Love to Rhoda, Mark, Lori, and Salvador, and to Mike, Hope, and Mya.
Last and deepest thanks go to my mother, to my sister, and especially to my father. He died before this book was finished, but I promised him one day it would be. He was a Henry Fonda fan.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
HF stands for Henry Fonda. Kinship terms like (son) are in relation to HF. Married women are listed under their birth names. Films, plays, and TV shows in which HF appeared are designated by genre.
Abry, Charles
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
traditional low prestige of
Actors Studio
Adams, Shirlee Mae (5th wife)
background of
Adler, Renata
Advise and Consent (film)
Age of Kennedy, The (TV special)
agrarianism, of Jefferson
Air Combat Intelligence (ACI)
Alamo, The
Albee, Edward
Alcatraz, occupation of
Alexander, Jane
Alexander, Ross
suicide of
Allen, Steve
All Good Americans
All in the Family (TV special)
Alpha Caper, The (TV show)
Alvarez, A.
Alvin Theatre (New York)
Ambrose, Stephen E.
Ameche, Don
aspirations vs. reality
ideals of
mythology of the past
politics in
values of, upheld by HF
Americana, in films and plays
American Bee Journal
American Civil War
American Film Institute
American Heart Association
American Indian Movement
American International Pictures
American Short Story, The (video intros for series)
Amsterdam, Fondas in
Anderson, Al
Anderson, Robert
And God Created Woman
Andrews, Dana
ANTA Playhouse (New York)
Anti-Nazi League (ANL)
antiwar movement
Any Wednesday
Apartment, The
apocalyptic movies
Appointment in Samarra (film project)
Appointment in Samarra (novel, O’Hara)
Arbuckle, Fatty
Armendáriz, Pedro
Aronson, Boris
Arthur, Bea
Arthur, Jean
Ash Wednesday (film)
Associated Press
Astaire, Adele
Astaire, Fred
Astor, John Jacob
Atkinson, Brooks
Austen Riggs sanitarium (Stockbridge, Massachusetts)
Ayers, Bill
Bacall, Lauren
Balanchine, George
Baldwin, James
Balestrero, Christopher Emanuel “Manny”
Ball, Lucille
Ballard, Lucien
Baltimore, Maryland
Bancroft, Anne
Bankhead, Tallulah
Bardot, Brigitte
Barefoot in the Park
Barker, The (play)
Barnard College
Barnes, Clive
Barrow, Clyde
Barry, Philip
Barrymore, Ethel
Battle of Midway, The
Battle of the Bulge (film)
Baum, Larry
Beatles, the
Beatty, Warren
Beau Geste
beekeeping, HF’s
Behrman, S. N.
being left alone
Belafonte, Harry
Bel Geddes, Barbara
Bell, George
Bell Telephone
Bennett, Dr. Courtney
Bennett, Joan
Benny, Jack
Berkeley, California
Bernstein, Walter
Berryman, John
Best Man, The (film)
Best Man, The (play)
Beyond the Horizon (play)
Bickford, Charles
Big Bear Lake, California
Biggest Battle, The (film)
Big Hand for the Little Lady, A (film)
Big Picture, The (propaganda film series)
Big Street, The (film)
Big Sur, California
Billings, George
Biltmore Theatre (Hollywood)
Binyon, Claude
Birth of a Nation, The
race violence fostered by
Black Panthers
Black Power
identification with HF
oppression of
See also lynching
Blackstone Theatre (Chicago)
Blair, Janet
Blanchard, Susan (3rd wife)
Blockade (film)
Blood, Sweat and Stanley Poole
Blow Ye Winds (play)
Boddy, Manchester
Boetticher, Budd
Bogart, Humphrey
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bolton, Whitney
Bond, Ward
Bonnie and Clyde
Boorman, John
Booth, John Wilkes
Boothe, Clare
Booth Theatre (New York)
Boston Strangler, The (film)
Bower, Sophie
Boyer, Charles
Brady, Alice
Brady, Mathew
Brahm, John
Branch, Melville C.
Brandeis, Louis
Brandler, Mark
Brando, Dorothy “Do”
Brando, Marlon
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Brean, Herbert
Brenman-Gibson, Dr. Margaret
Brennan, Walter
Brewer, Susan
Bristow, David
Brocj, Henry
Brokaw, Frances de Villers “Pan”
Brokaw, Frances Seymour. See Seymour, Frances
Brokaw, George Tuttle
Bronson, Charles
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Brooklyn Eagle
Brooks, Foster
Brooks, Richard
Brown, Edmund G.
Brown, James
Brown, John Mason
Brown, Will
Bryan, William Jennings
Burdick, Eugene
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Burton, Richard
Cagney, James
Caine Mutiny, The (film)
Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, The (play)
HF’s political campaigns in
new life in, as “death”
California Trail
Callow, Simon
Cambridge, Godfrey
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Campbell, Alan
cancer, taboo of
Cannes Film Festival
Cape Cod
Capek, Karel
Cape Playhouse (Dennis, Mass.)
Capote, Truman
Captain Blood
Captains and the Kings (TV miniseries)
Cardinale, Claudia
Carné, Marcel, Le Jour se Lève
Caron, Leslie
Carradine, John
Carroll, Harrison
Carson, Jack
Casa Gangrene”
Case, Allen
Cat Ballou
Catch-22 (novel, Heller)
Cather, Willa
Caughnawaga (later named Fonda), N.Y.
Cecilwood Theatre (Fishkill, New York)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles)
Ceplair, Larry
Cerf, Bennett
Chad Hanna (film)
Chambers, Whittaker
Chansky, Dorothy
Chapin, Eulalia
Chaplin, Charlie
Chapman Report, The
Chardack, William M.
Charleston, S.C.
Chase, The
Chávez, César
Chesler, Phyllis
Cheyenne Social Club, The (film)
Chicago, Illinois
Chicano Moratorium Committee
Chodorov, Edward, Oh, Men! Oh, Women!
Chotiner, Murray
Christian Science
Churchill, Winston
Cinecittà film studios
circus movies
Citizens’ Committee on Displaced Persons
City on Fire (film)
Civil Rights Act
Civil War. See American Civil War
Clansman, The (novel)
Clarence Darrow (dramatic monologue)
Clarence Darrow (televised version)
Clark, John Gee
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg
Clément, René
Cleveland, Ohio
Clown (film)
Clown (TV show)
Clurman, Harold
Coca, Imogene
Cocteau, Jean
Coe, Fred
Cohn, Harry
Colbert, Claudette
Cold War
Cole, Lew
Coleman (reviewer)
Collision Course (TV show)
Colonial Theatre (Boston)
Columbia Pictures
commercial endorsements
Committee for the First Amendment
Communist Party
Com-TAC 303 (project)
Connelly, Marc
Conroy, Frank
Constant Nymph, The
Cooper, Gary
cop movies
Corey, Jeff
Corman, Roger
Corriere della Sera (Milan)
Costello, John
Cotter, L. Edward
Council Bluffs, Iowa
counterculture, resistance to
Country Girl, The
Coward, Noel
Craig House sanitarium (Beacon, New York)
Crane, Stephen
Crawford, Joan
Creelman, Eileen
Crisis, The (black journal)
Critic’s Choice (play)
Crosby, David
Crosby, John
Crosley, F. S.
Crowther, Bosley
Cukor, George
Cummings, Robert
Curtis, Tony
Curtiz, Michael
Custen, George F.
Dahlman, James
Daisy Kenyon (film)
Dallas, Texas
Damico, James
Danbaum, Ben
Darien, Connecticut
Darnell, Linda
Darrow, Clarence
Darwell, Jane
“Dave Tolliver” character
Davies, Marion
Davies, Valentine
Davis, Bette
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Days of Rage
Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts
family, domesticity, and
See also suicide
Debs, Eugene V.
Decision at Arrowsmith, The (TV show)
de Havilland, Olivia
De Laurentiis, Dino
de Mille, Agnes
DeMille, Cecil B.
Democratic National Convention (1960, Los Angeles)
Democratic National Convention (1968, Chicago)
Democratic Study Group
Denham Studios
Dennison, Tom
Denver, Colorado
depression, psychological
Depression, the Great. See Great Depression
Deputy, The (TV series)
Dern, Bruce
Detroit, Michigan
Devil in the Cheese, The
DeVries, Blanche
Diamond, Jack “Legs”
Dies, Martin
Dieterle, William
Dietrich, Noah
Directed by John Ford
Dirty Game, The (film)
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
disaster movies
Dixon, George
Dixon, Thomas, Jr.
Dmytryk, Edward
Doctorow, E. L.
Doctors Hospital (New York)
Donegan, H. W. B.
Donovan, William J.
Dougherty, Richard, The Commissioner
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Melvyn
Douglas, William O.
Douglas County Courthouse (Omaha, Nebraska)
“Doug Roberts” character
Downey, Sheridan H.
Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln, The
Dreyfuss, Richard
Dr. Strangelove
Drums Along the Mohawk (film)
Drury, Allen
Dunaway, Faye
Dunnock, Mildred
Dutch Reformed Church
Duvivier, Julien
Dylan, Bob
Dymtryk, Edward
Early American Families
Earp, Wyatt
East Los Angeles, California
East Orange, New Jersey
East St. Louis, Illinois
Eastwood, Clint
Easy Rider
Eberstein, Marshal
Eddy, Mary Baker
Ed Sullivan Show, The
Egyptian, The
Eight Steps to Peace (shorts)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenhower Theatre (Washington, D.C.)
Eisenstein, Sergei
Ekberg, Anita
Ellisville, Mississippi
El Paso, Texas
Elser, Frank B.
Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y.
Enemy, The (play)
Englund, Steven
Enola Gay bomber
Esquire magazine
Ethel Barrymore Theatre (New York)
Everett, Chad
Executive Suite
Exhibitionist, The (anonymous book)
Fail-Safe (film)
Falmouth, Massachusetts
Family Affair
family comedies
Famous Players—Lasky
Farmer Takes a Wife, The (film)
Farmer Takes a Wife, The (play)
Far West
Fathers Against Sons Against Fathers
Faye, Alice
Fedderson, Don
Fedora (film)
Feeney, John Martin (John Ford)
Feeney, Mark, Nixon at the Movies
Ferber, Edna
Ferguson, Otis
Ferrer, José
Ferrer, Mel
Ferzetti, Gabrielle
Fidler, Jimmie
Fiedler, Leslie
Fifth Horseman, The (radio series)
Fighting Mad
film, transition from silent pictures to talkies
film noir
Firecreek (film)
First Monday in October (play)
Fishman, Amy Fonda. See Fonda, Amy Fishman
Fistful of Dollars, A
Fitzgerald, Zelda
Five Easy Pieces
Flaherty, Lanny
Fleming, Victor
Flynn, Errol
Foley, Gregory
Fonda, Afdera. See Franchetti, Afdera
Fonda, Amy Fishman (adopted daughter)
Fonda, Bridget (granddaughter)
Fonda, Douw Jellis (in Revolutionary War)
Fonda, Douw Jellis (son of Jellis Douw Fonda)
Fonda, Frances. See Seymour, Frances
Fonda, Harriet McNeill (sister)
Fonda, Henry
(1904) birth
(1927) first visit to the East
(1928) leaves Omaha for Cape Cod
(1929) Broadway debut
(1931–1932) difficult times in New York
(1931) marries Margaret Sullavan
(1932) divorced from Margaret Sullavan
(1934) called to Hollywood
(1935) possible attempted suicide of
(1936) marries Frances Seymour
(1939) contract with Zanuck
(1942) volunteers for military service
(1942–1945) war experiences
(1943) paternity suit brought against
(1947) return to Broadway
(1950) death of Frances
(1950) marries Susan Blanchard
(1951) on tour with Mr. Roberts
(1953) adopts Amy
(1955) meets Afdera Franchetti
(1955) Susan divorces
(1957) marries Afdera Franchetti
(1958–1962) four Broadway plays
(1960s) mediocre movies made during
(1961) Afdera divorces
(1965) marries Shirlee Mae Adams
(1968) theatrical producing by
(1971) new play about Lincoln
(1973) new play about Clarence Darrow
(1981) last film
(1981) last stage play
(1982) death of
acting style on-stage
Americanness of
as angry man
as antihero
artist pursuit as painter
assessment of, by his father (“he was perfect”)
assessments of, by friends
autobiography. See Fonda: My Life
business apprenticeship in Omaha
childrearing style
college education
commercial endorsements by
construction and landscaping pursuit of
criticized by his children
criticized by sixties radicals
dancing manner in performances, inhibited
early acting roles
early experiences of loss
early films
emotional distance of
extramarital affairs of
face of
farming and gardening pursuit of
fatalistic roles played by
feeling restricted by family and domesticity
first Broadway success
first spoken words on film
florist job
health problems in final years
healthy living of
hidden vs. public self of
hiding on stage
Hollywood commitment
Hollywood life when starting out
intelligence work during World War II
interview with Grobel
The Man Who Saw a Ghost: The Life and Work of Henry Fonda Page 45