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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

Page 14

by Dusty Lassetter

  I look at him with utter confusion waiting for him to say he is just joking, it never comes, and that is no surprise considering K.J. doesn’t joke. “How long have you known?” I ask.

  “Not long.” He states.

  “How did you find out?”

  “That is not your business.” He simply answers.

  “Okay… So why not tell Jasper before this?” I ask.

  “That is also none of your business.”

  Knowing I’m not going to get anywhere with my questions, I give up. “Thank you for doing this K.J.” I whisper, more tears of joy falling. He looks into my teary gaze and surprises me with his next sentence, “I’m not doing it for you Candice. I’m doing it for my little brother that I would willingly die for.” With that the room grows quiet and we both sit in silence.

  I eventually make my way back to Jasper’s room to sit with him until they come get him for his surgery. The doctor said there was still a chance his body could reject the new kidney but I have a gut feeling that Jasper will soon be awake, holding me in his arms once again.

  Chapter 35


  I flip the page of my journal I am reading to Jasper. It’s been three days since his kidney transplant, the doctors took him off the medication keeping him in a coma, and are currently waiting for him to wake up. He was in and out of it for a while, long enough for them to take the breathing tube out and give him some medicine for the pain. Everyone has tried talking me into going for a walk to stretch my legs and get a change of scenery, but their suggestions fall on deaf ears. I will be here when he wakes up.

  Later that night after everyone else goes back to the hotel, I recline my chair back and take a hold of Jasper’s hand before dozing off into a restless sleep. I feel something tap my arm so I swat it away trying to fall back asleep. I feel the tapping again so I crack my eyes open and lean myself up, thinking it must be a nurse. Instead I am met with the prettiest hazel eyes I have ever seen.

  “Jasper. You’re awake.” I whisper, my voice filled with relief. “I need to call the nurse.” I reach out to touch the nurses’ button but Jasper stops me with his left hand. “No nurse.” He says in a hoarse voice. I can tell by the pinching of his eyes, that little bit of talking hurt his raw throat.

  “But they’ll need to check on you.” I say.

  “That can wait. I just want you.” He says, patting the space beside him in the bed. I shake my head no, “I’ll hurt you, there is no way I’m getting in that bed.”

  He quirks one eyebrow up and gives me that smirk I’ve missed so much, “Then I’ll come to you.” With the little strength he possesses he manages to sit up, breathing heavily through the pain. I place my hand on his shoulder, “You win. Lay back down you big baby.”

  He does so immediately, scooting over enough for me to fit beside him. I lay to his left because that is his less injured side. Placing my head on his chest he leans down and gives me a soft kiss. I start crying and no matter how much I try to hold it in, the tears won’t stop. Jasper just holds me, every now and then kissing the top of my head, whispering how much he loves me. When I am able to calm down, I start asking him questions. “How much of that night do you remember?”

  “I remember everything. When I first woke up and saw you lying in that chair I was confused at first. The longer I watched you, the more I started to remember. How long have I been here?”

  “Almost two weeks. You had two surgeries and a kidney transplant. As you can tell your right arm is broken and two of your ribs.” I say.

  “You mean I have someone else’s body part in me?” He jokes. I promised K.J. I wouldn’t say anything to Jasper about him being the person that saved his life. He said once Jasper woke up he would tell him. I agreed because that was the only thing I could do to repay him for saving Jasper’s life. “I love you Jasper. So so much.” I say instead.

  “I love you too, Gorgeous. Now let’s get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a crazy day.”

  Chapter 36


  My doctor comes in shortly after the morning nurse tells him I’m awake. Candice is still tucked into my side, sound asleep. “Good morning Mr. Johnathan. It’s good to see you finally awake.” He looks to Candice, a frown covering his face, “She should not be in the bed with you until you are better recovered.”

  I’ve been up for a while now, watching my girl sleep, thinking about how she must have felt seeing me go through all this. “You wanna try and move her,” I say. The threat doesn’t fall on deaf ears. His frown deepens before he goes over all my injuries with me. The list goes on and on, and to tell the truth I’m only half listening. I’m more concerned about someone trying to kill Candice. Had I not pushed her out of the way she would have been the one to get hit, not me.

  “So how long until I can go home?” I ask.

  “Mr. Johnathan your body has been through a great trauma and it will take several months before you are in the clear to begin light activity.” I cut him off because he is not answering the only question I have, “When can I take my wife home?” I ask, speaking as slow as possible, hoping he gets the point.

  “The earliest I could release you is in a week. There is test that needs to be run and we need to continue to pump your medication into your IV so your body does not reject the new kidney.”

  “You have two days.” I say, not leaving any room for discussion.

  “I don’t think you…” Once again I cut him off, “I said two days, that is what I meant.”

  He eventually realizes he is not going to win this argument, “You will have to sign a release form stating you no longer want to be treated. I’ll have the nurses come get you shortly.” With that he strides out of the room closing the door with more force than needed waking up Candice.

  She sits up slowly, stretching her arms over her head. “Was that the doctor that just left?” I’m too busy staring at the shirt tightening around her perfect tits to form words, so I just nod my head as a reply. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” She asks.

  “You looked comfortable.” I say, pulling her in with my good arm to give her a kiss. I would love to say that little but of movement didn’t hurt like a bitch but it did. Last night I told the nurse I wanted nothing for pain but Tylenol. My mother was an addict, there is no way I’m chancing that the gene stopped with her.

  “What did he say. Your body hasn’t started rejecting the kidney has it?”

  “No gorgeous it hasn’t.” I state trying to decrease the worry lines around her eyes. “It was good as news actually. We get to go home in two days.” I know I shouldn’t lie to her, but the bags under her eyes, and the fact that she looks like she lost ten pounds has me doing it anyway.

  “Really?” She questions, “He told me it would be at least a week depending on when you woke up. I wonder what changed his mind.”

  “I must be doing better than expected. Can you go get me a cup of coffee?” I ask, trying to get her focused on something else.

  “I’ll ask the nurse if you can have anything other than clear liquids.” She stands up and walks to the door, but turns back around before exiting, “I’m so glad to have you back Jasper.” Then she disappears.

  It’s now day two and Candice has run Roy, Dalton, and Trevor out of the room. When I asked her what was so important she informed me K.J. was coming by. I found it odd that she would clear the room for him but he hasn’t been by to visit so maybe she thinks we need a little bit of privacy.

  He doesn’t bother knocking, he just strides into the room, giving Candice a look, “Well I’m just going to go and get me something to eat from the cafeteria. Would you like anything?” She asks. Since the nurses told me that I could try dark liquids today I ask for coffee. She bends down kissing me on the lips before walking out.

  “What in the hell is going on here? That woman hasn’t left my side since I’ve been awake. She barley drinks anything so she doesn’t have to leave my bedside to pee.”

J. strides over to the chair about five feet from my bed and takes a seat, “My full name is Kade Johnathan. Turns out we have the same piece of shit father.” He looks into my eyes just as I start to laugh. My laughter dies in my throat when I see nothing but truth in those deadly eyes of his.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. There is no fucking way we are brothers.” I say a little louder than necessary.

  “Then give me back my kidney asshole.”

  The statement throws me off for a good minute. Then I realize he was the donor that saved my life. “So your telling me that you have known you’re my brother and you wait until I almost die to tell everyone.”

  “No. I told Candice, no one else knows.” He says.

  “How long have you known?” I ask.

  “Maybe a year now.”

  He is acting so nonchalant about the situation that it makes me angry enough to want to beat the shit out of him. I’m just now finding out that I have a brother and it’s someone I have grown up with since we were in elementary school. “Would you have told me if I had never been hit by that car?”

  “Would it matter? We’ve been brothers since either one of us can remember. Now we just have someone to give us spare parts.” He says.

  He clearly makes his point. There is no reason to get pissed off about this. I have always looked at him and Dalton as my brothers, I’m not going to let this change that. “You know I’m going to kick your ass when this is all said and done.”

  He nods his head, “I know.” He states before getting up, “I’ve got shit I need to do, see you around little bro.” He turns his back to me walking toward the door, “What do you mean little bro?”

  “Your birthday is in December, mine is in July.” He strides out of the door with a smirk on his face. Little bro my ass, I’ll show him when I’m able to move without feeling like my body is being ripped apart.

  Chapter 37


  We have been home for three weeks now and Jasper is healing faster than expected. He claims it’s from all the years of being a fighter and having to take care of your body. I wasn’t too happy when I had found out he wasn’t released from the hospital by the doctors. It took some major groveling and his willingness to hire a private nurse before I eventually got over it. As my special way of payback I have stuck with the one rule the doctor told Jasper before he left, no strenuous activity for a month including sex. He has tried every move in his arsenal to get me to cave but so far I have stood firm.

  Everyone has been assigned security guards because K.J. has no clue who is after us. Bethany received a rose a few days after we arrived back home. The rose wasn’t white like the others. Instead it was a pastel yellow, attached to a copy of Bethany’s sonogram photo. Dalton has all but banned her to leave their house. He even hired someone in Vegas to run the club in his and Jasper’s absence. Jasper told him he trusted his judgment enough to go with whoever Dalton thought was best, so they choose a woman named Molly. I don’t think it sits well with Bethany that Molly calls Dalton at all hours of the night, but everyone knows Dalton only has eyes for her.

  “Candice.” Jasper hollers from the bedroom. I have managed to get him to stay in bed for these three weeks and I think he has gotten used to me waiting on him hand and foot. Walking up the stairs I make my way to our bedroom.

  Striding into the room I see Jasper standing naked in the doorway to the bathroom. “Come take a bath with me?” He asks. The cast on his left arm cannot get wet so until he gets it off he can’t take showers. I know this is probably just a trick to get me hot and bothered but I have never been this needy before. I’m sick and tired of waiting too. Answering without words, I slowly walk towards him, leaving a trail of my discarded clothing. His face breaks out in that sexy smirk, “I love you gorgeous.”

  When I’m a hair away from touching him, I stand up on my tip toes and whisper against his lips, “I love you too.”

  Chapter 38


  I lock my apartment door behind me. There is not much moon in the sky, which will allow me to do my job easier. Most people have a hard time seeing in the dark but I am the opposite. I guess there is one plus side to being raised by a sick bastard. I walk down the stairs to the garage that sets below my apartment. With a click of a button the door starts to inch its way up. Looking at the solid black motorcycle that has been through hell and back with me. I can immediately tell someone has been in here. Strategically placed on the seat is a photo. I walk over and snatch it up. Lying in the middle of the street bloody and broken is Jasper with me standing over him. I turn the photo over to read the note I know will be there.

  Maybe I’ll make it to the next family reunion.

  - Anthony Johnathan


  Ten Years Later


  I’m standing at the island in my kitchen when I feel someone grab me around the waist. The tiny arms are latching onto me for dear life. Turning around I wipe my hands on a towel before picking up Tony. “What’s the matter my sweet boy?” I ask him.

  “Daddy is trying to make me take a bath, tell him Iron Man gets rusty if he gets wet.” I laugh out loud just as Jasper walks into the room, his red shirt soaked with bubbles and water.

  “What in the world happened to you?” I ask.

  “Bruce wanted to play bubble monster. He attacked me as I was trying to wash his hair.”

  Tony and Bruce are our five-year-old twin boys we adopted almost a year ago. They were hospitalized from overdosing on some cocaine their abusive father left out. Jasper and I got a phone call from the same child service worker that helped us adopt Maddi, so we rushed to the hospital to meet the newest additions to our family. The hospital couldn’t find any records on their births and according to the state they did not exist. Once we met the boys and they woke up to find out they would be getting a new family they latched onto our necks and haven’t let go since. When asked what their names were they replied Iron Man and Hulk, so now they are legally named Tony and Bruce Johnathan.

  Messing up Tony’s blonde hair I tell him that if Iron Man doesn’t get clean he will have to watch everyone else eat cake while he gets none. Hearing that, he rushes out of the kitchen yelling at Bruce to move out of his way, he needs in the bath.

  “Have I told you how lucky I am to have you today?” Jasper asks.

  “No but I would love to hear it.” I state, moving in closer. He grabs me by the hips before pulling me in for a kiss.

  “Get a room guys. That’s gross.” Maddie says, walking into the kitchen, typing away on her cell phone. Maddison was the first child we adopted nearly five years ago. It took her a long time to warm up to us but thankfully she has welcomed us into her heart.

  “What time is Josh going to be here?” I ask her. I feel Jasper’s fingers get tighter around my waist at just the mention of Maddie’s boyfriend.

  “He should be here by the time Dad is through cooking the steaks.” She states with her eyes still plastered to that phone. I’m not surprised Maddie has a boyfriend. She is beautiful inside and out. With her jet black hair and dark brown eyes, she looks like a Native American.

  “I still think she’s too young to date. She needs to wait until she is thirty not seventeen.” Jasper says loud enough for her to hear.

  “You met mom when you were my age.” Maddie counters back.

  “Exactly. I know what that little prick is trying to do with my daughter. It’s the same thing I was trying to do to your mother.” He says starting to get riled up.

  “That’s enough you two.” I shout, always having to be the mediator between them. Looking over at Jasper I say, “This is our ten-year anniversary and I want to celebrate with our children, not fighting about boys.”

  “You’re right gorgeous, I’m sorry.” He states before giving me another kiss.

  “GROSS.” Maddie yells out before walking out of the kitchen. Right as she exits Karson walks in and straight to the refrigerator.

  “How you doing son?” Jasper asks him.

  “I’m not your son.” He retorts back with an attitude.

  Karson is thirteen years old and we adopted him when he was ten. He still insists that his mom is innocent and will get out of prison soon. Jasper and I keep our opinions to ourselves about that horrible woman, understanding it will take time for him to settle. Not every child adapts as quickly as Tony and Bruce.

  “Would you like to eat dinner with us tonight, instead of in your room?” I can hear the hope in Jasper’s voice. Karson never replies, just walks out of the kitchen taking a drink of his water.

  “We never have a moment to ourselves anymore.” Jasper says.

  “This is what we signed up for.” I state, while turning back around to finish frosting the cake. I’m not the best baker by any means, but this lumpy chocolate cake is the only one of my treats the kids find edible.

  “I’m going to go check on the twins, I bet they are trying to flood the bathroom.” Jasper rushes out of the kitchen when we hear the water turn on. Izzy was right when she said those two boys would give us a run for our money.


  Sitting around the table looking at all the smiling faces of my family I can’t help but think I’m the luckiest man in the world. I have a beautiful wife that loves and takes care of my kids. I’ve been blessed with more joy then I ever imagined. Then I look to my left and see Josh staring at my Maddison smiling at something she just said. My good mood vanishes.

  “So Josh, what is it you wanna do when you graduate high school?” I ask, trying to get his attention away from Maddie.

  “Well I was just accepted into Harvard to study Law.” He replies, looking too smug for his own good.


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