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Any Way You Want It

Page 22

by Maureen Smith

  She lowered her head, her mouth hovering tantalizingly over the rearing cock.

  “Do you want me to suck you?” she purred wickedly.

  A hard tremor ran through his body. “Fuck, yeah.”

  Her lips twitched. “Fuck, yeah, what?”

  “Fuck, yeah, Your Highness.”

  She smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”

  She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, felt him jerk at her touch. He was so hard and engorged with blood she could feel every vein bulging out along the hot skin.

  As she slowly pumped her hand up and down, he grew even thicker and harder, and precum dripped faster from the narrow slit to make her hand slick.

  She leaned down and licked the glistening tip of his cock.

  He groaned hoarsely, his head falling back against the pillows.

  She ran her tongue down to the base and back up around the head. He shivered, his muscular thighs clenching. She closed her lips tight around the bulbous tip, then sucked her way down to his hairy groin, deep-throating him.

  Remy shuddered and swore, loud and long.

  Tossing her hair over one shoulder, Zandra began moving her head up and down as she sucked him. She used her tongue to trace the protruding veins, used her lips as a suction around his throbbing cockhead. She didn’t neglect his engorged balls. She cupped and massaged them as her mouth milked his shaft, coating him with her saliva.

  His feet twitched and his toes curled as he thrust his hips upward, driving his cock deeper inside her. His guttural sounds of pleasure excited and aroused her, made wetness leak from between her thighs.

  “My queen...” he groaned in a voice so ragged with lust it sent chills through her. “Ah, fuck...”

  As his breathing grew harsh and labored, Zandra knew he was going to explode at any moment. So she wasn’t prepared when he suddenly lifted his head from the pillow and licked her soaking pussy.

  She shattered at the same time that he violently ejaculated, shooting hot cream into her mouth and down the back of her throat.

  She swallowed without choking, then slumped forward onto his muscular legs as he lay there gasping and shuddering. Neither could speak for several long moments.

  When Zandra finally got her larynx to work again, she looked over her shoulder and demanded imperiously, “Who gave you permission to put your mouth on me again, slave?”

  Remy chuckled, low and sexy. “It’s called sixty-nine, Your Highness. Perhaps you have another term for it, but when two people are in this position, the general idea is to provide mutual oral pleasure.”

  Zandra smothered a laugh. “Don’t get smart.”

  “My bad, Your Highness.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re very bad. But I’ve decided to show you some mercy.” She climbed off him, turned around and unlocked the leather handcuffs, leaving them dangling from the headboard.

  Suddenly freed from his restraints, Remy sat up and lunged toward her.

  She put her hand to the wall of his chest, halting his advance. “Not so fast, slave. I’m still in command.”

  His eyes glittered.

  She shivered at the realization that she might as well have said “Stay” to a dangerous, bloodthirsty wolf.

  She waited weakly for Remy to pounce.

  But he surprised her.

  “All right,” he smoothly acquiesced.

  She smiled approvingly. “Good boy.”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  Her stomach quivered.

  She bit her lip, then nodded her consent.

  He leaned forward, slanting his mouth over hers. The kiss was slow and tender, such an achingly sweet counterpoint to the eroticism of their role-playing that tears stung her eyes. If she hadn’t already accepted that she loved him, she would have known in that moment.

  Her lips clung to his as he slowly drew back.

  They stared at each other.

  Then he smiled that slow, sexy smile that always melted her insides.

  “Get the nipple clamps from the bag,” she whispered.

  His eyes twinkled. “Aye, my queen.”

  As he moved to do as he’d been told, she admired his firm, round butt. The man was the epitome of masculine perfection and beauty.

  When he returned to her, she angled her back to him. “Undo my corset.”

  “With pleasure.”

  She held her hair out of the way as he unhooked the binding, his knuckles skimming the skin on her back as he worked quickly. When he was done, he tossed the corset aside and gripped her shoulders, turning her around on the bed.

  His hands reached out and plumped her breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples until they were achingly hard.

  He groaned with appreciation. “God, you have the prettiest tits, Zan— Your Highness,” he caught himself.

  “Thank you. Now put the clamps on me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She watched, pulse pounding erratically, as he carefully fastened the clamps onto her elongated nipples. She hissed, pain mingling with erotic pleasure.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded tightly.

  He leaned down, licking her areolas to soothe the raw ache. Delicious shivers raced through her. As his lips suckled the plump swell of her breast, one then the other, she could feel the wetness of her slit, the hungry need pulsing in her clit.

  She cupped his face between her hands, coaxing his gaze to hers. “I want you to fuck me from behind,” she whispered.

  A slow, wicked grin curved his mouth. “With pleasure.”

  “In the ass.”

  He went still, his eyes searching her face. “Are you sure?”

  She lifted an imperious brow. “Are you questioning my command?”

  “No, my queen,” he said huskily. “I’ll make love to you, any way you want me to.”

  Her heart skipped a thrilled beat.

  Nipples throbbing from the clamps, she crawled to the table, reached inside the bag and retrieved the anal lubricant that she’d snuck into the cart yesterday when Remy wasn’t looking.

  He watched through heavy-lidded eyes as she poured some of the lubricant into her palms, then smoothed it over his rigid erection, making him shudder from the silky friction.

  He climbed off the bed, then dragged her to the edge and set her booted feet on the floor. She spread her legs and bent forward, thrusting her ass high into the air. Remy murmured appreciatively and caressed the swell of her backside.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Zandra watched as he licked his middle finger, then gently slipped it inside her hole, preparing her for his entry.

  As he pushed a little deeper, she instinctively tensed.

  He stopped.

  “I’m kinda big,” he murmured without a trace of conceit. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  Her heart melted at his concern. “You won’t.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” She slowly gyrated against him. “Come on. Fuck me.”

  He used one hand to spread her ass cheeks. With the other he gripped his erection and guided the blunt head to her tight opening. She closed her eyes as he eased inside her, his thick cock stretching the tight anal muscles.

  She bit her lip hard, letting herself relax to take more of his length.

  “Am I hurting you?” His voice was rough.

  She shook her head quickly. “Keep going,” she half begged.

  He moved deeper, his cock dragging against the sensitive tissue as he stretched her some more.

  Suddenly he paused, gasping and shaking. “’re so tight. You feel so...fucking good.”

  She moaned. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  After another moment he began thrusting his hips, his cock slowly pumping in and out of her ass. When he reached between her thighs and rubbed her clit, she shuddered with pleasure, clenching fistfuls of the silk bedspread.

  His strokes accelerated, his dick tunneling between her buttocks as he buried himself deeper i
nside her tight clasp.

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.

  She felt raw, wanton. Outrageously decadent.

  Remy wrapped her hair around his hand, pulling her head back to growl silkily against her ear, “Am I pleasing you, Your Highness?”


  He smacked her ass, and she cried out with pleasure. He whacked her again, harder, and this time she sobbed out, “Yes!”

  He laughed, dark and triumphant.

  She soon forgot about the role-playing, forgot about the eyes secretly watching them from the other side of the glass wall. She forgot about everything else and simply lost herself to the moment.

  Lost herself to Remy.

  She’d had anal sex before and had enjoyed it, but not like this. Never had it been this good. Pleasure flooded each and every nerve ending of her body. Her breasts bounced up and down as Remy fucked her deeply. With her nipples stinging from the clamps and his cock plundering her asshole, it was sensory overload.

  Before long she was shaking, needing desperately to come.

  And then he reached around and slid his finger into her wet pussy, filling both of her orifices.

  That was all she could take.

  “Remy!” she screamed as she climaxed, the orgasm seeming to erupt from every direction.

  She felt his cock pump and jerk spasmodically. Then he shuddered, tensed and shouted her name as his hot semen burst into her, making her come even harder.

  Afterward they gasped and panted together, his arm clasped tightly around her waist, clutching her to him. Her vision was blurred, and her ears were ringing from the rush of blood to her head.

  “Your Highness is absolutely amazing,” Remy whispered, his hot breath burning her ear.

  Zandra smiled languidly. “I could say the same of you, slave.”


  “Mmm. Might.”

  She squealed as he scooped her up and dumped her onto the bed. Before she could scramble away, he swooped down on her and hauled her close so he could spoon her, their bodies sticking together with sweat.

  Zandra sighed, thoroughly and deliciously sated. Belatedly remembering the nipple clamps, she reached down and unfastened them, then gently massaged her sore areolas with her fingertips.

  Remy held her closer, kissing her along her ear and neck. “How long can we stay here?”

  She smiled. “As long as we want.”

  “Mmm. That means we’re staying all night then.”

  She laughed, turning in his arms to kiss him.

  It was only then that she saw a man watching quietly from the open doorway of the chamber.

  Their eyes met and held.

  She glanced down at Remy. His lids were lowered as he lazily nuzzled her throat.

  She lifted her gaze back to Heath.

  His eyes were shining.

  She blew him a kiss. A kiss farewell.

  He smiled softly.

  And then he was gone.

  Long afterward Remy and Zandra lay quietly together. At some point he’d gotten up to remove her outrageously sexy boots so she could be more comfortable. Since then, neither of them had moved.

  “I have to say,” he murmured lazily, “this is the most...unusual place I’ve ever made love.”

  Zandra laughed softly. “More unusual than the ladies’ room?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, most definitely.”

  “I think I have to agree.”

  Remy smiled, stroking her hair. “When did you plan all this? And how?”

  “That’s for me to know,” she said slyly, “and you never to find out.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t need to know details. It’d spoil the illusion.”

  “Believe me, nothing could spoil this.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m not telling you.”

  He grinned. “Fine. Keep your secrets then.”

  “I will. After all,” she murmured whimsically, “what’s a woman without her secrets?”

  “Hmm.” Remy kissed her bare shoulder. “You’re an amazing woman, Zandra Kennedy.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  Remy reached down and smacked her on the ass.

  She laughed, wriggling away from him.

  He pulled her right back, burying his face in her soft hair. “I must say, Z, you’d make one badass queen.”

  She giggled. “You think so?”

  “Hell, yeah. I’d do whatever you told me to.”

  “You should do that anyway,” she quipped.

  “What? What?”

  She squealed protestingly as he rolled her over to face him, pinning her beneath his body. She stared up at him, her dark eyes glimmering with laughter.

  “See,” he murmured, gently brushing her hair back from her face, “I told you I could be submissive.”

  She snorted. “Barely.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, come on, Remy. You know it was killing you to lay there and let me be in charge.”

  “That’s not true,” he objected.

  She gave him a look.

  He grinned sheepishly. “Okay, maybe a little. But only because you make me so damn hot for you. I just want to devour you every time.”

  “Mmm,” she purred, curving her arms around his neck. “The feeling’s definitely mutual.”

  Remy lowered his head, brushing his lips across hers. Her warm breath fanned across his face as he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth. He licked the insides of her cheeks, making her moan softly with pleasure. As she twined her tongue around his, blood rushed into his dick, hardening him at once.

  Zandra smiled against his mouth. “Looks like someone’s ready for the next round.”

  “Hmm.” Remy licked the seam of her lips. “I think that’s a safe assumption.”

  “Good. Because I’m ready to go for a ride.”

  With that, Zandra pushed Remy onto his back and straddled him, her juices bathing his shaft as she ground slowly against him.

  He groaned, his eyes glazed with desire as he stared up at her. She was so damn beautiful, he could have come just from looking at her.

  Holding his gaze, she provocatively raised her hips above his jutting erection, then lowered herself and cried out as his cock sank deep into her wetness.

  His hands went around her waist, but he didn’t begin thrusting into her. He’d let her set the pace. Let her ride him with that hot, beautiful pussy of hers.

  “Ohh,” she moaned, exulting in the feel of him embedded deep inside her.

  His mind was blown by the sight of her, head arched back, eyes closed, voluptuous breasts thrust forward. She looked like a work of art. Powerfully feminine, fiercely erotic.

  She began to move on him, her pussy clenching around his shaft, gripping him in that way only she could do.

  Heart knocking against his ribs, he watched her face as she fucked him slowly and tantalizingly. He memorized the flutter of her black lashes, the delicate flaring of her nostrils, the flush that heated her cheeks, the way she bit her luscious lip in ecstasy.

  He savored every sigh of hers, every gasp, every moan, every whimper of his name.

  And with every grinding motion of her glorious hips, she drove him closer to orgasm. Closer to paradise.

  He ran his hands up and down the silky curve of her back as she rode him. He met each of her thrusts, gave them back to her. As the pressure mounted, his cock pulsed and swelled.

  And then he was coming, exploding inside her at the same time that she went liquid around him, her inner muscles contracting.

  They came together, long and hard, for what seemed like hours.

  It was breathtakingly intense. A spiritual bonding.

  When it was over she fell forward onto his chest, gasping and shivering.

  He cupped the back of her head and kissed her, unleashing years of pent-up emotion and longing upon her mouth. He kissed her until she was breathless and tremblin
g, until she had to draw back and gasp for air.

  Framing her face between his hands, he gazed deep into her eyes and whispered fiercely, “I love you.”

  Her eyes softened with tears. “I love you, too, Remy.”

  He stared up at her, afraid to believe he’d heard wrong.

  So she repeated herself. “I love you.”

  His heart soared.

  “Zandra,” he said, his voice husky with emotion, “you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of hearing you say that.”

  Surprise flickered in her eyes. “Really?”

  “Really.” He swallowed tightly. “I’ve been in love with you for...a long time.”

  She gazed wonderingly at him. “How long?”

  “Very long.”

  A smile quivered on her lips. “That’s...funny.”


  “Because I think I’ve been in love with you for a pretty long time myself.”

  “Really?” he whispered.

  She nodded slowly. “Really.”

  They stared at each other.

  Then Remy groaned and crushed his mouth to hers, and this time she kissed him back just as hard, just as desperately. As he rolled her onto her back, she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him like she never wanted—or planned—to let go.

  Remy vowed right then and there to tell her the truth about his secret investigation. As soon as they returned home, he’d come clean with her.

  And then he’d do everything in his damn power to convince her to spend the rest of her life with him.

  Chapter Twenty

  If Zandra had had an inkling of the powder keg that awaited her back in Chicago, she would have insisted on remaining in London.

  She should have insisted anyway. She and Remy had been having such a wonderful time together, she hadn’t wanted to come home.

  On the day they returned, they still couldn’t get enough of each other. Remy drove Zandra home from the airport and carried her luggage inside, then wound up spending the night. They’d made love into the wee hours of the next morning and slept in late, spooned like perfect halves.

  When Remy left around noon, promising to return that evening for dinner, Zandra took a hot shower and put on a halter top and jeans. She’d considered going into the office for a few hours, then changed her mind. She’d left the agency in Christine’s capable hands, so there was no need for her to rush back.


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