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Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2)

Page 15

by Mindy Carter

  Chapter Nineteen

  "I'm so fat, nothing fits," I hear from a frustrated Reese. Clothes are being tossed out of her room. I was just sitting on our couch trying to unwind when her obvious freak out began.

  I haven't noticed her gaining any weight; she looks exactly the same to me. I offered for her to wear something of mine, and she started crying. I'm trying not to take it personally. My wardrobe isn't that bad; I have a few nice designer pieces that I'm sure would look great on her.

  "What are you wearing tonight, Aimee?" She asks as she walks out of her room looking disheveled. I'm thinking it's going to take a lot of coaxing and prepping to get her out of here. Kaleb is the only one who can make her feel beautiful when she's like this. He's like a miracle worker.

  "I'm wearing my black cocktail dress that ruffles at the bottom, with my sparkly Jimmy Choos that Keegan gave me."

  "You're so lucky; all my fiancé gave me was a little alien."

  She's really upset, so I decide to be proactive and help her find something.

  "Reese, you look fantastic. I'll help you find something."

  She hugs me excitedly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are the best friend in the whole world."

  "Don't thank me yet, but we'll find something that will knock Kaleb's socks off."

  An hour later, after literally going through every dress that she and I own, she finally decides on a pale pink sheath dress that hugs her figure. It fits her perfectly, and the only weight change I notice is in her breasts, which I'm pretty sure is the only place a woman wants to gain weight.

  I help her fix her hair and make-up before I go to get ready for my own prince charming. I'm on a time crunch since it took Reese an eternity to decide on a dress. I also picked up all her clothes so no one would break their neck tripping over them. I'm not sure a trip to the emergency room is on my agenda tonight.

  I take a quick shower, get dressed, and fix my hair, curling it so it falls in soft waves and pinning my bangs back. They have grown long in the last couple weeks. I can hear chatter in the living room. I check the time, and hurry to put my make-up on. My door opens slowly while I spritz some perfume on my wrists.

  Keegan appears in my mirror, and I have to catch my breath at him in a tux. It's not the kind with a bow tie, but a silk black tie. He's a vision if there ever was one. He nuzzles my neck and places his arms around my middle. He inhales, and sighs.

  "You are a vision," he says.

  "Funny, that's what I just was thinking about you." I smile, looking at our reflection in the mirror.

  "Here, let me." He grabs my star necklace from my dresser and fastens it around my neck, turns me around, kissing me on the lips and grabbing my hand. I grab my black clutch before he pulls me out of the room. When we reach the living room I'm surprised that Kaleb has Reese pushed up against our kitchen counter. He's hiked up her dress, and I'm happy that he's blocking most of her, because I don't want Keegan and me to get a free show.

  Keegan clears his throat, but Kaleb doesn't stop until Reese pushes him off her. She pulls down her dress and smooths out her hair. I'm going to be really ticked if her dress is messed up. I give him my evil eye, and he winks at me. Typical for him to play with me. I'm already nervous as it is. I need them both to be on their best behavior tonight, though it's kind of sweet that they can't keep their hands off each other.

  "Are we ready?" Keegan says behind me. I let out a giggle as Kaleb has to adjust his pants to hide his erection. I've been around these boys for most of my life, so it's nothing I haven't seen before.

  "Dude, can you be a little less obvious?" Keegan points to his brother's crotch.

  "You're just jealous," Kaleb argues.

  "Guys, if we don't leave now we are going to be late," I tell them, ending their confrontation. We head out for the hotel, hand in hand. Looking at us, you would think we were the perfect couples.

  We arrive at the fundraiser, and everything is lit up. There is a pink carpet where a red one would be, and we pose for pictures. We take some serious ones along with a few silly ones. The event is being held in the ballroom, and when we enter, there are tables set up around a dance floor. The tablecloths are different shades of pink. Waiters are walking around serving flutes of champagne. Keegan hands me one as we find the table reserved for us. There are place cards, and the first thing I notice is Gretchen's placed next to Keegan's. I consider ripping it up and tossing it in the trash, but I'm not sure how that would go over. This is an event for charity, and the last thing I want is to act like a brat. Instead, I take a huge gulp of champagne to give me the courage to behave. The bubbly beverage is sweet as it touches my tongue. I need to be prepared to see this woman, and I intend to act gracefully this evening.

  Reese and Kaleb disappear when we arrive, and I don't even want to guess what they are up to. They continued to make out on the ride over, and I could tell that even Keegan was uncomfortable with the display.

  Keegan and I walk around the room, saying hello to a few people. We follow a group of partygoers to the rooftop terrace for some fresh air. The rooftop living room is packed. Squeezing our way through the crowd, we find an opening near the railing. I love the view of Manhattan in front of me. I'll never become sick of the cityscape at night.

  The wind blows against my face, and I take a deep breath and close my eyes. It helps relax my nervous stomach.

  "I have a surprise for you," Keegan whispers in my ear.

  I open my eyes, he's smiling at me. "Does the surprise fit in your pocket?" I put my hands in his jacket in search of said surprise, but come up empty.

  "No, you don't, but you have to be good if you want to find out." He gives me a stern look.

  "I'll be good, I promise." I pout, knowing he can't quite resist that.

  "We aren't going back to your apartment tonight, or mine."

  "We aren't sleeping on the subway, are we? I'm not quite dressed for that."

  He lets out his deep penetrating laugh. Hearing it makes my knees a little weak. No matter how many times I hear the sound it always elicits the same reaction from me.

  "Not the subway." He pulls out a key card with a giant W on it.

  "You got a room here?"

  He nods and lets me take it and look it over. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but this is something reminiscent of a prom date. A fancy party, a room for the night. He never ceases to amaze me with his thoughtfulness.

  I put my arms around him and rest my head on his chest, squeezing him tight.

  "You, Mr. Keegan James, are so going to get lucky tonight."

  "I'm already lucky, but I'll take all that you are willing to give. Even if the luck extends all night long," he says in a low sexy voice. I can feel the effects at my core, and look forward to the end of the night.

  "I'll keep that in mind." I lift my head and shoot him a wink.

  We weave our way back to the ballroom. More people have arrived, and my heart drops when I spot the one person I wish I didn't have to ever see again.

  I make eye contact with her, and she smiles. I can't imagine why she's smiling; I'm not happy with her. When I look over at Keegan, the look on his face tells me that he's not thrilled either.

  He pulls me closer as Gretchen slithers over like a reptile. She's wearing a gold skintight strapless mini dress. It looks more like a bathing suit than a dress. She's also wearing a gold star necklace encrusted with diamonds. I look down at mine, and wonder if this could have been a gift from my fiancé. The thought makes me ill.

  She stops right in front of Keegan, running her red manicured finger down his chest.

  You have got to be kidding me. I go to pull her hand off him, but the scene in my head has me pulling her by her hair outside for a little chat. Chat meaning rearranging her face and breaking her hands. I'm fuming, but Keegan backs away from her, pulling her hand off him. He's got anger in his eyes, and her display has definitely not given her the reaction she wanted.

  "Gretchen, keep your hand to yourself,
please," he whispers. He's avoiding a raised voice and the scene she expects. I'm guessing she was looking for a reaction from me, and I was this close to giving her what she wanted.

  "What's wrong Keegan? You don't have to put on a show for Amanda's benefit."

  "You know my name is Aimee, and the only one putting on a show is you."

  Reese and Kaleb pick the perfect moment to join us. I'm pretty close to blowing my top. Reese links her arm through mine.

  "Gretchen, you know this isn't a costume party? You are totally killing the prostitute look. I'm sure it didn't take too much effort, since it seems to be your everyday look."

  Reese's insult isn't taken too well and a look of pure loathing aimed at us. I hold back a laugh. Kaleb isn't as controlled as I am, because he snorts out a laugh and tries to hide it by fake coughing. Gretchen's head whips toward him, and she gives him a death glare.

  "Keegan, we need to talk about some things," she says.

  "Gretchen, whatever it is can wait till the morning." Gretchen stares at him with hard eyes. I'm not sure if she's attempting to use her evil powers on him. We may need to change into our superhero identities if we are going to have to fight evil tonight.

  "Fine. Tomorrow first thing, or I'll track you down." She turns on her heels and walks away, and I relax.

  "Are you okay?" Keegan asks.

  "Yep, peachy." I put on a fake smile. He rubs my back and looks at me, concerned. They are all staring at me, giving me somewhat of a complex.

  "Please don't give me those looks, you guys look like someone stole your puppy."

  "We'll be back in a jiffy," Reese says, pulling me toward the ladies' room. I almost trip as she drags me behind her. When she opens the door, she walks in and checks the stalls. I'm worried either something happened, or she's going to yell at me.

  "Listen, you can't let that woman get to you. She's a poacher. Everything she does is for a reaction. When I walked up you were seconds from going postal on her."

  "I wasn't."

  "You were."

  I want to scream right now. Reese is absolutely correct. She knows what buttons to push, and I'm ashamed at how transparent I am.

  "Keegan was good? He stood up to her?" she asks.

  "Yeah, he was great. He was real pissed when she touched him."

  "What a whore!" Reese spits out.

  "She's a big whore," I say, and we both laugh.

  The door to the bathroom opens and an older woman walks in and greets us. Reese fixes her hair and reapplies her lipstick.

  As we are walking back, I copy her composure. Shoulders straight, chest out, head high. I don't feel confident, but at least I can look the part.

  As we approach our table, both Keegan and Kaleb meet us. I'm handed another flute of champagne, and Reese is given a glass of what appears to be ginger ale. We both sip. I'm suddenly warm all over, and I'm not sure if it's my agitation or the alcohol I've consumed. Keegan plants a kiss on my lips. When I look over at our table, Gretchen is staring at us. It's like the night of Keegan's father's party. She was unhappy and just waiting for her opportunity to make her move.

  "It looks like they're going to serve dinner. Shall we sit?" I nod. Keegan places his hand on my lower back, guiding us to our seats, and pulls my chair out for me without taking his eyes off me. Gretchen is seated to the left of him, and I'm on the right. Reese has placed herself comfortably next to me. Kaleb sits beside her, placing his arm lazily over the back of her chair. There is another couple sitting at the table, and we all make polite conversation. Gretchen tells them how Keegan is the most prestigious architect in the city. She looks at him proudly, and I feel like throwing up as she assumes the part of his date. It's awkward until Keegan looks over at me.

  "This is my fiancée, Aimee Brennan. Doesn't she look beautiful?" I blush, and then realize he's just referred to me as his fiancée. We weren't planning on announcing it until things were more settled. Glancing to my right, I see Reese with a happy, excited look on her face. She's not looking at me, but past Keegan to Gretchen, whose face has gone ghost white. She is speechless, just staring at Keegan in disbelief.

  Everyone at the table congratulates us. Gretchen's is obviously forced. Our meals are served and there isn't much talk. Reese devours hers, and even finishes off mine.

  "You might want to slow down, you're eating for two, not twenty-two," Gretchen says.

  She just can't help herself; mean, and plain awful. I wonder if her parents are as bad. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and I imagine hers are evil villains. I picture her mother holding up a poisoned apple.

  Reese doesn't react to her attack, and just keeps eating. I on the other hand shoot her a dirty look. I try to say with my eyes what I can't with my mouth.

  Just before dessert is served, Gretchen stands and walks off. I'm sure she's seething. I don't much care, and am glad she has stormed off.

  Keegan is very attentive, placing his hand on my knee and whispering in my ear. All thoughts of Gretchen have disappeared. When he stands and offers his hand, I take it and he leads us to the dance floor. Couples are dancing to Frank Sinatra. He twirls me, pulling me close as we dance. I stare into his eyes as we move to the music. He ends up dipping me playfully, and I laugh happily. This here feels right, fun, and easy. It's how it should always be.

  "No running?" he asks.

  "Not anymore," I reply.

  He smiles and places his cheek against mine. His skin is warm, and I love the feel of the new stubble that has grown from this morning. My heart does a flip as I inhale his musky scent. I close my eyes, cherishing our moment of peace. I'm not sure how long it will last, but I need it. I am going to lock these moments away and take them out when I need to be reminded that we belong together.

  "Do you mind if I cut in?" The voice belongs to Kaleb. Keegan moves aside and his brother takes his place, clasping his hand in mine. The change in partners is effortless. I am at home with Kaleb; he's who he is. A confident, caring, straightforward person.

  "We should have a double wedding," he states.

  I laugh carelessly, but he has a sincere look on his face.

  "Are you serious?"

  He looks at me with a somber expression. Have I offended him?

  "Of course not, you are so gullible." I playfully hit him in his arm, and he grabs it as if I have wounded him.

  "You know I'm happy that you and Reese found one another. It gives me hope for the rest of us."

  He stops, confused, and looks in my eyes for an indication of what may be swirling around in my head.

  "My brother can be dumb, and he's done some really idiotic things, like ever leaving you the first time. I mean, talk about dumb. 'You're the love of my life, but it's just too much.' Give me a break, man." He mocks Keegan, and he is actually irritated. I've forgiven Keegan for the past. It's a non-issue, but I think that if Keegan had made some different choices we wouldn't be dealing with this clusterfuck.

  "Hey, it's the past. We are all different now," I tell him.

  "I suppose, but you know if I had to choose him or you, it would be you?"

  "That's ridiculous, Kaleb. You don't mean that. He's your brother."

  "That doesn't make you any less than a sister to me, Aimee."

  I'm touched by his confession. I still don't believe he would ever turn his back on his own flesh and blood, but it's good to know he's in my corner. If I want anyone there, it's him and Reese. I would never doubt her loyalty, but Keegan is Kaleb's brother.

  "It's too bad your parents never gave you a little sister, you would have been a awesome big brother, the both of you."

  He sighs. "What am I going to do with you?"

  "Well, you're stuck with me so you will have a long time to figure it out," I say.

  The song ends and I link my arm with his. We walk back to our dates, who look to be deep in conversation.

  "Aimee and I have decided this isn't working. We clearly need to change some things," Kaleb says, getting their at
tention. Reese and Keegan look confused. They both look at Kaleb, waiting for further explanation.

  "So, Aimee and I've just realized that we were meant to be. We are going to run away and get married, tonight. I'm sorry, guys," he says with a straight face.

  I'm as shocked as they are. Kaleb has a way of turning the mood in a room. He's naturally charismatic. The look Keegan gives him is close to death.

  Keegan grabs me, pulling me toward him and farther away from Kaleb.

  "I'm just kidding, bro, take it easy. But if you need somewhere quiet to talk,"—he air quotes and winks at Keegan—"there's a great coat check closet that I can vouch for."

  "Stop messing with him, Kaleb, or there will be no more coat check closets for you," Reese tells him, and that gets his attention, because his mouth is suddenly sealed.

  Keegan pulls me close. "All this talk about closets has me wanting to take you upstairs," he whispers in my ear.

  "I'm perfectly fine with that."

  Keegan steps away to say his goodbyes, and asks me to wait for him in the lobby. Reese and Kaleb decide to stay a little longer. Apparently, it's the first time in a while since she hasn't fallen asleep before six, and they want to take advantage of her new energy level.

  I pass the coat check closet on my way to the lobby, and laugh to myself, thinking those two are crazy, but the good kind.

  I sit on a couch, located near the front desk, I check my messages quickly, and have a voice mail from my dad. He's checking in with me. One of his promises was to call or message me every couple of days to let me know how he is. He sounds good, and tells me of course not to worry. Easier said than done.

  "Well, well, look who we have here. The one that got away, but really didn't."

  Just when my night was beginning to look pretty perfect, she has to find me. It's as if the universe is telling me to grow a spine or something, putting me in these situations.

  I ignore her, because Reese is right, she's trying to get a reaction from me. I can't let it go that far again. I'm alone with her right now, and she can surely remove the gloves. This isn't going to be pretty, so I grab one of those special Keegan and Aimee moments out of the vault. I wasn't expecting to have to use one tonight.


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