The Hacker

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The Hacker Page 15

by Leslie Georgeson

  I shouldn’t have kissed her. I should have stayed away. The damn woman was going to be the death of me. How the hell could I decrypt the files now when all I could think about was making her come undone in my arms?

  I strode into the kitchen. Yanking open the fridge, I stared at the contents inside, not really seeing anything. All I could see was Shannon in my mind, her face flushed with pleasure as I kissed her. All I could imagine was what she might look like when I made her come completely apart.

  A breath of sound behind me alerted me to her presence just before her scent reached me. God, she smelled good. All soft and feminine and enticing. Delectable.

  I slowly turned to face her, closing the fridge.

  She came forward, pausing in front of me. She was still wearing the pajamas, but now she was also wearing a jacket and tennis shoes that she must have found in the closet of the teenager’s room upstairs.

  “I thought you said it was dangerous out there.”

  “It is,” I conceded.

  She cleared her throat. “Then why did you agree to take me home?”

  I sighed. “You’re not a prisoner here, Shannon. I told you if you wanted to leave, I wouldn’t stop you.”

  Her gaze delved into mine. “I just need some fresh air. I’m going outside for a bit.”

  “Be careful out there,” I warned. “Don’t wander too far. This is a dangerous city.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be careful.”

  I watched her go, then went back into the computer room and picked up the coffee she’d brought me, taking another sip. I glanced at the security cameras, spying her on the edge of the front porch, staring out into the darkness. She turned slightly, and I caught a glimpse of her profile. The expression on her face was one of confusion. Conflict. As if she was being pulled in two different directions and didn’t know which way to turn. I could relate. The woman had me so messed up inside, I couldn’t decide whether to toss her out once and for all or take her upstairs and make love to her for hours on end. The first idea made me uncomfortable, as it was too dangerous to send her home. I might as well be shoving her in front of a firing squad. The second idea filled me with longing. Desperate need. But if I got close to Shannon, she might take advantage of my weakness. She might use me to try to get more information for her “investigation”. And I’d already shown her more than I should. I had no idea what to do with her. When Ryan, Luke, and I left here, I couldn’t take Shannon with me. So what to do with her?

  The lack of trust settled between us like a large crevasse. Deep and impenetrable. How could we close that gap and learn to trust each other?

  The coffee was now lukewarm, so I carried it into the kitchen to heat it back up in the microwave. I returned a few minutes later and resumed my position in the chair at the computer desk, ready to get back to the decryptions.

  I glanced at the security system again, noting Shannon was no longer standing on the front porch. A sudden uneasiness swept through me. Had she run off, deciding to try to find her way home on her own? Would she be that stupid?

  I rose, heading for the front door. I would just peek outside, locate her, and make sure she was okay.

  I opened the front door, stepping out onto the porch. “Shannon?”


  Then a muffled sound from around the corner of the house. My senses went on high alert. I pulled my Glock from the holster at my back and crept toward the edge of the house. I paused again, letting my acute senses take everything in. Quick breaths. Rapid heartbeats. The stench of sweat and fear and excitement.

  Movement came from the other side of the house, rustling sounds, like clothing being shoved aside. Then more muffled cries. Feminine cries.

  I peered around the corner. Three men were gathered around Shannon. One of them had her around the waist, his arm down her pants while he crudely rubbed himself against her backside. The other two thugs watched excitedly, gathering close, egging their friend on.

  For a moment, I thought he was raping her from behind, but then she squirmed and twisted sideways, elbowing the guy in the ribs and breaking free of his hold. Relief coursed through me as I saw he was still fully clothed.

  Then a surge of rage coursed through me. I was generally a mild-mannered guy, but seeing those thugs trying to hurt Shannon sent me over the edge. They would die for this.

  I stuffed my gun back in its holster and instead removed my knife from the sheath at my ankle. This would be quieter. Draw less attention to us. And give me more satisfaction.

  Keeping to the shadows, I crept closer.

  Shannon lunged away from her assailant, spinning around and kneeing him in the groin. He grunted and dropped to the ground, clutching his injured testicles.

  Pride swept through me. The girl was a fighter. I liked that.

  Then the other two thugs caught her. The man she’d kneed rose to help them. Shannon screamed and fought wildly while the men shoved her roughly down onto the ground in between them.

  “Shut her up!” one of them ordered.

  I came up behind the man who was yanking her pajama pants down, grabbing him around the neck. I yanked him off her, twisting his head in a rough crack, snapping his neck. I dropped him and moved toward the other two, who quickly surrounded me, one raising a knife, the other pointing a pistol at me.

  “Stay down, Shannon,” I ordered. “And close your eyes.” I attacked the man with the gun first, kicking the weapon from his hand and knocking his feet out from underneath him. Before he could rise, I lifted my knife to his throat. With a quick slice, I ended his life, then let him drop near his dead friend.

  The third man turned on his heel and fled. I contemplated chasing him down and killing him, then changed my mind. If I ran after him, Shannon would be left alone, and there was no telling how many other street thugs roamed around out here in the dark.

  Then I sensed another presence on the other side of the shrubs lining the house, watching. I moved cautiously toward him, my single eye focusing intently on the bushes. He swirled out in a flash of movement, just a dark, otherworldly blur. There was no definite shape to his form, though he was huge, probably six and a half feet tall. I caught a sense of wide shoulders and a muscular build. Like a dreg. Except he was even bigger than me, and I was the tallest of the dregs. His facial features were indiscriminate, just a whirl of fog-like substance, his eyes dark pools in a strange swirl of fogginess, his entire body a moving cloud of smoke. Before I could figure out what the hell I was looking at, he disappeared.

  Just a slight shift in the air. And was gone.

  Vanished. Without a sound.

  Leaving a cold breath of ice trickling down my spine.

  What the fuck? He wasn’t human. Or at least, only part human. Like a dreg. Was he one of us? Who was he?

  Shannon made a sound behind me, a soft cry of alarm.

  I whipped around to make sure she was okay, finding her struggling to sit up, her eyes wide and frightened. In shock. She was staring where the fog man had just been.

  “D-did you see that?”

  I hurried back to Shannon, letting my gaze roam over her. “Yes. Whatever he was, he’s gone now.” Her jacket was half-off, hanging by one arm. Her pajama pants had been pulled down to her knees, exposing her soft thighs. She was struggling to pull them back up, but her hands were shaking so badly she wasn’t able to accomplish much.

  Sympathy tugged at me. I reached down and hauled her to her feet. Gently brushing her shaking hands aside, I grabbed the waistband of her pajamas pants and pulled them up for her. She let out a sob, her embarrassment plain. I wrapped the loose end of the jacket over her shoulder and scooped her up, cradling her close. “It’s all right,” I murmured. “I’ve got you.”

  She barely made a sound as I raced for the front door. I carried her back inside, then closed and locked the door behind us.

  I set her on her feet, stepping back to inspect her more closely in the light. She tilted her head back and stared up at me for a long moment,
her eyes wide, her face red. Then she crumpled, her eyes welling with tears, as the shock of her ordeal crashed over her. I caught her as she stumbled into me.

  She hitched in a breath, burrowing closer against me. “I j-just wanted some f-fresh air,” she blubbered. “I needed to b-breathe, to think. That’s all. And they…they…”

  “They’re gone,” I reminded gently, tenderness washing over me. I hated seeing this strong, brave woman broken down into such a pitiful mess. “You’re safe now. And that was some impressive self-defense moves. You kneed that bastard right where it counts. I’m glad you didn’t do that to me that night in the woods.”

  She choked out a half-laugh, half-sob. “I would have if you’d given me the chance.”

  I chuckled softly. “I have no doubt that you would have. You’re a tough girl, Shannon.”

  She huffed. “Not tough enough.” She lowered her gaze, her discomfort plain.

  I hefted her up into my arms and carried her into the living room, then sat on the couch, pulling her into my lap. She burrowed deeper against me, clinging tightly.

  “Did they hurt you?” I couldn’t resist asking, though I believe I’d stopped them before they’d done any serious damage.

  She sniffled. “They s-slapped me, and probably bruised my wrists, but otherwise…” She swallowed hard. “No. It’s more emotional trauma than physical.”

  “I know,” I murmured, gently squeezing her. “I was almost raped once. I ended up killing the guy.”

  She stilled, tilting her head back to look up into my face. “Good for you. What…happened? Can you talk about it?”

  I puffed out a breath. “I was sixteen. I stole one of the guard’s phones and got caught. The General told the guard he could have me for fifteen minutes as my punishment. The guard had a preference for boys.”

  Shannon let out a soft gasp, her gaze delving into mine. “That’s…terrible.”

  I shrugged. “It was all part of being a recruit. Only the strongest survived. The guard was the first man I ever killed.”

  She turned her face into my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Noah. My problems seem so trivial compared to what you’ve gone through.”

  “Not trivial,” I said gently. “Just different. We all have trials we must face.”

  She hugged me tighter in obvious gratitude. “Why are you being so kind to me?”

  I didn’t know how to answer that, so I didn’t respond. I didn’t know what to do except hold her right now. I could only be grateful that I had gone outside when I had. A minute or two later would have been too late. I still wasn’t sure what to think about that ghostly fog man watching from the bushes. Was he friend or foe?

  Another icy chill crept down my spine. Something about that guy made me suspicious. Uneasy. There was something eerie about him. Unnatural. Was the stranger a soldier from The Company? If so, was he tracking us? Or had he somehow escaped from The Company? If he was tracking us, then why had he just disappeared and not tried to kill me or bring me in? He seemed suspiciously like the dregs, having a special talent or ability. Did he know who I was? Had it been mere coincidence that he’d been hiding in the shrubs when those thugs attacked Shannon?

  I had a strong feeling I hadn’t seen the last of him, whoever he was. I would have to make sure Shannon stayed indoors until we left here. It wasn’t safe out there. If that guy returned, I would have to question him, find out what he wanted. Find out who he was.

  I held Shannon for a long while, not speaking, just letting her cling to me, trying to make her feel safe and secure. A strong sense of protectiveness washed over me as I held her. I’d never done this before, comforting someone. But I liked it. I liked holding her close, making her feel safe. Sharing my warmth.

  While she cuddled against me, I slipped my phone from my pocket and group-texted Ryan and Luke that I needed them to remove two bodies out behind my apartment. Ryan texted back with a question mark, while Luke responded with: We’re on it. Give us details later.

  Time passed. The sun slowly rose, its rays filtering in through the cracks in the blinds. Shannon finally stilled, her shakes disappearing. I glanced down, noting she’d fallen asleep.

  I rose slowly from the couch with her still cradled in my arms and headed up the stairs.

  Several moments later, I settled her onto the bed in the room she’d been in earlier. Pulling the covers up over her, I turned to leave.

  “I saw what you did to those men.” Her voice was a soft whisper from behind me.

  I turned slowly and met her gaze. Was she horrified?

  “I told you to close your eyes.”

  “I know. But how could I look away when you were saving me? Those men deserved to die. You’re an incredible man, Noah. A true hero. Thank you.” She didn’t sound horrified in the least. “That’s twice now you saved me,” she went on softly. “Yet I’m associated with the man who allegedly tried to kill you. Who allegedly did horrible things to you.” She was referring to her father now. “You are definitely dangerous,” she murmured. “I just witnessed it with my own eyes. But I don’t think of you as a killer. I still don’t understand why you saved me, especially if my father was the monster you say he was. But I have to thank you, Noah. And I mean that sincerely. Thank you.”

  I cleared my throat, my face heating. “You’re welcome. Get some sleep, Shannon. We can talk later.”

  I headed for the door, praying I would be able to escape before she could ask me to stay.

  Because if she asked me to stay, I wouldn’t be able to tell her no. And staying would be dangerous.

  If I touched her again, if I held her in my arms, I couldn’t predict what might happen.

  “Noah?” Her voice halted me once more as I reached the door.

  “Yeah?” I didn’t turn around. I couldn’t look into her eyes. I was afraid to. Please don’t ask me to stay.

  There was a slight pause, then, “Will you stay?”



  I didn’t want to be alone right now. Noah made me feel safe, which was a contradiction if I thought about it. He’d killed my father, so I should be terrified of him. But I wasn’t. He’d done nothing to harm me. He’d saved me. Twice now. I owed him. And he’d comforted me. Held me. Even though he didn’t have to. He’d shared his own story of near rape with me. I felt closer to him now, as if we’d bonded from our similar experiences.

  “Will you stay?” I asked softly.

  He paused at the door. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he murmured without turning around. “You’ve gone through a lot tonight. You’ve been traumatized. You’re vulnerable right now. You need sleep and time to recover.”

  I didn’t want to act all needy and clingy. I wasn’t that girl. I’d never been that girl. But when Noah had held me, I’d felt so safe. So secure. No other man had ever made me feel that way before.

  “You make me feel safe,” I whispered. “Will you just sit and visit with me until I fall asleep? Tell me more stories about your life as a recruit?”

  He turned his face away, obviously conflicted. “Shannon…”

  “Just for a little while,” I pleaded. God, I was pathetic. “I can’t stop reliving it in my mind. Their faces, their taunts, their rough hands, their crude words…” I shuddered violently in remembrance. A sob worked its way loose.

  He heaved out a sigh. “All right.” He hesitated, then came back to the bed. He sat awkwardly on the edge but made no move to touch me. Did I make him uncomfortable? “There was this one time Logan and I stole one of the guard’s shoes while he was in the shower.” He let out a soft chuckle. “We put his shoes in another guard’s locker…you can imagine how that turned out.”

  I laughed and leaned into his side, wrapping my arms around his torso, and listened as he talked. “Did they try to kill each other?”

  He snorted. “No. They figured out one of the recruits did it, but they could never find out which one.”

  He gradually relaxed, pulling hi
s legs up onto the bed and settling back against the headboard. Then he lifted his arms and wrapped them around me. I snuggled closer, resting my head against his chest, tightening my arms around him. He was so big and warm and strong. So safe. I let out a sigh and relaxed.

  When Noah held me like this, I forgot all about those rough hands and crude words. Instead, I thought of his lips on mine, and the spark that had ignited between us when he’d kissed me earlier, and how I’d melted against him with desperate need. When he touched me, he made me all hot and achy and wanton. Which was totally unlike me. My last boyfriend had called me an “ice princess” when he wasn’t able to get me off, and I’d wondered if something was wrong with me. Now, it occurred to me that maybe he just hadn’t known what he was doing. Noah certainly knew what he was doing. When Noah touched me, fire spread along my skin, igniting a flame of passion deep inside me. When Noah kissed me, I felt only heat and lust and the urge to get closer to him. I wanted him to kiss me again, right now, until all I could think about, all I could feel, was Noah. Just Noah.

  I didn’t understand my fierce attraction to him. He should be my biggest enemy. I should hate him. Yet when I looked at him, I felt no hatred. Only fascination. And a strong physical attraction. He intrigued me. He was a mystery I wanted to solve.

  I tilted my head back and gazed up into his face. He stared at the far wall, probably not really seeing anything, but the look on his face said he was lost in his memories. I waited, staring up into his face, but he said no more.

  “Am I bothering you?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  He gave a start, his gaze darting to mine. The prosthetic eye was slightly askew from the slight angle in which he looked down at me. I imagined some people might find that eye a little freaky, but it didn’t bother me. The man had lost his eye doing things he hadn’t wanted to do. To me, the injury just added to his attraction, to his character, to the man he was underneath. It was part of his story, a story I was now eager to learn more of. He’d shown me the file on Recruit Number 89, which had probably not been an easy thing to do. He’d survived horrible things, yet he seemed to have retained some decency, some humanity. And he didn’t seem to have come out of it as badly damaged as I would expect from some of the things that had been done to him, and some of the things he’d been forced to do. That said a lot about him. How had he survived all that? He must be incredibly strong inside. Who was Noah? And would he ever tell me the rest of his story?


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