Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 52

by Allensworth, Audra

  Colt stood there with an anger pouring out of him that she had never seen before, but he had stopped at the table and just stood there with his hands on the back of the chair across from her.

  “Beth, it is just Alden and ‘HIS FRIENDS’. We have all been through hell and back TOGETHER and these people… who we don’t even know or done ANYTHING with, can come in here like its homecoming week!!”

  Beth nodded her head, looked up to Colt, “Ok… let’s just say… and I am just talking as if I am on the outside looking in on this… but Alden brought us here to his deceased good friend Larry’s home, whom he had known for a lot of his life. Maybe him and Larry did talk about the Natives out here. Who knows, maybe Alden might of even knew their Elder’s. So, Alden is dealing with the neighbors… one on one.”

  She paused and saw that he started to calm down a little, but not much. She stood up and walked behind him. While wrapping her arms around his waist, she rested her head on his back and softly continued, “Let’s face it sweetie, your first impression to our new neighbors was a bit crass and I see it as Alden is trying to defuse the situation mono a mono. Then when he is finished, I am sure that he will come back and we too will have a little pow-wow of our own. But babe, you got to try to stay calm on this or everyone here is going to suffer. We’ve suffered enough. There is enough out there round every corner, tree, and mountain. So I ask you Colt…. please try to calm down, I really think we got a good thing going here and you are a damn good man. You’re not an idiot and I don’t ever want you saying that again. You have gotten us a long way.”

  Beth then squeezed his sides, “I never thought that I would make it to where I am at right now after I killed my family …. I am happy to be here with you.”

  Colt reached for Beth’s hands loosening them and turned around in her arms then wrapped his arms around her, “You’re right, I know you are. I’m calmer; you have that effect on me.” He kissed the top of her head, “Thank you, honey… I might owe you my life.”

  He gave a short laugh, “Alden may have killed me if I went out there like that. Plus, I didn’t think about his past here, so that may be just what he is holding out on us.”

  Colt placed a finger on her chin and lifted her face to his and gave her a gentle kiss which deepened for several minutes. As soon as they broke apart Colt smiled down at her, “You know there is another way for you to help me work off this tension??”

  Beth reached for his hand, “Really? Well, we need to make sure you are safe and calm so let’s just see what we can do about that tension.” Beth led him out of the kitchen, and down the hall with small coy smile on her face.

  Ceara walked straight to the barn; going right to the horse she had named Spirit. She reached up petting the horse as silent tears streamed down her face. “Alden has never been mad at me Spirit. Why did he get mad just because we asked a question?”

  As Charlie walked into the barn he heard Ceara talking. Walking up to the stall he leaned on the gate with his arms crossed on the top rail and his chin laying in them. “Honey, are you alright?”

  Ceara was holding Spirit’s halter as the horse seemed to be nuzzling her shoulder. He heard the sniffle before she spoke. “Yes I’m fine.”

  Charlie opened the gate and walked in then placed one hand on her shoulder. “Those two men out there are simply spokes people for their own group. If you remember the first time we saw them; they were several of them, and they were shooting Wanderers from a hill with bows and arrows. I think if they meant to do us harm, we would be short a couple of people in our group already.”

  Ceara turned around and face him, “Is that what you think? They could sneak up on us and kill us?”

  Charlie looked into her green eyes, “Face it honey, the only one who knew they had been watching was Alden. So yeah… if they wanted to take a couple of us out, I think they could have done it pretty easily. Bows don’t make a sound when you shoot the arrow.”

  Ceara looked at her feet as she pushed some straw around, then looked at Charlie, “That didn’t help. Now I’m really afraid. Those guys have been watching us and no one, not one of us knew, except Alden. Think about it Charlie, they were watching us when we went riding and played cards under the tree”

  Charlie took her hands, “This is where we all realize that the old man out there is the best weapon we have. He’s got eyes like a hawk, he can hear a flea fart at a hundred yards in a windstorm, and he could smell a skunk in the middle of a tornado. I mean he’s a walking AWACS plane.”

  Ceara pulled her hands away, “That’s all well and good but why yell at me? Charlie, he scolded me like some little kid. I’m an adult damn it, I got a right to ask questions. We have been together for what… three months and he has never been mad at me like that. He looked at me like he was….”

  Ceara trailed off as she began petting Spirit again, “I think I am going to go for a ride, he wants me to disappear and I don’t know a better way.”

  She started getting the saddle blanket and tossed it over Spirit’s back, “By the way, what is that wacker plane thing? Why is Alden like one of those?”

  Charlie picked her up and placed her on a straw bale. “First, you running off, riding spirit is not being an adult. It’s being a little kid. I think Alden would love to talk to you after those guys leave. Second, I didn’t say wacker I said AWACS. Its plane they use to detect missile weapons and other planes during times of war. AWACS means, Airborne Warning and Command System. They used them a lot in Desert Storm. Damn, I thought I was the one who lived a sheltered life.”

  Charlie reached to Spirit taking the blanket back off him tossing it over the stall rail, “I am going to play the boyfriend card and tell you no on the ride.” He quickly looked to her, “Ok?”

  Ceara giggled just a little, “Honey, you don’t need to ask if it’s ok to play that card, but ok I will stay put. Still not happy about being talked to like that; I swear I was back home and Dad was telling me I was grounded.”

  Charlie walked over sitting beside her on the hay bale, “Was he really mean? I have to admit, I don’t want to see that side of him.”

  Ceara laid her head on his shoulder, “He didn’t yell or anything but he made us… well he made me feel like I didn’t trust him and that is just not true. I just don’t trust others.”

  “I saw Colt go in the house and he didn’t look happy. What did Alden say to him?”

  Ceara picked at the hay tossing it to the floor of the stall, “He just told us that we needed to stop talking to the guys and to make ourselves disappear. Colt asked him what he was hiding from us and I think that kind of pissed Alden off, because his eyes did that look Alden gets. You know the one I mean?”

  Charlie nodded, “Yeah, the one when he is about to kill some Wanderers?”

  Ceara sniffled and wiped her nose, “Yeah that one but it was for us not Wanderers. So do you really think he will want to still talk to me after this?”

  Charlie got up and pulled her to her feet, “Of course, he will explain things and if he goes a few hours without talking to you, I will do your chores for a week!”

  Ceara smiled and hugged him, “Well with that bet, I may just avoid him for several hours.”

  Alden spoke with the two visitors away from everyone else. Heath sat at the picnic table with Tabitha just watching but not being able to hear much of what was being said. Leaning over to Tabitha he whispered, “After him taking Colt and Ceara to the woodshed, I’ve decided that saying nothing is the best thing right now.

  Tabitha sipped her tea, “Yeah…..I think sergeant grumpy pants over there, is just a bit on the pissed side?”

  Heath reached over and took Tabitha’s glass and took a sip, “Yep and I don’t want any targets painted on my ass or yours.”

  Tabitha giggled, “God I feel like the bratty kids who pulled something off and the others are going to be in trouble”. The last part she said in a sing song way.

  Alden walked the men back to their truck said the farewells;
then watched as they drove away.

  Alden turned and walked back to the house, as he got to the picnic table he looked at Heath and Tabitha. “Before either of you open your mouths wait until I get the rest out here.” With that he turned placed his fingers in his mouth and let loose a very loud whistle.

  The first to arrive were Tonto and Maximus who came running from the water trough. As they reached Alden both took up a position; Tonto on his right, and Maximus on his left. The two dogs sat upright and rigid.

  Charlie and Ceara walked out of the barn. Charlie was holding her hand as they moved slowly across the yard to the table. Colt and Beth came out the back door and sat down. Colt was still fuming over Alden’s scolding.

  Alden looked at him with indifference then turned to Ceara and Charlie, “YOU TWO CUPCAKES WANT TO PICK IT UP A LITTLE, THE REST OF THE GROUP IS WAITING, OR MAYBE YOU NEED A SPECIAL INVITE!!.”

  Charlie picked up the pace quickly almost pulling Ceara along at first. As they got to the table Alden looked at them, “Take a seat.” He looked to Beth, “Would you be so kind as to pour everyone a glass of tea?”

  Beth gave a soft smile and nodded, “Sure thing.”

  When she was done Alden took a sip.

  “Now there seemed to be a slight question as to why and how I do things regarding people from outside our group. Let me start by saying I have not once led this group into a dangerous or life threatening situation without first explaining all the details. Now if any of you do have qualms about how I do things, let’s get it out here and now.”

  Colt sat twisting his cup in his hands, “So, just to be clear…. if I ask anything, you aren’t going to get all militant again and tell me to shut up are you?”

  Alden gave a slight grin, “The word you’re looking for is military not militant but go ahead. I said speak your piece.”

  Colt rolled his eyes, “Naw, I meant militant, but ok we will go with military… All I wanted to understand was the trust you had. We don’t know anything about them. I understand they helped us but here is what I don’t get, how do you know they were the same men that helped us and not a different group?”

  Colt looked over to Ceara, “I’m not the only one that is thinking this either, so a little back up here would be nice guys!”

  Ceara scooted just a bit closer to Charlie, “Colt’s right Alden, how do we know anything about them? Charlie made a good point in the barn though; he said they could have killed us one by one if they wanted too.”

  Colt nodded, “Yeah, if they have been spying on us, why didn’t you tell us that too? Why weren’t we told to keep an eye out for them?”

  Alden sipped his tea, “Spying on us? Son they have sat on horses on those ridges out in plain sight for the last few days. Granted they were a ways away, but they were there. As far as what Charlie said, they could have tried except that you all seem to forget the X factor.” He reached down and petted the two dogs at his side. He then looked at Beth, Heath and Tabitha, “You people got anything you want to add to this?”

  Heath sat back and adjusted his hat, looking at the group then back to Alden, “Nope I’m good.”

  Tabitha looked at each member of the group and she felt that right now Alden had the floor and she just wanted to sit there and shut up. After folding her arms, she nodded her head, “You got this one Alden so I agree with Heath. I’m good too.”

  Colt rolled his eyes again, looking at both of them, “You guys are suck ups…. Ok I guess if I am in the dog house, I might as well make it worth the trip. What did you trade and when are they coming back? Oh and when they do come back are Ceara and I still grounded?” Colt couldn’t help the irritation in his voice. He thought the others must have the same questions and maybe a few of their own but nobody seemed willing to talk.

  “Look Alden, let me just put this out there, I trust you, I trust your choices and I believe you know what you are doing but god damn it we are a group and have a right to know what is going on. That is all I was asking then and now.”

  Alden stood up and walked over to Colt. His eyes were slits and his jaw was set hard.

  Charlie leaned over to Ceara and whispered, “Don’t say a fucking word. I’ve seen that look before.” Ceara reached under the table and gave his hand a squeeze and held on tightly.

  Alden Reached up and put a hand on Colts shoulder.“Somewhere, somehow you found that set of balls you had back in the beginning when you had to end your wife’s suffering. You do have a right, just as the rest do, to know what I’m thinking. You all need to learn the simple rule of time and place. There is a time and place for everything and discussing our group business in front of strangers in neither one.”

  He squeezed Colts shoulder then turned and picked up his tea and took a sip then looked to Beth, “Damn fine tea, honey.” Alden walked back to the head of the table. “Years ago when I was here I met some of Larry’s neighbors. You met some today. Over the years when Larry and I talked, he told me stories of how these people were like the perfect neighbors he said. They all had a real good understanding of you don’t fuck with me, I don’t fuck with you. At the same time if he needed help, they always seemed to show up. He also said one winter one of the women was going into labor. The baby was a breach which meant someone would have to do a C-section. They were on their way to town when the truck broke down about a mile up the road. They knocked on his door and asked for help. Larry got his Jeep out and drove down the road. When he got there, he knew the woman would not make it.”

  Alden took another drink then sat down. His eyes started to stare off into the distance as he continued. “Larry opened a first aid bag he carried in the Jeep and performed the operation right there in the truck, then took the mother and the baby back to this house to recoup. The husband stayed with them. Larry had sat up all night with the mother, watching her to make sure she made it. As the sun rose he got up and went outside to tell her husband she would be okay. The man thanked him and as tradition goes gave him a hug. Larry said as they got ready to go in a lone eagle landed on the roof. It was then that the baby boy was named…”

  Alden got up and finished his drink setting the glass on the table; he turned and took a few steps then turned back. He could see them all waiting for the name. He smiled at them, “You all met him today. That was Stray Eagle.”

  Alden walked away towards the fence and the dogs followed. He picked up the wire cutters and began working on the fence as the dogs laid down at his feet.

  Looking over to Colt, Beth gently placed her arm around his neck then laid her head on his shoulder. She knew what Alden had said had hit Colt hard for she could sense it. Slowly she raised her lips to his ear, “You see honey, Alden always has his reasons and whether we agree with him at the time or not I know just from this conversation that he would NEVER put us in harm’s way.”

  Tabitha turned to Heath, “Well I certainly wasn’t expecting that. But that damn old man does know his shit ….. I will give you that.”

  Colt patted Beth’s hands, “Ok, so he knew the guy but he didn’t answer the questions. Why tell us to ask if he isn’t going to answer them?”

  Ceara looked surprised, “We asked why he trusted them and he told us. What didn’t he answer?”

  “Damn, you guys are easily distracted; I asked what they traded and when they were coming back. Plus I asked if we were allowed to stay around when they came back. I don’t think one of those was answered.”

  Ceara smirked at him, “Well Alden said you found your balls… prove it, go confront him and get your answers.”

  Colt shook his head, “I ain’t got no problem asking.” He got up from the table and looked to Beth, “You coming?”

  Ceara laughed, “Scared?”

  Colt sighed, “No, just thought others might want the answers too.” He turned to go ask Alden his questions again.

  Heath grinned shaking his head at the group watching Colt walk away. “You all just don’t get it do you?”

  Charlie looked at him, “
Okay so enlighten us oh wise one.”

  Heath stood up. “Alden is former military. So if you want to know something you have to ask him in the right way.”

  “And just what is the right way?” Ceara blurted out.

  “Look, Colt wanted to know what he traded, right? Well seeing as how they left empty handed except for a case of toilet paper says he didn’t trade them anything yet? What Colt should have asked was something like this. What would a Cow or Chicken be worth? Or maybe even are we trading or bartering for things? See what I mean? By Alden not saying anything he gave Colt his answer.” Heath took a sip of tea and waited for what he said to sink in.

  Beth watched Colt as he made his way over to speak with Alden. She so wanted to stop him, but instead she sat there listening to what Heath and the others were saying. Heath had made a very good point. “Alden does have a way of presenting himself that may come off the wrong way to others. Heaven knows that he, at first, came across wrong to me but he actually is looking out for everyone I think.”

  Beth looked over to Ceara then Charlie, “Let me come at this a different way. Now I want you all to just listen. Alden has been through a lot of traumatic stuff throughout his life. Men like Alden over there, will make it through a life altering situation like the one we are in now. We are all alive, I would like to think because we found one another and we sure as hell got as far as we got and we are here safe now. A lot of that is due to being with Alden. Each one of us has broken down in one way or another to each other, and also to him. Has anyone ever taken a moment to think about what Alden has seen? What has he endured?”

  Beth took a quick sip of her tea looked over to Heath and continued, “You are right Heath. Alden is a very simple spoken man and we just need to remember that. We need to get right to the point with him. We can’t beat around the bush or dissect his answers when he gives them. Stray Eagle left with nothing more than toilet paper and they could’ve very well attacked us over the past days, if they had wanted to but they didn’t. We are not here to take from or harm anyone or anything like that. All we want is a chance to continue on living and hopefully ride this thing out cause if, by any chance, there is someone out there working on this…. well maybe we can last long enough to see it. Until then I sure in the hell don’t want to lose what I have right here in front of me right now. You all know what I mean. There is a roof over our heads, food in our bodies, and running hot water for crying out loud. If the Natives meant us any harm, Alden will know it before us, and then we will be right there to back him. However, being on the defensive all the time is not how we stick together on this.”


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