On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4)

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On the Altar of England (Tudor Chronicles Book 4) Page 15

by Lesley Jepson

  ‘God’s blood!’ The girls burst into giggles at Lettice’s use of Ed’s favourite curse. ‘You will have to loosen my laces, Alice. I can’t look like a wench in front of the Queen. She already thinks I’m a harlot, so I don’t want to look like one and shame Robin.’

  ‘Letty, you are beautiful. Perhaps the laces do need loosening slightly, so you aren’t quite so….so….prominent? But I swear, you are beautiful.’ Lettice reached out and took Jane’s hand.

  ‘Thank you, poppet. I know I’m full of nerves, and it’s not as if I don’t know anyone who will be there. They come and see me all the time in London. But the Queen…. I haven’t seen her since……since she found out I was married.’

  Jane and Ursula lifted the skirt of the gown over Lettice’s head and lowered it over her petticoat roll and the wide farthingale that would support the weight. Alice loosened the lacing on the corset and Lettice’s bosom subsided slightly so they could help her into her bodice. When that was laced up at the back, Ursula brought a new snowy white ruff in gossamer-thin pleated cotton, edged with intricate Guipure lace and tied it round Lettice’s throat.

  Lettice moved to the dresser and sat so Jane could brush out the tangles in her hair that her encounter with Robert had created and coil it up, and Ursula neatly pinned each curl in place with an emerald-tipped hairpin. Then the girls exchanged Lettice’s diamond earrings for the emeralds and finally added the matching emerald necklace that dipped down her décolleté.

  ‘Now you are beautiful enough to greet the court, Letty.’ Jane’s eyes shone as she looked at the woman she considered her eldest sister. ‘Lord Robert will be so proud.’

  Lettice looked in the glass and saw Jane spoke the truth. She looked younger in her finery with her hair coiffed properly. Not quite the girl she had been when she first came to court and saw Robert, but nevertheless a woman who was happy with her life.

  ‘I shall go downstairs and wait, girls. You help each other get dressed and then come and join me in the hall.’ Lettice was too nervous to sit, and she wanted the girls to have time to get into their own gowns. Neither of them were used to this sort of occasion, and Lettice didn’t want them to feel overwhelmed. Ursula handed her the jewelled fan that matched her outfit, made from white cotton lawn and Guipure lace, trimmed with swansdown which had been dyed the same pale green as her slippers, and Jane held the door open for her. Lettice smiled at the girls and nodded her thanks to Alice, who was twisting her hands in excitement at the beauty of her mistress. She walked regally through the door and down the stairs to await the coming of the Queen.


  Much to Lettice’s relief, the Queen wasn’t the first person to greet her in the hall. Kit hurried in and, taking hold of both her hands, she bent forward and kissed her cheek.

  ‘Cathy Howard says Elizabeth has been vile in the carriage from Warwick,’ she whispered, ‘She wasn’t so bad with Ambrose, because he has his share of the Dudley charm and he flattered her shamelessly.’ Kit giggled as she remembered, ‘But the nearer we got, Cathy says, her nerves took over and she started biting her lip.’

  ‘Why should she be nervous, Kit? She’s the Queen and we all serve her.’

  ‘You look stunning, Letty. Astonishing. You look how she wishes she looked. Don’t take any notice if she’s spiteful. It’s just her jealousy. And we are all thrilled to be here.’ Lettice smiled nervously, and then excitedly as her two daughters ran through the open doorway and she hugged them both to her in delight.

  ‘Mother, you look wonderful,’ Nell was the first to find her voice, and Thea nodded her agreement.

  ‘Thank you, my beauties. You both look enchanting.’ Lettice became aware of a flurry of activity outside, and knew the Queen was almost upon them. ‘Go and say hello to Ed and Tom while I greet the Queen, then we can have a proper talk later.’ The girls gave her another kiss and moved behind her to see their uncle. Kit stayed by her side and squeezed her fingers firmly.

  ‘Deep breath, Letty,’ she whispered.

  ‘Not in this corset, Kit. I won’t be taking a deep breath for the next three weeks.’ As Kit smothered a laugh, Lettice squeezed her hand in gratitude and sank into a deep curtsey, with her gown pooling round her on the hard wooden floor. Through her lashes she could see the peach satin slippers Elizabeth wore in front of her.

  ‘Countess.’ Elizabeth’s tone was terse. Lettice rose and smiled brightly.

  'Allow me to welcome you to our home, your Majesty.’ She waved her hand in an indication of hospitality and continued to smile.

  ‘Your home, Countess?’ Elizabeth looked around and then met Lettice’s eyes with her own, ‘Surely you mean your husband’s home?’ Lettice swallowed a gasp at the malice in the Queen’s words. She wanted Robert at her side, but she knew he would be outside dealing with the carts and wagons and soldiers that comprised the Progress. She dragged her mind back to the words still being spoken by the Queen, and felt Kit press her fingers more firmly.

  ‘Everything you have, everything you are, comes from your husband. And if my memory is correct, he has this house through his favour in Our eyes. So you might say this is more my home than yours, as it is We that could take it away?’

  Lettice could feel tears pricking behind her eyes but refused to show her dismay outwardly. She would suffer the petty slights delivered by the Queen. She would suffer anything for the love of her husband. Her smile widened and she dimpled at Elizabeth, which caused the surprised monarch to rock back slightly from her stance.

  ‘How foolish you must think me, your Majesty.’ Lettice fanned herself theatrically before continuing, ‘Of course I meant the home of my husband. Where I, as his wife and the mother of his son, live by his good grace. And yours, of course. Your Grace.’ Lettice maintained the smiling countenance throughout the speech, and felt the pressure of Kit’s fingers on her rings intensify.

  Elizabeth looked at her doubtfully, then nodded briefly before turning and walking up the stairs, flanked by Lady Howard and Lady Parr. Lettice and Kit curtseyed as the Queen passed them by, before Lettice let out a shuddering breath and gulped back the tears that threatened to fall.

  ‘Well done, Letty,’ whispered Kit, ‘that was wonderful.’ She embraced her sister-in-law again and then followed the Queen up the stairs to her apartments, leaving Lettice to continue greeting the important members of the court.


  Lettice placed her spoon carefully down on the gold plate and pushed it away. She gazed contentedly around the great hall, noticing where her friends were seated for later, when she would be able to circulate and join them. Robert was sat to her left, speaking with the Queen, and her father was on her right, deep in conversation with Walsingham. In the crowded room, Lettice felt quite alone with her thoughts.

  She noticed that Robert had only drunk ale throughout the meal, eschewing his usual wine with a shake of his head. She determined to ask him about that, and the fact that he had eaten some chicken and some bread but none of the beef or pork or game. The feast had been substantial, and Lettice knew that the cooks and the steward would be busy in the kitchens preparing the meals for the following day.

  A raucous laugh disturbed her and she looked across to see Ed, clad glitteringly in amber silk, clapping Tom on the back in mirth and setting her sisters giggling at whatever he had said. Even their brother Franc, who worked closely with their father, smiled in amusement, although he was naturally less exuberant than Ed. Lettice thought that everybody of her acquaintance was less exuberant than Ed. She had allowed Jane and Ursula to sit at the table with her family, and she had to smile at the expression on Ursula’s pretty face as she watched Ed’s antics.

  She tilted her head slightly and, as she had known he would, Thomas stepped to her shoulder and bowed his head.r />
  ‘My Lady?’

  ‘Thomas. Would you ask the servants to begin clearing away? And then have the tables moved so the dancing can begin?’ She smiled up at him brightly and he bowed again, hand on the hilt of his dagger.

  ‘My Lady.’ She heard the slap of his empty scabbard on the top of his boot as he walked to the side of the hall. Swords weren’t allowed to be worn at court, although ornamental daggers were permitted. Lettice thought that a dagger, ornamental or not, could inflict a great deal of damage if the argument grew heated.

  The servants moved in like an army, clearing plates and bringing clean cups and goblets and tankards, and setting up a wine table in the corner of the room so that guests could help themselves to drinks if they chose. Other servants would circulate with trays full of wine or ale already poured for guests who expected to be waited upon. The musicians began to play more lively music, instead of the soothing tunes they had played throughout the meal. Lettice squeaked in surprise as Robert took her hand and brought her fingers to his lips.

  ‘I have been ignoring you, my love. I apologise.’ Lettice beamed at him over their entwined fingers and shook her head.

  ‘You are busy entertaining the Queen, Robin. I understand completely that it is your task to do that. I am enjoying seeing all the gowns and jewels, and watching our guests enjoy themselves.’ He kissed her hand again and moved closer, resting his forehead on hers.

  ‘We will not keep a late hour tonight, Lily. The Queen is tired and is already talking about going to her bedchamber. I promise I won’t ignore you later,’ he whispered, pressing a kiss on her temple and then sitting back, still keeping her fingers entwined with his under the table.

  ‘I shall look forward to that, my love.’ Lettice whispered back, then her attention was diverted as the younger members of the court moved into a line to start the dance. Raleigh jumped to his feet and made his way to invite the Queen, only to be beaten to the dais by Drake, who bowed low and held out his hand towards the monarch. Lettice suppressed a giggle at the discomfiture on Raleigh’s face as he turned and then asked Bess Throckmorton to accompany him. Bess beamed round at the other ladies in triumph and scrambled to her feet.

  Lettice watched in secret delight as she saw Tom Sadler bow over Ursula’s hand and ask her to join the dance with him. Tom looked magnificent, clad as he was in a doublet of the softest Italian buckskin, vertically striped with bands of gleaming black braided leather alternating with reversed plain strips. The sleeves were slashed with black silk and he wore it over a white cotton lawn shirt with a small ruffled collar.

  Lettice had never seen him dressed so well, being more familiar with his clothing when attending to her husband, plain serviceable riding breeches and studded jackets. Her sharp eyes could see the silver clasps were fashioned like tiny daggers fitted through rouleau loops, and she smiled to see that he had ignored the fashion for puffed breeches and had instead chosen to wear slender matching leather riding breeches that disappeared into shining boots trimmed with tiny silver spurs and larger side buckles. She thought he looked almost like a bridegroom, and the look on Ursula’s face as she rose to join him told her that that might be a possibility. Lettice determined to write to her Aunt Meg in the morning.

  Ursula was wearing a confection of rose pink silk, embroidered with tiny rosebuds and trimmed with ecru lace. She had silk roses pinned in her fair hair and Lettice had lent her a necklace of garnets and pink sapphires to complete her outfit. Ursula looked fresh and beautiful, and Lettice made yet another mental note to make sure she was kept safely away from the more rakish of the court gentlemen.

  Lettice watched Jane stand and curtsey to the young man who had asked her to dance, but as his back was to her, Lettice couldn’t make out who it was. Jane had chosen a beautiful watermark silk gown of kingfisher blue, which brought out the green flecks in her hazel eyes. Her ruff of Honiton lace she had borrowed from Lettice, one of the many new ones from Robert, and she also wore the gift she had been given at her christening by Lettice’s mother, a beautiful heavy gold necklace set with pearls and cabochon turquoise stones that had once belonged to Lettice’s grandmother Mary Boleyn.

  The stance of the young man holding Jane’s hand seemed familiar to Lettice; he was wearing a doublet of cinnamon-coloured silk and matching fashionably puffed breeches. He had a figured silk cloak hanging from one shoulder and fine silken hose which disappeared into tooled leather boots. His hair was dark auburn, curling slightly over the edge of his ruff and as he straightened and turned towards the dance floor, keeping Jane’s hand firmly on his arm, she gasped as she recognised him. Her youngest brother Dickon, grown into a fine young man without her noticing.

  Robert drew her hand to his lips again and whispered, ‘May I have this dance, my love?’ She beamed a thrilled smile at him and ducked her head in assent.

  ‘Oh, Robin. It has been years since we danced at court. I would love to.’ She lowered her voice and whispered ‘And while the Queen is busy with one of her young favourites, she won’t have time to notice me.’ Lettice nodded towards Elizabeth, listening in apparent rapture at the whispered words of Drake.

  ‘Then she will be the only one in the room, lovely Lily. How could anyone not notice how exquisite their hostess is, and how lucky a man I am to have her all to myself.’

  Lettice smothered her laugh into a soft giggle and allowed Robert to lead her to the rear of the dance line. Neither of them wanted the Queen’s jealous spite to spoil their evening. The musicians struck up the tune and the dance began.

  Chapter 19

  ight poured through the casement window and stabbed at Lettice’s eyelids. She squinted them open reluctantly and looked at the indentation in the pillow next to her; she had known Robert would be up early. She sat up in the huge bed and realised she was still naked. Glancing round the bedchamber she saw her shift caught on the arm of the chair where Robert had flung it last night after the dancing had ended and they sought the privacy of their bedroom. She slid her feet into her velvet slippers and crossed the room, picking up her shift and shimmying it down her body.

  Gazing at her swollen bosom, she didn’t bother to fasten the ribbons; they might be under too much strain and tear the diaphanous fabric. She cast her eyes round again and spied her burgundy velvet robe laid across the ottoman. She shrugged it on and fastened the silken frogging from below her bosom down to her thighs. It wouldn’t even meet across her chest, and she knew nothing would fit her until she had fed the baby. The thought occurred to her that she might have to start weaning him from her milk and binding her breasts so she could fit into her clothes. She thrust the idea from her mind; the closeness of her child far outweighed any notions of vanity. She would have her laces loosened, and that was an end to it.

  Silently she slipped out of her bedchamber and along the corridor to the nursery. It was only a few yards but she didn’t want anyone to see her. The court was asleep but she could hear the servants preparing the breakfast tables and she knew some of the gentlemen would be up and in the stables. It wouldn’t do to shame Robert with her enormous bosom almost bared to the rest of the court. Quietly she twisted the latch and slid into the nursery, closing the door behind her. The clandestine nature of her journey reminded her of when she and Robert had first been together and their affair had to be hidden from her father and the Queen. She turned and then swallowed a gasp as she saw Robert, clad in his working breeches and with his shirt open to the waist holding his son against his naked chest.

  ‘Good morning Lily. I thought I would say good morning to my boy here before the madness starts again. I had the nursemaid change his clout and then told them all to go and break their fast while I had some time alone with him. He seems to enjoy this.’ Robert rocked the baby gently against his shoulder and the child gazed at her with his father’s dark eyes.
br />   ‘You spoke to the nursemaids looking like that?’ Lettice’s scandalised tone made Robert look down at himself and shrug. The movement of his shoulder made the baby hiccup and then start sucking his fist intently.

  ‘I am dressed for the stables, Lily. I only need to pick up my jerkin and then I can organise the horses before the Queen is ready.’ Lettice swatted his bare chest with her hand and chuckled.

  ‘I didn’t mean the quality of your attire, my Lord. I meant the lack of it.’ She shook her head in mock despair that her husband ignored such proprieties and held her arms out for her son.

  ‘I will have to feed him, Robin. I can’t get dressed until I do.’ Lettice moved across and Robert passed the baby to her carefully.

  ‘I shall have to hold you, then,’ he said as he led her to the vast upholstered window embrasure. Robert made himself comfortable and Lettice settled herself across his lap, then pushing her shift aside, she put the baby to her breast and relaxed against her husband’s broad chest, sighing contentedly.

  ‘My God, Lily,’ Robert dropped a soft kiss on her hair, ‘How on God’s earth am I going to organise the hunt with this picture in my head?’

  Lettice laughed softly as she rested her head against her husband. After a few minutes of silence, punctuated only by their breathing and the gentle sucking noises made by the baby, Lettice changed sides with him, wincing slightly as he enthusiastically latched on to her nipple.

  ‘The hunt shouldn’t take any thinking about, Robin. You could do it in your sleep, so you can think about us all day, knowing we are waiting here for your return.’

  Robert groaned in the back of his throat then kissed her bare shoulder briefly. ‘I shall have to go, Lily. Otherwise I shall have to stay, and that door isn’t locked.’ Lettice chuckled again and stood carefully with the baby so Robert could attend to his duties.


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