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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

Page 6

by Dusty Lassetter

  “Candice!” Bethany says, right before Dalton’s face turns cold, and he slams Marks’s head into the table. I manage to reach my mixed drink just before it spills alongside the others. Dalton turns to the security guy walking over to our group, “I know, I know, we will take it outside.” With that, Dalton proceeds to drag Mark out of the bar.

  Once outside the bar, he places Mark on his knees, “Come here Bethany.” She takes small steps toward them, until she finally reachs Dalton. “You stay right there on your hands and knees, and apologize to the mother of my unborn child.” I have never heard such venom in Dalton’s voice.

  I take my eyes off the scene, for a spilt second, to look up. That’s when I see the bar’s windows are lined with people on the inside watching everything that is going on. Feeling some of their eyes land on me, I give a small wave and smile, then return my eyes back to Mark.

  “I’m sorry for saying that shit..” He is stopped mid-sentence by Dalton pulling his hair, forcing him to look up, “You’re talking to my woman, how about showing some respect.” Daltons shouts.

  “Alright…Alright.. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I said what I said. It won’t happen again.” Mark finishes while blubbering like a baby. I can’t stop the laughter from coming out again, which causes everyone to look at me. Izzy comes to my defense immediately, “She’s a little intoxicated. We were having a good time, until these assholes ruined it.”

  “Can I go now?” Mark asks.

  Dalton releases his hair, “Get the fuck out of here, and you better hope I never see you again.” He tells him.

  I hiccup again then look up at Izzy, “I think I may have had a little too much to drink,” I say right before K.J. walks up to her. “Why are you constantly getting into trouble?” He scolds her like a child.

  “Wait right there, buddy.” I slur out, taking a wobbly step, trying to get closer to them. “This was not her fault.”

  He tilts his head to the side, “Don’t give me that K.J. face. Those guys were dicks.” I slap my hand over my mouth, realizing once again I said to much. “I am pointing my finger at K.J. and cussing like a sailor. I think it’s time for me to go home.”

  “I think so too.” Jasper states from behind me.

  “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Yes.” Jasper answers me.

  “Stop replying to my thoughts, you’re confusing me.” I say turning around to glare at him. He looks so yummy, I instinctively lick my lips, and try to keep myself from grabbing him. “I want to bite that bottom lip, while begging him to taste every inch of my skin.”

  “You ask nicely, and I might give you what you want.” He says, winking at me.

  I can feel my face start burning, “Did I say that out loud too?”

  “You bet your sweet ass you did.” He laughs out, giving me his trade mark smirk. I have missed that stupid smirk, so much I start to cry. Great now I’m a leaking water faucet that can’t be stopped. I see nothing funny about this but I can hear the group behind me laughing.

  “It’s not funny.” I end my declaration with a hiccup, sounding just as pathetic as I must look.

  “I’m going to make sure Candice gets home, you guys.” Jasper declares, before grabbing me by the hand, and holding his other hand out. “Keys.” He says, when I just stare at his open palm.

  “How did you know I drove?” I ask.

  “Dalton.” He says before pushing the unlock button, making my lights flicker, letting us know my car is just two rows down.

  “Haven’t you been drinking too? Maybe I should call a cab.”

  “I’ve sobered up, now shut up and walk.” Jasper commands.

  “One last question, did I really see Liam back there, or am I imagining him?” I finish my statement without slurring.

  “Yes that was Liam.” His reply is too short for my liking so I do what anyone would do, ask another question.

  “Why was he with you, and you with him?” We arrive at the car and he gives me a look that leaves no room for argument. He isn’t going to reply. “Don’t answer me then.” I mumble.

  Once he sits me in the car, he leans over to put my seat belt on. I could have done it myself, but I take this time to inhale his cologne, and remember what it was like to have him this close to me. When he is through, he slowly leans up, and turns his head. We are now nose to nose, so I close my eyes, praying in my head for him to kiss me. When I hear the door slam beside me, I know that my prayers have once again gone unanswered. He gets into the driver seat, and starts the car, pulling out into traffic. All I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs how much I still love him and regret leaving, but I nod off before I can gather up the courage.

  Chapter 11


  I still love you. The words are on repeat in my head. That was the last thing she said before she fell asleep, leaning her head on the window. In order for her to still love me, she would’ve had to love me before she left. I remember the night I gave her a little piece of soul, declaring my love for her on her birthday. She nearly had an anxiety attack just thinking about it. Looking back, her reaction was just another sign. She never felt for me what I felt for her.

  When I arrive at her aunt’s house, I choose to let Candice sleep, carrying her instead. I ring the door bell, and hope I’m not waking anyone, but I can’t get the door to unlock with any of the keys on her key ring.

  “Jasper.” Her aunt says with shock, then she looks down and notices Candice passed out in my arms. She opens the door wider for me to come in. I walk through the house, heading for Candice’s room. Once there, I lay her on the bed, and gently remove her shoes. Slowly I take off her jeans next, then the shirt she’s wearing. Something catches the light from the hall, when I go to lay the comforter over her. Glancing down I see the necklace I gave her two years ago, wrapped around her neck. All this time I thought she probably pawned it or sold it. I sit there and stare until she starts to move. Softly I smooth the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Then lean down, giving her a light kiss on the forehead, before walking out and closing the door behind me.

  Just as I’m about to walk by the kitchen, her aunt comes through the swinging door, “Jasper, if you have the time, I would love a chance to talk to you. Maybe have a cup of coffee?” She asks, her voice full of hope. I debate on blowing her off, like she did to me so many times, but I have some questions I want answers to.

  “I could use a cup of coffee.” I reply back.

  “Great, I just started a pot.” She states, before turning around and walking back into the kitchen. I follow, and choose to sit across the table from where she is.

  “I can only imagine what you think of me. What with me not telling you anything that was going on with Candice.” She says, looking at me with apologetic eyes. “In hindsight we do realize we should never have kept you in the dark, but Candice was too terrified of what Christopher could do to you.”

  “I was more than capable of taking care of myself. She knew that.” I respond, not buying her excuse.

  “That’s the thing Jasper. She didn’t know that. Why can’t you see it from her point of view? You know of only that one night in her past. What about the countless others? She lived with that monster for thirteen years. She has built him up to be the evil that cannot be defeated, and in her world, evil always win.” She expresses, right before getting up to poor two mugs of coffee.

  She places one of the mugs in front of me, “It’s black, the sugar and cream are up there if you’d like some.”

  “No, black’s fine.” I mutter, before taking a sip. “If she regrets leaving me in the dark, why did it take her three years to come back?” I finally ask my first question.

  “Now that is an easy one. Fear. Not the fear of Christopher so much as the fear that you had already grown to hate her. Over the course of that first year, she had bought several tickets to fly home, determined to come back, but her anxiety always got in the way. Candice, as you know, is not an impulsive person, and sometim
es that can be her downfall.”

  “Let’s say I believe you, and as you just stated Candice is not impulsive. She knew she was leaving that night, and never said anything to me.”

  “She wasn’t leaving until the next morning. Christopher got released earlier than expected. When we got wind of it, we knew we had to get her out of Tampa. We can go back and forth all night Jasper, but there is only one reason you are here now, talking to me, and making sure she gets home safe. You’re upset with her for leaving, but you still love her. That is something I am sure of. Now my question for you is, are you going to do the same thing to her, that you are so adamant about punishing her for? She loves you Jasper, and she doesn’t deserve to suffer anymore.”

  Chapter 12


  I’m meeting Izzy for lunch at a little walk in café about a block down from the child advocacy’s office I just got an internship with. I still have one semester of school that I need to complete, but my new boss, Holly, gave me the job almost instantly. After telling her a little bit about my past she was convinced I was perfect for the position, I start next week.

  I see Izzy sitting at a small table for two, talking on her phone. Weaving through the tables I make my way over to her.

  “Candice is here. I have to go.” She tells the person on the other line, right before hanging up.

  “Who was that?” I ask, pulling my chair out and sitting down. Izzy’s hair is down today, her curls controlled by product that makes her hair shine in the light coming in from the windows. She has on a pretty sundress, and sandals. She looks almost normal, which is odd. Anyone that knows Izzy knows she never dresses normal if she can help it.

  “Did you see your mother today?” I ask her.

  “Yep. Mother dearest took me shopping today. Apparently my sister is coming down in a few weeks. The clothes were a way of trying to buy my cooperation to spend family time together.” Izzy states with a look of torture on her face. I know her sister and her don’t get along but she has never gone into much detail on why.

  “So why not invite her to come out with us girls one night? It will make your mom happy and you will have Bethany and me there as backup.” I offer.

  “I don’t know Candice. I’m not myself around her, and I would hate for you and Bethany to have to put up with her snooty attitude.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. We’re your friends, it’s the least we could do for you.” I say as the waitress is walking up. We order our food, and continue to make small talk. After the waitress brings us our meals, Izzy finally gets out of her strange mood, and starts chatting with me about Friday night.

  “I like drunk Candice.” I must give her my signature glare, because she quickly follows up with, “Don’t get me wrong, I love sober you, but you are more vocal drunk.”

  “Thanks.” I mutter before taking another bite of food. I’m absolutely mortified by my behavior Friday, well the bits and pieces I remember anyway. I vaguely recall Dalton getting in a fight, then Jasper walking me to my car. When I woke up Saturday morning, my aunt handed me a cup of coffee and two Tylenol for my headache, confirming Jasper brought me home.

  “I got a text from K.J. earlier. He says they are starting a self-defense class for women at the gym. It’s a two-week course, and they already signed us up. Bethany is going too, but her participation will be limited. It starts tonight, I’ll pick you up.” She states this like it is already set in stone. I hate when she changes the subject like that.

  “I’m not going Izzy. That is way outside my comfort zone. To have someone put their hands on me in an attacking manner will do nothing but cost me more money in therapy. There is absolutely no way I am doing that.” I can hear the anxiety laced in my voice, and I know I am on the verge of causing a scene.

  “You were attacked in plain sight last weekend Candice. You didn’t have an anxiety attack over that, so why are you freaking about someone teaching you self-defense in a safe environment?” She asks.

  “I don’t know. I keep raking my brain trying to figure that out. I called my therapist the next day, and she seems to think Jasper being there, is the reason. She believes Jasper’s presence alone makes me less anxious.” I finish in a whisper. This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone about my therapy sessions.

  “Why couldn’t she tell you that before you left for three years?” Izzy mutters out. I look up at her, and smile, “I always wonder the same thing?” I answer. There is no reason for me to get upset by her statement. It’s true. Let’s say my therapist is correct, and Jasper is the one person I trust completely. So much so, his presence alone can ease my anxiety. Being gone from Jasper for three years, I’m starting to see just how broken I was for that time.

  It’s ten minutes after six, and I’m waiting at the end of the drive for Izzy. She convinced me to give the class a try, and promised we would leave if I was uncomfortable. I no longer feel unnerved when I wear short sleeve shirts. The scars don’t have a negative affect me. They are just there. I did this to myself, and looking down at them reminds me, not of my mother, but of the happiness I fight for every day. So when I got home from the café today, I dug out the workout clothes Jasper bought me, determined I was going to give this my all.

  Walking into Roy’s gym, I’m glad to see that almost everything is the same as it was. The only newer additions to the place would be the banners of Jasper holding his belt, plastered around the entire building. Looking at all his glorious skin and muscle on display my mouth starts to go a little dry. I lick my lips as I continue to follow Izzy around the gym, until we meet up with Bethany. Standing beside her is a pretty petite blonde with shoulder length hair and blue eyes.

  “Candice I’m so glad Izzy talked you into coming.” Bethany says, hugging me, “This is Josie, she is Liam’s girlfriend.”

  “Nice to meet you, Josie.” She extends her hand out to me, so I take it, giving it a gentle shake.

  All three of the girls look at each other, their eyes making it obvious they are hiding something. I look back and forth between them all, then place my hand on my hips, “What’s going on here.”

  “Did Izzy happen to tell you who is teaching this class?” Bethany asks, with a huge smile on her face.

  “No. She said Jasper and the guys planned it but never told me who the teachers would be. Where is the rest of the class?” I question, looking around the room.

  Just as I skim my eyes over the locker room doors again, I see Jasper walk out the door, followed by Dalton, Liam, and K.J. I have no idea what is going on, but the way Jasper is looking at me while striding over in his work out gear, makes me care a little less.

  Izzy leans over whispering in my ear, “This is the whole class, and those are our teachers.”

  My eyes never leave Jasper’s, and when he sees the confusion on my face he simply smirks at me, while walking by. I turn my focus back to the traitorous group I call my friends. We are all standing in the back of the gym, surrounded by black mats that are laid out on the floor in front of us.

  “All right ladies, you’re here to learn some self-defense. While it may be over-whelming at first keep in mind, that these few maneuvers we teach you, can ultimately save your life. We are not going to show you how to fight your attacker back. All you need to do is hurt him long enough for you to be able to run away. We’re going to pair up now, keep in mind you won’t be working with the same person every night.” Liam finishes his mini speech, then walks over to Josie. Fully expecting to work with K.J. or Dalton, I am completely shocked when Jasper walks up to me. There is no small talk between us, he gets straight to business.

  “The first technique I’m going to show you is called a wrist sweep. Grab my forearm.” Jasper holds out his arms, waiting for me to grab it. I reach my hand out, and slowly grab his forearm. He twists his arm quickly, effectively breaking my hold.

  “When I grab your arm, twist your elbow into your center line, right above my wrist until you break the grip.” He then reache
s out and places his hand on me. His fingers wrapping around my arm. Doing as he instructed I twist my elbow and he loses his grip.

  “Good. Now I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself if someone is grabbing at your shoulder.” He shows me what he means by placing my hand on his shoulder. “The first thing you need to do is trap their hand.” He then places his hand over mine, “Then you rotate his wrist inward, and bring it down toward his body. When he is bent forward, you bring your knee up, into his face.” He looks at me expectantly.

  “I think I got it. Trap, rotate, knee. Right?” I ask, with a smile on my face.

  He doesn’t reply, just takes his hand and grabs my shoulder. I follow the steps he shows me, but his size makes it really difficult for me to get my knee up that high without jumping. Since I don’t want to actually hit him, I skip that part and let go.

  “Wrong. You didn’t bring your knee up.” He says louder than necessary.

  “You’re too big, I would have to jump, and I may accidently hit you.”

  “I think I could handle any damage you might cause. Let’s do it again.” Jasper states, looking smug and confident. He places his hand back on my shoulder and I twist his wrist, bringing it toward his body. He is now bent forward waiting on my knee. I have to give a little leap, but my knee comes up. Just like I feared, I hit him in the face. He grabs his nose and goes down, crying out in pain.

  “Oh my gosh. I am Jasper.” I bend down, careful not to actually touch him. I am on the verge of tears from the guilt that is swarming in my gut, when he looks up at me smiling ear to ear. “You’re such a jerk face. How dare you make me believe I hurt you.” I stand up, and proceed to yell, “I thought I broke your nose. That was not funny. I don’t need this aggravation from you today, I’m leaving.”


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