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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

Page 3

by Dusty Lassetter

  “Is it horrible that all I feel is relief hearing that?”

  “No honey, it’s normal, she was not a stable person. I feel much better knowing she isn’t here to hurt you anymore.” She tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, her eyes glowing with compassion and love.

  “What do I do about Jasper and my friends?” I ask, my voice clogging with emotion.

  “You call up the girls, invite them over for lunch and we will tell them your story together. These are people you want to keep in your life correct?” I slightly nod my head up and down.

  “Then together we will make them understand why you had to run. I’m afraid Jasper is not going to be so easy. Let’s talk this one over with the girls, they will have better advice then me. I’ve only ever been with your uncle and our relationship has always been easy.”

  “Sounds like a plan, but I don’t have anyone’s phone numbers, how do I get a hold of them?”

  “I have Izzy’s, she wanted me to keep it just in case you ever wanted to talk.”

  Three hours later I’m sitting around the same table, eating cookies, and sharing my story with Izzy and Bethany. I’m currently telling them about that horrible night that I was found in the bathroom. I am trying hard to hold back the tears that are pooling in my eyes. That time in my life is not something I like to talk about, but I owe my friends an explanation. They are across the table, sitting side by side, quietly listening to my story. When I finish telling them everything, I dry my eyes with the Kleenex my aunt brought me, and wait for one of them to say something.

  “I don’t do well with emotional conversations,” Izzy starts saying, “Obviously I forgive you, so get over here and give me a hug dammit.”

  I make my way over to Izzy, who is now standing up, her arms spread wide. Bethany hugs me from behind, soaking the back of my shirt with tears. “I’m so sorry you went through all that, of course I forgive you. I’ll even help hunt down Christopher for you.”

  “Now that is an idea I can get on board with. We could cut his nuts off and make him eat them.” Izzy says, her voice sounding a little creepy.

  “You guys are too great for words. I’m so happy we can move past this.” I say wiggling my way free from their grasps.

  We sit back down, and have another cup of coffee. I tell them of my insecurities with Jasper, and how desperate I am to have him back. They include me in on some details of his life since I’ve been gone. I knew I had hurt him, but I had no idea I had driven him to be angry all the time. We brainstorm for a few more hours, and eventually come up with a plan to get his attention. I just hope it doesn’t completely blow up in my face.

  The bar is tucked away in a corner of a sketchy street. All my time in Tampa, and I never noticed it was here, however I didn’t spend much time on the scary side of town. There really is no telling what I am going to walk into. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to the door and I’m immediately assaulted with the smell of cologne. There is a huge Samoan guy, standing in the doorway of a tiny holding area. He looks at me, holding his hand out. Not being a mind reader, I look up at him with confusion.

  “Your I.D. miss.” He says.

  “OH.. Okay. Sorry.” I start digging around in the shoulder bag my aunt loaned me. She practically played dress up with me tonight. I have on one of her black dresses, that is currently squeezing the air from my lungs. Along with a pair of red pumps that are extremely hard to balance in. My aunt said I was a natural at walking in them but, I think she spiked her coffee. She wanted to put my hair up, that’s where I drew the line, and told her no. The tips of my finger glide over something smooth, grabbing my I.D. I pull it out and show the doorman. He gestures with his arm for me to pass, so on wobbly legs, I stumble forward, into the unknown.

  There is a dance floor in the middle of the room, with a huge bar on the right. They have three poles going form the bar top to the ceiling. Everything surrounding the bar is glowing from the red lights, making it stand out. There is a group of people sitting at the bar, throwing back shots, and laughing. Turning my head to the left I see the pool table area. They have four tables, each one with a bright light above it. Letting my eyes roam over the area, I spot Bethany and Dalton standing beside the fourth table. She looks comfortable in a flowy blue dress, that makes her look eighteen still. Dalton looks like a complete dork wearing a sleeveless suit jacket and tie. He has on blue jeans and converse sneakers, and sitting on top his curly locks is the same backwards hat from high school. I slowly make my way over to them, trying not to look too stupid in these heels. I can feel the vibration of music through the floor that is coming out of the speakers. I thought bars were a little less loud when it came to music, but I guess I was wrong.

  “Happy Birthday Bethany,” I say giving her a quick hug once I see her and Dalton. “I wasn’t able to get you anything, so why don’t you let me buy you a drink.” The music is not quit as loud by the tables, allowing her to hear me just fine.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, but I’m not one to turn down a free drink.” Bethany yells over the music. She grabs my hand, and gives Dalton a kiss, telling him where we are going. He watches us all the way to the bar, staring at Bethany’s backside the whole time.

  “Can we get two lemon sours please?” Bethany asks the bartender. He is a taller guy with red hair and blue eyes. I have never found red hair attractive on anyone, including myself, but he pulls it off. His shirt is tight around his arms, letting everyone know he likes to work out. He gives me a boyish grin when he sees me checking him out. Not wanting him to get the wrong idea, I quickly turn way. He slides the drinks to Bethany, and tells us to have a great night. I pull a twenty out of my purse, fully expecting to pay, but he shakes his head no and turns away.

  “Looks like you have an admirer. You should totally flirt with him when Jasper gets here.” Bethany says in my ear right before she takes off back toward Dalton.

  The bar is starting to get more crowded, so we have to bob and weave through some groups. I am trying to balance myself along with the drink now in my hands, when I accidently bump into someone. Looking to my right, I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. I know the person I just bumped into. Liam looks down at me, and a few seconds later recognition lights up his eyes.

  “Candice is that you?” He gathers me in his arms, squeezing me tight. “You look great Candice. Where have you been?”

  I wiggle myself free from his grip, and give him a small smile. It’s not that I’m unhappy to see him again, it’s just Jasper could already be here, and he is the one I came here for, not Liam.

  “I was in Tennessee for a while, but I’m back now. My friends are waiting for me. I really need to get going.”

  I try to walk past him, but he stops me with an arm to my mid-section. “I’ll find you later, and we can catch up.”

  “No Liam we can’t. I came here hoping to find Jasper. Please just forget you saw me here.”

  He drops his arm, with a look of sadness on his face. I feel like the worse person in the world when I make it back to Bethany and Dalton. I don’t have time to dwell on it because standing before me is Izzy, and right behind her is a man that could give Jasper a run for is money in the looks department. He’s wearing a long sleeve button up white shirt, the sleeves rolled up his forearms. His black slacks, and nice shoes scream he has money. She tries to introduce him, but he pushes her to the side, and takes my hand, kissing it lightly. “My name is Adriano. It is nice to meet you Candice.” His Italian accent makes me smile, “Hai un bel sorriso, amore mio.” He is making me slightly uncomfortable so I turn to Izzy, silently asking what is going on.

  “He said you have a beautiful smile, my love.” She translates for me.

  I lean over and whisper in her year, “I thought he was here to make Jasper jealous. Since Jasper isn’t here I’m a little confused.” She leans into my space, talking louder than necessary, “Have you not seen yourself, you look hot girl, as soon as he laid eyes on you he said Jasper was stupid and didn’t d
eserve you. I think he is honestly hitting on you.”

  This was not part of the plan. I knew this was a stupid idea, and I should have refused to do it. Just when I am about to tell Mr. Italian over there, the charade is over, Jasper starts walking toward us with K.J. beside him. Now that there is no blood splatter on him, I can see that he no longer keeps his face shaved smooth. There is a few days’ worth of growth, making him look even more irresistible. His dirty blonde hair has been cut since last night. He now has it short on both sides, with the longer bit on top looking like he just ran his finger through it, making messy spikes. The casual T-shirt and pants he is wearing, gives off the I’m- not- trying too hard impression. He is striding our way, with a cocky grin on his face, and my body is hyper aware of every step he takes. I mentally slap myself, preparing my mind for what I am about to do. I take a step toward Adriano, getting into his personal space. He looks down at me and smiles, putting his arm around my shoulders. I can feel Jasper’s eyes on me, but I don’t dare look up when he makes it over to us.

  “Hello fellas, nice of you to join us.” Izzy says, with a gleam in her eye. “Oh how rude of me, this is Giovanni.” She gestures to the tall guy standing behind her, that I hadn’t noticed until now. “We have been dating for some time now, so be nice. That mouthwatering Italian over there is Adriano, he is here with Candice. We set them up, didn’t we baby?” She looks up at Giovanni.

  “That is right, Tesoro mio.” He leans down, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

  Adriano leans down and places a kiss on my shoulder, catching me off guard. My body goes stiff, and I quickly look to Jasper hoping he didn’t see. To my mortification he is glaring at us, but I think his hatred is directed more at me not Adriano.

  “Well then, now that everyone has been introduced how about we play a game of pool.” Dalton says, trying to break the tension.

  “Good idea baby, why don’t we do teams. Everyone pair up.” Bethany chimes in.

  “Great, we can couple up.” Izzy says pointing at her and Giovanni. “K.J. and Jasper can be partners since they have no one.”

  “Izzy, that was rude.” I say loud enough for her to hear.

  “Sometimes the truth hurts.” She states while clapping her hands, “The first match is Candice and Adriano versus Jasper and K.J.”

  I try to persuade Izzy to go against Jasper and K.J., but she refuses, smiling at me the whole time. She slaps me on the butt, and tells me to stop acting like a scared virgin. I remind myself this is what I wanted, hopefully this plan works, and Jasper no longer hates me by the end of the night.

  Chapter 5


  I see Liam straightaway as I walk up to the bar. I tell the bartender to open a tab, ordering me two shots of whiskey as I do. He asks for my credit card as I’m downing the brown liquid from the small cups. I reach into my pocket and hand it to him, then find K.J. and make my way toward our group.

  Candice is standing beside some douche bag in a button up shirt and he is looking at her like I once did. I wonder if he notices the way she is watching my every step. I can’t help the smirk that comes to my lips, when I can see her breathing get heavier, and the way she pinches her thighs together in that tight dress. I do have to admit she looks hot as hell, those red heels make her legs look like they go on forever, and that dress is tight around all the right places. I’ve never seen her in something like this, and my dick is starting to show just how much we approve.

  Izzy and Dalton start talking almost as soon as we walk up. I am not paying any attention to anything they’ve said. My eyes are currently locked onto the Italian dickhead that is completely oblivious. The way Candice reacted to him kissing her tells me she didn’t like it. I don’t know what it is, but something doesn’t seem right.

  K.J. is tapping me on the shoulder so I look over at him, “Do you want to break?”

  I must be looking at him like he’s crazy because he mumbles something before talking louder making sure to be heard over the music, “We’re playing pool. It’s you and me against Candice and her date. Do you want to break the damn balls or not?”

  I shake my head no, so he walks off in the direction of the table we are apparently playing on. He said that guy is Candice’s date, but I’m not buying it. Let’s just see how much she likes him. I convince myself by sabotaging her supposed date, I am just getting back at her for leaving me high and dry.

  I wink at K.J. once I get to the table, and look over at Candice, telling him to botch the shot and give them a turn. He gives no indication he heard me but the que ball going in the corner is proof enough. Thinking Mr. Salami over there would take the first turn for their team, I walk to the side of the table Candice is standing on. She looks at me out of the corner of her eye. I just stand there staring, noticing how completely scared she looks holding onto that pool stick like it will magically save her from me.

  “Come amore mio.” I hear Mr. Salami say. “Let me show you how to play.” He finishes, giving her a gentle smile.

  Her face turns red from the blush creeping up her neck, but she walks over to him and stands at the edge of the table in front of the que ball. He steps in behind her, whispering something in her ear. I reach for the blue chalk by the right corner, trying to keep my hands busy. I look down at the chalk, wondering if the cops would use this to make an outline of this asshole’s dead body instead of the usual white. There is no reason he should be pawing at her in public.

  “You alright man?” Dalton asks.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Maybe because your rubbing your chest and staring at Candice like she killed your puppy.”

  Realizing what I’m doing, I pull my hand away from my chest and move to take my turn. I need to get a few more shots of whiskey to make it through the night. After I sink the two ball, then the one ball, I walk over to Dalton, “Go to the bar and get a bottle of whiskey, tell them to put it on my tab.” He is reluctant at first but eventually gives in. There are only two solids left on the table and both are lined up for a perfect shot. It takes me all of two seconds to decide on the one that would have me bending over, right in front of Candice. She will either have to walk off or stare at my ass the whole time I am taking my shot. As I’m making my way to her side of the table, Izzy calls for Adriano to walk over to the empty stools they found close by. To my surprise Candice stays where she is, looking down at her feet, picking her finger nails.

  “Do you need me to move?” She asks me, her voice tiny, and laced with fear. Just the thought that she could be scared of me makes my stomach drop. I hate her for leaving, but the love I once had for her is playing tricks with my mind, which in return pisses me the fuck off.

  “Why are you asking, why not just run off. That is what your good at, right? “

  My response seems to have no effect on her, so I turn to the table and line up my shot. Just as I glide my pool stick forward, something bumps the end of it, causing me to miss. I turn around and look over at Candice who is smiling like the cat that ate the canary. She did that on purpose. I take three steps in her direction, getting into her personal space, “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” With those heels on, her head is right at chin level. She looks up at me with those big sapphire blue eyes, and pokes me in the chest. “Why are you poking me?”

  “You just make me so mad…You are pig headed…stubborn, and I don’t like the way you’re talking to me.” By time she has ended her little rant, I count at least ten more pokes.

  I can see Adriano looking over here, trying to get away from Izzy and her loud mouth. “If you poke me one more time, you are going to regret it Candice.” She takes her finger, and slowly pokes me in the chest again, I can see a mixture of curiosity, apprehension, and laughter in her eyes. I pull her into me quickly, molding her small frame into my much larger one. Grabbing her hair, tilting her head back, I whisper on her lips, “Never poke the bear Gorgeous,” Then I slam my mouth onto hers.

  The moment I taste her again
, I open her mouth more, trying to once again consume her. She tastes like sweet lemonade with a hint of liquor. I pull her hair tighter, making her moan into my mouth. It seems like the kiss lasts forever, but in reality it was not even a minute. I force myself to pull away, looking down at her again. The blue irises I loved so much, are more black then blue now. I can see the effect I have on her, and it makes me smile, knowing she still wants me. I step away from her just as Adriano walks up. She is looking at me, touching her fingers to her lips, trying to get her breathing back to normal.

  “It’s better you learn early on,” turning my attention to Adriano, “She will build you up just to break you. Good luck with this one.” Then I walk to the waiting bottle of whiskey Dalton is holding for me.

  Chapter 6


  The last thing I expected him to do was kiss me. The moment his lips touched mine again, I was putty in his hands. He may have walked off spouting some nonsense about me being a man eater, but I know I have at least knocked down one brick from that fortress around his heart. He called me gorgeous, the nickname he used for me when we were teenagers. Hearing him say that makes me feel like this night isn’t going to be a compete wash after all.

  “Judging by the look on your face right now, I’m almost certain it would be a waste of my time to ask you out again. However, I have always liked a challenge, so how about dinner tomorrow night?” Adriano asks me.

  “You did just see me kiss Jasper right?” I ask, giving him a curious look.

  “Si, I also heard what he said about you. My friends have always accused me of being impulsive, but the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you.” He says while placing his hand on the small of my back. “I will play this little game with you, making thisidiota jealous. I’ll just have to make you fall for me, instead of wanting him back.”


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