Book Read Free

The Girls Club

Page 6

by Jackie Coupe

  Halfway round the world. That’s all. Find peace. Strength. Friends. Love?

  And the thoughts followed her down into a short but deep dream. She had the distinct feeling she was Rocky Balboa. She was definitely in a boxing ring and the crowds of people watching were all women. There were jeering faces, smiling faces, a few winks. Her opponent had so far kept a back to her, the opponent was wearing a green silk hooded top with gold piping.

  Ding! Her opponent shucked the hoody top off and turned to face her, it was Sarah Steiger!

  “Love your friends…let’s ROCK!”

  And as Sarah loomed large in her field of vision she looked down and saw that rather than being clad in boxing gloves, her hands were tied at the wrists.

  She called out, “Hey! Hey, lemme out, OI, OI!”


  The dream disappeared. And while she didn’t remember the contents of it much during the following day she had a nagging sense of unease about the early morning events she had been part of. Demi? Where was she now and what about the ’beef brigade’ that had marched off with her?

  “Karen. Come through. I’ve got something that needs to go to Preston’s” A lead ball filled her stomach. She thought perhaps some kind of Gay APB had been put out on her. That she had shown red against one of theirs and they would have at her when she showed her face.

  Dig these interesting times we’re living in my friend.

  Shit fire.

  Tap, tap.

  “Come in”

  Ask her.

  Sarah looked at her openly though, disarmingly.

  “You don’t have to worry you know.”

  “Me. Nah”

  “What happened earlier is of no consequence now. Sit down a minute”

  She went over and sat at the big chair in front of Sarah like a naughty school girl.


  “No. Thank you, I quit smoking”

  “Oh yes, I remember you saying.” she stuck one on her own mouth and chewed it a moment.

  “Hmm. The thing with Demi has been going on a while. It was inevitable that it would come to some grisly conclusion”


  “Rosh did her bit, Demi didn’t. Demi could never handle our equivalent of the office ‘dork’ stopped her from getting on. Demi wanted to be a top scorer and although given time she could have made her way again she decided to get nasty about it.”

  Ask her where she is.

  “Demi has been shown the error of her ways”


  “Its safe to say we won’t be seeing any more of her round here.”

  The lead ball that had been sat in her stomach had rolled downwards and now seemed to be crushing her bladder. She couldn’t warrant what she was hearing. It was like, well, gangsters, ruffians, ‘won’t be seeing any more of her round here’, sounded pretty fucking final.

  “When you go to Prestons no one is going to bring this up with you. Not one. I’ve got Miss Smythe’s word on that. Demi broke the rules. Now she’s had to leave LA.”

  Is that a pretty big fucking ‘phew’ we feel?

  Now it made sense. They had run her out of town. She felt silly and smiled.

  “That’s the spirit. Now get your ass over there now with the file. You can drop it at reception and I need a signature on this” She took the file and the notary.

  “You thought we did something more, well, sinister to her?”

  “Ahhh” she let her blush say the rest.

  “You’ll hear many bad things about lawyers. And lesbians.” She got up and put an arm round Karen’s back, bracing her towards the door.

  “Lawyer lesbians are the fucking worst. But we’re not killers. I tell you what. I need to fill you in on some stuff and I’ve been neglecting you since you got here. Dinner. Saturday. 8”



  And before she could make herself look any more foolish or empty headed she heard her mouth say, ‘sure thing’, and then the doors whispered shut behind her. What was it Rosh had said? Something about the higher ups on the Chain calling on you if they wanted something?

  Or it might just really be because she wants to fill you in on some stuff. Preferably before you go to the FBI and tell the about the raving lesbo lawyers and their heavy handed tactics.

  But that was the boring explanation and for about a minute she let herself believe the dream. A Sarah Steiger sandwich.


  “Awesome indeed” she muttered on her way out the door. She’d talk to Rochelle when she got back about it. Rochelle would no doubt have her stood back on planet earth soon enough. For the duration of her visit to the Prestons and back again she would believe it to be a date.

  What was the harm?

  It was sure as shit better than that freaky receptionist with the glow white teeth.

  She shivered.

  No. That wasn’t a happy thought.

  The walk to Prestons was a 20 minute job. It was long enough to get her blood pumping and her mind off doing other things. They had eaten a token sandwich and now she was eating a pickle off Sarah’s navel in her mind. It was a testament to the elasticity of her imagination. Up ‘til about a month before she had never dared sleep with a woman. Now it felt like coming home. Only problem was she wanted it to be Sarah’s home. She was hot stuff alright. Clever. Pretty. Friendly.

  Seconds out…

  A flash of the dream. There and gone just as quickly. She thought about hooded tops and things not always being like they seemed on the surface.

  She would have to buy something nice to wear!

  Rosh had said she’d take her shopping and show her around before. Maybe now was the time to take her up on the offer.

  Prestons was a beautiful building. But not as nice as Tarkingtons. She rode the elevator up to their floor and stepped out to be greeted by a receptionist that in a ‘Twilight Zone’ kinda way could have been Carolyn’s evil twin. Was it a pre-requisite of being a receptionist to have big hair and scary glowing teeth?

  “Aww. You’re from Barkingtons?” There was no mistaking the acidity in her expression but Karen ignored the remark.

  “summat like that. Here. Sign this for me would you sweetness?” Karen grinned.

  “The British bulldog no less, their new toy. Did you know that Demi has left LA? In fear for her life? Talked about her at your office have they? Ever meet her?” Karen would ignore her litany entirely.

  We can ride this out. Turn up the charm.

  “The bottom copy is for me to take back. What pretty teeth you have. Catalogue?”

  The ice maidens chiselled grin faltered. She scratched her name across the carbon and tossed the flimsy back at Karen.

  “Why thank you. Hope you have a nice day” Her heart was hammering but her glib statement had just the right amount of ‘macheesemo’ to curdle the receptionist even further.

  She pressed for the lift to come back and cursed it for having been gone when she stepped back to the doorway. She didn’t want to have her back to this woman but knew Sarah’s words to be true. She had nothing to fear. Sarah Steiger had explained the way things worked to a small degree. Maybe the receptionist here was a ‘Demi’ fan. So what? Maybe she should have cautioned Demi to be a little more careful about beating up on people.

  It wasn’t quite a sigh of relief when the lift doors opened, but she did feel better with a closed door between her and the second quirky receptionist she had met of late.

  Good Lord. Passions certainly run high round these parts.

  Karen guessed that sexual happiness meant a lot to these ladies. She was coming to see why too. Guarded high stakes. Vested interests. Good sex. Hot women.

  You gonna let some high tits receptionist with day glow teeth disrupt your happy ‘Sarah’ thoughts?

  She had Sarah’s breast in between her lips before her feet hit the sidewalk. It was an altogether more palatable daydream to have. So what about Demi? Who ca
red? It was an odd interlude that’s all. And if she got her way, she was going to have an ‘odd interlude’ with Miss Steiger. She hoped ‘Office Relations’ would live up to it’s name.

  The walk back passed quickly enough. The slight unease she’d felt at first because of the ruck she’d had with the receptionist at Prestons faded into tones of pink. It wasn’t in her to worry today. Miss Steiger. Yum.

  So Demi been made to leave LA. That was nothing at all to do with Karen. Secretly she was mollified in finding out that Demi had left. Thinking of the beefy ladies she had feared the worst for the dark haired bruiser. But at that silly time in the morning all manner of daft things seemed possible.

  Taking care of business. That’s all she should concern herself with.

  Miss Steiger? How ‘bout a raise?

  That was such a ‘guy’ thing to say and Karen smiled at her foolishness.

  Demi was forgotten about by the time she got back to Tarkingtons.

  Back at her desk where she had a huge pile of notes to compile she looked up as Sky came wandering in. Her purpose wasn’t clear but what was clear was the fact that she needed to talk.

  Love your friends?

  Bet yer arse!

  “Hiya. You alright?”

  Sky sat on Karen’s desk.

  The eyebrow of judgement rose about half an inch. Sky opened her legs to show the flimsiest lace thong she had ever seen, not like she was trying to look, Sky had parked herself right there front and centre.

  “Er, ey now” Sky put a hand on Karen’s shoulder and scooped her head down to kiss her.

  Karen responded, more out of shock than anything.


  “Shush” Sky took her by the cuff of her shirt and started to lead her to the back office. The den of inequity, where crimes of passion were committed.


  She stopped in her tracks.

  Sky turned to look at her, a playful smile on her face.

  “Its ok you know. I need to talk to you”

  Karen felt heat in her stomach, she didn’t think she’d ever held a conversation that looked as horny as this was apt to be.

  Is this you now? Is this really. You came here to find love remember?

  Maybe this is love. Just more honest.

  At times her mind needed a little correction that was all.

  Sky was a very pretty girl. No doubt about it. Much better looking than Minnie and higher up on the Chain too if this mornings stats were anything to go by. This was her privilege, on the Chain you were meat for the higher-ups, but maybe being meat would be good for her. After years of emotional stagnancy every living thing she touched passed its own unique warmth. Everything was exploration and discovery.

  She turned over the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the knob and closed the door quietly.

  Karen had been in here a few times for files and ledgers. She guessed it was kept well cleaned, no real trace or smell of what went on in here was widely evident. There was a large table that had a drop cloth over it, some kind of chenille she guessed. It always looked clean and fresh. It also looked very cosy.

  “Minnie goes on about you” Sky said from next to the table.

  Karen looked down at her sensible shoes.

  “I’m sorry” what else could she say? It was a misplaced infatuation.

  “Don’t be” Sky tossed her blonde curls back from her face and in the dim light looked every inch a brazen Goddess.

  How do you play this?

  However she wants to. Simple as that.



  “Come on. Sit” She hopped onto the large table and patted the space beside her. Her hand bore a mark. Vastly outdated if she since re-entered the chain. Karen wondered what hers would be eventually and walked across the room to where Sky sat. Emotionally this wasn’t going to be an investment, physically she was feeling all kinds of excitement. She was far more of a beauty than Minnie, she deserved better.

  She hopped up on the table and kicked her shoes off.

  Sky’s smile curved up on the left side and she slid a hand in between the buttons of Karen’s shirt. Karen responded with a kiss. There was no sense of hurry. It was altogether different than being with Minnie. Sky had placed her down on the desk and sat beside her. Just looking. Undoing buttons and catches. Her face so serious. This was a sacred act to Sky. She had to ask the question before anything final was carried out.

  “Why? I thought Minnie was your partner?”

  Sky pulled Karen’s grey slacks down and tossed them off the end of the table.

  Rather than answer she slid Karen’s embarrassingly simple white panties down, they also ended up on the floor.

  “Really?” Karen insisted.

  “I love my friends. Always have. Minnie isn’t ever going to settle down.”

  She placed two fingers against Karen’s clitoris, Karen gasped.

  “Maybe I need to be loved. Maybe you?”

  Structured questioning had left the room. She was being manipulated very masterfully by Sky. In the quiet minutes that followed Sky saw Karen climax twice in a row. As Karen shuddered the second time Sky started to cry.

  Oh dear God? Are they all mad!

  Catching her breath she manhandled Sky down onto the desk.

  “I might not be the one who loves you either? You know that don’t you?” she felt cat mean saying it, but just as she herself had chosen to feel rather than think, she couldn’t expect the same of Sky.

  Sky shook her head sorrowfully. Tears rolled down each cheek, Karen bent and kissed them away. Sky couldn’t or perhaps wouldn’t answer.

  You make this better then. Right now!

  “But that doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy.” Karen went to work on making Sky feel better. She didn’t think for a second she had the same skill or knowledge as Sky did but using roughly the same technique she’d used on Minnie, (heartless cow), she rubbed her thumb against Sky’s clitoris, with her other hand she undid Sky’s shirt and began to nibble her breasts and suck at her nipples.

  Sky looked a little shocked. She hadn’t really expected to feel much, her heart was broken, her emotions jangled. Taking a subconscious note from Karen’s book she turned off the run of her thoughts. She felt instead. Had Karen known she would have applauded the sentiment.

  Karen could only make her climax once. But the look on Sky’s face was enough. She hadn’t thought it possible. Emotionally bent out of shape as she was.

  Karen hopped off the table and bent back over Sky. She kissed her hard.

  “Listen. She’s not right for you.”

  Sky sat up and pulled her shirt round her, “But I LOVE HER!” And she broke out into sobs. Karen put her panties back on and scooped Sky into her arms. They sat that way for a while. Sky wailing against Karen’s exposed bra wetting the cup.

  They are. All of them. Crazy.

  Love your friends. Live by the credo. It’s the best club you’ve ever been in.

  “Was it alright?” Sky sobbed and Karen was taken aback by this.

  “Do you think Minnie doesn’t love you because of the way you make love?”

  Sky didn’t answer.

  “Sky” she lifted her chin so Sky’s eyes met hers.

  “I enjoyed that very much” and then she hugged her. The sincerity in her voice must have calmed Sky a little. She kissed Karen again.

  “Thank you, crazy Brit” her face lightened.

  “Anytime” she picked her pants back up, with a mental curse she saw they looked creased to shit. People were gonna know what they had been up to.

  “Anytime? Really?” There was a teasing lilt in Sky’s voice.

  “Yeah.” and to her horror she knew it to be true. If Sky wanted her again to help her feel better then she would do what she could.

  Just as Sky went to the door she turned to look at Karen again, “I’m glad you’re here. I enjoyed it too” she came back to Karen and planted a rather chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth
. Then she was gone.

  Do you think your eyebrow could get any higher?

  It wasn’t on the cards when she woke up today that she was going to spend a sinful hour in the back room with a pretty little girl.

  “I love LA!” she raised both arms in a victory gesture.

  For the duration of the hour she hadn’t thought about Sarah Steiger. Skylar had been that good.

  Be careful. Regular sex might make you happy now, but remember the long term plan.

  Long term was out the window for the moment. She was thinking about shopping whilst she got washed up in the toilets. She was thinking about looking her damn sharpest when she took Miss Steiger out.

  She invited you, dickhead.

  That was even better!

  Where was Rochelle? Easiest thing in the world, she’d send her an internal email.

  Carolyn was sat behind Karen’s desk when she turned the corner.

  “Hiya sweetie”

  Be still my beating heart. No. Really.

  “Hello, how are you?”

  “Oh fine” she stood up to let Karen sit down.

  “Just wondering when we get our time together”

  Don’t think about dead kittens or week old tuna sandwiches left on radiators.

  This had to be done. Simple as that.

  “When do you fancy?”

  “I’m free this weekend”


  “I’d love to…”, gargle broken glass, “…but I have plans for Saturday. Some other time maybe” Like never you frosty snatched day glow Queen?

  “How about Friday then?”

  How ‘bout your flaps dropping off you syphilitic old wheeze.

  “Sounds great. What time do you want to be picked up?” And dropped off the fucking bridge you freakish cooze.

  “I’ll be ready at 8”

  I’ll bring the garlic.

  “I can’t wait”

  Bet you can’t you dry fucking cunt.

  “Me too!”

  And she was gone. The afterglow warmth of her office interlude with Sky was now ruined. She would get to see Sarah sure. If Carolyn left anything of her behind after digestion, she’d heard black widows ate their mates after sex.

  It wasn’t constructive and it wasn’t going to make the evening go any better or quicker. She had found the one person she had met she couldn’t for the life of her stand. And she was going to have to do the nasty to her.


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