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Billionaire Daddy's Contract: A Single Dad and Nanny Romance

Page 14

by Melissa Chetley

  But all I can do is pause and blankly stare at the young woman after hearing her sudden question for me. She wants to know the true story behind the rumors surrounding me when she has no right to ask about my personal life in the first place. There's nothing that's more irritating than a person who likes to stick their nose in the wrong place and Audrey is definitely that type seeing as how it wouldn't be the first time she's gotten involved in situations where she didn't need to step in at all. And this is exactly one of those moments when she shouldn't be overstepping boundaries that aren't meant to be crossed.

  "Is that something you really need to know the answer to?" I coldly reply as my gaze narrows in on her.

  Audrey raises her brow at my hostile response and clears her throat. "I mean, if there's someone like that in your life, then isn't it wrong to lie to her-"

  "Stop," I interject as I close my eyes and shake my head. Hearing the preachy nature of her voice is the last thing I want and need right now when it's none of her business to give me unsolicited advice on matters that she wouldn't fully understand or comprehend. She's letting this one nightstand that we had together get to her head, but now it's time for her to get a reality check on the actual circumstances behind our relationship.

  “It's not your place to have a discussion about this topic at all, so why don't we stop right there before you get ahead of yourself?" I plainly state. "Remember, you're just Teagan's nanny. That's the only reason you're here anyway."

  The energy and light that was once present in Audrey's brown gaze instantly dims as my callous words cut through her like a sharp knife. She doesn't know how to react to me, the bitter truth hitting her harder than I would have ever expected. I swear I can almost see the slightest hint of tears slowly welling up in her eyes which are only being held back by sheer force and willpower. But nothing she does can hide the obvious shame that she feels as her cheeks turn bright pink and red with embarrassment.


  My stomach churns from the guilt that tightly grips me as I watch Audrey's crushed spirit try to recover from the humiliation. I open my mouth to try and break the heavy rift and tension that I've created between us, but I stop when I realize that I don't know what to say to rectify the damage that's already been done. The kind of pain and hurt that's written all over her face isn't something that can be easily fixed with a half-assed apology -- not when she's still clearly trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered soul that I have ruthlessly torn apart. But just when I am about to change the topic as a means to escape from this unsettling situation, Audrey suddenly lifts up her head.

  “You’re absolutely right, Mr. Bennett. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I sincerely apologize for asking you questions about your personal life. Please forgive me for speaking out of place."

  I quietly stare at the young woman who boldly looks deep into my eyes without any fear in her firm and unyielding gaze. A tenacious strength and energy naturally radiates from the steadfast look in her dark brown eyes as she manages to form a modest and apologetic smile across her lips. But the complete change and transformation that she makes after revealing such a weak and broken appearance to me leaves me floored and speechless. She isn't supposed to yield and comply to me so easily like this -- she's supposed to fight against it like she normally does.

  "I should probably go check up on Teagan and make sure she isn't giving Crane a difficult time. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the situation," the nanny further adds before giving me one last smile as she promptly walks away.

  Despite watching the brunette disappear and step out of my line of vision, my eyes choose not to follow her. I refuse to believe that Audrey would just end the conversation between us like that, but the distant noise of her footsteps followed by the distinct sound of a closing door proves me completely wrong. It's only after stubbornly waiting a few seconds in the silence that I eventually come to realize that she isn't coming back at all. I've finally won the long war against her, yet at the same time, I can't help but feel like I've lost something in the process.

  I should be glad that Audrey understands her position as my employee -- relieved that she realizes that the one nightstand we had was nothing more than fun and meaningless sex. But why does she have to make things so damn awkward with that professional smile and attitude of hers? She and I both know that it's not like her to be so accommodating especially after how cruel and harsh I was on her. So why is Audrey putting on this unnatural submissive act in front of me?

  Though more importantly, why the hell am I so bothered by her in the first place when I have bigger things to worry about?

  A long and weak sigh parts from my lips as I quietly groan in frustration to myself. There's a strange tightening sensation in my chest that I can't shake out and get rid of no matter how hard I try, but I have to ignore the dull pain for now. The highest priority my list of problems right now is to fix the media circus that is breathing down my neck first. Everything else can wait.

  Chapter 6 - Audrey

  “Boy, you have really outdone yourself this time, Audrey," Hannah states as she struggles to stifle the sound of her amused laughter.

  I can only shake my head in mild annoyance at the woman who continues to break out into a giggling fit every few seconds while I bitterly scarf down my salad. It's been weeks since I've been able to find an opportunity to see my best friend and update her on my life, but her eyes have been practically glued to her cell phone ever since she sat down in the seat across from me. Not even the arrival of her ordered meal and dish has been enough to deter her from setting down the device for a split moment. Though I can't entirely blame her for being so heavily invested in the juicy gossip that she's reading on her phone. After all, it's not like my situation is normal under any circumstances whatsoever.

  "I still can't believe you're actually trending as a topic on the internet. You're like a mini-celeb," Hannah excitedly exclaims.

  "You say that like it's a good thing, Hannah. But have you seen what the rest of the world actually thinks about me?"

  “You mean stuff like 'I hope that the relationship between Rylan Bennett and that Audrey woman is fake because he can do so much better than her' and 'She's so freaking plain and average! If she can win a billionaire's heart, I can too'?" the woman directly repeats the quotes from her cell phone as she makes a pained and disgusted face. “Yeesh, these people are seriously vicious and relentless.”

  “And yet, you have absolutely no problem reading these comments out loud to me,” I retort with a heavy sigh and a roll of my eyes. "Thanks, Hannah."

  But she continues to ignore my remarks as she openly gasps and says, “Oh my god, have you seen some of the women that Rylan Bennett has been with, though? So many of them are incredibly gorgeous supermodels. Are you sure you didn't hit your head when you told me this man slept with you, Audrey?”

  An exhausted sigh escapes me as I give the skeptical woman a look of pure disbelief due to the foolish nature of her question. If only I did hit my head and dream up all of that stuff that happened between me and Rylan -- I would be completely over the moon. But the unfortunate reality is that something really did happen, and nothing can ever change that fact. Not when I can still feel his tingling and burning touch lingering on the surface of my skin.

  “Yes, I am sure that I didn't hit my head when it happened, so you don’t need to rub it in. I already know how much better-looking his previous girlfriends and flings were. After being called ugly and unattractive by thousands of anonymous people on the internet, even I get a little curious about who I'm being compared to,” I wistfully admit. "But hey, maybe I was just an easy target for him and that's why it happened. Because I'm easy. Because, I'm such an idiot."

  “Hey, don't put yourself down like that, Audrey. You have a beautiful heart. It's just these women are absolute perfection from top to bottom, and Rylan Bennett looks like a sex god. I don't blame you at all for spreading your
legs apart for him. In fact, I don't even know how you can normally function and work with a man like that as your boss."

  "Thanks? I guess?" I shrug and then laugh.

  Even though I can't tell whether or not she's trying to compliment me, I still appreciate her attempt to make me feel better about myself. A little sympathy and empathy goes a long way and it's exactly what I need right now when it feels like the whole world is against me.

  “So," Hannah begins to speak again as she suddenly puts her phone down onto the table. Her eyes instantly fixate on me as soon as the device is out of her face, the grim expression that she carries within her firm stare a look that doesn't match the carefree tone that she's been using with me. "What are you going to do about all of this drama? It sounds like people are slowly starting to catch on to your fake relationship with Mister Perfect.”

  “Nothing. What am I supposed to do?” I plainly answer. “The job pays insanely well, and I honestly love spending time with his daughter, Teagan. I can’t just quit all of a sudden because of this scandal that I've been dragged into.”

  "The gossip and drama will pass in due time once the media finds a new victim to prey on, but what about the obvious feelings that you have for this guy which can practically be seen from a mile away? Don't tell me that you're going to keep casually sleeping with your boss when you're in love with him. We all know that never works out in the end," Hannah warns.

  "I-I don't know. There's just so much going on lately that I haven't really gotten the time to think about it," I sigh.

  “Well, have you at least considered telling him the truth? Telling him that you love him?”

  I almost choke on my own food from the woman's absurd suggestion as I violently cough out the discomfort in my throat. “And have Rylan Bennett laugh directly in my face? No thanks. I’m still trying to mend the wounds from the anonymous hate messages that I get on a daily basis. Besides, I already told him that I would never fall in love with him, so I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to fire me on the spot if he ever found out the truth.”

  A weak exhale naturally leaves my lips when I think back to the exact moment in time that I brazenly declared my defiance to Rylan. I remember just how confident I was in telling him that I would never fall in love with him, but now that all feels like a strangely distant dream. It pains me to even think about how hard I've tried to deny these growing feelings that have always been inside of me ever since that fateful night he decided to kiss me. I've desperately struggled and fought against the bitter truth only to eventually reach the breaking point where I knew I could not lie to myself any longer. The moment I felt my heart skip a beat in pure excitement and anticipation as Rylan stepped into my tent and unzipped my sleeping bag, that was the point of no return.

  "Honestly, with everything that you've told me, I don't know whether I should pity you or hate you for being involved with one of the hottest bachelors in the world. Not only are you being paid big bucks for a fancy and glorified babysitting gig, but you're also sleeping with every woman's wet dream," Hannah bluntly states with an envious gleam in her eyes.

  “It was just one time, Hannah," I gripe with a roll of my eyes and a cross of my arms. "And I think you should really just be pitying me because Rylan and I are going to be making a public appearance together tonight to try and throw off the reporters. You know, I can't wait to hear the whole world roast me again and tell me just how inadequate I am in every respect.”

  Hannah throws a pitiful pout and glance toward me as she slowly reaches over to grab my hand. “Oh, chin up, Audrey. Just show the world what you're made of. Show them why Rylan Bennett chose you and not them,” she beams.

  I quietly stare at the inspirational and optimistic woman with a strong feeling of doubt hanging over my shoulders. The high expectations that she appears to hold toward me seem a bit unrealistic and impossible when my self-esteem is currently at an all-time low. Yet despite the extreme lack of faith I have in myself, seeing Hannah's firm smile instills a small yet budding glimmer of confidence within me. As much as I am dreading the thought of putting myself under the spotlight and right into the public eye where I am vulnerable to criticism, I feel a little less anxious knowing that somebody has my back.

  "I'll try my best. Just be prepared to comfort me if things go downhill, okay?" I say.

  "You'll be fine. Don't over think it."

  But I simply nod my head at her and respond in a reluctant voice: "I sure hope so."


  The cold water runs and rushes over my hands as I slowly rinse them in the sink. Even though I can feel the icy stream making my fingers completely numb, the lack of sensation in my hands doesn't quite bother me. In fact, the dead and dull feeling gives me something else to focus on that isn't just the pure exhaustion and fatigue that encapsulates my entire body from the façade I've been putting on all night. After hours of dodging and deflecting everyone's shrewd statements and judgmental glares toward me, I finally feel like I've reached my limit and breaking point.

  There are only so many fake smiles I can put on for the crowd before it naturally drains me.

  And yet, the night doesn't even feel close to coming to an end seeing as how Rylan seems to be keen on making sure the whole world knows that we are very much in love with one another. There are no stops to the gentle kisses that he places on my forehead and cheeks when he pretends like there is no one watching us when it's obvious that somebody is. Even the warm print of his hand against my hips and waist still continues to linger on my body from how long his touch and presence has been left right there in the same exact spot it's been in since we stepped out of the house. But the strangest part about the older man's subtle romantic gestures is just how natural each action comes to him. It's almost like his movements aren't merely calculated attempts to sway the public into believing that we are a couple. It actually feels like we are one.

  However, a sudden laugh slips from my voice as I stop the sink and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Plain, average, and unbefitting are just some of the words that instantly come to my head when I see my own reflection. There's truly nothing remarkable about me at all compared to the women Rylan is used to interacting with on a daily basis, so it's silly for me to begin to think that he could ever feel any sort of romantic feelings for me. He hasn't changed his behavior toward me one bit since we had sex with each other, his responses still as cold as ever after that day he made it very clear to me that I am nothing more to him than his daughter's personal nanny.


  I guess I'm just an idiot for thinking a man like Rylan Bennett would ever fall in love with a woman like me.

  I take a deep breath and freshen myself up before gaining the strength and energy to step outside the restroom where I know I must put on my false face again. Yet on my way back to the party, I am abruptly stopped by a group of three women who conveniently stand in the middle of the narrow hallway. They deliberately block and prevent me from moving forward, their movements intentionally matching mine as I try to make my way around them. I finally give up and stop in place where I force a smile on my lips while asking them in a slightly irritated tone: "Can I help you with something?"

  My question immediately prompts smug laughter from the trio who continue to say nothing as they silently stare me down with their judgmental glares. But I firmly stand my ground and wait for them to come out with whatever it is that they want to ask me, my patience wearing thin as I prepare myself for the snide remarks that I am expecting to receive from them. Though after a few long moments of glowering at one another in the tense silence, one of the three women eventually steps forward to speak. A tall, slender and exotic dark-haired beauty with an aloof expression on her face that could probably best Rylan's usual cold look. Her aura and presence is easily the most ominous one out of all of them, especially with the mesmerizing and commanding way her hips seem to sway back and forth as if she were walking down a catwalk.

  “You m
ust be Audrey Scott,” the intimidating woman says in an empty and chilling voice.

  I carefully nod my head as I swallow down the phantom lump that happens to be lodged deep within my throat. Not only is the exotic stranger who is talking to me even more attractive when she's up-close and personal, but the sound of her slightly-accented voice is oddly seductive to the point where hearing it even sends straight tingles down my spine. She naturally oozes with an overwhelming confidence and graceful poise in every respect possible. From the way she carries herself in posture to the particular way she enunciates her words, everything about her existence just exudes with a certainty and conviction that makes me feel utterly small and inadequate in comparison.

  Yet in spite of the threatening atmosphere that radiates from the woman's demeanor, I shake off my nerves and boldly answer her. "Yes, that's me. Is that all you wanted to know or is there something else you need from me?" I ask.

  A smirk gradually forms on the beautiful woman's lips as she swiftly responds, "That's all I need to know."

  Before I can react to the stranger's curt response, I feel a cold splash of liquid unexpectedly strike me against my face. I audibly gasp and flinch from the icy sensation that instantly spreads across my cheeks and runs down my chin. Everything goes dark as the wet impact hits me right in the eyes where I am forced to close them due to the sudden sharp pain that rattles across my eye sockets. The only thing I can hear in the darkness behind my closed eyes is the cruel and ugly sound of laughter coming from the voices in front of me.


  I seriously cannot believe that this is happening to me right now.

  A raw feeling of shaking anger quickly spreads across my chest from the haunting echoes of the women's petty giggling. Cold, wet, and numb -- every waking part of my body trembles and swells with a growing rage that has no outlet for its inevitable release. I can feel the natural inclination to simply break down and cry out loud in frustration rapidly creeping up on me and pulling me in with each passing second that goes by unspoken for. But instead of giving in to my heated emotions like they clearly expect me to, I bitterly clench my jaw while slowly opening my eyes to face them head on. And through the blurry lenses of my wet-stained vision, I start to notice that every single one of them has a crooked grin on their lips as they struggle to stifle and restrain their amusement in seeing me completely drenched in water from top to bottom.


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