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Max's Redemption (The Redemption Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Wilder, L.

  Panicked, I quickly turned behind me and found Lainey crouched down on the sofa. Bile rose in my throat when I saw her body covered in blood. Time stood still as I sat there staring at her. Several seconds passed before I was finally able to force my body to move towards her. My feet felt like lead weights as I staggered over to the sofa. I reached for her, pulling her into my arms as I cradled her lifeless body close to my chest. The world around me faded away as I looked down at her beautiful face. A cloud of darkness fell over me as I rocked her back and forth in my arms, all the while praying that it was all some kind of mistake. I tried bargaining with God, pleading with him to exchange my life for theirs, but my prayers weren’t answered. My family was gone, ripped away, leaving me completely lost and broken. I rested my hand on her stomach, thinking of the daughter I’d never get to hold in my arms. Thoughts of the ultrasound, the baby clothes, the nursery, and all the hopes and dreams we’d shared came crashing through my mind. My future faded before my eyes, and I’d never felt such a pure, all-consuming pain. Guilt crept over me as I berated myself for not being there when they’d needed me. My tortured cries echoed through the room as I pulled her closer, begging them both to forgive me. I would’ve still been sitting there holding Lainey in my arms if I hadn’t heard my mother groaning in the corner.

  “Mom?” I hurried over to her and was overcome with relief as she reached her hand out to me. “Don’t move. I’m calling for help.”

  She was losing so much blood, but she managed to grasp on to my arm as I called 911 and then Murray. Once I was done, I looked down at her and tried to reassure her. “They’re on their way. Just stay with me.”

  With a grimace, she sighed and closed her eyes. I took the blanket off the back of the sofa and used it to apply pressure to her wounds, hoping to slow the bleeding. We were still waiting on the ambulance when Murray came crashing through the front door. The blood drained from his face as he looked around the room.

  He dragged his hands down his face as he shouted, “Oh god. No!”

  The next few days were a blur. After burying my father, fiancée and daughter, I was constantly at the hospital with Mom or dealing with the cops. They had more questions than I could ever begin to answer, and I was losing my patience. I already knew in my gut who’d killed my father and Lainey. I just hadn’t figured out how they’d done it. Dad’s security system was the best around, along with several guards monitoring everything coming and going. He didn’t leave anything to chance—always making sure his family was safe, so it didn’t make sense that someone had been able to break in so easily. It wasn’t until days later that we found out his security system had been down for an update, leaving the house and gate completely unmonitored. The guards never saw them coming and once they were killed, the house had been left completely unprotected.

  Once we were certain that Mom was going to pull through, I asked her about the shooting. After showing her several photographs, she quickly confirmed our suspicions about the DeMarco brothers, and Murray and I set out to take our revenge. I’d like to say that we found them and made them pay for what they’d done, but that never happened. They both vanished that night, leaving my need for vengeance unanswered. A void filled my chest, destroying the carefree, easy-going man I used to be. That man failed the people he cared most about. He was gone, leaving me forever cold and bitter. I would never look to the future: there’d be no more hopes and dreams… That time in my life was done. I would be forever haunted by my past. It consumed me, and my need for revenge was the only thing that kept me going. I wouldn’t rest until they paid for what they’d done. I was damaged through and through.



  I ’d been running guns with the brothers of Satan’s Fury, one of the most notorious MC’s in Washington, for as long as I could remember. It was a profitable venture for us both, until everything went to shit. I’d like to say the blame fell on someone else, but it was me—all me . Big, one of the brothers and a close friend of mine, had come to me for help when one of their girls came up missing. They soon discovered she’d been kidnapped by the cartel and was to be sold in one of their sex-trafficking auctions. The MC had connections, more than most, but not the kind they needed—not this time. They were dealing with the fucking Mexican cartel. Knowing the last thing they needed was an all-out war, they came to me. The brothers knew with my line of work I had ties with people from all over the world, and they hoped I’d be able to call in some favors to bring her back home. I agreed to help them even though I knew I was putting my life and theirs at risk.

  I touched base with my contact and managed to get my foot in the door. I knew enough about sex-trafficking to know that I didn’t want any part of it. Just the thought of buying a chick as some kind of sex slave made my stomach turn, but there I was, standing in the middle of a basement in California doing whatever I could to be the highest bidder. It wasn’t at all like I’d expected it to be. It was much, much worse. The room was dim, except for the lights shining down on the girls, and it was filled with a thick cloud of smoke, making it difficult to breathe. I glanced around the room, and I was repulsed at the sight. These men had money. They could date any woman they wanted, but they wanted more. These men wanted a possession—a woman they could own in every way—and the cartel gave them the means to do it. Reeking of arrogance, the predators stalked around the room as they checked out their prey, all the while chattering back and forth amongst themselves like they were old friends. Fucking assholes. I hated even being in the same room with the obnoxious pricks. Being close to them was getting harder by the minute and making me feel like the walls were closing in around me.

  While they were living it up and enjoying every moment, I took a step back and remained silent, trying to play it cool—trying to hide my absolute repulsion at the whole thing. I just didn’t get the appeal. Not only were the women dressed in tired-ass bikinis that were two sizes too small, they were also drugged out of their minds, barely aware of what was going on around them. Hell, they even had some kid in the mix. She couldn’t have been more than twelve years old. It was sad and demoralizing, and I wanted to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately, I wasn’t going anywhere, not until I got their girl back.

  Everything had gone as planned. I’d pulled every string that could be pulled to get us into the auction. Now, I just had to outbid the others and bring her home—simple enough. It was a good plan, but there was just one problem. With just one look, she became my obsession, an obsession that stirred something deep inside, and I had to have her. I couldn’t explain it. Sure, she was beautiful, but she wasn’t your typical blonde haired, blue eyed beauty. There was something different about her. She stood there staring at me with those gorgeous, dark blue eyes, and even with the drugs, they pierced right through me. Life had thrown her some curves, but she was still standing. There was a strength inside of her, a strength that I needed to put back the pieces of my shattered soul. I knew right then and there that she was the key to my salvation.

  I placed my bids not only for Tristen, but for the young girl, too. There was no way I was leaving either of them there. Once I’d won and my debt was paid, we got the hell out of there. Cotton, the president of Satan’s Fury, expected me to bring Tristen home, but that wasn’t going to happen. Instead, he’d be getting the kid. I should’ve talked it out with him and respected him enough to try to work things out, but I was impatient. I knew it would cost me later, but I didn’t want to waste time dealing with any bullshit. Without squaring things with Cotton, I put Tristen and her computer savvy sister, Josie, in my SUV. Taking Josie hadn’t been part of the plan, but she didn’t give me much choice. She’d just gotten her sister back, and she was adamant about staying with her. I didn’t see the harm. Besides, if it hadn’t been for her hacking into the club’s computer system, none of us would’ve known that Tristen had been kidnapped in the first place. Once they were settled in the SUV, we headed to Arizona. Knowing the cartel had been drugging her, I
decided to take Tristen to a rehabilitation center to help her deal with her addiction. The rehab facility was one of the best around, and I had no doubt they’d get her back on her feet. I’d like to say that I was doing it all for her, that I was just making sure she got the help she needed, but I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it for me. Just like the other sick bastards back in that room, I wanted her for myself, for her to be mine in every way, and at the time, I didn’t care if she felt the same. Tristen Carmichael was mine.

  I knew it was fucked up. I knew it was wrong, and there would be hell to pay. I’d gone against my word. I’d double-crossed the club when I hadn’t talked to Cotton, and I’d only made matters worse when I didn’t bring her directly home. My actions had forever severed my ties with Satan’s Fury. I knew going to Cotton wouldn’t change anything, but I respected him enough to have a face to face with him. Once Tristen was done with rehab, we headed straight to the clubhouse.

  When we walked into the bar, Cotton was already there waiting for us. While Cotton greeted Tristen with a smile and a hug, Big walked up behind them. I didn’t miss the uneasy look he gave me as he glanced over in my direction. We’d been friends for a long time, and over the years, we’d found ourselves in some pretty tight spots. In the past, we’d always managed to find our way out, but I knew this time would be different.

  Not wasting any time, Cotton told Tristen, “I’m sure the girls will be glad to see you, too. Cass and Peyton are in the kitchen. Why don’t you go check in with them while we have a word with Nitro?”

  Her eyes were filled with concern as she turned and looked at me. Over the past few weeks, we hadn’t spent much time together. She had been busy with her counseling sessions and group therapy, so I had no idea how she really felt about things. It meant something to me that she was concerned about me, though. I gave her a nod, letting her know I was good. She didn’t look convinced as she answered Cotton. “Sure. It would be great to see them.”

  As she walked out, Guardrail and Maverick came into the bar and gathered behind Cotton. Judging by their heated glares, I could tell that they weren’t exactly happy to see me. These were men you just didn’t fuck with. Ever. So needless to say, I’d found myself in a precarious situation. I’d like to say it bothered me that my old friends were looking at me like they wanted to put a bullet in my head, but it didn’t. I looked Cotton in the eye as I said, “We’ve come to a crossroads, brother. I know you are set on severing ties between us, and I’m not here to change your mind.”

  “That’s a good fucking thing, because there is nothing you could do or say that would change my mind.”

  “Figured as much. I’ve known you long enough to know how goddamned stubborn you can be.”

  “Being fucking stubborn has nothing to do with it. We trusted you, and you stabbed us in the motherfucking back,” he growled.

  Anger boiled inside of me. I knew I’d fucked up by not coming to him, but in the end, I’d done right by Tristen. “I saved your girl from the fucking cartel, Cotton. Got her the help she needed to get back on her feet. If that’s stabbing you in the back, then it is what it is.”

  “Don’t try to turn this around, brother,” he roared. “You fucked this whole thing up, and you know it. You had to be the fucking hero for some girl, to hell with the consequences.”

  “I had my reasons.”

  “Pussy isn’t a fucking reason to turn your back on the club.”

  Rage surged through me as I took a step towards him. “You’re walking a thin line, Cotton. Truth is, you’d do the same damn thing if Cass was standing up there, being sold like a piece of fucking meat.”

  “I wouldn’t have double-crossed the brothers.”

  “You’re a goddamned saint, Cotton.” He was being a self-righteous asshole. “Never had any fucking regrets. Must be nice to walk around in those fucking boots of yours.” I shook my head in aggravation. There was no point in trying to talk this thing out with him. He was too thick-headed to listen. “There’s no sense in continuing this bullshit. What’s done is done.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.” Cotton’s expression was full of hate as he nodded towards the door. “Nothing keeping you here.”

  “If you’re ready for me to go, then get Tristen back in here. Ask her yourself and see what she really wants to do. If she chooses to stay here with you and keep the life she had, then I’ll walk out of here and never look back. But if she decides to go with me, then I’m taking her. Either way, this shit ends today.”

  Cotton turned to Big and ordered, “Go get her.”

  He turned and headed towards the kitchen. Tension crackled around the room as we waited for them to return. It was fucked up that our ties ended over all of this, but there was no going back. And honestly, I wouldn’t have changed a damn thing.

  There was no doubt Tristen was nervous as she walked over to Cotton. “Big said you wanted me.”

  “I do.” He stepped towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Need to know what you want to do.”


  “Do you want to come back here and stay at the club… or do you want to leave here with him ? The choice is yours, doll.”

  My nerves got the best of me as I waited for her to answer. I hoped that she wouldn’t have any doubts, but she’d be crazy not to. She didn’t know a damn thing about me, and there was no real reason for her to leave. She had gotten better. She didn’t need me, and I was worried she might end up staying. I had my doubts until she looked over at me. There was something in her eyes that let me know her answer before she even said the words. “I’ll never be able to thank you for all you’ve done for me, Cotton. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t let me stay here. All the brothers have been good to me, and I love all of you… but I don’t belong here anymore.”

  “You sure about this?”

  She glanced over at me once more. “I am. This is something I need to do.”

  “You’ve gotta do what’s right for you, Tristen. I get that. Just know the door is always open.”

  “Thank you, Cotton.” Tears ran down her face as she gave him another hug, then she turned to me. “I guess I better go get my stuff.”

  Once she was done packing, her sister helped us load her things into the SUV. We said our goodbyes, then drove out onto the highway, leaving the brothers of Satan’s Fury behind. On the way back to my place, Tristen was quiet. I figured she was sorting through the chaos in her head and trying to convince herself that she’d made the right decision in leaving. I’d made her think she’d had a choice, that it was up to her if she stayed at the club or left with me, but the truth was I’d never intended to leave that clubhouse without her.

  “Cotton looked mad,” Tristen muttered as she stared out the window.

  “He was.”

  “Was he mad at me?” Her voice trembled with worry. “He’s done a lot for me… I really don’t want him to be mad.”

  “He’s not mad at you. He’s mad at me.”

  “After everything you did, why would he be mad at you?”

  “In our line of work, you only trust the people who’ve proven they can be trusted. Over the years, Cotton proved that he was a man I could trust, and I’d done the same with him, until a few weeks ago. I let him down.”

  “Can’t you try to fix it?”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible.”

  “If you proved that you could be trusted once before, you can do it again.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not so sure I want to.”

  She looked at me blankly. “Why wouldn’t you want to?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  She sighed as she turned and looked out the window. I knew she wanted more from me, but I didn’t see the point in talking about it. She wouldn’t understand, so there wasn’t any use in trying to explain it. After several minutes had passed, I thought she’d let it go, but I was wrong. “Maybe you could try telling him you’re sorry.”

  “I’m not sorry.”

  Her eyes never left the window as she muttered something under her breath. “Either way. Apologizing isn’t always about being sorry. It’s just a way of showing that you care more about your friendship than your ego.”

  “It’s not that easy,” I told her, ignoring her little jab at my pride. “In any other situation, you might be right, but like I said… it’s complicated.”

  “If you say so.”

  An uneasy silence filled the truck as we continued towards my condo. I’d called ahead and let Max know that we were on our way. He was my head of security and everything in between. I counted on him for just about everything, including getting things ready for Tristen. We were both exhausted from the long trip, and I figured she’d be ready to settle in. As we pulled up to my complex, I heard Tristen take in a deep breath. When I looked over, I found her staring up at the building with wide eyes. “This is where you live?”

  “This would be it. I live on the top floor.”

  “Of course you do.” She cleared her throat as she reached for her purse. “Where will I be staying?”

  “I’ve got a spare room at my place.”

  “Your place?” she asked, sounding surprised.

  “I figured it would be the easiest thing for now.”

  “Oh… okay.” Her voice trailed off as she opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. “I’ll go grab my bags.”


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