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Paul the Peddler; Or, The Fortunes of a Young Street Merchant

Page 13

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  The next day Mrs. Hoffman commenced work upon Mr. Preston's shirts. Sheworked with much more cheerfulness now that she was sure of obtaining aliberal price for her labor. As the shirts were of extra size, she foundherself unable to finish one in a day, as she had formerly done, buthad no difficulty in making four in a week. This, however, gave her fivedollars weekly, instead of a dollar and a half as formerly. Now, fivedollars may not seem a very large sum to some of my young readers, butto Mrs. Hoffman it seemed excellent compensation for a week's work.

  "If I could only earn as much every week," she said to Paul on Saturdayevening, "I should feel quite rich."

  "Your work will last three weeks, mother, and perhaps at the end of thattime some of Mr. Preston's friends may wish to employ you."

  "I hope they will."

  "How much do you think I have made?" continued Paul.

  "Six dollars."

  "Seven dollars and a half."

  "So between us we have earned over twelve dollars."

  "I wish I could earn something," said little Jimmy, looking up from hisdrawing.

  "There's time enough for that, Jimmy. You are going to be a great artistone of these days."

  "Do you really think I shall?" asked the little boy, wistfully.

  "I think there is a good chance of it. Let me see what you are drawing."

  The picture upon which Jimmy was at work represented a farmer standingupright in a cart, drawn by a sturdy, large-framed horse. The copybore a close resemblance to the original, even in the most difficultportions--the face and expression, both in the man and the horse, beingcarefully reproduced.

  "This is wonderful, Jimmy," exclaimed Paul, in real surprise. "Didn'tyou find it hard to get the man's face just right?"

  "Rather hard," said Jimmy; "I had to be careful, but I like best theparts where I have to take the most pains."

  "I wish I could afford to hire a teacher for you," said Paul. "Perhaps,if mother and I keep on earning so much money, we shall be able to sometime."

  By the middle of the next week six of the shirts were finished, andPaul, as had been agreed upon, carried them up to Mr. Preston. He wasfortunate enough to find him at home.

  "I hope they will suit you," said Paul.

  "I can see that the sewing is excellent," said Mr. Preston, examiningthem. "As to the fit, I can tell better after I have tried one on."

  "Mother made them just like the one you sent; but if there is anythingwrong, she will, of course, be ready to alter them."

  "If they are just like the pattern, they will be sure to suit me."

  "And now, my young friend," he added, "let me know how you are gettingon in your own business."

  "I am making a dollar a day, sometimes a little more."

  "That is very good."

  "Yes, sir; but it won't last long."

  "I believe you told me that the stand belonged to some one else."

  "Yes, sir; I am only tending it in his sickness; but he is gettingbetter, and when he gets about again, I shall be thrown out ofbusiness."

  "But you don't look like one who would remain idle long."

  "No, sir; I shall be certain to find something to do, if it is onlyblacking boots."

  "Have you ever been in that business?"

  "I've tried about everything," said Paul, laughing.

  "I suppose you wouldn't enjoy boot-blacking much?"

  "No, sir; but I would rather do that than be earning nothing."

  "You are quite right there, and I am glad you have no false shame inthe matter. There are plenty who have. For instance, a stout,broad-shouldered young fellow applied to me thus morning for aclerkship. He said he had come to the city in search of employment, andhad nearly expended all his money without finding anything to do. Itold him I couldn't give him a clerkship, but was in want of a porter. Ioffered him the place at two dollars per day. He drew back, and said heshould not be willing to accept a porter's place."

  "He was very foolish," said Paul.

  "So I thought. I told him that if such were his feelings, I could nothelp him. Perhaps he may regret his refusal, when he is reduced to hislast penny. By the way, whenever you have to give up your stand, you maycome to me, and I will see what I can do for you."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "And now, about these shirts; I believe I agreed to pay a dollar and aquarter each."

  "Yes, sir."

  "As they are of extra size, I think I ought to pay twelve shillings,instead of ten."

  "My mother thinks herself well paid at ten shillings."

  "There must be a great deal of work about one. Twelve shillings are nonetoo much," and Mr. Preston placed nine dollars in Paul's hand.

  "Thank you," said Paul, gratefully. "My mother will consider herselfvery lucky."

  When Mrs. Hoffman received from Paul a dollar and a half more than sheanticipated, she felt in unusually good spirits. She had regretted theloss of her former poorly paid work, but it appeared that her seemingmisfortune had only prepared the way for greater prosperity. The troublewas that it would not last. Still, it would tide over the dull time, andwhen this job was over, she might be able to resume her old employment.At any rate, while the future seemed uncertain, she did not feel likeincreasing her expenditures on account of her increased earnings, butlaid carefully away three-quarters of her receipts to use hereafter incase of need.

  Meanwhile, Paul continued to take care of George Barry's business. Hehad been obliged to renew the stock, his large sales having materiallyreduced it. Twice a week he went up to see his principal to reportsales. George Barry could not conceal the surprise he felt at Paul'ssuccess.

  "I never thought you would do so well," he said. "You beat me."

  "I suppose it's because I like it," said Paul. "Then, as I get only halfthe profits, I have to work the harder to make fair wages."

  "It is fortunate for my son that he found you to take his place,"said Mrs. Barry. "He could not afford to lose all the income from hisbusiness."

  "It is a good thing for both of us," said Paul. "I was looking for a jobjust when he fell sick."

  "What had you been doing before?"

  "I was in the prize-package business, but that got played out, and Iwas a gentleman at large, seeking for a light, genteel business thatwouldn't require much capital."

  "I shall be able to take my place pretty soon now," said the young man."I might go to-morrow, but mother thinks it imprudent."

  "Better get back your strength first, George," said his mother, "or youmay fall sick again."

  But her son was impatient of confinement and anxious to get to workagain. So, two days afterward, about the middle of the forenoon, Paulwas surprised by seeing George Barry get out of a Broadway omnibus, justin front of the stand.

  "Can I sell you a necktie, Mr. Barry?" he asked, in a joke.

  "I almost feel like a stranger," said Barry, "it's so long since I havebeen here."

  "Do you feel strong enough to take charge now?" asked Paul.

  "I am not so strong as I was, and the walk from our rooms would tire me;but I think if I rode both ways for the present I shall be able to getalong."

  "Then you won't need me any longer?"

  "I would like to have you stay with me to-day. I don't know how I shallhold out."

  "All right! I'll stop."

  George Barry remained in attendance the rest of the day. He found thathis strength had so far returned that he should be able to manage alonehereafter, and he told Paul so.

  "I am glad you are well again, George," said Paul. "It must have beendull work staying at home sick."

  "Yes, it was dull; but I felt more comfortable from knowing that youwere taking my place. If I get sick again I will send for you."

  "I hope you won't get sick; but if you do, I will do what I can to helpyou."

  So the two parted on the best of terms. Each had been of service to theother, and neither had cause to complain.

"Well," said Paul to himself, "I am out of work again. What shall I goat next?"

  It was six o'clock, and there was nothing to be done till the morrow. Hewent slowly homeward, revolving this subject in his mind. He knew thathe need not remain idle. He could black boots, or sell newspapers, ifnothing better offered, and he thought it quite possible that he mightadopt the latter business, for a few days at least. He had not forgottenMr. Preston's injunction to let him know when he got out of business;but, as the second half dozen shirts would be ready in three or fourdays, he preferred to wait till then, and not make a special call on MrPreston. He had considerable independence of feeling, and didn't liketo put himself in the position of one asking a favor, though he had noobjection to accept one voluntarily offered.

  "Well, mother," he said, entering his humble home, "I am out ofbusiness."

  "Has George recovered, then?"

  "Yes, he was at the stand to-day, but wanted me to stay with him tillthis evening."

  "Oh, I'm so sorry!" said Jimmy.

  "Sorry that George has got well? For shame, Jimmy!"

  "No, I don't mean that, Paul. I am sorry you are out of work."

  "I shall find plenty to do, Jimmy. Perhaps Mr. Stewart will take me inas senior partner, if I ask him."

  "I don't think he will," said Jimmy, laughing.

  "Then perhaps I can get a few scholars in drawing. Can't you recommendme?"

  "I am afraid not, Paul, unless you have improved a good deal."


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