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Abby, Get Your Groom!

Page 20

by Victoria Pade

  “It’s always good to know your own limitations.”

  “Seems smart. And wise,” she agreed. “So how long will you be here?”

  “Indefinitely.” That was certainly an indefinite answer. “I handle the construction arm of the company, so it will probably be quite a while. And Blackwater Lake Lodge is undergoing renovations.”


  He glanced around and found he liked the idea of not living in a hotel for what would probably be months. “You have a nice place here.”

  “Thanks. My husband built it.” There was fierce pride in her voice even as a shadow slid into her eyes. “It wasn’t planned as a bed-and-breakfast. We opened a business in town.”


  “Potter’s Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street.”

  He nodded. “I saw it on my way here.”

  “Danny, my husband—” she glanced at the picture and a softness slipped into her eyes “—thought everything through. Downstairs is the master bedroom with another room for a nursery. But he figured as the kids got older, into their teens, they’d need their privacy—bedrooms and separate baths. And a game room to hang out in. There’s even an outside entrance for the upstairs. I’m not quite sure how he planned to deal with that when they were teenagers.” She shrugged and the light dimmed in her dark eyes. “It didn’t work out as he planned, but it works for my needs now.”

  He wouldn’t have asked if she hadn’t brought it up. And he probably shouldn’t have asked anyway, but the question came out before he could stop it. “What are your needs?”

  A slight narrowing of her eyes told him she didn’t miss the double entendre, though he hadn’t meant it that way. She answered the question directly. “I decided to expand the ice cream parlor to include a café, a little more healthy and upscale than a coffee shop. Even though I took on a partner, we needed an infusion of capital. The simple answer is that I need the money to pay back the business loan.”

  “I see.”

  “Josie, my other boarder, has been here for a few months. I’ve known her for a long time and this arrangement works for her. She’s a widow and doesn’t want the responsibility of a big house. When she wants to travel, she can go without worrying about the house she left behind. For the other room, you’re my first. Tenant, I mean.” A becoming flush crept into her cheeks. “Someone from your company who knows my brother contacted him about your housing dilemma and he put them in touch with me.”

  “And still you investigated me.” One corner of his mouth curved up.

  “It never hurts to be cautious.”

  Sloan couldn’t argue with her about that. “So who is your brother?”

  “Brady O’Keefe.”


  She frowned. “Do you know him?”

  “Not personally. But I know the name. He did some computer and website work for my company.”

  Sloan also knew the guy was pretty well off. The way Maggie had emphasized the word need when talking about money, he was pretty certain her brother hadn’t been involved in raising the capital to expand her business.

  “You look puzzled about something, Sloan.”

  “I am. But it’s none of my business.”

  “Probably not.” She shrugged. “Ask anyway.”

  He nodded. “I know your brother by reputation and he has a few bucks. Yet you didn’t get the expansion loan from him.”

  One of her eyebrows rose. “How do you know that?”

  “Because you said you need money to pay back the loan. I don’t think your brother would pressure you or put you and his niece out on the street if you fell behind on payments.”

  “No.” She smiled. “But I wanted to do this on my own. My way.”

  “And what way is that?” Not the easy way, Sloan thought.

  She glanced at the photograph, then back at him. “When Danny and I opened the ice cream parlor, Brady wanted to help us, but my husband refused. He appreciated the offer, but it was important to him to do it on his own. A respect thing. Some might call it macho male pride.”

  “I see.”

  “He said it was human nature for people to not appreciate things they didn’t have to work hard for. So we poured our heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into the project. Our phase one. The plan was always to expand and open the café, but there was a setback when he was killed in Afghanistan.”

  “I’m sorry.” Stupid words. So automatic and useless. Why wasn’t there something to say that would actually help?

  “Thank you.” She slid her fingers into her jeans’ pockets. “Danny’s gone, so I’m carrying on the dream. The way he would have wanted—without my brother’s help.”

  “With three sisters, I can say with certainty that my instinct would be to write a check if they needed it. Brady probably feels that way, too. So how’s he taking this loan thing?”

  “You’d think I gave his computer a particularly nasty virus.” She grinned. “Still, I think he’s secretly proud of me.”

  Sloan didn’t doubt that. What brother wouldn’t be proud of a sister like her? It would have been easy to let herself be taken care of after losing her husband, but she hadn’t. She was raising their child and running an expanded business plus taking in boarders. Doing things her way. And it was a good way.

  She glanced at his empty hands. “I assume you have luggage. I’ll show you to your room, then bring your things up.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll get everything.” His way wasn’t to let a woman carry his stuff, especially when that woman looked as if the first stiff breeze would blow her away. He admired her independence, but he did things his way, too. “There’s a lot and some of it is heavy.”

  “Okay. Follow me.”

  Now, that he didn’t mind doing, because she had an exceptionally fine backside. Aside from her obvious external attributes, there was a lot to like about his new landlady. Smart, straightforward, self-reliant. Salt of the earth. He would bet his last dime that she wasn’t a gold digger.

  He almost wished she was.

  * * *

  The next morning Maggie settled her crabby daughter in the high chair beside the round oak kitchen table. After giving the little girl a piece of banana, she whipped up a batch of biscuits and popped them in the oven. When the idea had taken hold to rent out the upstairs rooms, she’d come up with a different breakfast menu for each day of the week. Today was scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, onion and tomato. Fried potatoes. Country gravy for the biscuits. And blueberries. This was one of Josie’s favorites and made one wonder how the older woman stayed so trim. Could have something to do with her being tall and the brisk walk she took every morning after rolling out of bed.

  Maggie hadn’t seen Sloan yet this morning and was just the tiniest bit curious about what his favorite breakfast was and how he stayed in such good shape. The snug T-shirt he’d had on when checking in yesterday had left little to the imagination, and the man had a serious six-pack going on. Ever since she’d opened the door, her nerves had been tingling, some kind of spidey sense. It was like the princess-and-the-pea story she read to Danielle. Even when he wasn’t near, she knew he was under her roof.

  He wasn’t model handsome, but there was something compelling in his eyes, which were light brown with flecks of green and gold.

  “Mama—” The single word was followed by the sound of a splat.

  Maggie looked up from stirring the country gravy and saw that Danielle had thrown her banana on the floor. Very little had been ingested, but the little girl had mangled the fruit pretty well.

  “Want some Cheerios, sweetie?”


  Some words came out of this child’s mouth as mangled as that banana, but cookie wasn’t one of them. It was tempting to give in and let her have a treat. Just this once kee
p her happy so the first breakfast with their VIP guest would go smoothly and convince him she knew what she was doing in the B and B business. But her maternal instincts told her that was a bad habit to start.

  “Good morning.” Josie walked into the kitchen freshly showered after her exercise. She was in her early sixties but looked at least ten years younger, in spite of her silver hair. The pixie cut suited her. She moved beside the high chair. “How are you, munchkin?”

  The little girl babbled unintelligible sounds, which were no doubt a list of grievances about her mother being the food police.

  “She’s not her sunny little self today,” Maggie apologized. “She was restless last night. Teething, I think. I hope she didn’t disturb you.”

  “Not a bit. The insulation in these walls is amazing.” She looked around, blue eyes brimming with understanding. “How can I help?”

  “Go relax with a cup of coffee. You’re a guest.”

  “Oh, please. We both know I’m your friend more than a paying customer. Besides the discount I get for emergency babysitting, it’s a blessing to still be useful when you’re as old as I am.” She put a hand on her hip. “Now, what can I do?”

  “You’re doing it. Being a godsend.” Maggie turned on the gas burner underneath the stainless-steel frying pan filled with potatoes. “If you could give Danielle a handful of that cereal, I’d be forever in your debt.”

  “Done.” She grabbed the box from the pantry and did as requested. “Now I can get the eggs ready to scramble.”

  “Maybe I should change things up.” Maggie grinned. “You know the menu by heart.”

  “How many eggs are you thinking with Sloan here? A man like that could be a big eater.”

  “So you met him?”

  “Last night. We watched TV together in the upstairs game room. Some house-flipping program.” The older woman opened the refrigerator and removed the containers of veggies that had been cut up the night before.

  Maggie hadn’t cooked breakfast for a man since the morning she’d said goodbye to her husband, before he deployed to Afghanistan. It wasn’t the first time she’d made sure he ate before leaving the house but she’d never considered it would be her last meal with him. She’d never been able to decide whether or not she would have made the food more special if she’d known. Or if the not knowing had made the ordinary a final blessing.

  “I think eight should be enough,” Maggie said.

  She couldn’t remember how many Danny would have eaten and felt guilty about that. Every time she realized the recollections were getting fuzzier, she felt disloyal to his memory.

  “With all the rest of the food,” she continued, “it should be more than enough. If there are leftovers, I’ll put some on a tortilla later and call it lunch.”

  “Okay.” Josie started cracking eggs into a bowl. “He sure is a good-looking man.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Your new boarder. Sloan. Unless there’s another man you’re hiding under the bed.”

  Just the sound of his name made Maggie’s heart skip a beat. “I suppose he wouldn’t have to wear a bag over his head in public.”

  “Not to be insensitive, Maggie. After all, I’m a widow, too. Also not blind. Take it from me, a man who looks like he does would have an almost nun thinking twice about taking final vows. You can’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

  “Of course I did.” And even if she were blind, there would be no way not to notice the gravelly sex appeal lingering in his deep voice. “But you watched TV with him. What was that like?”

  “He’s not just a pretty face. I can tell you that. Seems to know his stuff and, quite frankly, he took a lot of the joy and mystery out of what those TV construction guys do.”

  “So it was like watching a medical show with a doctor who tells you how they’re doing CPR all wrong?”

  “Exactly.” Josie grinned. “Still, he seems like a nice man. I wouldn’t believe all that stuff about him in the tabloids.”

  “I sort of liked that story about him owning houses all over the world and swimming naked with the model.”

  “It does give one an image,” Josie admitted.

  “Did you ask him? Hanging out watching a house-flipping show seems like the perfect time to find out what inquiring minds want to know.”

  “It didn’t occur to me, what with him talking about all the ways those TV guys could have reduced waste, pollution and environmental degradation.”

  A piercing wail from the high chair interrupted the fascinating conversation. What Josie had just said made Maggie even more curious than she’d already been, but now wasn’t the time to pursue it. Danielle needed attention.

  “Are you thirsty, baby girl?” She grabbed a sippy cup from the cupboard and filled it with milk. She handed it to her daughter, who eagerly stuck the spout in her mouth and drank. “So he’s a green builder?”

  “Who?” There was a twinkle in Josie’s blue eyes as she stirred up eggs, veggies and seasoning in a bowl.

  “Sloan. Unless there’s a man you’re hiding under the bed, Miss—”

  “Good morning.”

  That gravelly, deep, sexy voice belonged to the man they’d just been talking about. Maggie exchanged a guilty glance with Josie but couldn’t manage to come up with anything to say to him.

  The sippy cup hit the wooden floor, interrupting the awkward silence. Maggie quickly stirred the potatoes before hurrying to her daughter, who was starting to squirm against the belt holding her in. Along with the high-pitched whining, it was clear the little girl wanted out. Maggie undid the strap and lifted the child from the high chair then tried to put her down. Danielle was having none of that and the screech kicked up a notch.

  Please, not today, little one, Maggie silently begged. The man was accustomed to five-star hotels, and a two-year-old’s temper tantrum wasn’t the optimal way to put their best foot forward.

  “Mommy has to finish cooking breakfast,” she whispered. But Danielle shook her head and clung for all she was worth.

  “I’ll take her.” Josie walked over with her arms outstretched, but the little girl buried her face against Maggie’s shoulder.

  She looked at Sloan. “I’m really sorry about this. I’ll get her settled down and food will be on the table in no time.”

  “There’s no rush. Although I’d love some coffee.”

  “It’s made. I’ll just put some in a carafe and you can have it in the dining room. Cups and saucers are already out—”

  “A mug is fine.” He walked over to the coffeemaker and grabbed one of the mugs hanging from an under-the-cupboard hook. After pouring the steaming dark liquid, he blew on it, then took a sip. “Good.”

  Danielle had lifted her head at the sound of the deep voice and was intently studying the stranger. Her uncle Brady visited regularly, but other than him, a man in this house was a rare occurrence.

  Maggie tried to put the little girl down again and got another strong, squealing protest. “Well, it’s not the first time I’ve cooked with this little girl on my hip, and it probably won’t be the last.”

  “Maybe I can help.” Sloan set his mug on the granite island beside them and held out his arms.

  “She doesn’t go to strangers,” Maggie said.

  “It’s worth a try.” He held out his arms. “Hey, Shorty, what’s up?”

  The little girl silently stared at him, probably didn’t know what to make of a man in the kitchen. Maggie braced for an earsplitting protest, but after a moment’s hesitation, Danielle went to him and settled her chubby little arm around his neck. Then she touched the collar of his white cotton shirt. Obviously the man had a way with women of all ages. The shock had Maggie blinking at him, until she remembered that her daughter’s hands were unwashed and still grubby.

  “Oh, no—she’s d
irty. I’ll get a washcloth—”

  Sloan looked down at the banana streaks on his white shirt and shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ll wash it for you.”

  “Whatever.” He grinned when the child put her hands on his face and turned it to look at her. “You rang?”

  She pointed in the general direction of the backyard. “Go ’side?”

  Sloan met Maggie’s gaze. “Is it okay if I take her out?”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “I know. But I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to. Is it all right with you?”

  “Yes,” she said helplessly.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go, Shorty.”

  Maggie’s heart melted at the sight of the big man carrying her little girl out of the room.

  “I don’t remember any story in the tabloids about him having kids,” Josie said. “But he sure is good with yours.”

  “I noticed.”

  Charming, good with kids and not hard on the eyes. Sloan Holden was a triple threat. But he must have a flaw. Every man did.

  Copyright © 2016 by Teresa Southwick

  ISBN-13: 9781488002199

  Abby, Get Your Groom!

  Copyright © 2016 by Victoria Pade

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.


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