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Decatur the Vampire

Page 5

by Amarinda Jones

  “You need to leave now, Sumerian. There is nothing left for you here.”

  She took once last look around the place that had once been her home. Funny, I feel nothing. Sumerian thought she might have. But only emptiness sat within her. “There is nothing for me here anyway. I do not belong. I don’t think I ever did.”

  * * * * *

  “Why the hell am I here with these idiots?” Morphos roared in anger. There was no one to hear him and even if there had been he couldn’t care less. Their opinions meant nothing to him. “I am not like them. I will never be like them.” That he had been caught like a rat annoyed him. And by Archimedes? How galling. He was a pretentious prick of a demon who Morphos would normally never have given the time of day to. “Now I am stuck with a fucking angel and two wannabe bad guys.”

  Morphos had a hundred plans in his head about getting out and getting revenge. Problem was he required help and he never asked anyone for that. He was a demon. They walked alone. Besides, who could he ask? The other three had their own agendas and he wanted to be beholden to no one. Morphos had thought about doing a deal with Vulcan but that would be like kissing a cobra. While Morphos was a risk taker, Vulcan was too sly even for him. The angel? A woman? No way. The vampire? Too pretty and petulant. The warlock? They were too honorable for their own good.

  “So that just leaves Archimedes. How do I screw him as he is trying to screw me?”

  Chapter Four

  “This is Vulcan—sorry, what did you say your surname was again?” Wayne Palowski, human resources manager, looked at the man beside him.

  “Smith, Vulcan Smith.” His smile was friendly, his eyes watchful.

  Wayne smiled back. “That’s right, Vulcan Smith, he’s starting here in accounts payable today, Marduk.”

  Marduk shook his hand. “That’s an unusual name. Was your mother a Star Trek fan?” And what the hell is going on here? Why in the midst of economic doom and chaos were they employing someone new? Hadn’t they just spent money on a farewell gift for Mandy who left accounts payable last week? Who was this guy? He was hardly the bland and boring type of person who was expected in accounts payable. Why him and why now? Marduk looked at Wayne. He was an amiable twit who just smiled, probably only happy in the knowledge that a new employee had filled out the tax declaration properly. It was pointless asking Wayne questions. The man only understood forms with official numbers on them. People were a foreign concept to him.

  “Star Trek? No, she wasn’t.”

  “Family name?” There was something about those bright, piercing blue eyes that didn’t match the rest of his tall, lean form. They were too strong and intense for the bland body they were in.

  “Sort of.” Vulcan was vague yet polite, his interest fixed on Marduk.

  “I see.” She didn’t. There was something not right about this picture. They were letting staff go yet employing him. He looked boring and innocuous yet his eyes told a different story. There was just something about him that made her skin tingle with suspicions and rarely did she ignore those feelings.

  “I’ll leave you in Marduk’s capable hands.”

  Vulcan turned to her. “Are you capable?”

  Oh yeah, there was a story here. The air around him crackled with strange electricity or was she just imagining it? “When I have to be.”

  “You look somewhat surprised, Marduk.”

  There was no point beating around the bush. Besides, that was not her nature. “I am. We’re downsizing yet you were employed today to do a job another woman was terminated from due to lack of work and dollars to spend on staff.”

  “Do you think I’m sleeping with someone to get the job?”

  “Are you?” That wouldn’t be the first time that had happened even at Danby. “Or you’re related to someone.” Nepotism abounded in the company. Cousins, sisters, brothers. There were times that the business was bordering on inbred.

  Vulcan was unperturbed by her words. “Maybe I got the job on charm and skills alone.”

  That he had both did not surprise Marduk. Besides, it wasn’t the issue. Why employ him now? “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “I don’t kiss and tell.” Vulcan was amused and delighted by Marduk. There was something about a spit-in-your-eye, straight-to-the-point woman that always attracted him. His eyes ran over her full breasts then back up to her strong-featured face. Marduk was not beautiful but she was someone who made a man keep looking and wondering about her. Vulcan much preferred that to pretty—pretty was vacuous and he saw this woman was anything but. Shame she belongs to the vampire. Vulcan was tempted to have a taste of her himself. But that wasn’t why he was here. He needed to make sure that the vampire and Marduk got together. It would be one less immortal to deal with. Vampires could be perverse individuals who only did what they chose to do. Normally that wouldn’t have been a character flaw that Vulcan would care about. However, Archimedes was not the only one who knew about the children of the ankh.

  Vulcan already had the power of life and death. Few people knew or were aware of what he was responsible for in both the mortal and immortal worlds. He did what he did for reasons of his own and never advertised that fact as it was his business and no one else’s why he acted as he did. Getting Marduk and Decatur together was important. While it helped Archimedes with his insane desire for world domination, it also helped Vulcan. If Archimedes thought he was getting what he wanted then it made him less inclined to look with suspicion at those around him. Vulcan’s plan was to hit Archimedes when he least expected it.

  Vulcan planned to destroy Archimedes. He had insinuated himself into the megalomaniac’s world in order to do it. There was a bounty on Archimedes’ head. And, while normally Vulcan would not have gotten involved in one of the many and varied coups within the demon world, this one had interested him. This one would give him the one thing Vulcan craved but could not do. The chance to go back in time and change the past. The angel Gabriel had offered him that power. For only I know what you would change, Vulcan. Destroy Archimedes and I will give you that power. Problem was, other than killing Archimedes, Vulcan needed three more things to do it. One of them was purity. It was not a characteristic he possessed. He looked at the woman before him. But this one has it and one day she will call on me for help. How, Vulcan did not know. He just did.

  “Smarty-pants,” Marduk told him point-blank, hands on her hips and eyes narrowed in doubt.

  Oh yes, this one was most interesting. Great hips. If only… “Possibly.”

  “What sort of an answer is that?”

  It was one designed to make her think and wonder. Vulcan enjoyed teasing women with words. “So, lovely Marduk, what are my duties?”

  “Changing subjects always indicates something to hide.”

  “What do you hide, Marduk?” The widening of her eyes made him wonder what lay beyond the surface. Pity the vampire would have her.


  “Everyone does.” Vulcan had hidden so much over the centuries he had forgotten, deliberately so, most of it. There was no point leaving wounds open.

  “You don’t look like an accounts payable person to me.”

  “Ah, now you’re changing the subject.” He smiled at her scowl. “How do they look?”

  “Usually cranky like their underwear is too tight.”

  “And you are? Other than delightful of course?”

  “Accounts receivable.” Marduk was unfazed by his charm. “We’re ruthless people who take money from others so we don’t have their issues.”

  “I see. So you have loose underwear. Good to know.” Ah, the woman was blushing. How sweet in this day and age. Damn shame she belonged to Decatur.

  If Marduk was out of kilter, she did not show it. “Probably best to introduce you to Maxine. She’s a total, anal, backstabbing bitch who’ll eat you alive.”

  “You sound pleased at that thought.” Vulcan had never met a woman he could not control and he doubted this Maxine would be any different
. “I like that you speak your mind.”

  “Life is short.”

  “For some,” Vulcan responded without thinking.



  Vulcan knew the minute the vampire entered the room. It was instinctual but it was also the fact that the woman beside him jumped as if shocked by electricity. Excellent. This was going to be so much easier than he anticipated. He wanted to be at this ridiculous little office to meet Marduk and to make sure everything went according to plan. That she was interested in the vampire helped. Vulcan now just needed Decatur to do his part.

  Marduk’s eyes went from the photocopier guy to Vulcan. She noticed Vulcan was trying to look like he wasn’t looking at the man. Hmm…what was that about? Men generally did not pay much attention to another unless… “You’re gay.” Oh crap. Did that mean the photocopier guy was too? Was it true that gay guys could recognize each other on sight? Chrissie had told her that, but then Chrissie had told her bikini waxes weren’t painful. What did she know? “He’s pretty hot.”

  Vulcan looked at Marduk as if he was mad. “Oh hell no, I’m not gay.”

  Interesting. An honest reaction from the man. “I just wondered. Your attention seemed diverted somewhat.”

  “Do you like him?” Vulcan’s eyes were back on hers. “I was not the only one looking.”

  Correct. “Good looks are deceiving. He could be a homicidal maniac.” She could almost hear her mother’s voice now, You never bring nice boys home to meet us. Only the crazy ones. “But then I only meet the crazy ones,” Marduk murmured to herself.

  “He attracts you.”

  It was then that the photocopier guy turned and locked eyes on Vulcan. Marduk felt a chill run down her spine. The look was one of sheer contempt. “Do you know him?”

  “I have never seen him before in my life.”

  Marduk had no idea what was going on but she knew a lie when she heard one. This just added to her suspicions as to why Vulcan was suddenly at Danby. “Uh-huh.” Marduk turned from Vulcan. “Maxine,” she called out to her colleague sitting at the far end of the room. “Fresh meat for you.” Let’s see how he handles Maxine. Grown men had been known to flee under her icy stare and waspish tongue. It would be interesting to see Mr. “Smith” deal with her.

  “You’re just going to pass me over like a virgin sacrifice?”

  “I don’t think you’re a virgin, and I believe you will probably charm the starched bloomers off Maxine.”

  Vulcan chuckled. “You’re a cynic.”

  “I’m a realist.”

  “Marduk,” Chrissie called to her. She was standing next to the photocopier man. “Please come and tell this gentleman about the problems we are having with this beast.”

  Marduk refrained from wincing at Chrissie’s obvious tactic. She glanced at Vulcan who smiled. Who was he? This was not some guy off the street. Was he from the head office checking them out to see who should be shown the door next? “Excuse me.”

  “But of course, Marduk.”

  She turned and looked at him. “Who are you?” Marduk could not help but ask.


  “Wary.” Marduk moved on before he could say more. Instinctively she knew she could get into trouble sparring with this man. Chrissie passed her by and winked. Marduk rolled her eyes.

  “So what’s wrong with this ‘beast’ now?” the blond man asked.

  The sound of his voice made her stiffen. He sounds like my lover. Mental head slap. You have no actual lover, you have a recurring dream and a case of wishful thinking. So snap out of it. She cleared her throat. “It’s a piece of crap,” Marduk responded coolly. Maybe it’s that the ass-looking incident is still fresh in my mind that makes me think about the other man…lover…ghost… Oh crap, I don’t know.

  He nodded in agreement. “Yes it is.”

  “So your company should replace it.” But then I would never see you again so maybe not. However the chances that he would be interested in her were slim to none so maybe it was worth pushing for the new machine. It was at least realistic.

  “Marduk, is it?”

  The low, husky sound of her name on his lips made her jump. It sounded so familiar and yet other than staring at his butt, they were strangers. “How do you know my name?”

  “Your friend told me that among other things.”

  Marduk could only imagine what they could have been. She hasn’t had a man in a year so she needs a good fucking. Little did Chrissie know.

  “I’m Decatur. Decatur Smith.”

  “Smith? Uh-huh.” Two in a row? Coincidence? I think not. Marduk didn’t believe in that. Add to that Vulcan’s interest in Decatur. “Seems a common name at the moment.” Marduk knew as she turned her head Vulcan would be watching them. “Do you know him?”


  “I see.” She didn’t. His words came out too quickly for Marduk to believe. Her thoughts went back to management spies looking to cull staff.

  Decatur knew he had spoken too fast. Damn it. But he found it hard to concentrate with Marduk so close to him. Normally, in the office, she just flitted by trailing the sweet scent of jasmine. Standing so close to her now was mesmerizing. He wanted to touch and taste and take as he had last night. But this time Decatur wanted her to see who loved her body so passionately.

  “Show me where the problem is.” It was better to concentrate on a piece of junk than wondering how soon he could taste Marduk. Besides, that was not his only problem. Vulcan. What was he doing there? It took everything Decatur had not to go over and grab him by the throat. He was Archimedes’ henchman and his being there boded no good for Marduk. “How long’s he been here?” Decatur’s hands moved down to the drawer that he had sabotaged to stick on the machine.

  “The other Mr. Smith?”

  Decatur smiled despite himself. “It’s a small world.” Thankfully he had retracted his fangs before he entered the office. Marduk would find out soon enough who he was but he needed to talk to her before that happened.

  “Is it?”

  The woman wasn’t stupid. That she had worked out he and Vulcan knew each other indicated that. “You doubt me?” Decatur would if he was her.

  “Do I have reason to?”

  Oh yes. “No, I’m here to do a job.”

  “And watch a man you say you don’t know.” Marduk assessed him thoughtfully. “Are you gay?”

  As if. And he wanted to show her how not gay he really was. If this was any other woman at any other time he would have acted on instinct. But Marduk wasn’t. She was as much a victim as he was. The frustrating thing was he didn’t know how or why. Only Archimedes did. “No, I’m not gay.”

  “Thank god.”

  Decatur grinned. He suspected Marduk had not meant to say that out loud. “Are you interested in me, Marduk?” The idea excited him. It was not the slightest bit unusual for him to draw female attention. He was a vampire. They naturally attracted women. But this one, Decatur felt was different. Maybe it was because of Archimedes screwing with them. Maybe not. He just knew Marduk was not like other women. Or maybe I am so screwed up I have no idea anymore.

  “No, not at all.”

  “Really?” The “not at all” was unnecessary to add and that indicated Marduk was trying to convince herself more than him.

  “You’re attractive. You know that. Naturally I wondered. You know the whole bit about the best men being either married or gay.”

  “I’m neither.” Hmm, “best men”. “Are you looking for a ‘best man’?” What made this woman tick? Decatur needed to know. Whoever she was as a person made Archimedes want her. And what is my part in Marduk’s destiny?

  “Nope,” Marduk’s tone was noncommittal.

  “Liar,” Decatur murmured under his breath. The attraction between them was not one-sided. He pulled out the bottom paper drawer he had previously triggered to fail and withdrew the twisted paper. “I need more paper to test it.” And I need to get you alone.

/>   “I’ll get it.”

  “I’ll help you.” Decatur had already checked out the stationery storeroom. It was big enough for two and he needed to talk to Marduk in private. In some ways Archimedes was right. He needed to make a move on this for their own sakes. Decatur suspected Marduk was a straight shooter so he was going to attempt to use the truth and see how she reacted. Decatur could see the curiosity in her eyes. “I’m a gentleman. I’ll help you.” He followed her, his eyes on her hips and ass, mesmerized by the seductive sway.

  Marduk pushed open the door of the storeroom. “Are you looking at my ass now?”

  Decatur motioned her inside with just the forward movement of his body. He shut the door behind him. “Let’s stop playing games.”

  “Excuse me?” Marduk arched her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips.

  He had to give her credit. Marduk did not appear to scare easily. That was a good thing. She was going to need this ability to deal with whatever Archimedes had planned for them. “You and me—the feeling is entirely mutual.” That was no lie. If the circumstances had been different, Decatur would have been on this woman in seconds. He had held back because of Archimedes and not knowing the true reason he wanted Marduk in whatever plans he had. There was nothing supernatural or immortal about her. Those beings, such as himself, were instantly recognizable to another of their kind. But this woman, she was different and a strange need to protect Marduk had gripped Decatur. That was so unlike him. He had never thought about more than giving pleasure to a woman and moving on. There was inevitability between them. They were linked and it was not something Decatur could ignore. He saw the recognition in Marduk’s eyes. How will she feel when she knows who I am?

  Marduk was riveted to the spot. No man had ever approached her like this. She liked it. She wanted to be shocked and horrified and offended but those emotions were just not within her. Marduk wanted to see what Decatur would do next. “So what?”

  “You want me and I want you.”


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