On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4)

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On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4) Page 14

by Lesley Jepson

  Other times through the day seemed to slow almost to a standstill. She watched Thomas and Ed train the squires and put the horses through their paces, carrying the baby with her if he wasn’t asleep. Thomas always made sure there was somewhere shady for her to sit, and sometimes she would walk out with Jane and Ursula, and spread a cover over the grass for the baby to lie on and kick his legs. Daisy frowned when Lettice insisted his swaddling was removed so he could wave his arm and legs freely, but smiled when the baby let out a chuckle of delight.

  Every few moments, Lettice would shield her eyes from the bright sunshine and gaze along the twisting track which led from the house to the road. This was the way the court would come, and she watched in vain for the cloud of dust that would signify the presence of the Queen’s guard. These were the occasions when every moment seemed like an hour, and the days never ending.

  Chapter 17

  ifting the seal carefully from the letter, Lettice could feel her hand shaking and her heart pounding. Ed had been with them for six weeks, so she knew the Court couldn’t be far away. Her eyes raked the cramped writing quickly and her face lit up into a wide smile.

  My love

  We shall reach Warwick by nightfall, and I will be with you tomorrow before supper time. Lily, I feel I can almost reach out and touch you. I know we have to break our journey at Warwick but if I could I would simply change my horse and ride away into your arms. Kiss our son for me and tell him I shall soon be home. Until tomorrow eve, my love, when you shall feel my kisses instead of reading them, know I am yours. R

  As always, she tucked the letter into her bodice next to her heart, and went in search of Alice to choose the gown she would wear on the morrow, when she would be reunited with her husband at last. It would have to be one of her grandest, as she would be receiving the court into her home, and they would want an enormous meal to assuage the hunger that had built up on the ride from Warwick.

  ‘Jane, please go and find Alice for me, pet. And Ursula, my dear, go and find Grace and tell her to meet us in my chamber. I shall have to do more than one thing at once today, if the court will arrive in time for supper tomorrow.’ Lettice hurried towards the door of her solar and both Jane and Ursula hastily put their sewing aside.

  ‘And send a servant to find Thomas. I shall need to tell him Robert is to be home soon. Send him to my chamber too.’ Suddenly, there seemed not to be enough time to organise everything she had waited weeks to begin, and she was thankful for the time she had spent preparing for the occasion. She would not let Robert down.


  As Jane placed the flower arrangement on the huge table that dominated the entrance hall, she tilted her head at the sound of hoofs on the gravel. She moved one of the dew-covered blooms just so and didn’t let the arrival of horses disturb her task – there were only two horses so the Royal cavalcade wasn’t here yet.

  Jane knew the court would not arrive until late afternoon at the earliest, and as the maids had only just cleared away the bread and fruit with which they had broken their fast, she knew it was still early morning.

  She turned in surprise as she heard the huge door open, and in walked Robert, stripping off his gloves and swinging the cloak from his shoulders. Sweeping off his hat, he thrust the items at Jane and whispered, ‘Where is my wife?’

  Jane looked at him round-eyed in astonishment, as if she doubted the reality of his sudden appearance.

  ‘She is in the walled garden, my Lord, choosing blooms for the Queen’s apartment.’ Jane clutched Robert’s travelling garments absently, blinking at him in surprise.

  ‘Thank you, Jane.’ Robert nodded at the girl and strode away, then turning his head back to her abruptly he called over his shoulder, ‘It is lovely to see you.’

  He swept down the corridor and then slid quietly through the door that led into the private walled garden. He shaded his eyes from the sudden glare of sunlight and saw Lettice at the far end of the open space with her back to him, selecting only the best and most perfect blooms then placing them in the basket on her arm.

  He stayed silent and watched her for a while, smiling to himself; it was rare that he was the one watching. He admired the curve of her cheek as she turned her head to look at the flowers she was choosing, and the way the sun caught the copper in the twist of her hair. He could see the little curls at the nape of her neck that were too short to put up, and the darkness of her eyelashes against the paleness of her cheek. Her movements were swift, as if even selecting blooms from the garden was an exciting task, and she held a yellow rose to her nostrils and closed her eyes as she inhaled the heady perfume.

  It was obvious that Lettice hadn’t yet changed to receive Royal visitors. She was simply clad in a plain dark emerald brocade gown, with only a golden chain around her neck and diamonds glinting at her throat and ears. Suddenly she straightened and squared her shoulders, still as a doe in the forest, head tilted and listening carefully.

  Abruptly she turned and, with a flurry of petticoats and a flash of silken stockings, she grasped her skirts above her knees to run to him, throwing herself into his waiting arms and pressing swift excited kisses over his face before arriving at his lips. They shared a deep intimate kiss and then as he nuzzled his lips into her neck he heard her throaty whisper.

  ‘Hello Robin.’


  Lettice giggled as Robert set her back on her feet. He had swept her into his arms in the garden and carried her inside and up to her chamber. As he walked swiftly through her solar into her bed chamber, Lettice noticed that the girls had beat a hasty retreat; the discarded embroidery frame and the still-open book attested that Jane had found Ursula to tell her that Robert had returned and wanted some time with his wife.

  Again he took her in his arms and crushed her to his chest, kissing her lips and trailing his kisses down her throat then growling when he could go no further because of her collar.

  ‘You are wearing far too many clothes, my love,’ he whispered as his hand found the laces tied at the back and pulled them undone.

  ‘As are you, my Lord.’ Lettice began swiftly unfastening the clips of Robert’s doublet and then pulled the lacing at the front of his shirt, sliding her hands against the skin of his chest and sighing delightedly as the light dusting of hair prickled on the palms of her hands.

  Robert stilled his hands a moment and looked into the eyes of his wife.

  ‘Are you recovered, my love? Are you well enough for this?’ Lettice stood on the tips of her toes and he ducked his head so she could whisper in his ear.

  ‘I am quite recovered, Robin. I am well and I am clean and I want my husband.’

  Robert had undone the laces of her skirt and petticoats and he lifted her out of the pool at her feet as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and he shrugged out of the sleeves. She began pushing at the waist of his breeches but couldn’t see to unfasten them because of Robert’s kisses to her neck and throat as he pulled her bodice forward and threw it on the chaise carelessly.

  He stepped back and slid his feet from his boots, then unfastened the belt with his dagger round his waist that was preventing his breeches from being loosened. He swiftly divested himself of the rest of his clothing and then looked at Lettice, clad only in her embroidered cotton lawn shift that was as sheer as a cobweb. He caught his breath.

  ‘Lily, you are truly beautiful,’ he breathed as he held her hands apart so he could drink in the beauty of her body. She was now slender again after the birth of their son, but with the full breasts and dark nipples of a nursing mother straining the fabric across her bosom.

  ‘And you, my Lord, are magnificent,’ Lettice’s wide eyes were drawn down to Robert’s crotch and he laughed ruefully.

  ‘It has been a whil
e since we saw one another, my love. And even longer since we…’ Lettice stepped forward into his embrace and placed her fingers on his lips.

  ‘Hush, Robin. Let’s not waste a minute of the time we have together before the court arrives and we go back to our public lives.’ She undid the ribbon that held the neck of her shift together, then let the fabric whisper to the floor and stepped naked over to the bed. Laying down she held out her arms to her husband.

  ‘Show me how much you have missed me, my love.’

  Robert growled in his throat and joined her on the huge tester bed.


  Tom Sadler had caught the reins thrown to him as Robert swiftly dismounted his horse and rushed through the huge oak door of Kenilworth, and had caught a brief glimpse of his sister Jane adjusting an arrangement of flowers on the enormous central table. He dismounted his own horse and then led both his and Robert’s tired mounts round into the stable yard.

  Robert had woken him at dawn and informed him they were leaving for Kenilworth straight away. ‘My brother Ambrose is going to play host to the Queen, while the household pack the wagons and make ready to leave after the noon meal, Tom.’

  Tom had grinned at Robert, ‘You’d like some time with Letty before they arrive, my Lord?’

  ‘That I would, lad. Ambrose and Lady Elizabeth will make sure everyone is well ordered, and if they leave after the noon meal, they will arrive in time for supper. I would have a few hours before I must return to my official duties.’

  Tom dressed quickly and hurried down the kitchen stairs towards the stables. He paused briefly and snatched a slab of cheese and some warm rolls from the kitchen table, and one of the kitchen maids who had taken a shine to his hazel eyes and light brown curls thrust a skin of watered wine at him in exchange for a kiss. Tom laughed and bowed at her, then saddled his and Robert’s horses, pushing their impromptu breakfast into his saddle bag for when they had begun their journey.

  Now finally at Kenilworth, Tom led the horses into the stalls and unbuckled the saddles, He found some hay and forage for the tired animals and brought a bucket of fresh water to fill the trough. He hefted the saddles onto the stand and began rubbing Robert’s steed down. A sardonic voice from the opposite end of the stable broke the silence.

  ‘He’s back then?’ Tom looked up from his task and saw Essex lounging against the doorway, slapping riding gloves into his palm. Before Tom could answer, Essex snorted derisively, ‘I suppose he’s gone to find her.’

  ‘He has, my Lord,’ replied Tom carefully as he continued to rub down the horses. ‘The rest of the court will be here before supper time, so there is much to do.’

  Essex snorted. ‘If he has time to do anything else when he has finished ploughing my mother!’

  ‘My Lord!’ Tom’s scandalised tone seemed to make Essex realise he had gone too far, and he turned away, speaking to someone behind him that Tom hadn’t seen.

  ‘Come, Kytt. We’ll go for a ride to the tavern on the Warwick road, and then join the cavalcade as it passes. See my sisters at least.’ Tom watched as Kytt shook his head in dismay at Essex’s inappropriate words to Tom, and then followed the Earl towards the other stable block that housed their mounts. Tom returned to finish his task, almost dropping the curry comb in surprise at the volume of the next sound reverberating round the tranquil stable.

  ‘God’s blood, Tom Sadler!’ Tom peered over the back of his horse and grinned.

  ‘Pirate Ed Knollys,’ he called back, patting his horse’s rump and moving round to greet his friend.

  ‘You’re early, Tom. Aren’t you supposed to be here for supper?’ Tom grinned again and nodded towards the house.

  ‘My Lord wanted to greet his Lady in private, Ed. And I need a drink and something to keep my body and soul together.’ He continued walking towards the kitchen, and Ed laughed.

  ‘I’ll introduce you to my favourite kitchen maid, Tom. Ruby will feed you, and then I’ll take you out and show you what a difference I have made to the training of the squires.’

  Tom sat down wearily at the kitchen table, and a plump but pretty kitchen maid brought him a tankard of ale and some bread, cheese and sliced fruit in syrup. Tom smiled and nodded his thanks, and the maid bobbed a curtsey before Ed patted her behind and she scurried away, blushing furiously.

  ‘Ruby?’ asked Tom through a mouthful of bread, and Ed nodded enthusiastically, which made Tom have to smother the laugh that threatened to choke him as he ate. He rinsed his food down with small ale and looked at his companion.

  ‘Why should being trained by a pirate make a difference to the squires, Ed? Is Thomas not experienced enough to train squires? He trained us, my friend.’

  Ed looked at Tom and lowered his brows theatrically, hissing in a villainous whisper, ‘Pirates are cunning and ruthless, Tom. Didn’t you know that? The squires have learned how to be cunning and ruthless from me. Thomas has taught them the quintain and the blade,’ he nodded sagely, ‘and if I’m honest, horsemanship and archery. But, young Tom,’ Tom snorted a helpless chuckle at his friend’s conspiratorial tone, ‘all the cunning, and all the ruthlessness, that’s from me.’

  Both men gazed at one another then erupted into uproarious laughter, drawing amazed glances from Ruby and the other servants, which only made them laugh more.

  ‘God’s blood, Tom, I’ve missed you, my friend.’ Ed clapped Tom heartily across the back, making Tom cough and resulting in more laughter.

  ‘Come, Tom, let’s go and find Thomas and I can show you how my advice has vastly improved his teaching.’ Tom stood and joined his friend, raising a doubtful eyebrow that Ed could have taught Thomas anything about combat; Thomas had trained Tom himself, and Tom well knew how skilful the older man was.

  Chapter 18

  anguorously trailing his hand down his wife’s naked body, Robert bent his face to drop a kiss into her hair and sighed.

  ‘Would that we could stay like this for the rest of the day and night, my love, but we shall have to get up soon.’

  Lettice turned her lips to kiss his chest, letting the tip of her tongue flick the nub of his nipple and making him growl. She laughed and turned her face up to look at him.

  ‘I shall have to feed our son before I try and get into my gown, Robin. My breasts are so full they ache. I cannot fit into my new things until they are smaller.’

  Robert pushed himself up abruptly, causing her to roll onto her back. She smiled as his hand swept up her side over one breast as his head dipped down towards the other.

  ‘Allow me to help you, my beautiful Lily. My son will have to make do with his wet nurse while the court is here, I’m afraid.’ Lettice began to giggle as Robert sucked on her nipple gently, making a surprised noise in the back of his throat as her milk suddenly filled his mouth. He looked at her in wonder as he swallowed.

  ‘Dear God, Lily.’ He gazed at her lovingly and whispered, ‘Oh, my love, I had no idea.’ And Lettice had to blink back a sudden rush of tears as his dark head swooped down to her breast again, sucking and pulling on her nipple. Her stomach clenched at the erotic sensation his suckling created and she moved against him, squirming underneath him and then parting her legs as he entered her again swiftly, groaning in passion as he did so. She threw her head back and abandoned herself to his lovemaking, again pushing down the tide of emotion that threatened to engulf her as her husband once more claimed her as his own.


  Through the window of her bedchamber, Lettice saw the cloud of dust along the road from Warwick and then the pennants of the Queen’s Royal Guard. She turned round and tried to suppress the apprehension she felt at the royal visit.

  ‘Jane, poppet. Bring me the pale green gown with the gold figuring. Ur
sula, my dear. Find me the matching slippers and the emerald hair clips and matching parure. Alice, please bring me the embroidered petticoats with the ribbon applique, and Cissy, go and find Thomas and tell him we can see the Queen’s guard from here. He’ll know what to do. Oh, and while you’re finding Thomas, either find Tom and ask him to tell my husband, or….’

  ‘Letty, calm down.’ Jane’s gentle voice cut through the list of orders Lettice was issuing. Jane nodded at Cissy, who bobbed a brief curtsey before hurrying along the gallery to find Thomas. Jane carried the pale green gown from the armoire and laid it carefully on the hastily remade bed.

  ‘Can you pull the laces tighter, Alice? I don’t know if I can get my bosom into that gown if I’m not laced tightly.’ Alice pulled the laces of the corset more tightly and Lettice let out a huff of breath.

  ‘Dear God, how am I going to breathe, let alone speak or eat?’

  ‘Or dance, my Lady.’ Ursula’s eyes sparkled at the thought of the court being at Kenilworth and all the dancing and merrymaking she would see. She laid the slippers on the floor near the lovely silk gown and gently placed the jewellery on top of the dresser.

  ‘Oh, dear lord, I hadn’t thought of that. Why didn’t I have you girls tightening my corset so I was used to it? I could have had it a little tighter each day and then it wouldn’t pinch so.’ Lettice squirmed inside the whalebone bodice, now tightly laced by Alice, then glanced down at her bosom, huge above the constrictive undergarment.


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