Oh and we like outsiders or you just thought you didn’t need to respect us?”

  Colt and Tabitha had joined them, “Be careful Ceara, Alden gets pissed when you question them.”

  Alden walked to the end of the trailer jumping down, “You two want to join me in a private convo for a minute?”

  Ceara looked to Colt and he shrugged, “Warned ya….”

  The two followed Alden. Alden stopped and turned so fast that Ceara ran into his chest, “Sorry!”

  Alden glared at both of them, “Is there something you two want to talk about?”

  Ceara looked down at her feet but Colt looked right at Alden, he was part of this team and his opinion should matter. “Alden, I don’t know why you trust them, and if you have some inside info we don’t know, why are you keeping us in the dark?”

  Alden stared at Colt, “And when have I led you wrong? You’re feeling the need to question my choices now?”

  Colt shook his head, “Not questioning you, I am simply questioning trusting them and letting them see what we have. We have no idea how many are in their camp, so how do we know these two aren’t just a scouting trip?”

  Ceara looked up, “That’s what I was thinking too…. Alden, I’m tired of fighting, and fighting people that know this area is really scary.”
/>   Alden looked to both, “I’ll answer Colt’s question, but just one and then you either trust me or you don’t, your choice.” He took out a smoke and lit it, taking a long drag, “You asked if I had information that I didn’t share… Just when was I supposed to share any information I had. If you hadn’t noticed, I have been in constant contact with them. You two ever think that I may have reasons for everything I do? You two go do something, keep your asses busy till our visitors leave. Once they leave we will talk, u then get lost.” Alden walked off leaving them standing.

  Colt looked to Ceara, “Fuck that old man…” Colt stormed off to the house, the door slammed behind him. Beth was starting dinner, “Whoa… what was that all about?”

  Colt threw up his hands, “What the fuck Beth?! Alden acts like I am a complete idiot. I get that I didn’t start out the smartest on this survival shit, but you know what? I have earned my place in this group, but look how he treats me, if I even question one thing?”

  Beth leaned on the counter drying her hands on a cup towel just waiting for him to continue.

  “He blows up, pretty much telling me and Ceara to shut up… pretty much my ass, he told us to get lost till his friends leave!!”

  Colt stormed into the living room then back in the kitchen, “And then…. then he calls us out and scolds us like we’re fucking two year olds!”

  Beth stood up against the counter and watched Colt continue on with his rants. When he was finished, she began with a soft spoken tone, “First off Colt, you do have a right to be upset, especially if he blew up at you. I remember when he blew up at me and how I felt but after it was all over; I thought about my actions and how he was trying to protect all of us. If I would’ve continued pursuing what I was doing I could have in fact, caused more danger to each and every one of us.” Beth then moved to the table, took a seat and continued to speak, hoping that by her sitting down maybe Colt in turn would calm down.

  “Now from what we all know of Alden, he is always looking out for the best interest of our group. I take it from how you are acting that this has to do with the neighbors.”


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