itinerant life in repertory
lasting place in film history
liberal politics of
loner roles
love life, early experiences
manliness on-screen
marital strife and failures
marriages of
obituaries and tributes
parents of, remembered reverently
passionlessness of
performs on stage on day of Frances’s suicide
playing himself, discomfort at
point of view of this book
political campaigning by
postage stamp honoring
president roles
a private person, in roles
in radio
reserve and simplicity of
reviewers’ doubts about, as actor
reviews of work
roles and characters, diversity of
roles for which he was overaged
stardom of
in television
temper and rages of
and the Vietnam War
voice of
wanted man roles
war experience, effect of
will and bequests
workingman roles
work of, “majesty and trash scrambled together”
work pace and refusal to take it easy
World War II action
Fonda, Herberta (mother). See Jaynes, Herberta Lamphear
Fonda, Herberta Jayne (Jayne) (sister)
Fonda, Jane (daughter)
birth (1937)
Broadway debut
criticism of HF
early acting career
marriages. See Hayden, Tom; Vadim, Roger
radicalism of
Fonda, Jellis Douw
Fonda, Justin
Fonda, Margaret. See Sullavan, Margaret
Fonda, marquis de
Fonda, N.Y.
Fonda, Peter (son)
accidental shooting of self
birth (1940)
criticism of HF
early acting career
incidents with the police
inspires a Beatles song
interview with
neurotic upbringing of
rebelliousness of, growing up
Fonda, Shirlee. See Adams, Shirlee Mae
Fonda, Susan. See Blanchard, Susan
Fonda, Ten Eyck Hilton
Fonda, William Brace (father)
HF’s veneration of
print shop of
takes HF to view the 1919 Omaha race riot
Fonda family
origins in Europe, and arrival in America
turning into ordinary Americans
upstate New York cemetery of
Fonda: My Life (autobiography “as told to”)
For a Few Dollars More
Ford, Francis
Ford, Gerald
Ford, John
directorial style
fistfight with HF
patriotism expressed in films
Foreign Correspondent
Forrest Theatre (Philadelphia)
Forsaking All Others
Forsythe, John
Fort Apache (film)
Fort Lee, New Jersey
Fort Lewis military reservation, Tacoma, Washington
Fort Omaha, Nebraska
46th Street Theatre (New York)
Fox. See Twentieth Century—Fox
Fox Film Corporation
France, student protests
Franchetti, Afdera (fourth wife)
memoir by
Franchetti noble family
Franco, Francisco
Frankenheimer, John
Franklin, John Hope
Freel, Aleta
Free Speech Movement
Freud, Sigmund
Front Page, The
FTA (“Fuck the Army”) (musical revue)
Fugitive, The (film)
Fulton Theatre (New York)
Fun Couple, The
Gahagan, Helen
Galusha, Joan
Game of Love and Death, The (play)
Garbo, Greta
Garnett, Tay
Gaver, Jack
gay liberation
Gaynor, Janet
General Aniline and Film Corporation (GAF)
General Electric Theater (TV show)
Generation (play)
Gettysburg, Battle of
Get Yourself a College Girl
Gibson, William
The Cobweb
The Seesaw Log
Gide, André, The Immoralist
Gift of Time, A (play)
Glenville, Peter
Godard, Jean-Luc
Godfather movies
Golden Globes
Goldfarb, Mr. (florist)
Goldwater, Barry
Goldwyn, Samuel
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The
Goodhart, William
Good Years, The (TV special)
Gordon, Ruth
Gostas, Ted
Graham, Sheilah
Grand Island, Nebraska
birthplace of HF
Grant, Cary
Grapes of Wrath, The (album of readings)
Grapes of Wrath, The (film)
Grapes of Wrath, The (novel, Steinbeck)
of Ann Rutledge
of the westward migration
Gray, Amy
Great Depression
Greatest Show on Earth, The
Great Platte River Road
Great Smokey Roadblock, The (film)
Great Train Robbery, The
Green Berets
Green Berets, The
Greene, Graham
The Power and the Glory
Greenwich, Connecticut
Count Palenclar House
Greenwich Village
Gregory, Don
Gregory, Paul
Griffith, D. W.
Grizzard, George
Grobel, Lawrence
Gulf + Western
Gunn, Moses
Gunther, John
Gussow, Mel
Hall, Leonard
Hammerstein, Oscar II
Hammerstein, William
Handke, Peter
Harris, Jed
Harrison, George
Hart, Jeffrey
Hart, William S.
Hartfield, John
Hartman Theater Company (Stamford, Connecticut)
Harvey, Laurence
Haskell, Molly
Hathaway, Henry
Hawkins (reviewer)
Hawks, Howard
Hay, John
Hayden, Tom
Hayes, Helen
Hays Office
Hayward, Bill
Hayward, Bridget (daughter of Margaret Sullavan)
Hayward, Brooke (daughter of Margaret Sullavan)
Haywire (memoir)
Hayward, Leland
Hearst, William Randolph
Heggen, Tom
suicide of
Heimer, Mel
Helen Hayes Theatre (New York)
Heller, Joseph
Hell’s Angels
Hemingway, Ernest
Across the River and into the Trees
Henie, Sonja
Henry Fonda and the Family (TV special)
Henry Fonda’s Bel Air Hive honey brand
Henry Fonda Special, The (TV show)
Hepburn, Audrey
Hepburn, Katharine
Herndon, William B.
Herr, Michael, Dispatches
Heston, C
Heydt, Louis Jean
Hinckley, John
Hired Hand, The
Hiroshima bombing
Hiss, Alger
Histoires extraordinaires
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
Hoberman, J.
Hodiak, John
Hofstadter, Richard
Holbrook, Hal
Holden, William
radicalism in
threat to stage theaters
turn toward respectability
Hollywood Canteen
Hollywood Renaissance
Hollywood Ten
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hoover, John H.
Hope, Bob
Hopper, Dennis
Houdini, Harry
Houghton, Norris
House Beautiful
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
House Divided, A (project)
Houseman, John
Howard, Ronnie
How the West Was Won (film)
Humphrey, Hal
Hunter, Glenn
Huntington Hartford Theatre (Los Angeles)
Huntley, Chet
Hurry Sundown
Huston, John
Huston, Walter
Hyannisport, Massachusetts
Idaho Transfer
I Dream Too Much (film)
Ike from Abilene (record)
I Loved You Wednesday (play)
Immortal Sergeant (film)
massacres by
massacres of
Indochina Peace Campaign
In Harm’s Way (film)
In the Cool of the Day
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Invitation to a March
Is Zat So? 42
Izvestia (USSR)
Jaques, Elliott
Jaynes, Herberta Lamphear (mother)
death of
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenner, William E.
Jesse James (film)
Jest, The (play)
Jews, European
Jezebel (film)
Jigsaw (film)
Joe, a musician
Johnson, Erskine
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, Sir John
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Nunnally
Jones, Preston
Journey of Simon McKeever, The (project)
Kael, Pauline
Kafka, Franz
kamikaze attacks
Kane, Mrs. Robert
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Kanin, Garson
Kansas City, Missouri
Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School
Kaufman, George S.
Kazan, Elia
Keith, Brian
Kelly, Emmett
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, Burt
Kennedy, Jackie
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
health problems
Profiles in Courage
Kennedy, Joseph, Sr.
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C)
Kerr, Geoffrey
Kerr, Jean
Kerr, Walter
Kerry, John
Kesey, Ken
Kibbee, Roland
Kilgallen, Dorothy
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kiss for Cinderella, A
Knight, Dr. Robert P.
Knotts, Don
Knox, Mickey
Korda, Alexander
Korean War
Ku Klux Klan
La Curie
Lady Eve, The (film)
Lafayette, Indiana
Laird, Melvin
Lancaster, Burt
Lane, Mark
Lang, Fritz
Lang, Jennings
Lardner, John
La Ronde
Lasky, Jesse L.
La Stampa (Turin)
Last Four Days, The (film)
Laughton, Charles
Laurent, Lawrence
Lawford, Peter
Lawrence, Jerome
Lawson, John Howard
Leachman, Cloris
Lear, Norman
Leatherbee, Charles
leaving one alone
Lee, Robert E. (general)
Lee, Robert E. (playwright)
Leggett, John
Lemmon, Jack
Lempert, Julius
Lennon, John
Lenox Hill Hospital (New York)
Leone, Sergio
Leopold, Nathan
LeRoy, Mervyn
Les Félins
Leslie Fiedler
Let Us Live (film)
Levin, Ira
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Sinclair
liberals in American politics
Life magazine
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lillian Russell (film)
Limey, The
Lincoln, Abraham
destiny of
HF’s attraction to
life of
Little Big Man
Little Theatre movement
Litvak, Anatole
Loeb, Richard
Loebeck, Agnes
Logan, Joshua
London, England
Longest Day, The (film)
Long Night, The (film)
Los Angeles
guesthouse on Cielo Drive, Bel Air
house on Chalon Road, Bel Air
house on Monaco Drive, Pacific Palisades
house on South Chadbourne Avenue, Brentwood
house on Tigertail Road, Beverly Hills
unnamed theatre in
Losers, The (film project)
Louisville, Kentucky
Love, Robert
Love Story (play)
Loyalists (Spain)
Luce, Henry
Lumet, Sidney
Lunt, Alfred
Lynde, Edwin
Lyons, Leonard
MacArthur, Douglas
MacKenzie, Bob
MacMurray, Fred
Madigan (film)
Mad Miss Manton, The (film)
Maestretti, A. J.
Magnificent Dope, The (film)
Mailer, Norman
Majestic Theatre (New York)
Maland, Charles J.
Male Animal, The (film)
Malibu, California
Maltz, Albert
Mamoulian, Rouben
Manchurian Candidate, The
Manhattan Eye Bank
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The
Mankiewicz, Herman
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Mann, Anthony
Manners, Dorothy
Manson, Charles
Manson, Edward
Man Who Understood Women, The (film)
Man with a Cause, A (radio program)
March, Fredric
Marcus, Greil
Marquand, John P.
Marshall, George
Martin, Dean
Martin, Strother
Marx Brothers
Mattes, Merrill J.
Matthau, Walter
Maude (TV sitcom)
Maugham, Somerset
MCA Television
McBride, Joseph
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy era
p; McClain (reviewer)
McCormick, Myron
McCoy, Horace
McCrea, Joel
McDonald, Alan
McDonald, Eugene III
McDowall, Roddy
McGiver, John
McGovern, George
McGuinn, Jim
Meade, George
Meader, Vaughn
Mean Streets
medicine, rejected by Christian Science
Menninger Clinic (Kansas)
mental hospitals
Meredith, Burgess
Merrick, Mike
Merton of the Movies (play)
Meteor (film)
Michael and Mary
Michael Reese Hospital (Chicago)
middle class
politics of
and theatre
Middle West
mid-life crisis
Midway (film)
Midway, Battle of
Midway Island
Mielziner, Jo
Mifune, Toshiro
migrant workers
Milestone, Lewis
Miller, Arthur
Milne, A. A.
Mineola Theatre
Minow, Newton
Minskoff Theatre (New York)
Missouri Breaks, The
Mister Roberts (film)
Mister Roberts (play)
Mitchum, Robert
Mobley, Mary Ann
Modern Virgin, A
Mohawk Indians
Mohawk Valley
Molnár, Ferenc
Monument Valley
Moon’s Our Home, The (film)
Moorehead, Agnes
Mormon Trail
Morosco Theatre (New York)
Morricone, Ennio
Morris, Greg
Morrison, Jim
Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals
Motion Picture Production Code
motorcycle movies
Muhammad Ali
Muni, Paul
Murphy, George
Murray, G. D.
Mussolini, Benito
Mussolini, Vittorio
My Darling Clementine (film)
My Name Is Nobody (film)
My Three Sons
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Cultural Center
National Junior Theatre
Natwick, Mildred
Navy Hour, The (radio show)
“Neighbors of Watts”
New Deal
New Faces (play)
New Frontier
New Hollywood
New Left
Newman, Paul
New York Central Railroad
New York City
East Seventy-fourth Street town house
East Sixties brownstone
HF present in, at end of 1920s
HF’s first visit to
New Yorker Theater (movie theater, New York)
Nichols, Dudley
Nicholson, Jack
Nicholson, Kenyon
Nimitz, Chester
Nixon, Richard
Nixon (Stone)
Nolan, Lloyd
Nolte, Charles
Norfolk, Virginia
Norman, Barry
North Vietnam
No Sad Songs for Me
nuclear weapons
Nugent, Elliott
O’Brian, Jack
Odets, Clifford
The Man Who Saw a Ghost: The Life and Work of Henry Fonda Page 46