On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4)

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On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4) Page 13

by Lesley Jepson

  ‘A memento not only of this progress, ladies, but of the New World as the jewels on your wrists were all brought by Raleigh for us to wonder at.’ Elizabeth nodded at the girls again, who made another curtsey, then looked up to the musicians, who struck up for the first dance.

  Kit gathered up all her small charges and led them to the door, leaving them in the custody of the nursemaids who would try and coax the thrilled children to their beds, while the older girls and the rest of the court moved to join the line for the dancing, or sought friends to speak and drink with. Nell, face rosy with the dance, lined up with the ladies. She glanced across at the line of gentlemen opposite and smiled broadly.

  ‘At last, little Cousin, we find ourselves partnered in the dance.’ Philip bowed to Nell, opposite him in the line for the dance. Nell curtseyed prettily and smiled up at him.

  ‘Yes, my Lord. I am on duty with the Queen’s ladies tonight.’

  ‘Ah. That would be another reason for that beautiful silver dress, I gather?’ Nell blushed and dimpled a smile at him.

  ‘It is silver-blue, my Lord. We are all stars and moonbeams tonight.’ She laughed softly and turned in the dance, stepping forward to clasp hands. Philip bent his head to whisper in her ear as she passed round him in another turn, ‘Then you truly are Stella then, lovely Nell. A beautiful star come down to earth.’ Nell looked at him with huge eyes as she had to change partners and make her curtsey to her Uncle Harry.

  ‘Are you enjoying the masque, young Nell?’ Harry Hastings didn’t often take part in the dancing at the Queen’s banquets, but his wife Kit had insisted as she was so happy to have him back with her.

  ‘Yes, Uncle. Aunt Kit and Papa have worked hard to present the festivities for the Queen. The little girls have enjoyed practising to be Moonbeams,’ she laughed and then stopped suddenly as she saw Philip Sidney still watching her intently as he danced with another partner, ‘so we older ones had to be the Stars.’ Harry was surprised at the sudden change in her usual cheerful demeanour.

  ‘Did you not want to be stellar for the Queen, child?’ Henry guffawed a laugh at his own joke and Nell’s serious face suddenly cleared. She beamed back at her Uncle in delight.

  ‘I think I shall enjoy being a star, Uncle. I think I might shine like the brightest star in the firmament.’ Henry blinked back in astonishment and stumbled his step slightly, causing Nell to stifle her giggles as the dance moved on and they both faced a different partner.


  Lounging negligently against a pillar, Raleigh watched the dancers dip and sway and move on to the next partner in the line. He had supped at the Queen’s high table with the other nobles, then had moved away when the dancing started. Raleigh looked across and saw Elizabeth deep in conversation with Burleigh and Walsingham, and he swallowed the rest of his wine then took another goblet from a passing servant.

  He had paid the maestro to play a tune that involved couples dancing together, rather than in a line, and he was watching his intended partner carefully as he savoured his wine.

  Bess was dancing in the line, twirling and laughing as she danced with one partner and then another. She was on duty with the Queen tonight, and so wore a satin gown of pearl grey, trimmed with large pearls and silver embroidery. He watched her for a while then turned slightly round the pillar to look in a different direction.

  He saw the three Knollys sisters all sitting together, chatting and laughing. As he watched, a tall, fashionably dressed man leaned over the group and whispered into Maisie’s ear. She threw her head back and laughed, placing her hand over the man’s casually resting on her shoulder. Raleigh saw the gleam of a betrothal ring on Maisie’s hand and surmised that the man was her fiancé, Sir Edward Stalker. As Maisie chatted quietly to her betrothed, Beth and Bella put their heads together, whispering and then looking at the dancers, then whispering again and smothering giggles.

  Raleigh smiled to himself. They were obviously gossiping about someone. Watching the sisters fascinated him; that Anne was nicknamed Bella because of her beauty didn’t surprise him. She was a delicate brunette, with dark tilted eyes and swooping brows. Her lips were a little narrow, but turned upwards the corners as if they were about to smile of their own volition. He could see how she would be considered attractive, even though she was shyer than her two sisters. But as far as he was concerned, it was Beth who was captivating.

  All the sisters were in jewel colours, Maisie in sapphire blue, Bella in vermillion and Beth in a rich amber silk that showed the copper lights in her hair to perfection. She had topaz and pearl jewellery at her throat and in her hair, and she took Raleigh’s breath away. He carefully made his way round the room, knowing that he needed to be close to his quarry when the music changed and the musicians began the pavanne or gavotte that he had requested.

  The dancers clapped the musicians at the end of the dance and the older people moved away from the dancefloor to sit down and refresh themselves. Younger members of the court stood waiting for the music to begin again, and as the first few notes played, Raleigh stepped out behind Beth and caught her hand so suddenly it made her start.

  ‘May I have this dance, my Lady?’

  ‘Oh, Master Raleigh, you startled me.’ Beth looked at him with wide eyes.

  ‘May I?’ He bowed again, and Bella nodded enthusiastically at her sister. Beth rose.

  ‘You honour me, my Lord.’ Raleigh led her carefully into the centre of the floor. He wanted as much privacy as possible, and the very centre of the dancers would hide them from the casual glances of the court, or the curious and possibly jealous gaze of Bess, currently attending the Queen on the dais.

  ‘The honour is mine, my Lady.’

  They bowed and curtseyed to one another and then began to let the music dictate their steps. In this particular dance, there was no contact with the partner; although the right hands were held up, they did not quite touch. The left hand of the man was held behind his back, while the lady held up her hems carefully. But the eye contact had to be maintained at all times, which gave the opportunity for private conversation.

  ‘I wish to ask your father’s permission to pay court to you, my Lady.’ Raleigh saw Beth’s eyes widen in surprise, and her breath gasp out between her lips as she smiled determinedly and turned in the dance.

  ‘My Lord, you cannot. I am betrothed, and that is an end to it. Even if I wanted to renege on my betrothal, I could not. The contract is signed and the marriage price has been paid. I simply await his return.’ They changed direction and circled one another again, hands raised but still half an inch apart.

  ‘Perhaps he could be persuaded. I hear your father is a diplomat, my Lady.’

  ‘My father is a man of honour, my Lord. He would never go back on his word, never. You must desist from trying to see me alone.’ Raleigh snorted a laugh and slid his eyes around the dance floor without turning his head.

  ‘There are fifty people round us, my Lady. We are hardly alone.’

  ‘But the words you say to me, my Lord, are completely private, as if we were quite alone.’ Beth struggled to keep the smile on her face and the flush from her cheeks as they danced.

  ‘I would like to be alone with you, my Lady. Please say you will meet me. In the gallery perhaps.’

  ‘My Lord. I shall finish this dance with you, and that will be all. I shall refuse if you ask me to partner you again, and I certainly won’t meet you in the gallery.’ Beth drew an indignant breath as they turned and dipped in the dance, ‘It is less than honourable, sir, to propose a clandestine meeting with me, when you have been secretly meeting another of the Queen’s ladies.’

  Raleigh’s stomach sank at her words. He had been confident that his meetings with Bess had gone unnoticed; that she had spoken about i
t with the other ladies should not have surprised him, however.

  ‘My apologies, my Lady. It was never my intention to behave dishonourably towards you. My feelings for you overwhelm me, and I feel sure they will be difficult to discard.’

  ‘But discard them you must, my Lord. I am a Howard. I shall not discredit my Lady Mother.’ The music, he knew, was ending. They had not touched once, yet he felt he could feel the imprint of her hand on his as if they had been bonded together in a blacksmith’s forge. He bowed as she curtseyed, then she picked up her skirt and left him standing on the dance floor as she made her way back to her sisters.

  Raleigh sighed inwardly. He was still captivated by her, and he regretted that she wouldn’t agree to a liaison with him. He glanced around as the dancers moved from the floor back into lines for another dance. Raleigh looked towards the Queen’s dais and realised that, far from being concealed by the other dancers, he had been observed by both Bess Throckmorton and the Queen. And neither looked pleased.

  Chapter 16

  ovely Lily

  I am so relieved to arrive at York, my love. It means that after here we turn the Progress south and every mile brings me closer to you. It has been so long.

  Lincoln seemed to be a success, and the Aldermen of the City always contribute a considerable sum to the coffers. We had a service of thanksgiving in the glorious Cathedral, and it is only small hop across the square to the castle. The views are spectacular, and with Lincolnshire being such a flat county you can see for miles from the castle walls.

  Ed joined us here briefly, and told me he was coming straight to you, so I shall send this letter with him. He will probably regale you with tales of his success with the Queen’s ladies. While Drake and Raleigh competed for the Queen’s favour, your brother almost had to beat her ladies off with a broom. Nell and Thea too, by association, were extremely popular, a fact they both thought hilarious. The ladies wanted to know every detail about their wondrous Uncle Ed, and were asking for their recommendation into his ear. Had he worn a turban and a robe of gold, he couldn’t have had a more willing harem.

  The Queen found her cousin most entertaining, and I think he brought back happy memories of your mother, as his resemblance to her and Sir Henry Carey is astonishing. With his shipboard stance and his booming laugh, we knew where he was most of the time. Even little Frances Walsingham asked Nell about him, which disgusted Nell as she doesn’t really like Walsingham’s daughter. I confess the girl has been blessed with her father’s looks and serpentine manner in abundance. She is well-read and well-educated as you would expect, but she isn’t very clever, if that makes sense to you. She is as a blank slate, which must frustrate her father immensely.

  We had a mock battle on the river at Lincoln, which probably frightened the many swans that call that stretch of water their home. Drake, Raleigh and Ed all commanded small ships against the French and Spanish ambassadors, who really should have known better. They were less than pleased at being capsized by Ed, and having their sumptuous velvets soaked in river water, and the feathers in their caps drooping even when they were dry.

  In preparation for our next stop, I have had bolts of eau-de-nil and emerald silk sent to Nottingham, so the gowns for the costume ball can be completed by the time we get there. The Queen, as ever, will be Maid Marian but I shall forego the part of Robin Hood this year. I shall ask her Majesty to choose her own Robin from the winners of the archery and the jousting. But the costumes must be ready, and trimmed with Nottingham lace for the ladies. Nell and Thea will be able to show you their gowns when we arrive with you.

  And after that, my love, we will progress to Warwick and stay the night with my brother Ambrose, and then I will almost be in your arms. I am trembling at the thought as I write this, and I cannot write more because I can hear your brother advancing down the gallery. I will kiss this page, knowing you will open it and hold it to your heart, and I kiss it again for my son, who I long to see again. I miss you both so much, I struggle to keep my attention to the organisation of the Progress, but organise it I must. Only a few weeks, Lily, and we will be together. Until then, I am holding you in my dreams. Never doubt my love for you. R


  ‘What is he telling you, Letty? That I was a success with the ladies?’ Ed grinned over the rim of his wine cup as Lettice read the letter again and blinked back tears of longing that sprang into her eyes. She looked at her brother and laughed, glancing across at Jane and Ursula, studiously attending to their embroidery at the window.

  ‘Indeed he is, brother. And he tells me how my two beauties basked in your reflected glory, having more friends than they ever knew, simply because they are your nieces.’ Lettice beamed at her brother and he snorted another laugh, spreading his arms and shrugging.

  ‘God’s blood. What is a pirate supposed to do, Letty? It is essential that I conquer willing maidens,’ he snorted again and lowered his voice, ‘and so many of them were willing, Letty.’ She blushed at his inference and again glanced at the girls. Even when Ed lowered his voice, it was as loud as normal tones would be from another. She wrinkled her nose at her brother in mischief.

  ‘Robin tells me you made quite the impression on Frances Walsingham.’

  Ed spluttered a mouthful of wine back into his cup and glared at Lettice with wide eyes.

  ‘God’s blood, Letty. You think that because I am a pirate my tastes run that way? Credit me with some scruples, I beg you. And discernment. Put a beard on her and it would be like fu…, I beg your pardon, like bedding her father. And my tastes have never run that way either. Nor do I prefer children. I like my women buxom and willing, although by God if a thin one was willing I wouldn’t refuse.’

  ‘Frances isn’t a child, Ed. She must be almost Nell’s age.’

  ‘God’s blood,’ Ed shook his head in disbelief, ‘then her father should put his hand in his purse and give her some proper food. She looks scarcely twelve.’ He shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the thought, and Lettice scrutinised him carefully.

  ‘It’s time Father found you a bride, Ed. And a respectable position at court. What did he have to say to your “conquests”?’

  ‘Hmmph,’ Ed squirmed again like a small boy, then swallowed more wine, ‘he was less than pleased. He had come from questioning the Scots Queen, which always puts him in a sour mood, by God.’ Ed gazed morosely at his sister, ‘I don’t know why the damned woman can’t learn English. Why she will only speak Latin, or worse, damned French. God’s blood, Letty, she’s supposed to think that she deserves to be Queen here and she doesn’t even care to learn the damned language.’ Ed’s voice was becoming louder in his irritation and Lettice noticed the girls had stopped stitching and were watching intently. Letty leaned forward and patted his knee.

  ‘Lower your tone, Edward,’ she said, in such a perfect imitation of their mother that he burst into laughter and apologised, bowing to the girls as well and rising to go to the window.

  ‘My apologies, Lady Jane and Mistress Ursula. I do not mean to be loud, just on board ship you have to be loud to be heard. I forget at times, and I apologise.’

  Both Jane and Ursula smiled at him, and he nodded back. Lettice observed that he let his gaze rest on Ursula just a little too long, until she bent her head back to her stitching, blushing furiously. Lettice made a mental note to have a word with Ed in private.

  ‘Girls, would you go to the nursery and see if the baby is awake please? If he is, ask Daisy to bring him here.’ The girls put down their embroidery and scuttled out, knowing that Lettice wanted time alone with her brother.

  ‘How was the court really, Ed?’

  ‘Well, sis, the Queen is happy having both Drake and Raleigh dancing attendance. Raleigh is there because he wants her to invest in his next voyage, but Drake i
s there simply to pass the time while the ship is refitted. He owns his own ship and the crew are happy to share in the booty. He needs no investors, and all he really wants to do is tweak the King of Spain’s beard by capturing his ships. The Queen is even happier than the crew with the booty he brings, and is giving him a knighthood when we return to Westminster. God’s blood, but Raleigh is livid.’

  Ed guffawed in laughter at the rival captain’s discomfiture, then drank his wine for a moment lost in thought. His bright blue eyes met the dark gaze of his sister over the rim of his cup.

  ‘Ursula is very lovely, Letty.’ Lettice smiled sadly and tilted her head, saying softly, ‘She isn’t for you, Ed. Her father wants her to make a good marriage.’ Ed huffed indignantly.

  ‘God’s blood, Letty, I am a good marriage. I am a Howard, just like you.’ Lettice looked at her brother, shaking her head as if what he said was foolish.

  ‘Ed, you are a pirate. A privateer if you want to be more subtle. Are you seriously telling me you want to settle down with a wife?’ Ed looked down into his wine cup, swirling it round and round, then he looked up and shrugged.

  ‘Well, no, not really. But she is very lovely.’

  ‘Leave her alone, Ed. You are too much for someone as innocent as she.’

  Ed’s booming laughter rang out along the gallery, accompanied but a moment later by Lettice’s breathless giggle.


  Knowing that Robert was on his way back down the spine of England comforted Lettice, but it also mysteriously altered her perception of time. Some days flew past as she met with the kitchen staff and Grace to plan the menus for the three-week visit. She supervised the ordering of the food, determined with the game keeper which animals and birds could be slaughtered in preparation and which should be preserved so the court could hunt them.

  With Grace’s help she inspected the linens, ordering them all to be washed and hung outside to dry so they might be fresh for the beds. Seamstresses were employed to mend the drapes, or make new where necessary, and she had new bed and window hangings installed in the Queen’s bedchamber. Carefully, Lettice and Grace planned the sleeping arrangements, with the Queen’s gallery reserved for her attendants and the most important ministers, and the East and West galleries for the other ladies and gentlemen of the court. The family apartments were just that, and Lettice made sure that her two daughters’ chambers were freshened so they could sleep there when not in the immediate service of the Queen.


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