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Crazy Fast Love (Crazy Love Series Book 2)

Page 10

by MF Isaacs

  I couldn’t even gather enough strength to do anything but pass out. Thankfully she passed out with me, so there were no hurt feelings.

  We woke up early enough to sneak her back into her dorm room without Hannah noticing she’d been gone. I wasn’t prepared to leave her, thankfully my dad was prepared for that to happen. When I dropped her off at her dorm, I sat in the parking lot and called my dad. It only took two seconds for him to tell me that he had things covered at work and he would see me tomorrow. After hanging up I got to work planning our first date.

  I knew I could have called Hannah, but this was just for Sierra and me. I didn’t need help in the planning process, I just needed help in the distracting others process. I wasn’t sure which brother was going to be more helpful. I had to double check with Sierra to see which brother knew most about us.

  Me: Miss you already. Quick question, have you talked to either of your brothers about us yet?

  My Girl: Yeah. Had dinner with Curtis last night and talked a lot about us.

  Me: Love you. You have class until noon, right?

  My Girl: Yeah. Then I have my Dr. appt. 12:30

  Me: Where is it?

  My Girl: On campus

  Me: Will you call me when done?

  My Girl: Of course! Gotta run. Love you.

  It was almost 7:30 now. I had approximately five hours to plan our first date. First things first, I need to check back into the hotel. Then I needed to shop. Presents, I needed to buy her presents.

  Four hours later, I had successfully shopped. I found the mall but rather than going in, I drove around to the stores that surrounded it. One parking lot and I was able to hit a sporting goods store, bed and bath store, antique store and book store. At the sporting goods store I got her new running gear; thankfully Steve knew her shoe size and preferred brand of gear. At the bed and bath store, I got her new comfy slipper shoes; the same ones my mom loves. I’ve seen girls wearing them with leggings so I don’t know if they are slippers or shoes, hopefully she’ll like them. I was just wasting time when I went into the antique store, I didn’t figure I would find anything that I thought she would like. I was wrong, I found an old silver ID bracelet with a scrolled S engraved. Finding the beautiful bracelet was cool, but then to pick it up and see the letter S engraved caused chills throughout my body. Last stop was the book store. I started out in the self-help relationship section and I ended up in the romantic comedy section. I found two women who, if I had to guess, were drinking something other than water in their fancy ass water bottles because they were giggling like twelve-year-old girls. I can’t complain, they took pity on me and helped guide me to a few of their favorites. I had 4 books: Pucked by Helena Hunting; Axel, Corps Security by Harper Sloan; Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds and Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss. One of the ladies looked at me with a completely straight face and said, “You know, all of these books are just the first in a series. If you really want her to love you, go get her kindle and down load the remaining books in each of those series. I guarantee if you do that, she will marry you, if not I can give you my number. I am currently married, but with a gift like that, I could very easily be persuaded to leave my husband.”

  Her friend smacked her in the arm and informed me, “No she won’t. She’s not leaving her husband, she’s married to my brother. Good luck. If she doesn’t like the books, I would reconsider whether she’s worth the time or effort.” They were giggling as they walked off. I wasn’t sure if I should be scared or thankful. I thought to myself, maybe I should read one before I give them to her.

  My last stop before heading back to the hotel was a greeting card store. Thankfully they offered a gift-wrapping service which I took full advantage of while I looked for a card that said all the right things. I couldn’t find one, so instead I bought one with a beautiful sunset on the outside that was blank on the inside. I figured I could just write what I wanted it to say.

  Back at the hotel I showered and prepared the room for when we returned from our date. Surprisingly, it took longer to shower than it did to write in her card. I propped the card up in between a couple of the presents before walking out to go get my girl.

  I still hadn’t told her I didn’t head home. Instead, I sent Curtis a text message letting him know I was in town to see her. We exchanged a few messages back and forth. He agreed to keep my presence a secret from Steve and Hannah. Which meant he had to claim responsibility for Sierra for the day. I reassured him I would gladly cover his responsibility. I kept myself from telling him I would gladly take over the responsibility for the rest of my life, instead I told him I had to be back to working tomorrow at noon, so I would see that she made it to her first class before heading out.

  I timed it perfectly, I was standing outside the clinic when she walked out. She was busy looking at her phone, which I assume she’d had on silent while she was in with the doctor. I knew she got my message when her head popped up and she started frantically looking around.

  Me: I couldn’t leave. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done. Can I please take you on our first official date?

  She smiled the smile that makes my knees weak when her eyes found me. I stepped toward her and she launched herself into my arms. This time, unlike last night, I was completely aware of our surroundings. Instead of holding her by the ass, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her to me. I didn’t realize she was crying until I felt the tears on my neck and shoulder. I didn’t bother trying to ask her questions, I just kept her in my arms and carried her to my truck. I carefully loaded her in, then quickly ran around to the driver side where I took hold of her hand as soon as I climbed in beside her.

  It took less than a minute for me to realize I didn’t care about the date I planned. I didn’t want to take her out in public, I wanted to go straight back to the hotel room where I could hold her while she cried. Where I could hold her while she told me why she was crying. Where I could hold her until it was all better. Before I pulled out of the parking lot I asked her if she had already eaten lunch. While still crying, she admitted she hadn’t eaten. After hearing that, I decided to head toward a taco truck I had seen at the edge of campus when I pulled in. I didn’t figure she would feel much like sitting in a restaurant, nor would she want typical fast food. I pulled in along-side the taco truck and told her to wait while I got us some lunch.

  I pretty much ordered one of everything. The food off these things was always amazing, usually cheap, and never enough to fill me up. She jumped out of the truck to help me when she caught sight of me with the three bags of food and one bag of bottled drinks. I could see the tears had dried, but her eyes were still red and puffy. She climbed back into the truck and I handed her the food bags and set the bag full of drinks on the floorboard by her feet. Once I was back in the truck, I finally told her why I was still there and what I had been planning. “Obviously, I didn’t head home today. I called my dad after I dropped you off this morning. Apparently, he figured that would happen and already had my work shift covered. I spent today planning a date, a real date for the two of us. I already let Curtis know, so nobody will be looking for you. I hadn’t been planning on taking you back to the hotel this early, because I was afraid if we went there we wouldn’t leave the bed; we probably wouldn’t even talk much either. But Honey, I hadn’t expected for you to be this emotional. At this point, I want you to decide whether we carry on with the date or if we take our lunch back to the hotel.”

  The tears started again as I was talking. My heart rate increased at the sight of her tears. I didn’t want her to feel bad about crying, but I really had no clue what to do about all the tears. Growing up with Hannah, she didn’t cry very often so when she did it was super uncomfortable to be around. I haven’t known Sierra all that long, but I’ve seen or heard her cry more in the last couple of weeks than I have seen or heard from Hannah in the last couple of years. “I don’t know what you had planned, but there is a nice park about 3 miles south of campus that is usua
lly quiet. Maybe we could go there to eat, then make a decision about the rest.”

  After telling her that was perfect, she told me how to get there. She was right. The place was empty, which I would guess had to do with the temperature outside along with the fact that it was the middle of the day so kids were likely still in school. Neither of us were really dressed warm enough to spend much time outside, but it didn’t stop us from trying. She didn’t eat much and I ate fast, so we weren’t out there very long.

  With food in our bellies and the heat blasting in the truck, I turned to her and saw a completely different version of the woman I love. The tears were gone, the puffy eyes were no longer puffy, and she was smiling. I still wanted her to be the decision maker, just because the tears were gone didn’t mean the emotions weren’t sitting right there under the surface. “What would you like to do? I was hopeful that I could surprise you with our first official date, but so far things haven’t gone according to plan. I can let you know what I’d planned and you can tell me one way or the other if it is something you want to do.”

  “I’m sorry to ruin our first date. Did you plan something that can be rescheduled?” I could hear the sadness in her voice as she asked the question.

  “Of course. We can do it anytime. It doesn’t have to be done today. Do you want to just head back to the hotel?” I didn’t want to do something if she wasn’t going to enjoy it.

  “If that’s okay. I just don’t want to ruin the date by being over emotional. Maybe I’m just tired and need a nap.” I could see she had already visibly relaxed at the idea that she didn’t have to be seen in public.

  With the decision made, we ran back to her dorm so she could grab another change of clothes. She also left another message for my sister so she wouldn’t worry. I waited in the truck on the off-chance Hannah showed up at their room. I felt bad avoiding her but I really didn’t want to share my time with Sierra. Maybe after we’ve had more time alone I’ll feel differently about sharing her.

  When I saw Sierra heading toward my truck, I got out and opened her door. This time, I pulled her into my body and kissed her hard before helping her into the truck. I didn’t mean to start anything, I just needed her to feel what I do. She didn’t ask any questions which told me she did feel it.

  Once back at the hotel I checked in with the concierge to see if he could get us a couples massage. He took our room number and let us know someone would be by the room with bathrobes and information on our appointments. Just like that, our first date was back to being more than just getting in bed together. We made our way to our room and before either of us could flop down on the bed, there was a knock on the door. The bathrobes were still warm and the delivery guy let us know they had two masseuses that would be up in approximately twenty minutes.

  I had never had a professional massage before, I’d tried once but ended up having sex with the masseuse instead. Ever since then, I have been hesitant to get one. I figured the whole couples aspect of this would prevent the masseuse from coming onto me. It was a real kick in the gut when I opened the door and found two men standing there with the portable massage tables. Sierra blushed the second she caught sight of the two guys. I’m not sure why the fuck she was blushing but it wasn’t making this any easier for me.

  It took them a few minutes to get the tables set up. The taller of the two instructed us we could be completely naked under our robes or we could strip down to our underwear, whichever we were more comfortable with. I took Sierra by the hand and led her to the bathroom. Once locked inside I began undressing myself, I was standing in my boxers before she had even taken her top off. Finally, I looked at her and she was suddenly nervous. I raised a questioning eyebrow at which point she told me, “I have to get naked, I am only wearing a thong.” At which point she showed me what she was wearing, it was bad either way. I didn’t like the thought of either of those guys touching her while she was naked nor did I like the thought of either of them seeing her in the sexiest fucking thing I have ever had the privilege of seeing. She made the final decision, to go naked.

  A few minutes later we were both face down on the most comfortable portable massage tables ever. Sierra was snoring within minutes and I wasn’t too far behind her. The massages lasted 45 minutes, when the two guys were finished Sierra moved from the table to the bed where she promptly passed right back out. I tipped both guys very well. Despite my initial reservation about them touching Sierra they were both truly professionals that did what they could to make us both feel comfortable.

  I only let her sleep for a few minutes because I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. I knew she was naked under the robe and I wanted to feel her nakedness. I wanted to touch her and I wanted her hands on me. So, before she could really crash, I slid into the bed behind her and wrapped myself around her. Before I could get too comfortable or too horny, she turned so we were face to face. She pushed me onto my back and snuggled into my side, draping one leg over mine and resting her cheek on my bare chest. She fit there perfectly, our bodies were made to fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

  She ran her fingers up and down my abs. Normally, her touching me like that would turn me on to the point of no return, this time it calmed me in ways I have never felt before. I imagine she could feel my body respond because she began talking shortly after the calmness took over my body. “I thought I was going into my appointment today with an open mind. I thought I knew what was going to happen. I thought I was prepared. Reality wasn’t close to what I thought was going to happen. By the time it was all said and done, it was determined by the doctor that I have PTSD that was never dealt with from losing my parents and sister. The loss of my grandma probably added to it. The hardship of last year followed by the loss of my grandpa tipped me further into it. They gave me several options in terms of medication, but when I also requested birth control the doctor back tracked on some of the options. I almost got the impression that he didn’t want to prescribe two medications at the same time. He gave me several options to choose from for counseling. I opted to wait on the anti-depressants until after I try counseling. They gave me birth control that I can start taking as soon as I start my next period. I was feeling overwhelmed and seeing you standing there just allowed me to let go for a bit.” At that admission, her tears came back, softly this time. “I haven’t had that freedom to feel my feelings in a long time. I know my brothers would do anything for me if I asked. It has taken almost 5 months for them to accept me crying. I didn’t used to cry like this, but ever since we lost grandpa it has gotten worse.”

  Before I responded I pulled her even closer to my body while rubbing my hand up and down her back. “Can I confess?” I felt her nod her head against my chest, “I used to call for my mom anytime Hannah would cry when I was around. I didn’t know what to say or do. I don’t know that much has changed, I don’t know what to say or do when you cry either. But I do know I would do anything to make it better for you and I never want to walk away from you when you are crying. I want to be your safe place, the place to cry when you are sad, the place you celebrate when you are happy, the place you always feel unconditional love and acceptance. I’ve said it before, I know it’s crazy how fast I fell for you, but it’s true. I am crazy in love you with Sierra. The happy times, the sad times, and all the times in between.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I haven’t felt this kind of love and acceptance since my mom was alive. I know my brothers would do anything to protect me and I know they love me, but sometimes it feels like I am more of an obligation than something they actually want. That makes them sound like bad guys and they aren’t, I promise. But I know if it weren’t for me being here, Curtis would transfer or drop out in a heartbeat. At this point, I know I am an after-thought for Steve. Please don’t think I am complaining about that, because I’m not. I want the relationship he’s building with Hannah to be strong and last forever; I don’t however, want to be the third wheel simply because he feels the need to be protective of me.�
�� She turned until her chin was resting on my chest and she was looking at me directly. She began speaking again once she made eye contact with me, “I am 98% sure I am going to drop out after the semester. If it weren’t for Hannah, I would drop out today. But I don’t want to leave her in the middle of the semester and have her get a late transfer roommate. You know what late transfers mean right? They tried a different school and didn’t like it so they transfer here. I would hate for Hannah to get stuck with one of them. If she knows now, she can request a single room for next semester. Curtis isn’t going to be shocked but Steve is going to have issues with it. I don’t care though. I will figure something out. Sorry, now I’m just rambling.”

  “Honey, you don’t have to apologize. I will always listen. Okay that’s not true, I will always try to listen.” She chuckled with me, which was what I was hoping for. I know she is still putting a lot of pressure on herself and honestly, I hate knowing she is doing it. “Do you think going to counseling is going to change your opinion?”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t think anything could change my mind. Maybe I’ll be ready in a few years to do the school thing, but until then I really think I should start figuring out what I am going to do.” Her eyes were no longer connected with mine, now they were darting up and down my chest and abs. She slowly traced her lips with her tongue and seeing the wet pinkness circling her plump lips was too much. My cock was hard within seconds. There was no hiding it, it was standing proud trying to get her attention. She started by using her tongue to trace a path for her mouth to follow. When she sucked hard on my small right nipple I reached for her ass.

  Before she would allow me to move her she asked, “Have you ever considered getting your nipples pierced?” I was too turned on to have a conversation with her so I simply grunted before pulling her leg all the way across my body so she was straddling me. She was already slick with arousal and quickly lined herself up with my hard cock. She didn’t go slow, she slammed herself down hard and fast, before slowly lifting and repeating the process. Before we reached the brink, she lifted off me and slid down between my legs. She ran her pink wet tongue from the base of my cock all the way to the tip where she circled and then flicked her tongue. She wasn’t shy about taking as much as she could, when I hit the back of her throat and she gagged, she pulled back for a second before trying again. I couldn’t get enough of her mouth making love to my cock. I finally sat up enough to reach her knee, once I got hold of her I quickly had her pussy in my face while she continued licking and sucking my cock.


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