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Decatur the Vampire

Page 11

by Amarinda Jones

  “Thank you,” Vulcan murmured as the kiss ended. He stepped back from Marduk quickly, his eyes on the vampire.

  “Is that it?” While she didn’t expect to feel lust, Marduk had expected to feel something. She edged closer to Decatur, comforted by the arm he wound around her waist.

  “Yes, Marduk, you transferred a part of yourself to me,” Vulcan explained. “You do that with any kiss you give but most mortals don’t realize that. If they knew they could do that then they would harness the power of something so simple and use it to their advantage.” The demon’s eyes focused on Decatur. “Now may I suggest you call on Sumerian?”

  “I’m here.” The angel appeared in the blink of an eye.

  “Always the eavesdropper.” Vulcan’s voice was droll.

  The angel scowled at him. “Whatever.”

  Marduk could tell there was history there and if it was any other time she would have wanted the gossip. “How do we go on from here?”

  “At midnight tonight—”

  “Why is it always midnight with supernatural people? In the movies it’s always the graveyard at midnight or the—”

  Decatur interrupted Marduk. “Midnight is when magic is stronger.”

  Sumerian nodded. “Go home, be together—soon it will be forever.”

  * * * * *

  “I like sucking your cock, it’s a power thing.” Marduk lifted her head and smiled at him. “I love that all your attention is on me and I have control of your body.” Her head dropped back to her task. The long vein that ran the length of his cock fascinated her. She loved to run her tongue up and down it.

  “You drive me crazy,” Decatur growled as his fingers threaded through the hair of the woman who kneeled between his knees. “Bloody hell—”

  If not for the fact she had a mouthful of cock, Marduk would have laughed at the violence of his outburst. That Decatur was completely at her mercy made her feel stronger than she had ever been. She alternately sucked and nibbled at the head of his cock. The spongy texture intrigued her. I wonder what it would feel like…hmmm…well, why not just try it? Decatur’s cock popped out of her mouth wet and shiny. She sat up and curled her hand around the base of it.

  “What are you doing?” Decatur looked on, bemused.

  “This.” Marduk placed his cock against her breastbone then squeezed her breast around it. “Move.”

  “Have I mentioned how much I love you?” He thrust his cock between the mounds of flesh.

  “I would do this for no other man.” The pulsating feel of his shaft sliding between her breasts was strange yet thrilling.

  Decatur’s eyes were fierce on hers. “There will be no other men for me but you.”

  “Only you, Dec.”

  “I have to get a condom now.”

  “No.” Marduk wanted to try something else. With Decatur she felt a freedom she never had with any other man.


  “I want you to come on my breasts. I want to feel you against my skin.” It was such a primal need that to do anything but that would have been against her true nature.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Marduk released his sandwiched cock and sat back on her haunches. She watched with fascination as Decatur put her hand on his shaft and worked it back and forward. It was so raw and exciting that Marduk was entranced. As the first drops of cum hit her breasts she felt a wild thrill in the knowledge that she had made this man, her lover, so overwhelmed with need that Decatur would do anything she requested. He groaned with the effort of release, his eyes on hers, sharing the moment together.

  As the last drop fell, Decatur stood up and lifted Marduk into his arms. The stickiness on her breasts clung to her skin and his. “Do you remember that first night in your shower?”

  “Yes, Dec, you stopped and I was so horny I almost cried.”

  “There will be no stopping tonight.” Decatur kissed her hard and carried her into the bathroom.

  “I give in.” Marduk lay on her back, arms outstretched and enjoyed the sensuous warmth of Decatur’s body on hers. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and invite him inside once more but she had other plans.

  “Excellent. I love an obedient woman.” Decatur’s lips nuzzled at her neck.

  Obedient, my ass. There were swollen red bite marks all over her body. Her skin tingled because of them. It was so kinky and hot. And I love it. “Take me, I’m yours.”

  Decatur stopped what he was doing and looked at her. “What? Are you just going to lie there?”

  “What do you want me to do? I’m exhausted.” Not. I’m just biding my time.


  No. I want cock. “Yes, you’ve worn me out.” Marduk smiled as Decatur rolled off her body and onto his back beside her. How gallant he was. Sucker. Marduk jumped on top of him, straddling his thighs. “Ha!” She slapped at his hands. “No. Don’t touch. It’s now my turn to be on top.”

  “But I want to… I need to be inside you.” Decatur bucked his body upward.

  Marduk giggled. She had never understood the fascination people had for horse riding. Man riding was fun though. “Good boys do as they’re told.”

  “What about bad boys?”

  “They get punished. Now stay where you are.” She swung one leg over and off him.

  “Yes ma’am.” Decatur watched her with interest as he folded his arms under his head in relaxation. “Are you coming back?”

  “Yes. I just need something.” Marduk pulled a dressing table drawer open.


  She stretched out a pair of striped ones. “Yep, they’re nice and stretchy and I’m gonna tie you up and have my evil way with you.”

  Decatur lifted his hands above his head. “Tie away,” he murmured in amusement. “You know I could break any restraint if I wanted to.”

  Marduk made sure to rub her breasts against his face. She felt his tongue touch her nipple. “Then you’d miss out on my licking you from neck to cock.”

  “I remain your humble servant.”

  “Damn straight,” Marduk snorted. It was easy to control a man. She finished tying his hands. Lordy, he looks pretty. Marduk ran her hands over his body, stopping to toy with his cock. She had never been so hungry for a man in her life. Multiple orgasms were a lovely thing.

  They had already showered several times after each hot, sweaty moment spent that afternoon. At this rate my water bill will be sky high. Care factor? Nil.

  “You like?”

  “You’re a lot of fun to play with.” The soft skin over his hard cock made her wet with need once more.

  Decatur chuckled. “I’ve never had my penis called ‘fun’ before.”

  “Oh yeah, it is. I like playing with it a lot.” Her thumb rubbed back and forward over the spongy head.

  He groaned. “I thought you were going to lick me all over?”

  “This is my game.” Though licking did sound good. Marduk kept her hand around his cock and leaned over and licked his chest. “Yum. My favorite flavor.” She continued to lick his body in long, slow strokes as her hand ran up and down milking his cock.

  “Bloody hell.” Decatur’s voice was half growl, half choke. “I used to think I had amazing control until I met you, darling.”

  “You’re very impressive, Dec,” Marduk said between licks. “Can most men last as long as you? Maybe I should compare?”

  “Touch another man and I will spank your ass until it’s pink.”

  The jealousy Marduk saw in Decatur’s eyes excited her. He really loves me. “Are you trying to dissuade me or encourage me to do it?” Spanking sounded like fun.


  “Yes?” Marduk started licking his lower stomach.

  “You are the only woman I will ever need. I love you.”

  She lifted her head and smiled at him. “Good answer. Maybe I won’t run a comparison test.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome.” Once more Marduk slid
off his body.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Well, I’m wet and you’re hard. It seems like the perfect time to find a condom.” She looked down at the empty box on the table beside her bed. “Crap. Only one left. I had twelve.” Marduk climbed back onto his body.

  Decatur watched as she unwrapped the condom. “So we’ll be going to the store after this.”

  “Or maybe we should abstain.” She reached for his cock and began to roll the rubber down the shaft. “That might be fun.” Marduk winked teasingly at him.

  “Do you want to kill me?”

  “No, I only want to love you.” Before Decatur could respond, she plunged down onto the thick shaft. The cock head surged upward and Marduk closed her eyes and sighed. Oh yeah. This is my happy place. She raised and lowered herself working the length all the way inside. “I never ever believed I would enjoy sex until you. I thought I was frigid.”

  Decatur looked at her in disbelief. “You’re kidding me?”

  “Nope.” She rested her hands on his chest to give her leverage as she increased her pace.

  “Mortal men are stupid.”

  “Dumb as rocks some of them.” Marduk moved faster.

  “Needy?” he asked with a smile.

  “I only have to look sideways at you and I want to come.”

  “Kiss me, darling.”

  Marduk didn’t hesitate. Decatur’s kisses were like chocolate-covered caramels. One was never enough. Her tongue twisted against his as she moved faster and faster. Slow, sweet sex was all well and good but sometimes a fast fuck was exactly what a woman needed. She enjoyed the bucking sensation of Decatur’s hips under hers. That he was as excited as she was made the whole ride more thrilling. Marduk caught her breath against his lips as the first hint of the orgasm hit her. She kissed harder, their mouths hungering in their need for each other. Marduk’s fingers sank into his flesh as she tried to control the feeling racing up from her pelvis to her spine. “Oh Dec,” she moaned as she tried to hold on but she knew it was useless.

  “Don’t fight it,” Decatur said in between hot, frenzied kisses.

  Marduk’s body jerked and shuddered as she gave in to the feeling. She loved the low, growl of satisfaction from Decatur that reverberated against her mouth.

  “Still thinking about abstaining?” he murmured, his body pushing up against hers.

  “Oh God no, but I would like to try the spanking thing…”

  Chapter Eight

  “Sumerian?” Archimedes looked up in surprise. “What do you want?”

  “I’m lonely.” Sumerian moved farther into his bedchamber. It was opulent as was everything Archimedes did or had. Her eyes swept over the male body before her. For one moment she almost licked her lips in appreciation. The sculpted, muscular torso gleamed in the soft, subtle lighting. Her hands itched to reach out and touch the skin she had once known the taste of so well. Bur she refrained. That man, that lover, was dead. The demon before her was not her old love. Sumerian swallowed hard. It is so long since I had sex. I must concentrate on the task and not the need.

  “Too bad for you.” Archimedes’ voice was dismissive but his eyes were not.

  Sumerian was pleased by this. She had deliberately dressed to entice him. The soft silk of her simple white slip accentuated the paleness of her skin, the naked curves of her body and the titian red of her hair. “Is it too bad for just me?”

  “Yes.” He stepped back and sat down.

  Sumerian knew it was a move that was meant to look casual and uncaring. She moved toward him. “Do you remember when—”

  “I choose to remember nothing,” Archimedes interrupted her quickly.

  The man was on edge. Excellent. It is good to know I have not lost my power. “Do you not wonder what would have happened to us?”



  Archimedes breathed out a long sigh. “What do you want, Sumerian?”

  “I’m horny.” It was partly true and she knew she had to be careful.

  The demon barked out a laugh. “Seriously?”

  Sumerian stood before him. “Don’t you remember how good it used to be with us?”

  Archimedes’ eyes locked on hers. “That was a long time ago and we’ve changed a lot.”

  “Have we?” It seemed like both forever and also yesterday to Sumerian. Maybe I have lived too long.


  “You once loved me.” She watched his body stiffen at her words.

  “Again, that was a long time ago.”

  “What if—”

  “There are no ‘what-ifs’ in our world.”

  That was true. They had no time for possible outcomes. “Do you never crave the touch of someone?” She lifted the edge of her slip, just enough for Archimedes to glimpse a flash of her thigh as she straddled his lap facing him.

  “No.” His hands stayed rigidly at his sides.

  “Liar.” Her fingertips moved in and traced a line down his breastbone. Sumerian wanted to close her eyes and just give in to the sensation but she knew this was not the time. But I need—I hunger.

  “It doesn’t matter.” His hands reached out and circled her waist. “I have other things to sustain me.”

  Sumerian knew he was touching her only to push her away. “Like what? The plan for your captives?”


  “What about me? Surely I’m different from them.” She smiled as one of his hands edged down to her hip. Oh, he remembers.

  “You are.”

  “So why are you so angry with me?”

  “Sumerian.” Her name came out like a plea for help.

  “Please, Archimedes.” What am I asking for? Is this to save someone else or save that part of me I believe is buried?

  “I do not have time for this.”

  “What could it hurt?”

  “Please, Sumerian—”

  “Please you?” She leaned in and touched his face.

  “Oh lordy, I cannot believe we are watching this.” Marduk was appalled and strangely turned-on. How weird am I? They were in the next chamber over. The beauty of hanging out with supernatural beings was they had the ability to make things happen and see what’s going on with the minimum of fuss.

  “She is quite the actress,” Vulcan replied, his eyes never leaving the couple.

  “Aren’t you jealous?” She turned to look at the demon.

  “Me? Why?”

  “I sense there’s something between you two.” Marduk was pleased when Vulcan looked momentarily flustered.

  “You are most perceptive.” His voice was hard with suppressed emotion.

  “I’m a woman. That’s what we do,” Marduk responded, her eyes never leaving his face. “So, you love the angel.” As does Archimedes if I’m any judge of character.

  Decatur laughed. “I’d tell her or Marduk will never let it go.”

  “We have history,” Vulcan admitted.

  “It must kill you to watch him with her.”

  “Sumerian will not let it go far.”

  Marduk was not sure about that. No woman touched a man as Sumerian was without having some intense feelings. “Because she loves you?”

  Vulcan looked at the Decatur in frustration. “Your woman is most annoying.”

  “Yeah, but I like that about her.”

  “Uh-oh, trouser snake at twelve o’clock.” The bulge in Archimedes’ trousers was way more than Marduk needed to know.

  Vulcan squared his shoulders. “Time for us to step in.”

  “Can’t you do the spell here?” That sounded a safer bet to Marduk.

  “Archimedes must see the spell worked to know he can no longer control you.”

  Decatur smiled. “In other words, darling, Vulcan wants to break this up between them.”

  “Oh right. Jealousy’s a terrible thing,” Marduk murmured, ready to follow the men.

  “Come on.” Vulcan’s voice was gruff as he waved his hand and they were transported into the chamber.<
br />
  “What the hell are you doing here?” Archimedes was surprised when they appeared. “Vulcan?” He pushed Sumerian from his lap.

  “We’ve just come to say we’re leaving,” Decatur told him, his arm around Marduk’s waist.

  “You cannot go anywhere without my finding you and bringing you back.” Archimedes sounded confident of that fact.

  “Oh, but they can.” Vulcan stood still, his eyes fixed on Decatur and Marduk.

  “Dårlig vil ikke søge jer. Dårlig vil ikke på gensyn. Jer vil være i ro. Jer vil være omkostningsfrit hen til opholde sig uden skræk.”

  There was a sudden wild burst of thunder, a flash of lightning and a high-pitched howl of despair from Archimedes.

  “What was that language?” Marduk was agog at the dramatics of the moment.

  “It’s Danish,” Decatur replied. “Vulcan has a Viking heritage. He said, ‘Evil will not seek you. Evil will not see you. You will be in peace. You will be free to live without fear.’”

  “Excellent spell.” Marduk was impressed. It had the right touch of drama and attitude. “Are we free?”

  Vulcan answered. “Archimedes can do nothing to you now.”

  The man in question roared in anger.

  As they walked away, Marduk looked back on the three supernatural beings. “What about them?”

  “They can look after themselves, darling.” Decatur took Marduk’s hand and in the blink of an eye they disappeared.

  “I will get my souls.” Sumerian walked beside Vulcan later in the cool night air. Archimedes had ordered them from his chamber. She was both pleased and saddened. Our world is strange and demanding and so lonely.

  “I did not doubt that for a second,” Vulcan responded.

  “Gabriel is not one to be trusted.”

  “Do I look the trusting sort, Sumerian?”

  “No.” She was well aware Vulcan made a point of needing no one.

  He stopped and faced her. “I hope you get what you want, Sumerian.”

  She swallowed hard. It had been an emotional evening. Nothing else. “As I do you.” Vulcan does not want me.


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