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Crazy Fast Love (Crazy Love Series Book 2)

Page 17

by MF Isaacs

  I watched as her body went limp from the force of her orgasm. I didn’t want to pull out, I wanted to stay deep inside her, but I knew she was exhausted. I also knew that tomorrow is the day, the day I ask her to marry me.

  I cleaned her up and tucked her in. I openly kissed her, knowing she would be able to still taste herself on my lips. I don’t know what it is about knowing she can taste herself that turns me on, but it does. She put a halt to taking it any further when she couldn’t keep her eyes open. I let her sleep knowing that we had a big day tomorrow.

  I love to cook, so I was looking forward to spending the day with Amy in the kitchen. She quickly let me know that I wasn’t allowed to let Hannah do anything other than set the table, but that I couldn’t actually tell Hannah. Apparently, nobody has informed her that she can’t cook. Poor Steve.

  As the only living female in my family, it’s been my responsibility to cook Thanksgiving dinner for a couple of years. This year I was thankful I didn’t have to do it alone. My thankfulness increased when Amy didn’t ask if I wanted to pull the gizzards and neck out of the turkey. I’d done it several times before, but for some reason the sight of the turkey with her arm up its butt made me dry heave. Thankfully she was busy, elbow deep in turkey butt, she missed me bolting to the bathroom. I emptied my stomach and sat on the bathroom floor wondering if the test was wrong. I quickly cleaned myself up and sprayed the bathroom spray to cover the nasty smell of puke. Back in the kitchen, Amy announced everything was ready or in the oven. We had opted to have the guys deep fry the turkey so we had about a half hour before they needed to drop it in the oil.

  I jumped in the shower and then called all the girls to get ready. I couldn’t wait to get my hands, literally, on Callie. She didn’t usually wear much makeup and she wore her hair pretty simple. So I was dying to give her a makeover, then watch Curtis and Will squirm. Amy even let me fix her up. When Hannah asked if I wanted her to do mine, I quickly understood where Amy was coming from. I didn’t want to tell Hannah she wasn’t any good at doing hair and makeup.

  We timed it perfectly, just as I was putting the finishing touches on my own makeup, Luke yelled that dinner was ready. Hannah acted like her pants were on fire, she darted down to the guys without waiting for the rest of us. Callie was next, I wish I could have seen Curtis and Will when they saw her, but I knew even if I had gone ahead of her, Cal wasn’t going to let me watch them. I didn’t even make it all the way into the room before Cal was standing before me. It’s a good thing there are no little kids or pets, because I am pretty sure he would have run them over while trying to get to me. His words of admiration were spoken loud enough for everyone to hear. I couldn’t help the pink that made its way across my cheeks.

  Luke announced again that dinner was ready. We all made our way to the dining room table, which was set beautifully with the crystal and china. Luke took the head of the table with Amy to his left, Cal took the other end of the table and maneuvered me to be sitting to his left. Instantly, my heart warmed at the thought that I have a place at their table. It had been so many years since I sat at a table that was full. I owed this family so much, they have welcomed me and Steve as significant others, plus our other brother who is currently exploring an alternative relationship. They have welcomed us into their folds without reservations, which makes them pretty amazing.

  Hannah and Amy had forewarned me about the “I’m thankful for...” tradition that we’d all be expected to participate in. I’d already decided I was thankful for them, the whole family. It was an easy answer, but I was still a little nervous. I glanced around the table again, thinking to myself that I could easily say one thing I was thankful for about each and every person at the table. I was completely jolted from my thoughts when Cal cleared his throat and jerked my chair, turning it until I was facing him. It was in that moment I realized he was down on one knee. This was happening, my jaw dropped a little and the uncontrollable tears flowed.

  “Sierra, you are without a doubt the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to love you, protect you, and honor you. I want to make babies with you; build a life and a home with you. With a blessing from each of your brothers and from my parents, I am asking you: will you do me the honor of being my wife, will you marry me?”

  I was literally speechless. I couldn’t get the word to come out, so I did the next best thing. I turned into a damn bobble head, nodding up and down with extreme force. Our hands were shaking as he slid the ring on my finger. As he stood, the word broke free, louder than I’d ever spoken, “Yes!” Which made him chuckle, right before kissing me hard with everyone standing around watching. He pulled back resting his forehead against mine telling me with his eyes that he meant every word.

  Everyone gathered around hugging and kissing us; congratulating us, until Luke announced, once again, that dinner was ready. Conversation flowed all through dinner. Seriously, it was the best Thanksgiving I had ever had. It wasn’t until we were almost done eating that the table was quiet, it was then that I looked at the ring for the first time. It was then that I lost it. Steve and Curtis had been watching and waiting for me to notice. They knew how much it meant to me to wear my mom’s ring. They knew, and they made it happen. Steve and Curtis were on either side of me before anyone even noticed my tears. It was Curtis who spoke to the group, “Please, excuse us for just a minute. We’ll be right back.”

  Without words, the two of them escorted me out to the back patio by the pool. They took turns hugging me, letting me cry. Really, words weren’t necessary, but I had to ask, “Are you sure it’s okay if I use it?”

  It was Curtis who spoke first, “It is more than okay Sis. Mom would want you to wear it. When Calvin asked us permission, Steve and I talked about it and knew instantly that it was meant for you. We also gave him Mom’s dress. He didn’t look at it, Amy is holding it for you to try if you want.”

  That just made me cry more. Curtis finally released me, his arms were quickly replaced with those attached to Steve. “One more thing Sierra. It’s time to tell him about the money. I don’t think it’s going to make a single bit of difference for him. He loves you. But he deserves to know.” Steve waited for me to acknowledge what he’d said which I did with a nod. Then he continued, “When we agreed that the three of us would have to agree if one person wanted to tell someone about the money, we didn’t talk about any of us getting married. What I’m trying to say is, we haven’t talked about whether we should be asking people to sign a pre-nup.”

  Curtis spoke before I could gather my wits enough to respond. “She is not asking him to sign a fucking pre-nup. You going to have Hannah sign one?”

  “No. That isn’t what I was trying to say.” Sucking in a huge breath, he finished his thought, “I didn’t want to sound like a dick but apparently, it didn’t work. I was trying to tell her that I wouldn’t expect her to do that, because I sure as hell am not asking Hannah to sign one.”

  Curtis got quiet before he spoke again, I could see the agony in his eyes. “I’m not telling Will and Callie. I don’t know what is going to happen with us and I don’t want to expose myself in that way yet. That might make me a dick, but so be it. I will keep you both posted if I change my mind.”

  “I assumed it goes without saying that I will be telling Hannah at some point. I know it isn’t going to change anything but I think she should know.” Steve couldn’t help but smile each time he said her name. I hope they never lose that in their relationship.

  “Thank you. Both of you. I love you.” I wrapped an arm around each one as they each leaned in and kissed my head like always. “Let’s go back in before they do all the work without us.”

  We had just started to clear off the table when the three of them came back inside. I immediately abandoned the dish I was carrying and made my way to her. I could see her eyes were still puffy. I assumed she finally looked down at her hand and realized I’d given her the ring her mother wore. Steve and Curtis were certain it was the right th
ing to do. I believed them, but I needed her to know if she wanted me to buy her a brand-new ring, I would be happy to do it.

  Without words, I wrapped her in my arms, tucking her face into my chest and holding her there. It was Hannah who finally told us to get out of here. Which I didn’t need to be told twice. I pulled her into my bedroom because it was closest. Once inside, I sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled her until she was standing between my legs. I hugged around her middle and turned so my ear was resting right on her boobs, which allowed me to hear her heart beating.

  “I need you to know, I had already been ring shopping before your brothers gave me this one to give to you.” I was gently rubbing her ring finger, the same one I just put a ring on. “They were adamant that I use this one. They said it would be important to you. Please be honest with me, if you want me to get you a different one just tell me.”

  Despite tears rolling down her face, she was smiling. “I don’t want a new ring. I am an emotional mess because it means so much to me that my brothers believe in me, they believe in us enough to have given this to you. I don’t doubt us. And you know what Cal, since I’ve been here, I don’t doubt myself like I used to either. I can’t believe we’re getting married. I love you.”

  I lifted my head from its resting spot on her boobs and twisted to look up at her. “I will never doubt you Babe.”

  “What would you say if I said I doubt that the pregnancy test was right?” I bit my bottom lip waiting for him to answer.

  He narrowed his eyes at me, “What do you mean? Are you saying you think it was wrong? You know I bought more than one, right? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

  “Calm down Babe. I wondered last night when I put that bikini on, my boobs were way bigger than they normally are. Then I was further convinced earlier when I had to run to the bathroom to puke when I saw your mom stick her hand up the turkey’s ass.” He didn’t even let me step back from his bed, he just scooped me up and took me into the bathroom that was connected to his room. He sat me on the counter and told me to stay like a damn dog. Lucky for him, I didn’t have anywhere else I wanted to be.

  He returned with the bag of tests. There were three left and he was opening all of them. I didn’t fight it, I simply pulled my pants down and proceeded to pee on all three tests. I sat each one on the box it came from. This time I told him, “Set a three-minute timer.” as I washed my hands.

  Once again, he pulled me into his arms. Holding me, whispering words that were only for me. He loves me. Positive or negative his love won’t change. When the timer beeped, we made eye contact, giving the other courage to look. Slowly we turned together, I saw the two lines first. Then I saw the word that couldn’t be misconstrued ‘pregnant’ at the sight I squealed like a little girl getting her very first American Girl doll. The tears arrived in a completely new fashion, they were the happiest fucking tears I’d ever cried.

  He picked me up and carried me to his bed where he gently arranged my body right where he wanted it. Once he was beside me, we stayed there face to face smiling like a bunch of idiots. It didn’t matter. He finally spoke, “how long is it going to take you to plan a wedding? If money isn’t an object, how quickly can you plan?”

  The mention of money reminded me that I needed to tell him. I didn’t want to have the conversation tonight. I wanted to focus on happy things. Wedding things. Baby things. “Wait….um. Damn it. Um. A couple of things really quick. If I can plan a wedding quickly, can we wait to tell everyone about the baby? Can we get through the first trimester before we tell everyone?”

  “You don’t want everyone to know?” I could instantly feel his disappointment at the thought that I didn’t want to tell everyone yet.

  “Can we at least wait until I’ve gone to the Dr. and have a blood test confirm the pregnancy. If we play our cards right, maybe we could tell everyone on Christmas. We could have t-shirts or something made that announces it.”

  He was still disappointed, but he finally agreed he wouldn’t tell anyone. I don’t know if he’ll be successful keeping it a secret. But I hope my next idea will distract him for a bit. “Prior to all this,” I waved my hand down the front of me, “or at least prior to knowing about all this,” again with the Vanna White wave down my body, “I planned a little get away for us. It’s next weekend. In Vegas. We leave a week from today.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You did what?”

  “Seriously, Hannah called your dad to make sure you could have the time off. Hannah and Steve are going as well.” I watched him process what I was telling him.

  “Are you good if we get married in Vegas? It doesn’t have to be by Elvis. I’m sure we could find a nice chapel. But only if you’re okay with it?” I could see the hope in his eyes.

  With zero hesitation, I made his day even better, “I’d marry you right here, right now. Since that isn’t an option, looks like I’ll have to marry you next weekend in Vegas.”

  My mouth crashed into his. It wasn’t sexual, it was pure affection and love. He jumped up from the bed before announcing, “I get to tell everyone that, right?” I couldn’t help it, I just laughed as he darted out of the room and announced to the whole house, “We’re getting married in Vegas! Next weekend!”

  The next hour was pure craziness. Everyone had an opinion, thankfully none of them were opposed to our Vegas wedding idea. Calvin and Hannah sat side by side looking at all the different options on his laptop. I got up to get something to drink and reassured him that I would be happy with whatever he picked.

  Amy followed me into the kitchen where she quietly reminded me, “I have your mom’s wedding dress hanging in my closet. Do you want to take a minute to try it on, see if it’s what you want to wear?” I nodded knowing my voice would betray my true feelings.

  I was nervous that seeing the dress would make me cry like I did when I realized I was wearing my mom’s engagement ring. Amy removed the dress from the garment bag and carefully hung it on the hook hanging over her closet door. When she stepped back allowing me to see the full dress, I was shocked that I didn’t have a reaction. I had a mixture of guilt and a little sadness that I wasn’t immediately in love with the idea of wearing it. Amy must have sensed my feelings because she sounded apprehensive when she suggested, “Why don’t you try it on. You might love the way it looks on. Sierra, nobody expects you to wear this dress, so if you don’t like it, you don’t have to wear it.” She smiled as she spoke, unknowingly giving me permission to want my own dress.

  I stepped into her huge walk in closet and changed into my mom’s wedding dress. I called her in once I was ready to be zipped up. She reminded me there was a full-length mirror outside her closet. I made my way to the mirror, while she stood off to the side watching me as I got a glimpse of myself for the first time. It was clear that I didn’t get my naturally small boobs from my mom, the dress was made for C cups or bigger. It was a very pretty, vintage style lace dress, but it just wasn’t me. It was like Amy and I had one mind, because at the exact same time we both said, “It’d fit Hannah perfectly.” It made me giggle and Amy smile. It confirmed what I assumed the second I saw the dress, it wasn’t what I wanted to wear.

  “Do you think it would be okay to look for a new dress? If I can’t find one, I could still wear this.” In that moment, I was thankful to have her there with me. This was such a mother-daughter moment and she was quickly fulfilling the role in my life.

  “Of course! That sounds like a perfect plan. I know you and Hannah had crazy shopping plans for tomorrow, but I’d venture to guess bridal shops won’t be nearly as crazy as Target. Plus, we could sleep in if we skip Target.” Sleep, that was reason enough for me. Apparently, just knowing I was pregnant made me even more tired.

  “I’m game, we just have to convince Hannah.” We did just that, after putting my mom’s dress back where it had been.

  When I saw Sierra walking down the hall with my mom, I figured she was going to try on her mom’s dress. I was surprised when they came out so q
uickly after going in. I saw how emotional she got when she discovered the ring, I guess I expected the same thing to happen with the dress.

  I could see my girl was exhausted. She hadn’t gotten to nap today; plus she spent a good portion of the day in the kitchen. I hadn’t made any decisions on the wedding, I needed her to help me make the decisions, not Hannah. When she walked over to where Hannah and I were still sitting side by side, I reached out for her and guided her to my lap. She relaxed like a rag doll as soon as my arm went around her back. I kissed her jaw before wrapping my arm around her shoulder so I could tuck her closer to my body.

  She broached my sister carefully, “Do you think we could go dress shopping tomorrow?”

  Hannah responded without taking even a second to think about it, “Of course we’re dress shopping tomorrow.”

  “Instead, um, instead of going to Target?” and that was the reason she sounded nervous. Hannah had been talking for weeks about hitting Target for black Friday.

  Hannah could have gotten whiplash from how quickly she turned to look at Sierra. The second her gaze landed on the clearly exhausted Sierra, the wind in her sail died. “We can skip Target. Probably not a good idea to risk injury a week before your wedding. Besides, none of these fools need Christmas presents anyway.”

  The complaints from those in the room echoed. Hannah laughed before telling everyone that she’d been doing her shopping for weeks.

  The girls ironed out their plans for the morning before I carried Sierra down to her room. Her sleepy smile almost made my knees buckle. I knew I was a lucky son of a bitch. I knew I probably didn’t deserve the happiness I felt knowing that she was going to be my wife. I knew I would spend the rest of my life treating her like a queen. Once in her room, I gently stood her up before I made quick work of removing her clothes.


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