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Any Way You Want It

Page 4

by Maureen Smith

  “Not every shadow.” He sounded faintly amused. “More than enough, though.”

  Zandra shook her head, turning to watch as white-capped waves danced close to the shore, as if beckoning them to wade in and frolic.

  “I thought you were going to the club with the others,” she said.

  “I was,” Remy murmured.

  “So what happened?”

  “I changed my mind.”

  Zandra looked at him. “Why?”

  “I wanted to be here.” He moved closer. “With you.”

  Zandra’s heart beat triple time as she gazed up at him. “Remy...” she said softly. Just his name. Nothing more.

  He reached out and gently cupped the side of her face, his thumb stroking her lower lip.

  She shivered, swallowing hard. “ should have gone to the club.”


  “You could have had fun. Met someone.”

  His dark eyes glittered with challenge. “Is that what you really want? For me to meet someone?”

  Zandra opened her mouth to respond, but no sound emerged.

  “I didn’t think so,” he growled.

  She shook her head at him, feeling more confused and frustrated than ever. “What are we doing, Rem? We came here to relax and have a good time, not destroy our friendship.”

  He frowned. “How are we destroying our friendship? By admitting that we’re attracted to each other? By accepting the fact that we want to sleep together?”

  Heat flooded Zandra’s cheeks. “That’s not going to happen.”

  Remy laughed softly. “I don’t think you believe that any more than I do, sweetheart.”

  She held his gaze another moment, then abruptly sidestepped him and started back toward the hotel.

  Remy followed her, his long-legged stride making it impossible for her to outpace him.

  They walked without speaking for several minutes, the only sound between them coming from the ocean.

  As they neared the hotel, Remy broke the silence. “What are you so afraid of, Zandra?”

  “I’m not afraid of anything.” But that was a lie, and they both knew it.


  She sighed, staring up at the moon. “Look, you’re right, okay? I’m attracted to you. And yes, damn it, I want to sleep with you. More than you can imagine.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Remy murmured.

  Zandra shook her head at him. “But just because we’re attracted to each other doesn’t mean we should act on those feelings. There’s a lot at stake here.”

  “I know,” Remy agreed.

  “Do you?” Zandra stopped, prompting him to do the same. As they turned and faced each other, she said earnestly, “I cherish your friendship, Remy. I don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize the good thing we’ve had all these years.”

  “Neither do I,” he said quietly. “But believe me when I tell you that there’s absolutely nothing you could ever do to jeopardize our friendship. I’m not going anywhere. Ever. So you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”

  For the first time in hours, Zandra smiled. “You promise?”

  His lips curved. “I promise.”

  “Good.” Zandra sighed, closing her eyes as he stroked her windswept hair off her face. “In the meantime, if it’s an island fling you’re looking for, you should have no problem—”


  She opened her eyes, bewildered by the sudden change in Remy’s demeanor. She stared at him. “I was just going to suggest—”

  “I know what you were going to suggest,” he growled, “and I already told you I’m not interested in meeting someone else. But if I were, I sure as hell wouldn’t need your assistance.”

  Zandra scowled. “I never implied—”

  “If it makes you feel better to pretend that you’re unfazed by me going out with other women—”

  Zandra bristled. “I’m not pretending anything. What you do in your personal life is none of my business.”

  Remy shook his head at her, his lips twisted sardonically.

  Averting her gaze, Zandra glanced around the beach and belatedly noticed that they’d come upon the cabana, where several people sat at the bar nursing drinks and enjoying the warm tropical night. Zandra’s eyes narrowed at the sight of Remy’s flirtatious admirer seated at the counter, her head thrown back in laughter as an attractive man whispered in her ear.

  Zandra frowned. Seriously? This chick again?

  No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than the woman suddenly glanced around. When her gaze landed on Remy, the look of unadulterated pleasure that swept over her face set Zandra’s back teeth on edge.

  She turned to look at Remy, but he’d already made eye contact with his leggy admirer. As they smiled at each other, Zandra’s fingers curled into her palms until her nails dug into the flesh.

  She watched as the woman murmured something to her companion, who frowned deeply, then picked up his drink and shuffled away with the slumped shoulders of a rejected suitor. Raising her glass to her lips, the woman winked invitingly at Remy, completely ignoring Zandra.

  “Come on,” Remy murmured, turning back to Zandra. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

  “No need,” she said coolly. “I can find my way back on my own.”

  He frowned. “That’s not the p—”

  “Besides,” she continued, “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your date, especially after she took the liberty of clearing the path for you to join her.”

  Remy regarded Zandra for a long moment, a knowing gleam entering his eyes. “You’re not sounding very unfazed right now.”

  Heat stung her face. “Like I was trying to explain before,” she said, striving for a neutral tone, “you should have no problem finding a plethora of partners for an island fling.” She paused, then couldn’t resist adding, “Maybe that’s what we both need. A hot island fling—with other people, of course.”

  Something lethal flashed in Remy’s gaze.

  He nodded curtly to her, then turned and sauntered across the beach toward the waiting woman, leaving Zandra to stew all the way back to the hotel.

  Chapter Three

  Three hours after Zandra returned to her hotel room, showered and crawled into bed, sleep eluded her.

  She was burning up, her skin damp with perspiration as she tossed and turned restlessly against the cotton sheets.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore, she lunged from the bed, padded to the French doors and flung them open, thinking that the ocean breeze would cool her down. But the night air was sultry, wrapping around her heated body like a lover’s embrace.

  Closing her eyes, she stood on the balcony bathed in moonlight as her blood pumped hotly through her veins.

  Suddenly there was a low, rough knock at the door.

  She spun around, her heart vaulting into her throat.

  She didn’t have to wonder who it was.

  Her body had been calling out for him ever since she’d abruptly ended their dance, which had been nothing more than a prelude to seduction. She’d known it, and so had he.

  And now he’d come for her.

  Before she could stop herself—not that she would have—Zandra rushed across the room, unlocked the door with trembling fingers and swung it open.

  Remy loomed in the doorway, his shoulders nearly spanning the opening, his eyes blazing fiercely in the shadows. His chest and feet were bare and he wore dark pajama bottoms, as if he’d rolled right out of bed and snuck to her room like a thief in the night—or a man on a mission.

  They stared at each other.

  No words were spoken as Remy stepped forward, cupping her face between his big hands and crushing his mouth to hers. Gasping with shocked pleasure, Zandra threw her arms around his neck and pressed her swollen breasts against his hard, powerful chest.

  His hungry mouth devoured hers in a deep, scorchingly erotic kiss that left her aching with need as wetness dripped from
her pussy. She whimpered his name, her hips writhing feverishly against the huge erection bulging from his pants.

  Parting her lips, he plunged his hot, silky tongue into her mouth. She captured it and sucked it hard, making him groan hoarsely.

  He backed her into the room and kicked the door shut behind him, then lifted her effortlessly into his arms and carried her over to the nearest piece of furniture, a sturdy bamboo table.

  When he set her down and reached for the lamp, she whispered self-consciously, “No, leave it off.”

  “Keep it on,” he growled savagely. “I need to see you.”

  The light clicked on, spreading a warm glow around the luxurious room.

  With a feral gleam in his dark eyes, Remy reached down and ripped her nightshirt in two. She shivered as the flimsy halves fell away from her body, leaving her naked and exposed to his fiercely ravenous gaze.

  “I knew it,” he rasped. “You are so beautiful. So fucking beautiful.”

  Looking like a starved man who’d been invited to a lavish smorgasbord, he reverently touched her knees, then ran his callused hands up her thighs and past her flat stomach before he cupped her plump breasts, pushing them together.

  She trembled hard, watching through heavy-lidded eyes as he lowered his mouth to her erect nipples. They were unbearably sensitive, exploding with sensation as he blew lightly over them, then sucked them into his mouth.

  She groaned and arched backward as his tongue flicked over one nipple then the other, shooting spasms of pleasure from her areolas down to her pussy.

  Through the intoxicating haze of passion and lust suffusing her brain, a tiny voice reminded her that this was Remy, her childhood friend and tormenter—the last man on earth she should become intimate with.

  But she didn’t care. What he was doing to her felt so damn good, she couldn’t have stopped him if a hurricane was tearing the hotel apart.

  He stroked his hands down the front of her body, caressing her heated skin. She arched into his touch, gasping when he slipped one hand between her legs and palmed her throbbing mound. Watching her face intently, he used his blunt fingers to spread her labia while his thumb rubbed the tight nub of her clit.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, writhing desperately against him.

  Face hard, nostrils flaring, he pushed two fingers inside her creamy wetness. She cried out and flung back her head as he stroked her cunt, probing deeper as her inner muscles clenched around his fingers. She was on fire, burning up from the inside out as she bucked her hips against his hand, craving sweet release.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he growled, giving her a look of savage lust as he withdrew his fingers from her wet clasp. “I have to be inside you the first time you come.”

  With that, he swept her up from the table and carried her to the bed. He lowered her to the mattress, then stepped back to yank down his pajama pants.

  She gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of his long, thick cock rearing from a trim patch of black pubic hair. Her mouth watered as she watched a bead of precum emerge from the narrow slit.

  Remy lowered himself onto her, both of them shuddering as their naked flesh met. He shoved his fingers into her hair, slamming his mouth over hers as she wrapped her legs around his broad back. They rolled across the bed kissing hungrily, tongues twining, hands stroking and exploring until Remy pinned Zandra beneath his heavy body and gazed down at her.

  “Zandra,” he whispered softly. “Zandra.”

  The way he said her name made her shiver. His voice was awed and husky, achingly reverent, as if she were the embodiment of a dream he’d never expected to come true.

  Shaken, she stared into his eyes. “Remy?”

  “What, baby?”

  “Fuck me. Please.”

  He groaned. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.”

  Before she could comprehend his meaning, he wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her tight against him, driving his cock inside her with one long, brutally erotic stroke.

  Arching her back, Zandra almost wailed at the intensity of the pleasure that ripped through her.

  Remy shuddered deeply, his eyes slamming shut as he threw back his head, the tendons straining in his neck and shoulders.

  Zandra stared up at his face, his features contorted in ecstasy. She’d never seen anything so profoundly beautiful. So stunningly powerful.

  “Ahh,” he groaned, as if he were in acute agony. “You feel so... I can’t... Oh, God...”

  Zandra understood. This joining was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. The way he felt inside her, his cock filling her, stretching her unbearably... Words couldn’t begin to describe it.

  After several moments, Remy opened his eyes and lowered his head. They stared at each other as he slowly began thrusting into her. He was so big, so thick, that she could feel every inch, every vein, every ridge of his shaft sliding into her. Tears welled in her eyes, white-hot pleasure scorching her insides.

  She moaned as his strokes came harder and faster, her fingernails scoring his back and the flexing muscles of his ass. He whispered erotic endearments as he drove into her, reaching a part of her no man had ever touched. Desperately she arched against him, hearing their flesh slap at each furious joining.

  And then suddenly her whole body was shaking. She screamed as she came, racked by spasms so staggeringly intense she thought she must be dying.

  Moments later Remy went rigid against her, then exploded with a shout that was raw and hedonistically primal. He jerked out of her and fisted his hand around his cock, white spurts of cum shooting out of him and splashing onto her stomach.

  Purring with breathless satisfaction, Zandra reached down and smeared his hot semen into her sweat-slicked skin. Then, as he watched her through hooded eyes, she slid her sticky fingers into her mouth and sucked them dry, savoring his clean, salty taste.

  Remy gave a husky groan, then slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her. It was a soft kiss, slow and tender, infused with an emotion she couldn’t define.

  Her lips clung to his as he slowly lifted his head and stared into her eyes.

  “That was lovemaking,” he murmured, his midnight-velvet voice sending shivers through her. “Now...we fuck.”

  Remy meant what he’d said.

  After two long years of torturing himself with erotic fantasies about Zandra, he’d finally, finally, made love to her. It had far surpassed anything he could have ever imagined.

  And he was just getting started.

  Kissing his way down to the curving mounds of her breasts, he latched onto a dewy nipple that hardened against his tongue. As he pressed the nipple to the roof of his mouth and sucked, Zandra whimpered with pleasure.

  “Are you still on the Pill?” he murmured, all after the fact.

  Her breath caught. “H-how did you know I was?”

  “Sweetheart, I know almost everything about you.” He licked his way to her other breast. “So yes or no?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was shaky. “I’m...I’m still on the Pill.”

  “Good. I wanna come inside you from now on.”

  She gasped as he rolled her over and pulled her onto all fours. Grabbing her hips, he rubbed his throbbing erection against the smooth, shapely swell of her ass. Zandra shivered, looking over her shoulder to watch as he nudged his dick between the swollen folds of her slit.

  As he thrust into her, she arched backward with a high-pitched cry. All the breath left his body in a harsh groan as her pussy clamped around him like a vise. She was so hot, so tight and honey-wet, sheathing his cock with a perfection unmatched by any other woman he’d ever been with.

  Tightening his grip on her waist, he began a hard, pounding rhythm that rocked the entire bed. Zandra gasped and moaned, her hands clenching in the rumpled covers beneath her. Reaching under her body, Remy cupped her swaying breasts and rubbed her taut nipples, making her moan louder and longer.

  Perspiration sheened their skin as he ham
mered into her, his pelvis slapping her ass until the sound drowned out the roar of the pounding surf below. This wasn’t sweet or gentle lovemaking. This was raw sex. Pure fucking.

  As he jacked her hips into the air, she nimbly wrapped her long legs around his back, giving him an even deeper angle of penetration. Growling with savage satisfaction, he pummeled her harder and faster, ramming his swollen balls against her pussy as sweat dripped from his forehead and spattered her back.

  “Remy...” Zandra keened with ecstasy. “Oh, fuck...fuckkk!”

  He felt her inner muscles contracting. Then she wailed, long and hard, as her juices spilled around his thrusting flesh.

  Throwing back his head, Remy exploded in a searing burst of pleasure that tore through his balls and shot out of his cock. He shuddered and groaned Zandra’s name as he ejaculated, hot and violently, into her pulsing womb.

  Closing his eyes, he limply dropped his head forward.

  When he could move again, he gently lowered Zandra’s legs to the bed, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down with him. They were both panting, her slick breasts heaving against his chest as he held her close.

  For several minutes neither spoke, lulled by the sounds of the ocean and the warm breeze wafting through the open balcony doors.

  Remy had never felt more relaxed and content in his life. He hoped Zandra felt the same, hoped she didn’t already regret what they’d done.

  When the silence stretched between them, he stroked a hand over her tousled hair and murmured, “What’re you thinking about?”

  She sighed languorously. “I don’t think I’ll have the energy for ziplining and sailing and horseback riding tomorrow.”

  Remy chuckled, relieved. “We could always just stay here.”

  “And skip out on your family a second day?”

  “I’m sure they won’t mind.” He knew they wouldn’t mind.

  Zandra chuckled dryly. “Um, no, that’s okay.”

  “You sure?” His lips nuzzled her damp temple. “We could have plenty of fun on our own.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” she muttered under her breath.

  Remy grinned.


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