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Seducing Peaches

Page 8

by Smith, Crystal

“Fine. Have it your way. Would you please go to bed now?”

  “I can see that took a lot out of you asking but I really don’t feel like it right now.” Lois knew she had just screwed up when he looked up at her and she seen his eyes darken even more. With just a few quick, long strides, he had her in his arms and he was carrying her to bed. She tried to kick her legs out of his arms but it didn’t work. He only kept walking.

  After tossing her down on the bed he walked to her closet. He opened the drawer and paused. Shit. He reached in and pulled out some of the lingerie that had been delivered. He looked it over and then looked over his shoulder and smiled at her slowly coming towards her. Lois’s mouth mimicked an O as he stopped, smiled and turned back.

  Shutting the drawer, walking back to Lois he stood there. She watched him undo the buttons on his shirt slowly and then slide it off and hold it up. Lois just looked at him.

  What am I supposed to do with that I wonder?

  “Take it.” Lois set up on her knees in front of him and slowly took it while remaining locked to his eyes.

  He smiled again. The smile that made her almost come on herself every time he did it. He reached out and grabbed her hands and placed them on his shoulders. Her heart skipped a beat, then several more. He slowly moved his hands down her arms to her ribs and down, gripping her blouse, untucking it at a turtles pace pulling it up.

  Lois held her breath when the shirt stopped blocking her view. His breath hot while he brushed her lips with his. “Arms up.” He didn’t have to tell her twice. The bundle of nerves suddenly alarmed as his fingers unzipped her skirt. He hands slid it down over her hips, her hips involuntarily lifted causing a slight grin appear before they went tight again. He looked almost as if he was hiding pain.

  Pulling Lois toward him again, he reached around her and with great skill, her bra was unfastened. Suddenly bare to him, nipples pointed up at him as if they were simply saying touch me. He stepped back admiring the view. His eyes roamed her entire body. His very large and hard erection very visible through his jeans. Lois licked her lips unknowingly, nervously.

  He looked back up at her and stepped forward, took his shirt from her hands and slowly put her arms in. As the fabric caressed over her sensitive skin, Lois had the sudden urge to moan quietly.

  One by one the buttons were closed, he lay her back and with one arm he picked her up pulling the blanket out from underneath him and slid the blankets up over her. “Sleep. Please.” Please, he said please. But I really want him in the bed with me. He walked over and sat in one of the chairs in the corner.

  “You can’t be serious, you’re not gonna just sit there. Are you?”


  “I don’t need a babysitter, contrary to your beliefs. I am a grown woman. Why do I have to keep repeating myself?”

  “Because you don’t act like one. If you did, you’d be sleeping right now. Go. To. Sleep.”

  “I can’t sleep with you sitting there watching me.”


  Lois grumbled, fluffing the pillows, tossing one between her legs and then turning on her side.

  Why do I let myself get all worked up. I have been through this enough with him. He isn’t going to make love to me. I give up. She repositioned her head and tried to clear her mind.


  “Lois, wake up. You’re dreaming. Wake up.” Lois sat straight up in bed. Tom was standing there, his hands on her shoulders and he looked completely terrified. As if he was completely out of his element.

  “What is it?”

  “You were having a nightmare.” She rubbed her face and felt the tears. Damn it. I remember. Same ole, same ole.

  “Tell me about it. What were you dreaming of?”

  “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t. Just let it go.”

  “What do I have to do to get you to open up to me Lois? Tell me.”

  “Come to bed with me. Hold me.” Lois couldn’t believe she said it, but she didn’t feel the least bit nervous or jittery waiting for his answer. Although she had her suspicions.

  “Lois, as much as I want to right now, I can’t. Go back to sleep.”

  “No, I want you to come to bed with me. Now I’m mad. You want me to do this, do that, answer this and answer that. What the hell you gonna do for me? I ask you to come to bed and hold me just until I fall asleep again and you can’t. Well I can’t answer any more of your damn questions then. As a matter of fact, why don’t you just leave!” He looked in total and complete shock and he wasn’t saying a word.

  She watched him take a deep breath and then her nerves went to hell when he took a step towards her reaching for his zipper and sliding it down, allowing his pants to fall. Jockey shorts. He looked so damn sexy. The only thing her eyes seem to concentrate on was his rather large bulge of his jockey shorts.

  “Stop looking at me Lois. Turn over.” She hesitated only for a moment, smiled and then did what she was told.

  The bed shifted and then his warm, hard, body was next to her. His arm over her. His nose in her hair. “Sleep Lois.” Snuggling closer she could feel his manhood pressing against her ass. She shifted her body rubbing her ass against it. His hand went to her hips, his grip tight, causing her to shake with what felt like ecstasy shooting down her spine.

  “Sleep.” Tom shifted his cock back from her, ensuring there would be no more mishaps. She sighed in disappointment.

  Chapter Seven

  She stretched long and hard, curling her toes under, back arching, arm reaching hard when she woke. It felt so good to sleep, with no nightmares, no feelings of being scared or alone. She was rested and feeling like a new woman. Rolling over, taking in the view she was irritated as the only evidence of Tom holding her while she slept was a note.

  “Good Morning,

  See you at work. Gone to my place for a very cold shower and clothes. Keep the shirt for next time.


  Irritation turned to disappointment. Lois had hoped she would remember more of last night than what he had offered. She lay there staring at his note questioning why more hadn’t happened last night. She wanted more, he wanted more. Her body needed more and she could feel that his body wanted more as well. So why hadn’t he acted on it was the question that she wanted an answer to.

  As she dressed for work, she questioned if he was playing hard to get. Maybe she needed to play harder to get. Tease him. Make him see or guess what he was missing. She chose apparel that showed off her curves. Looking in the mirror, she didn’t know how to feel about it.

  Then again,,,,, her mind went to rolling. Michelle had to work late tonight. She began planning away to get him alone again. Dinner. A thank you dinner. Alright Lois, this is it, if he doesn’t make love to you tonight, the idea of sex with him is gone.


  She walked into Tom’s office nervous that maybe he wouldn’t approve or the thought of him approving made her even more nervous. One look into his eyes and she knew immediately. She had just scored, again. She wore a white silky button up top and had left the two top buttons open, allowing her cleavage to show. A straight, form fitted black skirt just rested about two inches above her knees and black heels with no panty hose.

  “Tom, do I need to come back? It appears I have come at a bad time. You’re smiling about something.” She couldn’t hide her smile when he twitched in his chair a bit and then his eyes met hers.

  “No, I was just thinking. How do you feel? Everything in the suite ok?”

  “Oh yes, I couldn't be more uh........,comfortable.” Comfortable was not the word that she wanted to use, but she didn’t exactly want to start rambling how she had never stayed in anything nicer and she never wanted to leave it.

  “I came to thank you for everything. Even last night. I know it don’t mean much to you, but it meant a lot to me.”

  “You’re welcome Lois.”

  “I’ll repay you for all of it.”

  “You’re welcome, that’s not necessary either. You can take a few days off if you need to, don’t worry about it here.”

  “No, I wanna get a little work done. But I would like to go home early. I don’t know that I will sleep as sound as last night, but it did feel good to catch up. I’m just gonna go get some things done. See ya tomorrow then?”

  “Ok then, tomorrow.”

  She walked out of his office with a strong desire. A desire to kick her own ass for not asking him over. Damn it. She didn’t know why she couldn’t make herself say the words when she wanted it so badly. What was the big deal? Tomorrow! If it was the last thing she did.

  When night came, Lois lay in bed continuously kicking herself in the ass. Stupid Lois. He could be here right now. In your bed. Touching you. Your hands on his chest. Shut up Lois or you won’t be sleeping at all tonight and there won’t be any relief in sight.


  “Good morning.” She smiled. Hoping he would again notice the outfit, as she chose to dress similar to yesterday. After all he paid for it he should approve of it and she really wanted to hear him say he did.

  “Good morning. You look like you got some rest last night after all.” Fucking smile!

  “If you need me, call me.” She turned and walked out before he could notice her blushing and she knew she was. The moment she smelled his cologne heat sored through her body, his teasing words just sent her over.

  “Good morning Mark.”

  “So, you came in today. Looking rather refreshed. Tom told me what happened. Is there anything you need?”

  “No, Tom he to,,,, well he took care of everything. I was here yesterday, where were you?”

  “That’s Tom for ya. Look Lois, I don’t mean to step on your toes, and forgive me if I do. It’s just that I’ve known Tom all my life. We used to play together as kids. I have never seen him get wrapped up in someone like I see him doing with you. Be careful will ya. He’s my best friend but you were right, he can be an arrogant asshole.”

  “Fair enough. I won’t Mark. We are just friends really, but thanks for the kind advice.” What was she supposed to call their relationship? She didn’t know what kind of relationship it was. She knew exactly what kind of relationship she wanted though.

  Bing, Bing. Text message. She pulled out her cell. It was from Tom. She glanced over at his office door before reading her text.


  I am assuming that you got plenty of rest last night. Just wanted to know if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?

  How the hell does he know that?


  I was actually thinking I should invite you over for dinner to thank you. What do you think?


  I would very much like to have dinner with you tonight. What time would you like me to come over?


  How about 7? Too late?


  7 it is. Seeya then. I have to step out for a while today. May not return to the office. Do

  you need anything before I leave? And Lois, it’s never too late to see you.


  No. I’m good here.


  I have a feeling you are good everywhere. Looking forward for tonight. : )

  Oh shit. Blushing again. She didn’t know how to respond to that, or even if she wanted to take his bait and respond at all. She was beginning to realize that she needed some help with flirting, playing hard to get and sex definitely. She wished she could be as quick and open as Michelle was. She had no choice but to take Sex Ed 101 from Michelle.


  Dinner was done. The only thing missing from what she was sure was going to be a night to remember was Tom. She sat down on the couch watching Jeeper’s Creeper’s.

  Ding, Ding, she nervously answered the door. “Tom, come in.” He grabbed her face and kissed her with more passion than she had ever felt. Just the touch of his lips to hers sent surges of tickling little feelings to her center. Before she realized it, they were making their way to her room.

  Tom explored her neck with his mouth. “Your smell is more exquisite than I have ever smelled. Like Peaches. Southern ripe peaches . Your skin so soft, it speaks to me Lois.” Lois parted her mouth and moaned hushly until Tom pressed his to hers. Her lips full and swollen from his touch.

  “Wait. I have something to show you.” Lois had to catch her breath.

  “Can’t. It. Wait?”

  “No, sit back and relax.”

  She went to the bathroom and closed the door. Nervously she put on the lingerie that had been in her box of belongings. The perfect one for tonight. Dark blue. Lacy, but silky. Yes this is it. If this doesn’t make him want me, nothing will.

  She reached out for the door knob and watched as her fingers shook beyond control. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Ambush. His mouth was on hers. Not gentle. Rough. Heated. Lip locking, tonsil hockey, full blown make you horny as hell kiss that shot straight to her pussy. There would be no making love as she envisioned, just hot and steamy, wild sex.

  His hands roamed her body with such conviction, such aggression, Lois was sure she was going to explode. His mouth nipped at her neck leaving marks that were sure to stay awhile. He squeezed her breast tight in his hands. Rubbing her nipple that was so hard it felt as if it would split between his thumb and finger.

  He nipped at her with his teeth. Raising his head to look at her. Both were breathless. Both were horny as hell. Both were begging for release. He grabbed her nighty, and ripped it easily from her body. Lois looked at the torn fabric that fell to her feet in amazement that she was able to do this to him. Turn him into an animal that craved her.

  “I have never been with a woman like this before and I’m not about to stop this now. If you have any doubts Lois, you pushed to far this time. I’m taking what I want tonight.”

  Whisking her into his arms in a simple movement, Lois stared into his eyes briefly before he threw her to the bed and began nipping, licking his way from the bottom of her foot up her leg.

  Lois moaned out. Part pain, part pleasure. “Lois, tell me what you want.” He demanded.

  “I, I want you Tom.” Her eyes closed, arching her back into him. Wanting his cock deep inside her. Wanting the relief that she needed desperately right now.

  “What do you want Lois? Tell me.”

  “I want you.”

  “That’s not an answer Lois. Tell me before I go.” Leave, how ridiculous is that. She fought her emotions. His tongue was right there. With one slow, long, tantalizing lick she was spilling.

  “I want you to fuck me. I want your cock now. Don’t go please don’t go.” She was begging. He raised his head and his lips curled up into a sexy as hell smile.

  “See that wasn’t so bad was it. What else Lois? What else do you want me to do to you?”

  “Oh my god, just fuck me already damn it.” Her voice was raspy and now she was the one who was making all the demands.

  “I intend to do just that.”

  He quickly bypassed the place that was sure to explode into flames. He sucked her nipples hard. First one then the other. Every moan she made, was gasoline being put on a fire causing it to burn hotter and hotter, his nipping and sucking to become more fierce.

  “I love the fact that I make you make the O face. I love the fact that with just a simple flick of my tongue right here.”


  “You moan for me. That’s right Lois, your body was meant for mine. You respond to a simple touch without effort. You’re about to belong to me Lois.”

  His mouth found hers. She could feel his rock hard cock threatening her tiny entrance as it pushed against her pussy lips promising to provide relief for them both. Where did his pants go and why didn’t he take his shirt off?

  “Take your shirt off. I wanna feel your skin against mine.” She watched as he raised tossing his shirt to the floor, and grabbing his wallet from his pants that lay on the floor. He
pulled a condom from it. She watched as he rolled it on to his long, thick, and mouth watering cock.

  Placing one hand under each thigh he pushed them up, nudged forward, his cock testing her entrance, teasing her.

  “Tom please, now.” He smiled. With one hard and quick thrust he filled her. Faster she yelled commanding him to take her. “Fuck me harder, I want it deeper.” She begged and encouraged.

  He began thrusting in and out of her. Lois had begun arching her back, pushing against him and meeting his thrust.

  He rammed harder and harder into her cunt until he felt her tighten around him and begin quivering. Her eyes closed tight. Mouth wide open and not a sound coming out. Complete body tensed and stiffened. He rammed her again and again then slowed to a stop.

  When her eyes relaxed and she was finally able to open them, she seen it in his eyes. Much more. Kiss me. Oh fuck it.

  Lois grasped her fingers into his hair pulling it to her mouth and taking ownership of his mouth. This time his mouth belonged to her. She played with his tongue. She ran her tongue over his, his teeth, his lip, and nipped it with her teeth exactly like he had done earlier.

  When their eyes met again she seen exactly what she wanted to see. The look that made her know exactly what she was about to get. Hopefully a repeat of the same intense strong earth shattering volcano erupting powerful orgasm she had just had.

  Flipping completely over not missing a beat she was on top of him.

  Chapter Eight

  Ding, Ding. No I don’t want to get it. Ding, Ding. “Come in already.” She yelled.

  “Lois, are you ok?”

  She jolted at the sound of his voice. There she was lying on the couch. She could feel the drool on her chin. Oh shit, I fell asleep. When she sat up it was then she could feel it. Wet, juices, between her legs. Did I,,, in my sleep? Was that just a dream?

  “I’m sorry. I guess I fell asleep.”

  “Your all flushed. Are you ok?” The look on his face was genuine.

  “I’m fine.” She thought it was either her inability to answer that question while looking in his eyes or she again true to her nature if even possible, turned even a brighter shade of red.


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