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Billionaire Daddy's Contract: A Single Dad and Nanny Romance

Page 16

by Melissa Chetley

  It's almost mind blowing what Audrey is capable of when she's against the odds, and being able to witness her unbending will and strength makes me realize just how weak I am compared to her.

  If only Audrey had any idea that I actually envy her sometimes for being able to have the freedom to do what she wants without constantly worrying about being heavily scrutinized by the media, then maybe she would understand why it is that I shamefully end up doing nothing for her at times. At least she has the choice to walk away from the spotlight by quitting her job whenever she wants to. A life of normalcy still awaits her if she ever decides to stop being Teagan's nanny. But unfortunately, the same cannot be said for my own situation because once I remain in the limelight for too long, it ultimately becomes impossible to get out.

  And yet Audrey always seems to make it sound like my life is entirely perfect and glamorous when in reality it's nothing of the sort. No one knows the amount of stress that I have to carry in my heart and in my chest each time I make any kind of move that happens to be captured in public. Most if not all of the actions that I take on a daily basis don't only affect my life, but it affects the people around me as well. Even the smallest bit of news involving me can cause a chaotic storm that somehow ends up reaching Teagan who is usually just an unwilling participant and innocent bystander.

  But all it takes is one wrong move for everything to fall apart -- one little mistake to ruin everything that I've worked so hard for in my career.

  There's really nothing easy at all about being Rylan Bennett. It only looks that way because I've gotten much better at hiding and tolerating the pain and frustration that I have to go through each time the public reacts poorly to a decision that I make. But restraining my natural emotions has actually become a lot harder now that Audrey is part of the mix. My stone cold façade has started to rapidly crumble and crack before my very eyes, the judgment and criticism becoming more and more difficult to endure each day I see the young woman's pained expression.

  I can still feel the weight of Audrey's shaking and tear-stained voice ringing in my head whenever I think back to that moment she finally broke down in front of me. And it kills me to recall that raw and emotional image each time I look at her.

  A weak chuckle escapes me as I lightly shake my head and stand up from the knelt-down position I've been idling in. This is probably the longest time I've spent in front of her gravestone to update her on what's been going on in my life since she's passed. It's strange to realize that it's all because of Audrey that I finally have something to talk about for once. I don't think anyone including myself would have expected a plain and hotheaded young woman with no prestigious background to be the one to give me a reason to speak, yet here I am now practically confessing my heart out like a kid who has done something wrong.

  Though I have to admit that my heart does feel a lot lighter after coming here today. It's almost like this visit was exactly what I needed to be able to look and move forward again.

  "Are you ready to head back, sir?" Crane asks.

  The butler's question lingers in my head as I place my hands into my pockets and give the gravestone one last look and final glance. "Yeah, I think I'm ready to go," I say.

  It doesn't take long for Teagan to begin to decide frolicking down the steps while Crane hastily chases after the young girl in order to ensure her safety. My mood gradually brightens from the faint sound of her youthful giggles and the distinct sound of his stern tone of voice which gently drifts and blends in with the calming atmosphere. But I can hear Audrey stifle a laugh as she watches the butler struggle to keep up with the little girl who carelessly jumps and runs around as if she were unbreakable and invincible. The pure warmth and affection that naturally radiates from her tender brown eyes is almost unmistakable.

  "Thank you for coming up here with us today even though it must be a little awkward for you, Audrey," I plainly state while the brunette quickly whips around to look at me with a startled look on her face.

  "Oh, it's absolutely no problem. I mean, it's basically part of the job," Audrey smiles.

  Part of the job. She's been referencing that phrase a lot more often ever since I pushed her away from me. There is hardly a moment when we're together where she doesn't bring up the clear understanding that she has of her work obligations, and it's getting to a point where I'm tired of hearing it. But it's honestly my fault for driving her into a corner and forcing her to remember what her set role is in my life which is essentially being Teagan's nanny -- nothing more and nothing less.

  The weird distance that currently sits between us is all because of me and my dumb pride. However, I hope to be able to close that awkward gap soon so that our relationship can go back to its normal state.

  "Still, you're the first person aside from Crane we've ever actually brought up here with us that wasn't family. Teagan's nannies usually have the day off instead of coming with us which is why I wanted to thank you for tagging along when it wasn't necessary," I say.

  "Well, I'm honored and grateful that Teagan wanted to introduce me to her mother. I know how important she was to her, and how important she was to you as well. I'm really glad I had the chance to meet and greet her at least once while I'm still working as Teagan's nanny."

  Hearing the young woman's earnest remarks forces me to suddenly stop in my tracks and sigh. The dull pain and discomfort in my chest creeps up on me again but with an extra added force this time. I can't seem to move my feet forward or backward despite watching everyone else begin to leave me behind in their gradual descent back down to the vehicle. Though all I can think about while my legs remain rooted in place is how the natural kindness in Audrey's tone and words is like a deadly poison to me given how much I've mistreated and wronged her.

  Something just doesn't feel right.

  Honestly, what the hell have I been doing all this time while she's been silently suffering on her own aside from nothing?

  Before I can even realize that my mouth is opening up, I call her name out on a whim: "Audrey."

  The nanny instantly stops walking and turns around to face me. Her brown eyes curiously light up as she says, "What is it?"

  "I…just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate having you in our life. And that not only goes for Teagan, but especially for me as well. You've been a huge help to me, and that's something I feel like I should say more often."

  But Audrey simply shakes her head in denial while she smiles. "I'm only doing my job, Mr. Bennett. Just like I'm supposed to. There's no need to feel so indebted to me."

  Again. There she goes again with that intentional reminder of her professionalism and her work obligations in order to push me away from her. Even though I know I should be glad that she prioritizes her job above all else, I can't be satisfied knowing that she's holding herself back when she's in front of me. Not when there isn't a single thing about our interactions that feels remotely natural from her end.

  This isn't the Audrey Scott that I have consistently butted heads with for the past few months.

  This isn't the same woman who has managed to catch my eye and attention in spite of her crude personality.

  I open my mouth to contest and challenge the brunette's stilted comment when she abruptly marches back up the stairs toward me and tenderly places her hand right against my cheek. The gentle warmth that emanates from her touch takes me by surprise as I pause in slight shock. Though it's not only the presence of her hand which floods my heart with immediate and heavy emotions but the meeting of her brown gaze which stares deep into my eyes as well. The direct eye contact that we make sends sharp tingles across my chest, the bold gesture and exchange that she initiates leaving much to be answered.

  “Don’t move,” Audrey warns in a low voice as her eyes veer off to the side. “There seem to be some paparazzi watching us from a distance.”

  My brow swiftly rises while my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach -- of course. So that's the actual reas
on behind her unusual behavior, that's the reason she is standing so close to me right now. She's not touching me or peering into my eyes because she wants to but because she's doing it to keep up with the façade and lie that we have both agreed upon at the very start of our written and signed relationship. I have no real justification or excuse for feeling the disappointment that I unfortunately do happen to hold in my chest in the present moment.

  The foolish expectations and delusions that have somehow come to form in my head almost makes me want to laugh at myself. I should know by now that there is no way that Audrey would ever make a daring move like that with those kinds of intentions behind it. After all, everything that is on her mind is usually written all over her face. She isn't the type to hide her emotions well from anybody and that is especially the case when I'm the person that she has to personally deal with. But I have to admit, she's been getting a bit more difficult to read after she started putting on that fake and forced smile that I have to see every day.

  And even now as I stare straight into Audrey's face, I can't completely discern what's on her mind. The only thing that I can tell right now is that she looks hardly affected by the fact that she is intimately caressing my cheek in a way that only lovers would do. However, her blatant display of indifference toward me makes me feel like an absolute fool for reacting in the hopeful manner that I did. She's simply doing her job like I have asked her to. There's no other hidden meaning behind her actions.

  A thin sigh flows from my lips as I loosen up and follow the young woman's lead. I slowly begin to accept the stirring sensation in my heart from her steady touch when she suddenly pulls me forward in one swift motion without notice. Before I can even react or understand what is going on, I already feel her soft lips vividly pressed up against mine. I freeze up while my eyes widen. The unexpected kiss that she gives to me is a brief albeit rousing one.

  "It looks like they're done watching us for now," Audrey states as she gradually pulls back from me. She turns her gaze to the side and reaches out for my hand, her brown eyes clearly reluctant to meet mine. "We should probably get going before they get the wrong idea about us again," she suggests.

  Still slightly baffled and dazed by the brunette's tender kiss, I quickly nod my head in agreement and take her hand into my own. The steady sound of our footsteps merge into one distinct noise with each step that we take down the long set of stairs together. But the gentle patter made by our feet is merely background noise compared to the intense beating of my heart which pounds loud enough to almost be heard by anyone near me. I can't quite seem to calm myself down even though I know that we are both just playing a fake role right now.

  However, there's no denying the joyous sensation that I feel in my chest when I hold Audrey's hand or when I think back to the kiss that she surprised me with from out of nowhere. These are the same exact passionate feelings that I once felt in the past toward only one other woman in my life -- Teagan's mother, a person who I still hold very near and dear to my heart to this day. These seldom feelings of mine are practically unmistakable, and I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit to recognizing them. But I am more than well aware of the meaning and significance behind the slight flutters and the unusual tension gripping my heart. The only thing I haven't really figured out yet is what I'm going to do about them.

  Though I suppose all I can do is cherish the fleeting moment for now instead of fighting against it.

  There's no telling how long this peaceful moment between us will last, and I want to at least be able to leave this sacred place on a positive note and with some pleasant memories.

  But just as I settle on a temporary solution to my problems, I feel a wet droplet suddenly touch upon my cheek. The small splash instantly grabs my attention as it quickly trails and runs down my face. Yet before I can look up in the direction from which the wet drip came from, more droplets begin to land on top of my nose, forehead, and cheeks -- rain. I lift my gaze up toward the sky while Audrey does the same. It seems that the clear skies that were once hanging above our heads have started to turn into an ominous shade of grey without either of us realizing it.

  And just when I thought there would be sunny weather on this bleak day for once.

  I guess this just isn't the year for it.


  "Sir, we are almost home."

  The distinct sound of Crane's deep voice jolts me out of my lucid slumber. I open my heavy eyes and turn to look out of the blurry window which has been completely covered up with small wet droplets from the heavy falling rain. It's impossible to see anything outside aside from the vague outlines and colors of the structures and landscape surrounding us. But I don't really mind the poor weather conditions so much. There's a certain calming effect to its presence that fills my chest with overwhelming ease, especially when it's paired with the soft snores coming from Teagan and Audrey who both seem to be fast asleep.

  As much as I try not to succumb to the fatigue that is spreading across my body, I can't resist closing my eyes and resting them again as the vehicle slowly moves inch by inch toward its final destination. My consciousness feels like it's almost fading away into nothingness when the car comes to an abrupt halt which jerks me awake. I furrow my brow in irritation and turn my head to figure out where we are and why we have stopped. Yet instead of seeing the usual blurs in the window that are normally way out in the distance, I notice a large mass of black silhouettes spread across the entire glass that is occasionally disrupted by intermittent flashes of light. It looks like not even bad weather can stop the paparazzi from going out of their way to question me about my personal life.


  These people really just don't know when to give up, do they?

  I promptly move to rouse Teagan and Audrey out of their sleeping state which leaves them both in a rather grumpy and groggy mood. But the disappointed frowns on their faces swiftly disappear once they notice the odd atmosphere that is drifting in the air. The nanny is the first to realize the presence of the paparazzi outside, the little girl only understanding the inconvenient situation once Crane opens the car door for us. I immediately cover my eyes as I step out of the vehicle. Unfortunately, there is barely any time to react to what is going on before the camera flashes begin to flicker and shine right in our faces.

  "Dad…" Teagan's voice trembles.

  The overly eager voices of the crowd start to swarm around me as I lift Teagan up into my arms where she buries her face right into my shoulder. I can feel her small body squeezing me tightly out of the fear and trauma that dwells in her heart, her nervous behavior a heavy burden for me to witness and carry. However, I do my best to shield her from the daunting encounter by quickly shoving my way through the horde in spite of the heavy rain that hits my face. All I can focus on is each little step that I manage to take which brings me closer to the gates leading up to the house. Not even the extreme pushiness and persistence of their interrogations can stop me from staunchly making my way over to the entrance.

  "Please stand back," I firmly assert. "I have no comment to add. Please kindly move out of my way."

  "Mr. Bennett!"

  "Rylan Bennett!"

  I force myself through the rowdy mob when Teagan lifts her head and gasps out loud: "My hat!"

  My head whips around just in time to see the little black hat that was once on the girl's head naturally float and drift away. I curse underneath my breath while I watch her desperately attempt to reach out for it even though the hat is clearly gone from our sight. But she still continues to stubbornly kick and thrash as if doing so will make me turn back for it.

  "We can't go back and grab it, Teagan. I'll just buy you a new one, okay?" I urge.

  "No!" she whines as she vehemently shakes her head in protest. "That one is my favorite hat. I don't want to lose it."

  The little girl looks like she's almost on the verge of tears when Audrey decides to speak up and say, "I'll go look for it and try to get i
t back for her. You just go ahead first and go home before you both get caught in the rain."

  "Audrey, you don't have to do that-"

  "I know," she interrupts with a smile. "But I want to do this for her, so just go."

  I heavily sigh at Audrey's unshakable tenacity which seems to always manage to put me in a bit of a troubled spot. But even though I am hesitant to leave her behind with this hungry pack of wolves who hasn't been able to satiate their appetites for a while now, I know I can't stop her from doing what her heart strongly desires. She will go look for Teagan's prized possession with or without my permission because she's just that kind of reckless yet selfless person. I basically have no other choice but to nod my head in agreement at the nanny who hastily slips away in search of the missing hat.

  Although I have my concerns about Audrey's foolish endeavor and pursuit, I push those worries toward the back of my mind and start to focus on my own precarious situation instead. I quickly restrain the flailing young child who is still trying to break free of my grasp as I continue to struggle onward through the crowd and toward the large gate leading up to the estate. The roaring sound of the rain and the mob keep on yelling and shouting into my ears while the gate gradually opens up with a small enough crack for me and Crane to pass through. All of the maids anxiously await for my arrival on the other side with a bunch of towels and umbrellas to shelter me and Teagan from the rain, their frantic motions and movements zooming around me like a blur.

  Unfortunately, the hectic atmosphere doesn't even stop once I make it back into the house where I am only greeted by more chaos. The distraught housekeepers ambush me with a load of different inquiries and suggestions as to what I should do next that simply make my head spin while Teagan bitterly gives me the cold shoulder at the same time. And on top of all of the confusion that is going on, I have to wonder and worry about Audrey who is still stuck outside in the rainstorm with the desperate mob. But more importantly, I also have to figure out what the hell I'm going to tell Teagan when the nanny comes back completely empty-handed.


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