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The Countess and the Cowboy

Page 16

by Linda Wisdom

  Myrna was soon caught up in Letitia's excitement. She did her share of helping her plan the party and volunteered to make the calls. She also gently warned Letitia.

  "You have to realize that a lot of people move out here from the city. When they discover the isolation and the hard life, they pack up and move away. That's why so many are wary of making friends." The two women worked companionably in the kitchen baking cakes and pies for the barbecue as Letitia mulled over the work.

  "I do not intend to move away." she said firmly, grimacing at the mangled pie crust she'd been rolling out. Myrna made it look so simple. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so excited about entertaining. "This is my home now. It took a gun for me to get this land, so I don't intend to let it go easily.”

  "And the next quarter's payment on the loan?" Myrna asked bluntly, as she pulled round cake pans out of the oven.

  "Once the rest of my jewelry is sold, I can easily pay it and have money to put away." Letitia absently scratched her nose, leaving a white dot of flour on the tip.

  "You can't give it all up, child. It isn't right."

  "Women gave up a great deal more when they first homesteaded here. They left behind their family, lost children, sometimes husbands, and discarded personal items just to keep going."

  Myrna shook her head. "I thought you promised to quit watching those movies and accepting them as gospel."

  Letitia wrinkled her nose at the woman's gentle chiding. "This one about moving west was interesting. Besides, from those movies I did learn enough not to suggest we run sheep."

  "Sheep!" Tyler walked in on the tail end of the conversation. "Them's fightin' words." He flicked the tip of her nose and showed her the white smudge on his fingertip.

  "Yes. I found that out in an Errol Flynn movie. Still, I intend to come up with an excellent way to make this ranch pay for itself," she insisted.

  "I can't wait to see what you come up with," he told her as he swiped a cookie off the cooling rack and got the back of his hand smacked with Myrna's spoon.

  "Just about every one of you men have been in here today on one excuse or another to steal my cookies," she said sternly. "At this rate, there won't be any cookies left and none of you will be hungry enough to eat that meal I've been fixing."

  Tyler grabbed her playfully around the waist. "Only because no one can bake them like you, Myrna, my love," he crooned, dancing her around the kitchen and stopping to bend her over his arm in a dip worthy of Fred Astaire,

  Letitia stopped her task and watched them. She couldn't remember the last time she saw Tyler's eyes as the cold gray stones she'd seen in the beginning. So much had happened since then that she didn't feel like the same person. Even Jack, in Letitia's last phone call to her brother, commented on how relaxed she sounded instead of a frenetic woman on a merry-goround.

  She looked down at her flour-covered jeans and cotton shirt. No wonder she didn't feel the same. She wasn't. She clapped her hands several times over her head. "All right, you two, dance class is over. You did very well today. Next week, we will work on the tango."

  Tyler grinned. "Didn't you get any cookies to sweeten your disposition, countess?"

  She held up the rolling pin. "I'm not allowed to graduate to cookie baking until I master the pie crust." She brandished it threateningly when Tyler strolled over to take a closer look. "If you say one word, you will have a permanent dent in your rock-hard skull."

  He studied the dough that looked as if it had been handled too many times. "What kind of pie?"

  She eyed him suspiciously. "Lemon meringue."

  "I want the first piece," he mock whispered before leaving.

  "It's not just any man who's willing to eat the first piece of your pie when he's never eaten your cooking before," Myrna advised.

  Letitia roused herself. She feared she looked like a love-starved teenager. "I don't know what you mean." She affected bland innocence.

  "Yes, you do. Just don't think others aren't noticing the way he looks at you and you look at him." Myrna shook her head. "Some days the way you two look at each other practically starts a brush fire."

  "We've just getting along better, that's all." Myrna chuckled. "So that's what you call it now."

  "LETITIA. LETITIA. Dammit, if you fall asleep again I will toss you into an ice-cold shower to wake up your sorry hide."

  "How barbaric can you get, Tyler Barnes," she scolded, hurrying into the bedroom from the bathroom. She bent at the waist and rested her elbows on the windowsill. "What's up?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Besides you, that is."

  Tyler shook his head. "Get dressed."

  "Why? Is there something wrong with what I'm already wearing?" Letitia straightened up and stood back to show him a black silk floor-length nightgown. What boosted Tyler's blood pressure were the sheer panels set in strategic areas clearly meant to fire up a man's imagination. "If so, I can take it off." She lifted her hands to the narrow straps.

  Tyler groaned. "I love it, but I don't think you'll want to wear it in the barn."

  "Are we talking about that roll in the hay you promised me?" She looked hopeful.

  "Just get dressed in something you don't care if it gets dirty and come on out to the barn," he told her. He disappeared from the window before she could question him further.

  "This better be good," she muttered, changing into jeans and a sweatshirt and pulling on her boots.

  When Letitia entered the barn, she heard muted voices coming from the other end of the building where a light shone.

  "Think it's going to be much longer?" Tyler's voice came out loud and clear.

  "Shouldn't be," J.T. replied. "I'd say within the next hour or so."

  Letitia walked quietly toward the voices. "What's going on?" she asked softly then stopped short when she saw the men crouched down in a stall calming a restive pregnant mare. Her eyes widened in wonder. "Is she going to have her baby?"

  Tyler nodded. "We've been waiting for Lady Anne to foal for the past week. She never likes to keep a schedule the way the other mares do. She's ornery-" his gaze swept upward to enfold Letitia "-like someone else I know."

  Letitia crouched down next to him. "Shouldn't the vet be here?" she whispered, unable to keep her eyes off the straining mare.

  "I wouldn't worry, missy. I was bringing foals into the world before you were born," J. T. informed her as he stroked the mare's quivering flanks. "She's going to be just fine. This isn't Lady Anne's first, so she knows what to do. Don't ya, girl'?" he crooned to the mare who lifted her head and nickered in response.

  “Letitia, will you go into the tack room and us some more towels, please? Tyler asked. “They’re kept m a plastic bag marked Maternity."

  "Would it help if I boiled some water?"

  The two men exchanged smiles.

  "No, just the towels, please," Tyler answered.

  She slowly backed out of the stall then ran for the supplies he requested and ran back, only slowing down when she reached the stall. "Here." She held out the packet.

  "Tyler! Come around here and help!" J.T. looked up.

  Letitia sat down cross-legged with her back against the wall. She watched a miracle as the men assisted the tiny foal into the world, carefully pulling two tiny legs out.

  "Is it all right?" she whispered, watching them clear the mouth and nostrils of mucus. She was so enthralled with the beauty the sight of blood and birth fluids didn't repulse her. All she saw was a new baby and it sent signals deep down inside her body that she'd never felt before.

  "He's just fine." Tyler looked up with a smile then froze as he saw the beauty shining in her face and eyes. He stared at her glowing features and wondered is this how she'd look if she just had our child? She's so beautiful to begin with, but I want to see her with our baby. He felt the emotions slamming into his gut like a sledgehammer.

  This is what real life is like, Letitia thought with wonder. This is what I want with Tyler. She blinked rapidly to keep the tears back. "He's so t
iny," she said in a choked voice, watching the foal struggle to his feet, his long legs wobbly as he headed directly for his mother.

  "You wait and see. He'll grow to be as big as his daddy," J.T. predicted. He looked from Letitia to Tyler and smiled. "Tyler, why don't you see Letty back to the house? I'll keep watch the rest of the night. Although I doubt they'll need me." He watched the newborn colt with pride.

  Tyler got to his feet and walked over to Letitia. He held out his hand, which she accepted and allowed him to pull her upright. Still in awe of what they just witnessed and what they just experienced between each other, they were silent as they walked toward the back door. Just before he opened it, Letitia stopped him.

  "Look." She turned and pointed upward. "Do you think there's a new star up there for him?"

  "The way I heard it, there's a new star when people die," Tyler said quietly.

  She shook her head. "Oh, no, stars are for new babies. Stars celebrate life, not mourn it. See!" She gleefully pointed toward a shooting star. "That's his. He's now official."

  Tyler wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him with his cheek resting on top of her head.

  "You're still trying to live a fairy-tale life, countess," he murmured.

  She rested her hands on top of his, right now content to feel his body against hers as they shared these quiet moments. "Not anymore. I'm not looking for that magic castle in the sky or that knight on the white horse to save me from the fiery dragon. But you know what would be nice?"

  "What?" His voice was muffled as he nuzzled her ear.

  "I know you should probably get back to the bunkhouse, but I wish you could come in and just hold me for a little while." She turned her head to press her cheek against his chest.

  Without saying a word, Tyler turned her around and picked her up in his arms. He shouldered the door the rest of the way open and carried-her into the bedroom where he set her down on the tumbled covers as carefully as if she was a piece of rare china. He silently removed her clothing and tucked her under the covers. ''I'm going to take a quick shower," he told her.

  She smiled and caressed his cheek. "I'll be here." He nodded. He started to straighten up then paused.

  He looked back down at her with a strange look on his face. He framed her face with his hands and brushed a gentle kiss against her lips.

  "Do you realize how special you are?" he whispered.

  "It's always nice to hear," her voice broke.

  "Then expect to hear it often." With that, he headed for the bathroom.

  Letitia smiled as she watched him leave the room. She curled up on her side cradling her pillow between her arms as she listened to the shower running. Tyler noticed the light in her eyes when he returned with a towel wrapped around his hips and another in his hand as he dried his hair. Letitia smiled.

  "I've never seen anything born before," she said quietly. "It was so beautiful."

  "It happens around here a lot, but we try not to take it for granted. Hey, move over." He smiled as he nudged her with his hip. He lifted the covers and slid in beside her. The moment he pulled her into his arms, he felt as if all was right with the world.

  "Things happen so fast that sometimes we forget to slow down and cherish them," Letitia murmured. "I don't want to forget anything. I want to wrap all these memories up in tissue paper and keep them forever."

  Tyler experienced a sharp pang of fear. "You sound as if you're taking off for parts unknown tomorrow."

  She shook her head. Tyler felt her hair brush across his face, several strands clinging to his mouth. He could smell the lingering faint floral scent of her shampoo. Nothing else could be so arousing.

  "You, of all people, know how outspoken I can be," she began.

  His chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. "I'd say I've had some experience with that side of you, yes."

  "Then you'll understand this." Her quiet voice floated in the night air. "I don't want it to end, Tyler. I'm probably a fool for saying it out loud, but I need to. I need to tell you how I feel" She turned in his arms, so she could see his face. And his reaction. "Call it one of my weaknesses. You mean a lot to me."

  He held her so tightly that she could barely breathe. "Do you realize what gift you've just given me?" he asked hoarsely, burying his face against the curve of her neck.

  "Is it of some value?"


  She felt a warmth radiate outward from her heart at his reply and the security of his arms surrounding her.

  "I'm glad."

  "I'd say this has taken us another step," he murmured, using his nose to nuzzle her hair away from her cheek.

  She wanted to burst out in song. Except she sang just as badly as Tyler did. She settled for slipping her arms around his neck. "I'd say so."

  "So, countess. Wanna go a little bit farther?"

  "What do you have in mind?"

  He nudged his knee between hers.

  "I guess we'll have to play it by ear and see what we can come up with, won't we?"

  She shifted her body until she could easily take him in. "I don't think I need to worry. After all, you always manage to come up with something."

  Their loving was slow and easy as they took their time to savor all the nuances. They touched softly, slowly, kissed any spot of skin they could find, murmuring words of praise for each other, telling each other what they liked, showing the same. This time, their loving climaxed in something so wondrous, so joyful, they couldn't have described what had happened between them if they'd tried to. It was just as meaningful as the first time they'd made love.

  Letitia stirred when Tyler left the bed about an hour later. She immediately slid over until she lay cradled on his side where she could curl up with his pillow. Her eyes were at half-mast as she watched him dress.

  "Tyler." Her voice was rusty with sleep.

  He paused in zipping his jeans and sat down on the bed. "What?" He carefully brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes and kept his fingers cupping her cheek.

  "You said we need to take things a bit further?"

  Her sleepy smile hit him as hard as her kisses did. All he could think of was climbing back in that bed and burying himself in her sweet body that drew him in so lovingly. He knew he'd never wanted a woman as badly as he wanted Letitia. No other woman gave to him what she did so freely. And he cherished her gifts.

  He laughed softly. "Yeah."

  She snuggled down in his pillow, glorying in his scent embedded in the soft cotton. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but this isn't any ordinary relationship we have here."

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. "For a woman who can usually think on her feet, you sure can be slow at times."

  Chapter Thirteen

  "I can't believe how festive it all looks. The men did a wonderful job of setting everything up." Letitia looked around the yard decorated with colorful hanging lights among the trees. The men had also sectioned off one section of the yard to be used as a dance floor with an upraised wooden stand for the band. Letitia and Myrna were busy covering the long tables set off to one side with brightly colored cloths and bringing out plates, cups, utensils and stacks of napkins.

  "You know, usually my job in setting up a party was checking to make sure everything was in order," Letitia explained to Myrna. "Actually getting in and fixing food and setting tables is much more fun."

  The older woman smiled her understanding. "Only because you feel as if it's all your own." Letitia looked over at the large pit the men had dug earlier. She could smell the spicy barbecued beef that permeated the air from the pit J. T. presided over with the importance of a world-famous chef.

  "There hasn't been a party here in years. Harvey wasn't into socializing too much," Myrna told her. "The men were looking forward to this get-together so much, they were happy to do the heavy work." She clucked her tongue as she looked Letitia over from head to toe. "I'd say if you intend to play hostess you better think about cleaning yourself up. Right now, you look
more like a kitchen maid than the lady of the house."

  Letitia grimaced at her shorts and cotton top, which were stained with barbecue sauce, a few suspicious grease stains and a few other unidentifiable spots. "At least I have proof I did my part in all this." She glanced at the clock and imagined the hands were racing around the face at breakneck speed.

  "You go on inside and take a long bath and put on your prettiest outfit," Myrna suggested, ushering her back to the house. "You may as well know now that some of these people are coming because they're curious to meet Running Springs' new owner. You want them to see how well you've settled in."

  Letitia groaned. She hated feeling as if she was on trial, "So I guess that means I shouldn't serve the French champagne and Beluga caviar before we feast on that cow we cooked," she quipped.

  "We barbecued a side of beef," she corrected.

  "Same thing."

  "Not exactly." Myrna gave her a gentle push. "Off with you. Get yourself pretty for Tyler."

  Letitia shot her an innocent look that was so bland it could have doubled as vanilla pudding. Except Letitia couldn't be bland no matter how hard she tried. "Why just for Tyler? There're going to be other eligible men here tonight."

  The older woman's smile was all knowing. "Probably because he'll be the one to appreciate your efforts the most. And I think he's the only one who counts in your eyes."

  Letitia leaned forward to confide, "You know what, Myrna? I think we should find a good-looking man for you, so you won't worry about everyone else."

  She hooted at the idea. "Before you think about marrying me off, I suggest you learn more about cooking."

  She shook her head, her braid swaying against her shoulders. "If the men thought I was going to do the cooking, anyone of them would offer to marry you right off. I guess I could pair you up with J.T."


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