The Problem With Jordan

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The Problem With Jordan Page 5

by Joannie Kay

  “My butt doesn’t feel like he was gentle!” Jordan pouted, and both men chuckled. She found she couldn’t be angry with them, not when today was so special. This was the first time ever that she had a brand new piece of furniture just for herself! It was amazing, and when the crate came off, she was amazed at how pretty the wardrobe was. Jordan held the door, and then ran through the house to open the door to the bedroom. She noticed that there was no wardrobe for Cray’s belongings. “You don’t have a wardrobe!” she accused, feeling terrible.

  “I have a chest of drawers,” he pointed out. “I’m not a lady who needs to hang up dresses. I fold my clothing and put it all into drawers. I have pegs for my good shirt and suit,” he added. “Jordan, will you please stop worrying? If I thought I needed a wardrobe, I would have bought one for myself. I’ve never used one,” he insisted.

  “Sounds like me,” Jim spoke up. “I keep most everything in drawers, and Alice hangs her dresses. She uses one drawer in my chest, and I take a couple of inches of her wardrobe for my Sunday suit.” He grinned. “I’ll bet Madison Claiborne has three wardrobes, all for himself!”

  Jordan giggled, and noticed that her husband was puzzled. “Madison is very persnickety, Cray. He is a lawyer, and he has so many suits that people wonder where he keeps them all! He was the defense attorney for a murder trial before you came to town, and he wore a different suit each and every day. The judge asked him if he was putting on a fashion show.”

  “Did he win his case?” Cray asked.

  “Yes, he did. He proved who did it, and there was a courtroom confession,” she told him.

  “Maybe the suits are a distraction?” Cray said thoughtfully.

  “He’s smart as can be,” Jim insisted. “But, he dresses like a fancy woman.”

  They all had a bit of a laugh, and then went back to the wagon. Cray looked at Jordan. “This is a wedding present for you, Jordan, and it is impolite to say anything but ‘thank you’ for a present. My feelings will be hurt if I think for one second you don’t like your gift.”

  She gave him a stricken look and he wondered if he was going to have to spank her again. He and Jim removed the crating and all of a sudden Jordan let out a squeal! “Really? This is for me? A new sewing machine?” She was jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh, thank you, Cray! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have always wanted a sewing machine, but was sure I would never have one! Oh, thank you!” She rushed to open the door for them.

  “Where should we put it, Jordy?” Jim asked.

  “I don’t know!” She looked toward Cray and asked, “What do you think, Cray?”

  “Why not put it against this wall, Jordan? It will be close to the table when you are cutting out dresses, and in the winter, you will be closer to the stove and you will be warmer.”

  “That is a wonderful idea, Cray.” She was so excited she felt as though she could burst! “When we have company, I can place a table runner over it and use it as a side table.”

  “I didn’t think of that, but it sounds great.”

  “It suits me,” Jim added his two cents worth, and then laughed when they looked at him.

  “We appreciate your help, Jim. Jordan and I will be happy to have you and Alice and your little boys out to supper real soon.”

  “We’d like that,” Jim said with a nod. He helped put the sewing machine in the right place, and then said, “I need to get back to town now. You two have a great evening.”

  “You and Alice, too. When you need Jordan, let us know and I’ll bring her right away,” Cray promised.

  “Doc says it’ll be at least three or four more weeks, but Allie thinks it could be any time. She knows best,” Jim said with confidence in his wife. “Jordy, we really appreciate your offering to come and help out. Allie’s Ma can’t come this time because she fell and broke her leg, and when you offered, it relieved her so much. The boys can be a handful.”

  “They’re full of energy, and we’ll have fun.”

  “The best part is that Alice won’t be worried sick about them if you are there taking care of them,” Jim said. “She’ll rest and not push herself to get up and busy too soon.”

  “I’ll do my best to see to it that she rests.”

  “I expect you to let me know if I can help in some way. Obviously, I’m not a blacksmith, but I can make deliveries for you, or help in minor ways.”

  “That means a lot, friend. Thank you,” Jim answered, and then hurried on his way.

  “I’ll go and put the wagon away and take care of the horses, Jordan. Are you going to start supper now?” he wanted to know.

  “Are you starting to get hungry?” she asked.

  “I can eat anytime you have it ready,” he stated matter-of-factly. “The reason I’m asking is so I know what to work on. How much time I have,” he explained, and then waited patiently for an answer.

  “Fine. How about an hour and a half? That gives me plenty of time to make a great meal for you,” she told him.

  “I’m not used to having someone cook for me; I’m looking forward to tasting your food.”

  “I will do my best, and I’ll try to get everything unpacked and put away.”

  “There’s no rush, Jordan. I’m not going to fuss if we let some of it go until tomorrow. We’ve had a pretty emotional day, and we aren’t going to push ourselves when it isn’t necessary.”

  “I’ll make sure the food we bought is put away correctly so that nothing spoils,” she offered.

  “Sounds good. If you have questions, I’ll be in the barn. If something is too heavy, just come and get me.”

  “I will.” A minute later, Jordan found herself alone in her new home. She suddenly felt overwhelmed by everything that happened in her life since that very morning. She was married to a man who believed in spanking, and obviously in spoiling her, too! He made her feel cherished, and also let her know that he expected her to behave. This house was so much nicer than the one she’d grown up in. Jordan decided to bide her time and try to make the best of the situation. Other than spanking her, Cray had treated her well. She would try to treat him well and see what came of it.

  It wasn’t difficult to figure out how to store the groceries they bought, and Jordan felt rich with having so much food to choose from for their evening meal. It was a true luxury to her.

  While she was cooking, Jordan did her best to figure out where to put all of the things she found that she didn’t know Cray had purchased for her. The sewing machine cabinet had drawers in it to hold scissors, thread, needles, a pincushion and other things she needed to have in order to sew, but she didn’t know where to put the fabric until she was ready to work with it. She needed a small chest or a shelf, but she would rather have a chest. Perhaps there was something of use in Aunt Hermione’s house. She would check tomorrow.

  Cray wondered if it was too soon to go up to the house. He was finished with putting away his supplies, and he was anxious to make sure that Jordan was doing okay. She was pretty overwhelmed from the day’s events, and for that matter, so was he. Cray was positive that they both needed some time to settle in and get used to things the way they were. He’d forgotten all about taking her to her aunt’s place to pick up the belongings that meant something to her. Based on what he’d heard today, poor Jordan didn’t have much, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have things that were of value to her, even if only of sentimental value. Once he was certain the stock was all cared for, Cray walked up to the house and let himself inside. The aromas of food cooking caught him off-guard, and he was amazed. “The food smells wonderful, Jordan,” he said appreciatively.

  “Thanks. It’ll be a few more minutes before we eat, though.”

  “That’s all right. I’m content to smell the food for now,” he said with a grin. “I see you’ve put everything away.”

  “Almost everything. I don’t know where to put the fabric we bought today. I thought I would see if there is something over at Aunt Hermione’s I can use.”

“I forgot to take you by there to get your things today, Jordan. We’ll go tomorrow for sure.”

  “It won’t take us long, Cray. There isn’t much of value over there.”

  “I want you to bring whatever you want to keep; this is your home now, and there is room for your belongings, too.”

  “I’m not worried about it, Cray. Today has been busy, so tomorrow we’ll decide what to bring from Aunt Hermione’s cabin.” She looked at him and said, “The one thing I really want to make sure I get is her bible.”

  “Of course. I have my folks’ bible,” he explained. “It only stands to reason you would want your aunt’s bible.”

  “There’s not much else.”

  “We’ll go over there after breakfast, and we’ll discuss what to do with the place, Jordan.”

  “Like what?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Like earning you some money,” he answered.

  “That jerk at the bank tried to tell me Aunt Hermione owed him money and he said I would have to sign the land over to him,” she confided.

  “What? You didn’t sign anything, did you? He was trying to deceive you, Jordan!”

  “That’s what I figured. I gave him what for and ran him off with my Pa’s shotgun. He ain’t been back since.”

  “Some men have no qualms about cheating people out of their land, Jordan. You can bet I’ll be having a talk with him. I won’t let anyone take advantage of you. We’ll figure out a way to earn money from your land, and then bank the money for you. There has to be some way to make the land pay, even if the house isn’t worth a lot.”

  “You’re my husband; it’s yours now,” she stated.

  “It’s mine to take care of for you, but the money it earns will be put aside for you to do with as you will.” He made a face, and then asked, “Did your aunt have any kind of an account at the bank?” he asked.

  “I don’t know; she never said.”

  “We’ll search for any kind of bank books tomorrow. I don’t care if there wasn’t one penny, but if there was, I am going to make sure you have it and not some crooked banker.”

  “I have a pretty good idea where it would be if she did have something like that,” Jordan said softly.

  “Good. Now, don’t worry. We’ll sort it out and I promise we’ll take care of things.”

  “I trust you, Cray,” she said, surprised to realize that she was telling the absolute truth.

  “We aren’t doing bad considering how this day started,” he agreed. “The smell is really getting to me now,” he said seriously. “How much longer until we eat?”

  Jordan giggled. “Wash up and then I will take up.”

  “You don’t need to tell me twice, that’s for sure,” he muttered.

  Before long they were sitting at the table, eating food that was cooked to perfection. “You didn’t tell me you were such a good cook!”

  “I like to cook; I just didn’t have much to cook unless I fended for it. You’ve got a lot of food, and it was fun to choose what to fix.”

  “I’m sorry you were forced to live that way, Jordan,” he said, meaning every word.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” she told him, enjoying her food.

  Cray didn’t speak, but surreptitiously watched her eat. When he saw her looking longingly at the last bit of stew in the dish, he said, “Go ahead, Jordan; I’m full.”

  She didn’t wait to be told again, but quickly finished the last of the stew. Once she was done eating, she decided to make quick work of the dishes so that she would have some time to learn to use her new sewing machine. She’d always secretly longed for one, positive she could make a living by sewing if only she had a chance to prove herself.

  “Goodness, Jordan. I’m not going to complain if you sit for a minute or two after you’re finished eating before cleaning up!”

  “I was hoping to learn to use my new sewing machine, Cray. I’ve never had one before, and I’m really excited.”

  “How have you learned to sew without one?” he questioned, and then felt foolish when she looked at him in disbelief.

  “By hand. But, it takes a lot longer, and Aunt Hermione hated it. She taught me how, and from then on I did all of our mending. We didn’t get new clothing often, and then it was store bought shirts and pants and things. I had to hem those things, but I’ve always wanted to make clothing on a sewing machine. I’m excited, Cray!” she admitted sheepishly.

  “I’m glad. I’m kind of curious to see how it works, too. Henry said he hadn’t had any complaints, but then he admitted he’s only sold a couple of them.”

  “Well, we’ll find out soon. Oh, I hope there is an instruction manual that tells how to use it, Cray. I know it has to be threaded just right, and there is a bobbin that has to be wound, too, and I don’t want to break it.”

  “You won’t break it, honey. Between the two of us, we’ll figure it out.”

  Jordan was surprised when Cray picked up a dishtowel and dried all the dishes and put them away. She made sure the kitchen was spotlessly clean and then she walked over to the new sewing machine. “It’s so pretty, Cray,” she whispered, and he mentally patted himself on the back for doing something that was really special to Jordan. “I’m just me, and I honestly haven’t done one thing to deserve this wonderful gift. I don’t feel good enough to be your wife,” she confessed. “You have no idea how special I feel right now.”

  “It makes me happy to know that you are happy, but please don’t think that you aren’t good enough for me, Jordan. That just isn’t true. I’m not perfect, and someday I’ll share some of my past with you.”

  “I don’t want to argue with you tonight, Cray. I’m too overwhelmed, and my butt is just too sore to risk making you upset with me. It was all I could do to sit still long enough to eat.”

  “I agree. Let’s not argue about anything tonight. It has been one crazy day, and I’m more interested in finding things we agree upon.”

  “Me, too,” she said, nodding. “Do you have any idea where we could find the instruction book for this sewing machine?” she asked.

  “Look in the drawers, Jordan,” he suggested, and she found an instruction book and waved it at him.

  “Here we go.” She read, and Cray managed to open the top of the wooden case and then he set the machine up on the little table that was designed to hold the machine. He took the book then, and he read while Jordan filled the bobbin, using the treadle to wind it. Then she threaded the new machine and was ready to sew. “Now I’m scared,” she admitted.

  “Let me get an old shirt for you to practice on,” Cray said, and he returned a couple of minutes later with a shirt that was tattered. “This shirt has seen better days.”

  “Oh my! From now on I will mend your clothing before it gets to this state,” she promised, frowning. Then she smiled, “It will be perfect to practice on, however. Thank you.”

  He watched as she sewed her first seam and then she inspected it critically, pulling on the seam to see if it would hold. “Oh, this is so nice, and so fast!” she announced, smiling. “I am excited, Cray! Thank you again for buying me something I’ve wanted for ever so long. Do you have any mending that needs done?” she asked in a hopeful tone of voice. “I want to make sure you benefit from this sewing machine, too. Aunt Hermione would be thrilled right now, to be sure.”

  “I wish I’d been here in time to meet her and get to know her. She sounds like a smart lady.”

  “She was shrewd, but her last years were terribly painful for her. She suffered so much from aches and pains, and she could barely walk. It was a mercy for her when she died and left the pain behind her. I miss her, but how could I wish her back to suffer like she was?”

  “I know what you mean. A man I grew up with was wounded on the battlefield; he was shot in the midsection, and he was miserable. Infection set in, and he just gave up. I felt it was a mercy for him to pass over and leave the pain behind. He was in agony.”

  “I’m sorry about your friend,” Jordan said
sincerely, looking at Cray. “There is so much that we don’t know about each other.”

  “We’ll have a long time to learn, Jordan. It’s late now, and we should go to bed.” The look in her green eyes revealed that she was afraid. “I recall my promise, Jordan. You have nothing to fear. However, I don’t feel like sleeping on the floor out here. I think we can share a bed and keep to our sides, don’t you?”

  “I know I can.”

  “Good. You go first, and when you’re decent, call me and I’ll come in and get ready for bed, too.”

  “All right,” she breathed, and then got up and hurried into the bedroom. She was pleased to notice that Cray had already lit the lamp and she had enough light to change into her new nightdress. She then unbraided her hair and brushed it before re-doing it in two smaller braids. Once she was hidden beneath the blankets, she called for Cray and told him it was okay for him to come into the room.

  Cray went into the room, and gave her a smile before turning the light off. He undressed and crawled beneath the covers, facing away from the redhead. “Goodnight, Jordan.”

  “Goodnight, Cray.” He went to sleep almost immediately, and once Jordan was positive that he was asleep, she went to sleep, too. The day was exhausting.

  Jordan woke in the morning, unsure of where she was. The bed didn’t feel right, and she suddenly realized she wasn’t alone. Her gasp woke Cray, and he immediately realized that his right hand was wrapped around the redhead, and holding onto her breast. Her bottom was nestled against his hard manhood, and Jordan was furious with him!

  Chapter Five

  Cray could see the fury in Jordan’s flashing green eyes. “It’s not what you think, Jordan. I was asleep, not trying to make love to you.”

  “You expect me to believe that?” she demanded, her voice sharp. Her body still felt his touch, and her nipple was swollen and demanding attention. She’d never experienced this feeling, and she didn’t know what to make of it.

  “Yes, I do expect you to believe me, young lady. I am telling you the absolute truth,” he insisted. “I do not lie. I’m sorry you feel offended, but I swear I was asleep.”


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