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Amber's Allure: An Erotic Intentions Book

Page 13

by Evie Harrison

  “Thank you, Jordan,” she murmured.

  I wanted to tell her she never had to thank me for doing what came to me as naturally as breathing, but our conversation was interrupted by my bookkeeper, Roslyn, stepping into the hall.

  “Hey,” she called out cheerfully. “Are you guys coming in or do we now do hallway business?”

  “Plans have changed,” I answered. “You’ve got everything under control, and you don’t need me here. I trust you enough to know there’s no reason for me to micromanage. You and Robert have at it. Give me a rundown at the end of every day and if there’s anything I need to do, I’ll get on it.”

  Ros looked shocked but ecstatic. “Wow,” she laughed, “I guess miracles do still happen. I never even hoped… I mean. Wow,” she said again. “Yes, I’ve got this. I’ll give you a detailed briefing each night.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her I wouldn’t be devoting hours to talking things over, but I let it go. If I started showing my caveman cards there in the hall, Robert could have decided to block me.

  “You’ll do great,” I said sincerely. “Head on back into the meeting room. Robert will be right there.”

  After Ros had walked away, I turned my attention back to Robert.


  He shook his head. “Not like I’ve got much choice. You’re right. She shouldn’t be around the store. I didn’t think it would be a problem, but I can’t fault her for being curious. Besides, she’s an adult. I can’t hold her against her will.”

  I breathed out slowly, forcing myself not to show how relieved I was by his acceding to my plan. I was one step closer to having Natalie where she belonged—which was with me, but I knew I needed to do something else to get him totally on board.

  “How about you and Eric come out to the ‘Bu in a couple of weeks?” I offered. “We’ll hit the beach and barbecue. It’ll be a fun time.”

  When Rob’s face lit up, I knew the invitation had been the right move.

  “That’d be great,” he answered enthusiastically. “I’ve heard your house is epic.”

  For what I paid to build it, it damn well better have been.

  “It is, and there’s tons to do. You’re welcome to stay over in the guest house.”

  “Wow! That’s awesome. We’d love to.”

  “I’ll email you, and we can pick a weekend.”

  Just like that, I had him in the palm of my hand.

  More importantly, I had Natalie.

  “Make sure you email your mom and tell her about this,” he said to her.

  “I will,” she assured him.

  I was miffed neither one of them expressed any concern about Natalie’s mom hitting the roof when she found out about the new arrangement. I knew for damn sure I’d have a fuck of a lot to say if my daughter up and moved in with a stranger. Granted, my intentions were better than good, and I planned to take care of Natalie forever, but still. A parent should’ve been worrying about her.

  I stood by silently as Robert and Natalie spent a few minutes talking about how he’d need to check her mail while she was gone. After she gave him a hug and a kiss goodbye and assured him she would text him later that night, I shook his hand and then escorted her out of the store.


  My stomach started doing non-stop flip-flops the second Jordan touched my arm in the store. The man was the full package, absolutely gorgeous from head to toe. Jet black hair, a wickedly sexy five o’clock shadow, dark blue eyes, and lips that had immediately been filed away in my mental fantasy file were just the start. He was tall—at least six feet—and he smelled like the ocean and a hint of spice. Even in dress pants and a button down shirt, I could tell his body was amazing. His chest and arms were taught and firm and looked inviting, and I found myself resisting the urge to nuzzle myself against him.

  As soon as I looked up at him, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. He was the man I wanted to be with. I’d been a good girl, keeping my virginity and not letting myself get sucked into bed by a teenage loser or one of the men my mom worked with who hadn’t been above hitting on me when I was underage. I’d never been tempted because I hadn’t clicked with anyone in a way I wanted to explore.

  I’d always known I liked older guys, but until Jordan, I’d thought older meant early to mid-twenties. There was nothing about Jordan that wasn’t pure man. I didn’t know how old he was, but I knew he was definitely in his thirties. His age clearly didn’t faze me at all since I’d never been so attracted to anyone, ever.

  I should’ve been mortified when he caught me with a dildo in my hand, but seeing the hunger in his eyes took away any shame I felt. When he announced I wouldn’t need it I almost swooned, hoping he meant I’d be getting the real thing from him.

  I’d snuck out into the store to look at the products because I was curious. I wanted to find something to scratch my relentless itch. The second I saw Jordan I experienced a different kind of itch. Immediately I knew it couldn’t be sated by a toy.

  When he said I was going with him, I almost clapped like an idiot. The way he looked at me… I wanted to experience it every day. As we left the store, I was almost giddy with excitement.

  He stayed by my side as he guided me to the parking lot. Gesturing to my two door silver Honda Prelude, I smiled. “This is me. I’ll start it up and you can follow me home,” I said.

  Several seconds passed without a response from him. He bent down and looked under the car, muttering something under his breath before he stood back up. Otherwise, he was silent, saying nothing for long enough that I started to worry. Looking over, I found him glaring at my car like it had run his cat over that morning. My stomach sank like a stone as it dawned on me that he was having second thoughts. Stupid, stupid, stupid me, I inwardly chided. I’d been so sure there was a connection.

  “It’s okay,” I lied. “You don’t have to worry. I’m sure having someone you don’t know in your house would be inconvenient. I’ll do my project here at the store and I promise you I won’t ever go out on the floor again.”

  His head whipped to the side, his jaw unclenching as he gaped at me like I’d just said something completely insane.

  “How did you get the impression I don’t need you?”

  I ignored his use of the word need as I gestured up to him. “Uh, the expression on your face. You look really unhappy.”

  “I am,” he answered honestly, “but it’s not because you’re moving in with me. It’s because you’ve been driving this,” he gestured to the car angrily, “pile of garbage! Your muffler is attached with a wire hanger, and your tires are bald! It’s older than you by a lot and it looks every second of its age. How the hell did this thing pass a smog test?”

  He was right my ride was old and decrepit. It also wasn’t street legal anymore. The smog test had been due three weeks before and it failed. I was a ticket or a fine waiting to happen. I hadn’t known the tires were bald, though.

  “It didn’t pass,” I admitted dejectedly. “As soon as school is over I’ll get a job and have it fixed.”

  He looked ready to explode. “I don’t know what the hell is up with your mom but I can’t fucking believe Robert lets you drive this. He could’ve given you the money to fix this and not felt it at all. Jesus! I’m very disappointed in him.”

  “My mom had just left when it failed,” I explained, “and I’m not allowed to drive her Tahoe so I’m kind of stuck. Robert has tried to give or force the money on me several times, but I refused. He and Eric are using every spare cent they have to finish their new house and adopt a baby. He isn’t my dad or even my uncle—I’m not his responsibility, even though he argues with me about it every day.”

  Jordan shook his head and let out a shaky sounding breath. “You were wrong not to take that money, Angel. You could’ve been killed in this death trap. The thought makes me ill.”

  My breath caught and a dozen butterflies took flight in my stomach when he called me Angel.

  “But I wasn’
t,” I reminded him. “I’m okay.”

  He held my gaze with laser like intensity. “You’re never driving this car again,” he declared.

  “I need to drive it home but I promise after that I’ll ride the bus until I can afford—”

  He waved his hand through the air dismissively. “Money is not something you need to worry about. You aren’t driving this thing anywhere. I’ll be at the wheel for its final trip. You can drive my car. Give me the keys to yours.”

  I handed them over reluctantly, embarrassed that my car was such a piece of crap. Taking my arm, he guided me over to a gorgeous and brand new looking black Range Rover. My stomach began to churn as I stared at it.

  “I can’t do this,” I exclaimed. “Your car is worth more than my life! I wouldn’t feel right. What if I ding it backing out of the space or scrape the tire on a curb, or—”

  “You’re worth far more than this car,” he answered. “If you ding it, you ding it. I care about your safety—not a few scratches on a car. One thing is replaceable. The other is priceless.”

  Opening the door for me, he helped me into the car and showed me where the controls were to adjust the seat. I lost the ability to think for many seconds when he pulled the seatbelt over and across me before fastening it. He was so close to me I couldn’t contain the breathy little sigh that escaped my lips. Turning his head, he smiled at me devilishly. My panties had been damp since the second I looked into his eyes, but being so close to him took me from damp to wet. Wetter than I’d ever been, even at night when I touched myself in the dark.

  Leaning in a little, he set his nose against the collar of my shirt and breathed in. As he exhaled, he made a husky sound low in his throat. I whimpered as his breath fanned across the skin of my neck. Having him so close was electric, and I almost groaned when he pulled away and stood up straight before setting his hands on the roof of the car and looking down at me.

  “You smell like the best kind of dream,” he said huskily.

  My core clenched as I licked my lips and stared at him hungrily. He looked like he wanted to throw me into the backseat and fuck me right there.

  As I looked at him, it dawned on me nothing was making sense. The man was rich, hot and crazy successful. Why would he want some teenage idiot from Riverside? I frowned as I dropped my head to hide my blush.

  I told myself that somehow I’d been blowing everything out of proportion. Maybe he was just a really nice guy with a hero complex. I whimpered when he put two fingers under my chin and tilted my head up.

  He looked concerned as he assessed my expression. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  I shook my head, licking my lips nervously as I did. His gaze dropped to my lips and he watched, seemingly fascinated.

  “Nothing is wrong,” I lied.

  His eyes came back to mine, and he stared at me like I was a puzzle he was desperate to solve. I looked away, hoping he couldn’t see how much I wanted him. It was embarrassing enough that I’d imagined for even one second he liked me. He didn’t need to know I was drooling over him. My mouth went dry when he let out a bark of laughter.

  “My angel,” he chuckled, “so sweet. You never have to doubt me, never need to feel shame. Trust me, Natalie.”

  My heart all but pounded out of my chest as I licked my lips and stared at him, anxious to see if he’d say anything else.

  Lifting his hand, he traced a finger down my cheek.

  “Drive safely,” he instructed. “Not because of the car, fuck the car—but because of you. You’re the most valuable thing here. Got me?”

  I nodded like a bobble-head. After closing my door, he tapped on the hood and smiled before walking away. I forcefully shook myself out of it as I pressed the start button for the Range Rover. It purred to life quietly but powerfully, which I was not used to. I groaned when my Honda started behind me, and I heard the rattle of my muffler. Robert and Eric claimed it was almost as loud as a Harley. It wasn’t, at least not yet, but it was annoying, and I was a little embarrassed that Jordan was in my clunker.

  I let out a little sigh of enjoyment as I traced over the buttery soft leather of the steering wheel. After putting the car into gear, I reversed out of the spot and pointed the car toward the exit. I drove cautiously, stopping at lights that were merely a hint of yellow. Jordan stayed right behind me, and at every stop I found myself staring at the rearview mirror to catch little glimpses of him. He was so manly, sexy, and gorgeous, I wanted to eat him up. My skin felt too tight on my body, and I was flushed because the car smelled like him, which made me crazy.

  A relieved breath escaped me as I pulled into the driveway of the duplex where I lived and parked the Range Rover. I made it all the way there without scratching a thing, and I was ecstatic. I’d have been mortified if I scratched his car.

  Stepping out of the Rover, I grimaced as Jordan parked my Prelude next to me. The engine really was quite loud.

  When he got out, he slammed the door behind him and came to my side.

  “How’d you like my ride?” he asked.

  I couldn’t help the giant grin that spread across my face. “It was magical,” I answered happily. “I’ve never been in something so smooth and perfect, not even my Moms car. I’m going to start playing the lottery so I can buy one for myself,” I laughed. “I’ve always wanted a Mercedes but the Range Rover… that’s where it’s at.”

  “If you want, then you’ll have both,” he said.

  With a roll of my eyes I turned away and headed for the stairs that led up to my house, gesturing for him to follow. Robert and Eric lived in the bottom unit and my mom and I had the upstairs.

  “The day I’ve got enough money to get two cars—much less a Range Rover and a Mercedes—is the day pigs fly,” I said over my shoulder. “Besides, I’m a ride or die kind of girl. I’ll be loyal to my car. No need to have two.”

  He said something under his breath that I didn’t quite catch as I hurried up the last few steps. After unlocking the handle I threw the door open and stepped inside before turning to watch as Jordan looked around. His brows went up as he took it all in.

  “This is beautiful—I love custom pieces like this,” he said as he gestured to the entry table. “Is your mom a decorator?”

  I beamed at him. I’d decorated it myself over the course of the previous three years and was really proud of it. My mom was away a lot and she wasn’t into décor, but I loved it. I’d spent hours at flea markets and yard sales getting beat up furniture to chalk paint. We’d also gotten some really nice pieces that were new. We weren’t rich, but my mom made enough for us to live in a nice neighborhood.

  “It was me,” I answered happily. “I love to work with furniture, paint and fabrics."

  “Holy shit,” he said, as he looked around again wide-eyed. “You did all this?”

  “I did,” I said proudly. “My mom doesn’t care about design so she gave me free reign. I was happy to do it.”

  I gestured toward the hall. “Follow me and I’ll show you my room. I finished it about six months ago.”

  The door to my room was open, and never had I been so happy that I made my bed every morning. Stepping in, I turned to wait for his reaction. My room was a labor of love. From the metallic silver accent wall behind my bed to the floor to ceiling orchid and silver curtains I’d spent hours meticulously sewing, it was gorgeous. My full-size bed was adorned with plum and white bedding with a duvet draped across the bottom. I’d sewn it using material from high-quality top sheets I got at Goodwill.

  Every detail in the room was just what I’d envisioned, including all of the intricately scrolled wood pieces I’d attached to the fronts of my simple Ikea furniture. I had spent hours using saws and drills to get everything just so, and the results were spot on. My room looked like it should be in a magazine, yet it cost less than a thousand dollars. Thank you, Craigslist, coupons, Goodwill and Pinterest.

  “You’ve got amazing taste. When I was eighteen my room was a fucking disaster of dirty laundry,
empty soda cans and used cond—”

  He grimaced as he stopped talking. Running a hand through his hair, he looked away before speaking again.

  “Are you going to design school after college?”

  I shrugged and looked away. “I might. I’m taking a year off to decide what I want to do with my life. I feel like I’m supposed to have a plan or something but all I’ve ever really wanted to do is have a family.”

  I was embarrassed to admit it because I knew some people found the idea crazy. The smile that spread across Jordan’s face made it clear he didn’t think I was nuts.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  I lit up at his understanding.

  “You’re really the first person to say so,” I admitted. “My Mom is all about her career and my guidance counselors think I’m just suffering from lack of direction. The push is to go to college, get a degree and work my way up some business ladder. I just… don’t see that as being my destiny.”

  “No,” he agreed quietly “Your life is what you make it. If you want a family, you’ll have a family.”

  I hoped so. Nothing would make me happier than having a home, a husband and children. I’d always longed for that life, but the man at my side had always been faceless, a vague idea of a person. Suddenly the husband I imagined was Jordan Sinclair. I’d have bet any amount of money he’d be an amazing lover. Just the way his lips were shaped…

  He broke me out of my little daydream with a question.

  “Do you have luggage?”

  I nodded and crossed the room to open one of the closet doors. My pulse spiked when Jordan came up behind me and reached out to grab one of my suitcases off the top shelf. I looked over my shoulder and watched as he set it on my bed before turning back my way. Blushing, I quickly turned back to the closet and busied myself pulling a sundress off the hanger. Instead of staying over by the bed, he came back to the closet to pull out the other suitcase.

  “Will everything fit in here?” he asked.


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