Office of Public Information
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
O’Hara, John
Appointment in Samarra
O’Hara, Maureen
Oldest Living Graduate, The (TV play)
Olivier, Laurence
Olympic Games (1936, Berlin)
Omaha, Nebraska
entertainment in
founding of
race riot of 1919
vice and corruption in
Omaha Community Playhouse
Omaha Daily Bee
Once Upon a Time in the West (film)
One-Armed Peter
O’Neill, Eugene
On Golden Pond (film)
On Our Merry Way (film)
Operation Petticoat
Ophüls, Max
Oregon Trail
Orion Productions
Orpheum Theatre (Omaha)
Osborn, Paul
O’Sullivan, Maureen
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Otoe Indians
Our Town (Wilder)
Outward Bound
O. W. Street (project)
Ox-Bow Incident, The (album of readings)
Ox-Bow Incident, The (film)
Pacific Campaign
Pakula, Alan J.
“Pan”. See Brokaw, Frances de Villers
Parallax View, The
Paramount Pictures
Parker, Bonnie
Parker, Dorothy
Parkinson, Norman
Parks, Larry
Parmet, Herbert S.
parricide/killing parents
Parsons, Estelle
Parsons, Louella
Pastini, Loren
Pat Paulsen for President
Pawnee Indians
Pearl Harbor attack
Peckinpah, Sam
Penn, Arthur
Penthouse magazine
Percy, Walker
The Second Coming
Perelman, S. J.
Period of Adjustment
Perkins, Anthony
Petrified Forest, The (TV drama)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phoenix, Arizona
Phyllis, Chesler
Picasso, Pablo
Piccadilly Theatre (London)
Pickford, Mary
Pickwick Papers, The
Pinkett, H. J.
Pinnacle Productions
Pirandello, Luigi
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plath, Sylvia
The Bell Jar
Platte River
Playboy magazine
Plumstead Playhouse (production company)
Plymouth Theatre (New York)
Poe, Edgar Allan
Point of No Return (play)
Polanski, Roman
political movies
Pollack, Sydney
Polonsky, Abraham
Ponca Nation Indians
Pons, Lily
Popular Front
Poseidon Adventure, The
Postman Always Rings Twice, The
Potter, H. C.
Potters, The (play)
Powell, Dick
Powell, William
Power, Tyrone
Preminger, Otto
presidential elections
of 1952
of 1956
of 1960
of 1964
of 1968
President Vanishes, The
Producers’ Showcase (TV show)
propaganda films
PT 109
Pyle, Ernie
Qualen, John
Quigley, Thomas “Bart”
Quonset Point, Rhode Island
race violence
Race with the Devil
in Hollywood
in Hollywood films
radio, HF’s work in
Rafelson, Bob
Raft, George
Rains, Claude
Random House
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
assassination attempt
political triumph of
Really Big Family, The (TV documentary)
Redford, Robert
Red Pony, The (TV show)
Red scare
“Red Summer”
Reed, Rex
“Rehearsal” (radio drama)
Reid, Wallace
Renoir, Jean
Republican National Convention (1952)
Retail Credit Company of Omaha
Return of Frank James, The (film)
Revolutionary War
Rheingold beer
Rich, Frank
Rich, John
Riefenstahl, Leni
Ringer, J. Dean
Rings on Her Fingers (film)
Rintels, David
Rin Tin Tin
Riot in Cell Block 11
Ripening (painting by HF)
Rip Van Winkle (play)
RKO Pictures
Robards, Jason
Robertson, Cliff
Robinson, Edward G.
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Will
Rolland, Romain
Rollercoaster (film)
Roman Catholicism
romantic comedies
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
documentary about (TV show)
Roots: The Next Generation (TV show)
Rose, Billy
Rose, Reginald
Rosemary’s Baby
Rosewater, Edward
Ross, Lillian
Ross, Shirley
Rounders, The (film)
Rowlands, Gena
Ruark, Robert
Russell, Edward
Rutledge, Ann
Ryan, Robert
Rydell, Mark
Safire, William
Saint, Eva Marie
St. Johns, Adela Rogers
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Paul, Minnesota
San Diego, California
SANE (Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy)
San Francisco, California
Santa Barbara, California
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Saroyan, William
Sarrazin, Michael
Sarris, Andrew
Saturday Review of Literature
Schaffner, Franklin
Schell, Jonathan, The Village of Ben Suc
Schenck, Joe
Schifano, Mario
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schneider, Bert
School for Scandal, The (play)
Schurz, Carl
Scopes, John T.
Scott, George C.
Scott, Martha
Screen Actors Guild
Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California
Seascape (play)
Seattle, Washington
Sebring, Jay
Secrets (play)
“seeing the elephant”
Sellers, Peter
Selznick, David O.
Selznick, Myron
Serpent, The (film)
Seven Days in May
Seventeen (play)
“Seventeen Days to Victory” (TV spectacular)
Sex and the Single Girl (film)
Seymour, Eugene Ford
Seymour, Frances (2nd wife)
affairs of
background in society
ghost of
hypochondria of
separation from HF
will and bequests of
mour, Margery
Seymour, Roger
Seymour, Sophie. See Bower, Sophie
Sharon (supposed illegitimate child of HF)
Sharp Memorial Hospital (San Diego)
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Irwin
Sheik, The
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherwood, Robert E.
She’s Working Her Way Through College
Shortridge, James R.
Showdown at the Adobe Motel (play)
Showtime USA (TV revue)
Shubert Theater (New Haven)
Sidney, Sylvia
Siegel, Arthur
Siegel, Don
“silent majority”
Silent Night, Lonely Night (play)
silent pictures
Sillman, Leonard
Simon, John
Simon, Norton
Sinatra, Frank
Sioux Indians
sixties, the
radicals of
transforming visionaries of
“we blew it” statement
Skinner, Otis
Slim (film)
Smith, Edward P.
Smith, George
Smith Family, The (TV series)
Soanes, Wood
social consciousness
in films
in novels
Somers, Henry, A Subway Ride to the Pacific
Sometimes a Great Notion (film)
Sondergaard, Gale
“Sorry, Senator Goldwater … The Country Just Can’t Risk It” (TV special)
South, the American
Southern, Terry
Southern California
South Pacific
Southwest Airways
Soviet Union
Spacek, Sissy
Spanish Civil War
Spawn of the North (film)
Special Forces
Spencer’s Mountain (film)
Springer, John
Springfield, Illinois
spy movies
Stage Associates
Stage Struck (film)
Stalin, Joseph
Stanislavsky Method
Stanton, Edwin
Stanton, Harry Dean
Stanwyck, Barbara
Star and the Story, The (TV show)
Stark, Ray
Stars Salute Israel at 30, The (TV special)
Stebel, Sid
Steiger, Rod
Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath
opinion of HF
Sweet Thursday
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, James
stock market crash of 1929
Stone, Irving
Stone, Oliver
Story of Alexander Graham Bell, The (film)
Stout, Minnie
Stout, Rex
Stranger on the Run (TV show)
Strasberg, Lee
Strictly Dishonorable
Students for Stevenson
Studio One (TV series)
Sturges, Preston
Sturma, Michael
Sullavan, Margaret (Peggy) (first wife)
probable suicide
Sunday in New York
Sunset Strip riots
Surry, Maine
Swan, The
Swarm, The (film)
Sweet, Dr. Charles C.
Taft, Robert
Tales of Manhattan (film)
Tall Story
Tammy and the Doctor
Taradash, Daniel
Tate, Sharon
Taubman, Howard
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, William Desmond
Teichmann, Howard
Temple, Shirley
Tentacles (film)
Terkel, Studs, “The Good War”
Thalberg, Irving G.
That Certain Woman (film)
That Girl from Memphis
Theatre Guild
Theatre Unit
There Was a Little Girl
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? 267–68
Third Reich
Thomas, Evan
Thomas, J. Parnell
Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, Ernest
Thoreau, Henry David
thriller movies
Thurber, James
Tibbets, Col. Paul, Jr.
Tierney, Gene
Tigertail. See Los Angeles: house on Tigertail Road, Beverly Hills
Time magazine
Time of Your Life, The
Tin Star, The (film)
Todd, Mary
Todd, Mike
Toland, Gregg
Toland, Lloyd
Tolstoy, Leo
“Tom Joad” character
Tonight on Broadway (TV show)
Tony for Best Male Performance
Top Gun production company
Torlonia, Augusto
To Save a Soldier (TV documentary)
Towering Inferno, The
Tracy, Lee
Tracy, Spencer
Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The (film)
training films
Trevino, Lee
Trial of A. Lincoln, The
Trip, The
Trotti, Lamar
Truman, Harry
Truman Doctrine
Trumbo, Dalton
Tucson, Arizona
Tunney, John V.
Twain, Mark
12 Angry Men (film)
Twelve Angry Men (teleplay by Reginald Rose)
Twentieth Century–Fox
Two for the Seesaw (play)
Uggams, Leslie
Ulee’s Gold
Union Army
United Artists
United Nations
United States Postal Service
University of Minnesota
University of Omaha
University Players Guild
Unruh, Jesse
U. S. Navy
USS Curtiss
USS Satterlee
Vadim, Roger
Vadim, Vanessa
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr.
Van Deusen, Charles
Vane, Sutton
Victors, The
Vidal, Gore
Vidor, King
Vietnam War
Virginian, The
Virgin Islands
V-J Day
Voutsinas, Andréas
Wackiest Ship in the Army, The
Wadleigh, Julian
Wagon Train
Walker, June
Walk on the Wild Side
Wallace, Henry
Wallach, Eli
Walsh, J. T.
Waltons, The
Wanda Nevada (film)
Wanger, Walter
War and Peace (film)
Warden, Jack
Warlock (film)
war movies
Warner, Jack
Warner Bros.
Warren, Robert Penn
Warren, Samuel
war veterans
Washington, D.C.
Wasserman, Lew
Watergate Affair
Waterloo, Iowa
Watts, Richard, Jr.
Way Down East (film)
Wayne, John
Webb, Clifton
Webb, Watson
Welcome to Hard Times (film)
Wellman, William
Wertenbaker, Charles Christian
Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker
Death of a Man
Westchester Playhouse (Mount Kisco, New York)
Kael’s view on
nbsp; spaghetti
West Falmouth, Massachusetts
Westmoreland, William
westward migration
Wheeler, Harvey
White, Harry Dexter
white working class, politics of
Whitman, Walt
Whitmore, James
Widmark, Richard
Wild Angels, The
Wild Bunch, The
Wilde, Oscar
Wilder, Billy
Wilder, Thornton
Wild Geese Calling (film)
Wild in the Streets
Williams, Billy Dee
Williams, Tennessee
Williams, William Asbury
Wills, Garry
Wilshire Theatre (Beverly Hills)
Wilson, Douglas L.
Wilson, Earl
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Woodrow
Wiman, Dwight Deere
Winchell, Walter
Windom, William
Windsor Gallery (Los Angeles)
Windust, Bretaigne
Wings of the Morning (film)
Winter Soldier hearings
women’s liberation
Wood, Maj. Gen. Leonard
Wood, Natalie
World of the Beaver, The (TV documentary)
World War II
HF in
Wouk, Herman
The Caine Mutiny (novel)
Wrong Man, The (film)
Wuest, Lt. Col. Jacob
Wyatt, Jane
Wyeth, Andrew
Wyler, William
Wyman, Jane
Yardley, Jonathan
You and I (play)
You Belong to Me (film)
Young, Loretta
Young, Robert
Young Mr. Lincoln (film)
Eisenstein’s praise for
Youngstein, Max
You Only Live Once (film)
Yours, Mine and Ours (film)
Zabriskie Point
Zanuck, Darryl F.
Henry Fonda’s birth home, Grand Island, Nebraska. (Photo by the author)
As “Peter” in The Poet’s Well, Omaha Community Playhouse, February 1927. Costar Wenonah La Boisseaux went on to be an Omaha correspondent to the Associated Press. (Photofest)
Margaret Sullavan, c. 1934. “Her voice was exquisite and far away,” said silent film star Louise Brooks, “almost like an echo.” (Photofest)
Fonda and Sullavan in the University Players production of Holiday, Baltimore, January 1932. Here, the two are just married; weeks later, they are kaput. Left to right: Fonda, Myron McCormick, Sullavan, Joshua Logan, Barbara O’Neil. (Photofest)
First Broadway lead: with June Walker in The Farmer Takes a Wife, October 1934. (Photofest)
Leland Hayward, mid-1930s. (Photofest)
Walter Wanger in 1934. (Photofest)
“His appearance of sincerity.” Fonda and Janet Gaynor in The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935). (Photofest)
Henry in the Beverly Hills bungalow he shared with Jimmy Stewart, early 1936. (Jerry Ohlinger’s)
Fonda and Sullavan rest between rounds in The Moon’s Our Home (1936). “When they fight,” Pauline Kael wrote, “you feel you’re hearing their real battling rhythms.” (Photofest)
She said she’d never heard of him. Henry and Frances in late 1936, weeks after their marriage. (Photofest)
One angry man: making You Only Live Once (1937, with Sylvia Sidney), Fonda incurred bruises and lacerations in fight scenes, and “jokingly” fired a prop gun at director Fritz Lang. (Photofest)
The Man Who Saw a Ghost: The Life and Work of Henry Fonda Page 47